use AUR rpc v5

This commit is contained in:
guinux 2016-02-19 16:30:47 +01:00
parent 552257c491
commit c010f85ea9
1 changed files with 28 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* pamac-vala
* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Guillaume Benoit <>
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Guillaume Benoit <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -20,12 +20,10 @@
namespace AUR {
// AUR urls
const string aur_url = "";
const string rpc_url = aur_url + "/rpc.php";
const string rpc_search = "?type=search&arg=";
const string rpc_info = "?type=info&arg=";
const string rpc_multiinfo = "?type=multiinfo";
const string rpc_url = aur_url + "/rpc/?v=5";
const string rpc_search = "&type=search&arg=";
const string rpc_multiinfo = "&type=info";
const string rpc_multiinfo_arg = "&arg[]=";
const string aur_url_id = "/packages.php?setlang=en&ID=";
public Json.Array search (string[] needles) {
var prev_inter = new Json.Array ();
@ -47,14 +45,14 @@ namespace AUR {
prev_inter = root.get_object ().get_array_member ("results");
int length = needles.length;
if (length == 1) {
int needles_length = needles.length;
if (needles_length == 1) {
return prev_inter;
int i = 1;
var inter = new Json.Array ();
var found = new Json.Array ();
while (i < length) {
while (i < needles_length) {
inter = new Json.Array ();
uri = rpc_url + rpc_search + Uri.escape_string (needles[i]);
message = new Soup.Message ("GET", uri);
@ -70,47 +68,35 @@ namespace AUR {
stderr.printf ("Failed to search %s from AUR\n", needles[i]);
} else {
found = root.get_object ().get_array_member ("results");
uint j = 0;
uint k;
uint found_length = found.get_length ();
while (j < found_length) {
unowned Json.Node found_node = found.get_element (j);
k = 0;
uint prev_inter_length = prev_inter.get_length ();
while (k < prev_inter_length) {
unowned Json.Node prev_inter_node = prev_inter.get_element (k);
if (strcmp (found_node.get_object ().get_string_member ("Name"),
prev_inter_node.get_object ().get_string_member ("Name")) == 0) {
inter.add_element (prev_inter_node);
prev_inter.remove_element (k);
prev_inter.foreach_element ((prev_inter_array, prev_inter_index, prev_inter_node) => {
found.foreach_element ((found_array, found_index, found_node) => {
if (strcmp (prev_inter_node.get_object ().get_string_member ("Name"),
found_node.get_object ().get_string_member ("Name")) == 0) {
inter.add_element (prev_inter_node);
if (i != (length -1)) {
if (i != (needles_length -1)) {
prev_inter = inter;
i += 1;
return inter;
public unowned Json.Object? info (string pkgname) {
string uri = rpc_url + rpc_info + Uri.escape_string (pkgname);
var session = new Soup.Session ();
var message = new Soup.Message ("GET", uri);
session.send_message (message);
var parser = new Json.Parser ();
try {
parser.load_from_data ((string) message.response_body.flatten ().data, -1);
} catch (Error e) {
stderr.printf ("Failed to get infos about %s from AUR\n", pkgname);
print (e.message);
unowned Json.Node? root = parser.get_root ();
if (root != null) {
if (root.get_object ().get_string_member ("type") == "error") {
stderr.printf ("Failed to get infos about %s from AUR\n", pkgname);
} else {
return root.get_object ().get_object_member ("results");
return null;
public Json.Array multiinfo (string[] pkgnames) {
Json.Array results = new Json.Array ();
if (pkgnames.length == 0) {