- valor - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.ArbolNodo
El valor del nodo.
- valor - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.HashItem
El valor.
- valorArbol - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.ArbolController
La caja para ingresar textos.
- valorArray - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.ArrayController
La caja para ingresar textos.
- valorCola - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.ColaController
La caja para ingresar textos.
- valorGrafo - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.GrafoController
La caja para el valor.
- valorHashTable - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.TablaHashController
La caja para ingresar el valor.
- valorLista - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.ListaEnlazdaController
La caja para ingresar el valor.
- valorNodo1 - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.GrafoController
La caja por nodo 1.
- valorNodo2 - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.GrafoController
La caja por nodo 2.
- valorPila - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.PilaController
La caja para ingresar textos.
- value - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.GrafoNodo
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cl.cromer.estructuras.Arbol.PrimerLado
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cl.cromer.estructuras.Logs.DEBUG_TIPOS
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum cl.cromer.estructuras.Arbol.PrimerLado
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum cl.cromer.estructuras.Logs.DEBUG_TIPOS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- Vertex() - Constructor for class cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.Vertex
Calls this(null, null).
- Vertex(String) - Constructor for class cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.Vertex
Create a vertex with the given name and no data
- Vertex(String, T) - Constructor for class cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.Vertex
Create a Vertex with name n and given data
- verticies - Variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.Dirigido
Vector of graph verticies
- visit(Grafo.Dirigido<T>, Grafo.Vertex<T>) - Method in interface cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.DFSVisitor
Called by the graph traversal methods when a vertex is first visited.
- visit(Grafo.Dirigido<T>, Grafo.Vertex<T>, Grafo.Edge<T>) - Method in interface cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.DFSVisitor
Used dfsSpanningTree to notify the visitor of each outgoing edge to an
unvisited vertex.
- visit(Grafo.Vertex<T>, ArrayList<Grafo.Edge<T>>) - Method in class cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.Dirigido
- visit() - Method in class cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.Vertex
Visit the vertex and set the mark flag to true.
- visit(Grafo.Dirigido<T>, Grafo.Vertex<T>) - Method in interface cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.Visitor
Called by the graph traversal methods when a vertex is first visited.
- visit(Grafo.Dirigido<T>, Grafo.Vertex<T>) - Method in interface cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.VisitorEX
Called by the graph traversal methods when a vertex is first visited.
- VISIT_COLOR_BLACK - Static variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.Dirigido
Color used to mark nodes after descendants are completely visited
- VISIT_COLOR_GREY - Static variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.Dirigido
Color used to mark nodes as they are first visited in DFS order
- VISIT_COLOR_WHITE - Static variable in class cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.Dirigido
Color used to mark unvisited nodes
- visited() - Method in class cl.cromer.estructuras.Grafo.Vertex
Has this vertex been marked during a visit