/* * pamac-vala * * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Guillaume Benoit * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a get of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // i18n const string GETTEXT_PACKAGE = "pamac"; Pamac.Daemon pamac_daemon; MainLoop loop; public delegate void AlpmActionDelegate (); [Compact] public class AlpmAction { public unowned AlpmActionDelegate action_delegate; public AlpmAction (AlpmActionDelegate action_delegate) { this.action_delegate = action_delegate; } public void run () { action_delegate (); } } private int alpm_pkg_compare_name (Alpm.Package pkg_a, Alpm.Package pkg_b) { return strcmp (pkg_a.name, pkg_b.name); } private string global_search_string; private int alpm_pkg_sort_search_by_relevance (Alpm.Package pkg_a, Alpm.Package pkg_b) { if (global_search_string != null) { // display exact match first if (pkg_a.name == global_search_string) { return 0; } if (pkg_b.name == global_search_string) { return 1; } if (pkg_a.name.has_prefix (global_search_string + "-")) { if (pkg_b.name.has_prefix (global_search_string + "-")) { return strcmp (pkg_a.name, pkg_b.name); } return 0; } if (pkg_b.name.has_prefix (global_search_string + "-")) { if (pkg_a.name.has_prefix (global_search_string + "-")) { return strcmp (pkg_a.name, pkg_b.name); } return 1; } if (pkg_a.name.has_prefix (global_search_string)) { if (pkg_b.name.has_prefix (global_search_string)) { return strcmp (pkg_a.name, pkg_b.name); } return 0; } if (pkg_b.name.has_prefix (global_search_string)) { if (pkg_a.name.has_prefix (global_search_string)) { return strcmp (pkg_a.name, pkg_b.name); } return 1; } if (pkg_a.name.contains (global_search_string)) { if (pkg_b.name.contains (global_search_string)) { return strcmp (pkg_a.name, pkg_b.name); } return 0; } if (pkg_b.name.contains (global_search_string)) { if (pkg_a.name.contains (global_search_string)) { return strcmp (pkg_a.name, pkg_b.name); } return 1; } } return strcmp (pkg_a.name, pkg_b.name); } namespace Pamac { [DBus (name = "org.manjaro.pamac")] public class Daemon: Object { private AlpmConfig alpm_config; private Alpm.Handle? alpm_handle; public Cond provider_cond; public Mutex provider_mutex; public int? choosen_provider; private bool force_refresh; private bool enable_downgrade; private Alpm.TransFlag flags; private string[] to_install; private string[] to_remove; private string[] to_load; private string[] to_build; private UpdateInfos[] to_build_infos; private GLib.List aur_pkgbases_to_build; private GenericSet aur_desc_list; private GenericSet already_checked_aur_dep; private HashTable to_install_as_dep; private string aurdb_path; private string[] temporary_ignorepkgs; private UpdateInfos[] aur_conflicts_to_remove; private ThreadPool thread_pool; private Mutex databases_lock_mutex; private Json.Array aur_updates_results; private HashTable aur_search_results; private HashTable aur_infos; private bool extern_lock; private GLib.File lockfile; private ErrorInfos current_error; public Timer timer; public Cancellable cancellable; public signal void emit_event (uint primary_event, uint secondary_event, string[] details); public signal void emit_providers (string depend, string[] providers); public signal void emit_progress (uint progress, string pkgname, uint percent, uint n_targets, uint current_target); public signal void emit_download (string filename, uint64 xfered, uint64 total); public signal void emit_totaldownload (uint64 total); public signal void emit_log (uint level, string msg); public signal void set_pkgreason_finished (); public signal void refresh_finished (bool success); public signal void get_updates_finished (Updates updates); public signal void trans_prepare_finished (bool success); public signal void trans_commit_finished (bool success); public signal void get_authorization_finished (bool authorized); public signal void write_pamac_config_finished (bool recurse, uint64 refresh_period, bool no_update_hide_icon, bool enable_aur, bool search_aur, bool check_aur_updates); public signal void write_alpm_config_finished (bool checkspace); public signal void write_mirrors_config_finished (string choosen_country, string choosen_generation_method); public signal void generate_mirrors_list_data (string line); public signal void generate_mirrors_list_finished (); public Daemon () { alpm_config = new AlpmConfig ("/etc/pacman.conf"); databases_lock_mutex = Mutex (); aur_pkgbases_to_build = new GLib.List (); aur_desc_list = new GenericSet (str_hash, str_equal); already_checked_aur_dep = new GenericSet (str_hash, str_equal); to_install_as_dep = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); aurdb_path = "/tmp/pamac-aur"; aur_updates_results = new Json.Array (); aur_search_results = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); aur_infos = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); timer = new Timer (); extern_lock = false; refresh_handle (); Timeout.add (500, check_pacman_running); create_thread_pool (); cancellable = new Cancellable (); } public void set_environment_variables (HashTable variables) { string[] keys = { "HTTP_USER_AGENT", "http_proxy", "https_proxy", "ftp_proxy", "socks_proxy", "no_proxy" }; foreach (unowned string key in keys) { unowned string val; if (variables.lookup_extended (key, null, out val)) { Environment.set_variable (key, val, true); } } } public ErrorInfos get_current_error () { return current_error; } private void create_thread_pool () { // create a thread pool which will run alpm action one after one try { thread_pool = new ThreadPool.with_owned_data ( // call alpm_action.run () on thread start (alpm_action) => { alpm_action.run (); }, // only one thread created so alpm action will run one after one 1, // no exclusive thread false ); } catch (ThreadError e) { stderr.printf ("Thread Error %s\n", e.message); } } private void refresh_handle () { alpm_handle = alpm_config.get_handle (); if (alpm_handle == null) { current_error = ErrorInfos () { message = _("Failed to initialize alpm library") }; trans_commit_finished (false); } else { alpm_handle.eventcb = (Alpm.EventCallBack) cb_event; alpm_handle.progresscb = (Alpm.ProgressCallBack) cb_progress; alpm_handle.questioncb = (Alpm.QuestionCallBack) cb_question; alpm_handle.fetchcb = (Alpm.FetchCallBack) cb_fetch; alpm_handle.totaldlcb = (Alpm.TotalDownloadCallBack) cb_totaldownload; alpm_handle.logcb = (Alpm.LogCallBack) cb_log; lockfile = GLib.File.new_for_path (alpm_handle.lockfile); } } private bool check_pacman_running () { if (extern_lock) { if (!lockfile.query_exists ()) { extern_lock = false; refresh_handle (); databases_lock_mutex.unlock (); } } else { if (lockfile.query_exists ()) { if (databases_lock_mutex.trylock ()) { // Functions trans_prepare, sysupgrade_prepare and refresh threads are blocked until unlock. // An extern lock appears, check if pacman running. int exit_status; try { Process.spawn_command_line_sync ("pidof pacman", null, null, out exit_status); } catch (SpawnError e) { stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message); } if (exit_status == 0) { extern_lock = true; } else { // Pacman is not running: remove the unneeded lock file. try { lockfile.delete (); } catch (Error e) { stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message); } databases_lock_mutex.unlock (); } } } } return true; } private async bool check_authorization (GLib.BusName sender) { SourceFunc callback = check_authorization.callback; bool authorized = false; try { Polkit.Authority authority = Polkit.Authority.get_sync (); Polkit.Subject subject = Polkit.SystemBusName.new (sender); authority.check_authorization.begin ( subject, "org.manjaro.pamac.commit", null, Polkit.CheckAuthorizationFlags.ALLOW_USER_INTERACTION, null, (obj, res) => { try { var result = authority.check_authorization.end (res); authorized = result.get_is_authorized (); } catch (GLib.Error e) { stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message); } Idle.add ((owned) callback); } ); yield; } catch (GLib.Error e) { stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message); } return authorized; } public void start_get_authorization (GLib.BusName sender) { check_authorization.begin (sender, (obj, res) => { bool authorized = check_authorization.end (res); get_authorization_finished (authorized); }); } public void start_write_pamac_config (HashTable new_pamac_conf, GLib.BusName sender) { check_authorization.begin (sender, (obj, res) => { var pamac_config = new Pamac.Config ("/etc/pamac.conf"); bool authorized = check_authorization.end (res); if (authorized ) { pamac_config.write (new_pamac_conf); pamac_config.reload (); } write_pamac_config_finished (pamac_config.recurse, pamac_config.refresh_period, pamac_config.no_update_hide_icon, pamac_config.enable_aur, pamac_config.search_aur, pamac_config.check_aur_updates); }); } public void start_write_alpm_config (HashTable new_alpm_conf, GLib.BusName sender) { check_authorization.begin (sender, (obj, res) => { bool authorized = check_authorization.end (res); if (authorized ) { alpm_config.write (new_alpm_conf); alpm_config.reload (); refresh_handle (); } write_alpm_config_finished ((alpm_handle.checkspace == 1)); }); } private void generate_mirrors_list () { try { var process = new Subprocess.newv ( {"pacman-mirrors", "-g"}, SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE | SubprocessFlags.STDERR_MERGE); var dis = new DataInputStream (process.get_stdout_pipe ()); string? line; while ((line = dis.read_line ()) != null) { generate_mirrors_list_data (line); } } catch (Error e) { stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message); } alpm_config.reload (); refresh_handle (); generate_mirrors_list_finished (); } public void start_generate_mirrors_list (GLib.BusName sender) { check_authorization.begin (sender, (obj, res) => { bool authorized = check_authorization.end (res); if (authorized) { try { thread_pool.add (new AlpmAction (generate_mirrors_list)); } catch (ThreadError e) { stderr.printf ("Thread Error %s\n", e.message); } } else { current_error = ErrorInfos () { message = _("Authentication failed") }; } }); } public void clean_cache (uint keep_nb, bool only_uninstalled, GLib.BusName sender) { check_authorization.begin (sender, (obj, res) => { bool authorized = check_authorization.end (res); if (authorized) { string[] commands = {"paccache", "-rq"}; commands += "-k%u".printf (keep_nb); if (only_uninstalled) { commands += "-u"; } try { new Subprocess.newv ( commands, SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_SILENCE | SubprocessFlags.STDERR_SILENCE); } catch (Error e) { stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message); } } else { current_error = ErrorInfos () { message = _("Authentication failed") }; } }); } public void start_write_mirrors_config (HashTable new_mirrors_conf, GLib.BusName sender) { var mirrors_config = new MirrorsConfig ("/etc/pacman-mirrors.conf"); check_authorization.begin (sender, (obj, res) => { bool authorized = check_authorization.end (res); if (authorized) { mirrors_config.write (new_mirrors_conf); mirrors_config.reload (); } write_mirrors_config_finished (mirrors_config.choosen_country, mirrors_config.choosen_generation_method); }); } public void start_set_pkgreason (string pkgname, uint reason, GLib.BusName sender) { check_authorization.begin (sender, (obj, res) => { bool authorized = check_authorization.end (res); if (authorized) { unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (pkgname); if (pkg != null) { pkg.reason = (Alpm.Package.Reason) reason; refresh_handle (); } } set_pkgreason_finished (); }); } private void refresh () { if (!databases_lock_mutex.trylock ()) { // Wait for pacman to finish emit_event (0, 0, {}); databases_lock_mutex.lock (); } if (cancellable.is_cancelled ()) { databases_lock_mutex.unlock (); cancellable.reset (); return; } write_log_file ("synchronizing package lists"); current_error = ErrorInfos (); int force = (force_refresh) ? 1 : 0; uint success = 0; cancellable.reset (); unowned Alpm.List syncdbs = alpm_handle.syncdbs; while (syncdbs != null) { unowned Alpm.DB db = syncdbs.data; if (cancellable.is_cancelled ()) { refresh_handle (); refresh_finished (false); databases_lock_mutex.unlock (); return; } if (db.update (force) >= 0) { success++; } else { Alpm.Errno errno = alpm_handle.errno (); current_error.errno = (uint) errno; if (errno != 0) { current_error.details = { Alpm.strerror (errno) }; } } syncdbs.next (); } refresh_handle (); // We should always succeed if at least one DB was upgraded - we may possibly // fail later with unresolved deps, but that should be rare, and would be expected if (success == 0) { current_error.message = _("Failed to synchronize any databases"); refresh_finished (false); } else { refresh_finished (true); } databases_lock_mutex.unlock (); } public void start_refresh (bool force) { force_refresh = force; try { thread_pool.add (new AlpmAction (refresh)); } catch (ThreadError e) { stderr.printf ("Thread Error %s\n", e.message); } } public bool get_checkspace () { return alpm_handle.checkspace == 1 ? true : false; } public string get_lockfile () { return alpm_handle.lockfile; } public string[] get_ignorepkgs () { string[] result = {}; unowned Alpm.List ignorepkgs = alpm_handle.ignorepkgs; while (ignorepkgs != null) { unowned string ignorepkg = ignorepkgs.data; result += ignorepkg; ignorepkgs.next (); } return result; } private void add_ignorepkgs () { foreach (unowned string pkgname in temporary_ignorepkgs) { alpm_handle.add_ignorepkg (pkgname); } } private void remove_ignorepkgs () { foreach (unowned string pkgname in temporary_ignorepkgs) { alpm_handle.remove_ignorepkg (pkgname); } temporary_ignorepkgs = {}; } public bool should_hold (string pkgname) { if (alpm_config.get_holdpkgs ().find_custom (pkgname, strcmp) != null) { return true; } return false; } public uint get_pkg_reason (string pkgname) { unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (pkgname); if (pkg != null) { return pkg.reason; } return 0; } public uint get_pkg_origin (string pkgname) { unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (pkgname); if (pkg != null) { return pkg.origin; } else { pkg = get_syncpkg (pkgname); if (pkg != null) { return pkg.origin; } } return 0; } private AlpmPackage initialise_pkg_struct (Alpm.Package? alpm_pkg) { if (alpm_pkg != null) { string repo_name = ""; if (alpm_pkg.origin == Alpm.Package.From.LOCALDB) { unowned Alpm.Package? sync_pkg = get_syncpkg (alpm_pkg.name); if (sync_pkg != null) { repo_name = sync_pkg.db.name; } } else if (alpm_pkg.origin == Alpm.Package.From.SYNCDB) { repo_name = alpm_pkg.db.name; } return AlpmPackage () { name = alpm_pkg.name, version = alpm_pkg.version, // desc can be null desc = alpm_pkg.desc ?? "", repo = (owned) repo_name, size = alpm_pkg.isize, origin = (uint) alpm_pkg.origin }; } else { return AlpmPackage () { name = "", version = "", desc = "", repo = "" }; } } public async AlpmPackage[] get_installed_pkgs () { AlpmPackage[] pkgs = {}; unowned Alpm.List pkgcache = alpm_handle.localdb.pkgcache; while (pkgcache != null) { unowned Alpm.Package alpm_pkg = pkgcache.data; pkgs += initialise_pkg_struct (alpm_pkg); pkgcache.next (); } return pkgs; } public async AlpmPackage[] get_foreign_pkgs () { AlpmPackage[] pkgs = {}; unowned Alpm.List pkgcache = alpm_handle.localdb.pkgcache; while (pkgcache != null) { unowned Alpm.Package alpm_pkg = pkgcache.data; bool sync_found = false; unowned Alpm.List syncdbs = alpm_handle.syncdbs; while (syncdbs != null) { unowned Alpm.DB db = syncdbs.data; unowned Alpm.Package? sync_pkg = db.get_pkg (alpm_pkg.name); if (sync_pkg != null) { sync_found = true; break; } syncdbs.next (); } if (sync_found == false) { pkgs += initialise_pkg_struct (alpm_pkg); } pkgcache.next (); } return pkgs; } public async AlpmPackage[] get_orphans () { AlpmPackage[] pkgs = {}; unowned Alpm.List pkgcache = alpm_handle.localdb.pkgcache; while (pkgcache != null) { unowned Alpm.Package alpm_pkg = pkgcache.data; if (alpm_pkg.reason == Alpm.Package.Reason.DEPEND) { Alpm.List requiredby = alpm_pkg.compute_requiredby (); if (requiredby.length == 0) { Alpm.List optionalfor = alpm_pkg.compute_optionalfor (); if (optionalfor.length == 0) { pkgs += initialise_pkg_struct (alpm_pkg); } else { optionalfor.free_inner (GLib.free); } } else { requiredby.free_inner (GLib.free); } } pkgcache.next (); } return pkgs; } public AlpmPackage get_installed_pkg (string pkgname) { return initialise_pkg_struct (alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (pkgname)); } public AlpmPackage find_installed_satisfier (string depstring) { return initialise_pkg_struct (Alpm.find_satisfier (alpm_handle.localdb.pkgcache, depstring)); } private unowned Alpm.Package? get_syncpkg (string name) { unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = null; unowned Alpm.List syncdbs = alpm_handle.syncdbs; while (syncdbs != null) { unowned Alpm.DB db = syncdbs.data; pkg = db.get_pkg (name); if (pkg != null) { break; } syncdbs.next (); } return pkg; } public AlpmPackage get_sync_pkg (string pkgname) { return initialise_pkg_struct (get_syncpkg (pkgname)); } private unowned Alpm.Package? find_dbs_satisfier (string depstring) { unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = null; unowned Alpm.List syncdbs = alpm_handle.syncdbs; while (syncdbs != null) { unowned Alpm.DB db = syncdbs.data; pkg = Alpm.find_satisfier (db.pkgcache, depstring); if (pkg != null) { break; } syncdbs.next (); } return pkg; } public AlpmPackage find_sync_satisfier (string depstring) { return initialise_pkg_struct (find_dbs_satisfier (depstring)); } private Alpm.List search_all_dbs (string search_string) { Alpm.List needles = null; string[] splitted = search_string.split (" "); foreach (unowned string part in splitted) { needles.add (part); } Alpm.List result = alpm_handle.localdb.search (needles); Alpm.List syncpkgs = null; unowned Alpm.List syncdbs = alpm_handle.syncdbs; while (syncdbs != null) { unowned Alpm.DB db = syncdbs.data; if (syncpkgs.length == 0) { syncpkgs = db.search (needles); } else { syncpkgs.join (db.search (needles).diff (syncpkgs, (Alpm.List.CompareFunc) alpm_pkg_compare_name)); } syncdbs.next (); } result.join (syncpkgs.diff (result, (Alpm.List.CompareFunc) alpm_pkg_compare_name)); // use custom sort function global_search_string = search_string; result.sort (result.length, (Alpm.List.CompareFunc) alpm_pkg_sort_search_by_relevance); return result; } public async AlpmPackage[] search_pkgs (string search_string) { AlpmPackage[] result = {}; Alpm.List alpm_pkgs = search_all_dbs (search_string); unowned Alpm.List list = alpm_pkgs; while (list != null) { unowned Alpm.Package alpm_pkg = list.data; result += initialise_pkg_struct (alpm_pkg); list.next (); } return result; } AURPackage initialise_aur_struct (Json.Object json_object) { return AURPackage () { name = json_object.get_string_member ("Name"), version = json_object.get_string_member ("Version"), // desc can be null desc = json_object.get_null_member ("Description") ? "" : json_object.get_string_member ("Description"), popularity = json_object.get_double_member ("Popularity") }; } public async AURPackage[] search_in_aur (string search_string) { if (!aur_search_results.contains (search_string)) { Json.Array pkgs = yield AUR.search (search_string.split (" ")); aur_search_results.insert (search_string, pkgs); } AURPackage[] result = {}; Json.Array aur_pkgs = aur_search_results.get (search_string); aur_pkgs.foreach_element ((array, index, node) => { Json.Object aur_pkg = node.get_object (); // remove results which exist in repos if (get_syncpkg (aur_pkg.get_string_member ("Name")) == null) { result += initialise_aur_struct (node.get_object ()); } }); return result; } public async AURPackageDetails get_aur_details (string pkgname) { string name = ""; string version = ""; string desc = ""; double popularity = 0; string packagebase = ""; string url = ""; string maintainer = ""; int64 firstsubmitted = 0; int64 lastmodified = 0; int64 outofdate = 0; int64 numvotes = 0; string[] licenses = {}; string[] depends = {}; string[] makedepends = {}; string[] checkdepends = {}; string[] optdepends = {}; string[] provides = {}; string[] replaces = {}; string[] conflicts = {}; var details = AURPackageDetails (); if (!aur_infos.contains (pkgname)) { Json.Array results = yield AUR.multiinfo ({pkgname}); if (results.get_length () > 0) { aur_infos.insert (pkgname, results.get_object_element (0)); } } unowned Json.Object? json_object = aur_infos.lookup (pkgname); if (json_object != null) { // name name = json_object.get_string_member ("Name"); // version version = json_object.get_string_member ("Version"); // desc can be null if (!json_object.get_null_member ("Description")) { desc = json_object.get_string_member ("Description"); } popularity = json_object.get_double_member ("Popularity"); // packagebase packagebase = json_object.get_string_member ("PackageBase"); // url can be null unowned Json.Node? node = json_object.get_member ("URL"); if (!node.is_null ()) { url = node.get_string (); } // maintainer can be null node = json_object.get_member ("Maintainer"); if (!node.is_null ()) { maintainer = node.get_string (); } // firstsubmitted firstsubmitted = json_object.get_int_member ("FirstSubmitted"); // lastmodified lastmodified = json_object.get_int_member ("LastModified"); // outofdate can be null node = json_object.get_member ("OutOfDate"); if (!node.is_null ()) { outofdate = node.get_int (); } //numvotes numvotes = json_object.get_int_member ("NumVotes"); // licenses node = json_object.get_member ("License"); if (!node.is_null ()) { node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, _node) => { licenses += _node.get_string (); }); } else { licenses += _("Unknown"); } // depends node = json_object.get_member ("Depends"); if (node != null) { node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, _node) => { depends += _node.get_string (); }); } // optdepends node = json_object.get_member ("OptDepends"); if (node != null) { node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, _node) => { optdepends += _node.get_string (); }); } // makedepends node = json_object.get_member ("MakeDepends"); if (node != null) { node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, _node) => { makedepends += _node.get_string (); }); } // checkdepends node = json_object.get_member ("CheckDepends"); if (node != null) { node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, _node) => { checkdepends += _node.get_string (); }); } // provides node = json_object.get_member ("Provides"); if (node != null) { node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, _node) => { provides += _node.get_string (); }); } // replaces node = json_object.get_member ("Replaces"); if (node != null) { node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, _node) => { replaces += _node.get_string (); }); } // conflicts node = json_object.get_member ("Conflicts"); if (node != null) { node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, _node) => { conflicts += _node.get_string (); }); } } details.name = (owned) name; details.version = (owned) version ; details.desc = (owned) desc; details.popularity = popularity; details.packagebase = (owned) packagebase; details.url = (owned) url; details.maintainer = (owned) maintainer ; details.firstsubmitted = firstsubmitted; details.lastmodified = lastmodified; details.outofdate = outofdate; details.numvotes = numvotes; details.licenses = (owned) licenses; details.depends = (owned) depends; details.optdepends = (owned) optdepends; details.checkdepends = (owned) checkdepends; details.makedepends = (owned) makedepends; details.provides = (owned) provides; details.replaces = (owned) replaces; details.conflicts = (owned) conflicts; return details; } private async void compute_aur_build_list (string[] aur_list) { try { Process.spawn_command_line_sync ("mkdir -p %s".printf (aurdb_path)); } catch (SpawnError e) { stderr.printf ("SpawnError: %s\n", e.message); } aur_desc_list.remove_all (); already_checked_aur_dep.remove_all (); yield check_aur_dep_list (aur_list); } private string splitdep (string depstring) { // split depmod and version from name string result; string[] splitted = depstring.split (">", 2); if (splitted.length > 1) { result = splitted[0]; } else { splitted = depstring.split ("<", 2); if (splitted.length > 1) { result = splitted[0]; } else { splitted = depstring.split ("=", 2); if (splitted.length > 1) { result = splitted[0]; } else { result = depstring; } } } return result; } private async void check_aur_dep_list (string[] pkgnames) { string[] dep_types = {"Depends", "MakeDepends", "CheckDepends"}; string[] dep_to_check = {}; Json.Array results = yield AUR.multiinfo (pkgnames); results.foreach_element ((array, index, node) => { unowned Json.Object? pkg_info = node.get_object (); // create fake db desc file if (pkg_info != null) { string name = pkg_info.get_string_member ("Name"); string version = pkg_info.get_string_member ("Version"); string pkgdir = "%s-%s".printf (name, version); string pkgdir_path = "%s/%s".printf (aurdb_path, pkgdir); aur_desc_list.add (pkgdir); already_checked_aur_dep.add (name); try { var file = GLib.File.new_for_path (pkgdir_path); bool write_desc_file = false; if (!file.query_exists ()) { file.make_directory (); write_desc_file = true; } // compute depends, makedepends and checkdepends in DEPENDS var depends = new StringBuilder (); foreach (unowned string dep_type in dep_types) { unowned Json.Node? dep_node = pkg_info.get_member (dep_type); if (dep_node != null) { dep_node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, node) => { if (write_desc_file) { depends.append (node.get_string ()); depends.append ("\n"); } // check deps unowned string dep_string = node.get_string (); string dep_name = splitdep (dep_string); unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = null; // search for the name first to avoid provides trouble pkg = alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (dep_name); if (pkg == null) { pkg = get_syncpkg (dep_name); } if (pkg == null) { if (!(dep_name in already_checked_aur_dep)) { dep_to_check += (owned) dep_name; } } }); } } if (write_desc_file) { file = GLib.File.new_for_path ("%s/desc".printf (pkgdir_path)); // creating a DataOutputStream to the file var dos = new DataOutputStream (file.create (FileCreateFlags.REPLACE_DESTINATION)); // fake filename dos.put_string ("%FILENAME%\n" + "%s-%s-any.pkg.tar.xz\n\n".printf (name, version)); // name dos.put_string ("%NAME%\n%s\n\n".printf (name)); // version dos.put_string ("%VERSION%\n%s\n\n".printf (version)); //base dos.put_string ("%BASE%\n%s\n\n".printf (pkg_info.get_string_member ("PackageBase"))); // desc can be null if (!pkg_info.get_null_member ("Description")) { dos.put_string ("%DESC%\n%s\n\n".printf (pkg_info.get_string_member ("Description"))); } // version dos.put_string ("%VERSION%\n%s\n\n".printf (pkg_info.get_string_member ("Version"))); // fake arch dos.put_string ("%ARCH%\nany\n\n"); // depends if (depends.len > 0) { dos.put_string ("%DEPENDS%\n%s\n".printf (depends.str)); } // conflicts unowned Json.Node? info_node = pkg_info.get_member ("Conflicts"); if (info_node != null) { try { dos.put_string ("%CONFLICTS%\n"); info_node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, _node) => { try { dos.put_string ("%s\n".printf (_node.get_string ())); } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.stderr.printf("%s\n", e.message); } }); dos.put_string ("\n"); } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.stderr.printf("%s\n", e.message); } } // provides info_node = pkg_info.get_member ("Provides"); if (info_node != null) { try { dos.put_string ("%PROVIDES%\n"); info_node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, _node) => { try { dos.put_string ("%s\n".printf (_node.get_string ())); } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.stderr.printf("%s\n", e.message); } }); dos.put_string ("\n"); } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.stderr.printf("%s\n", e.message); } } // replaces info_node = pkg_info.get_member ("Replaces"); if (info_node != null) { try { dos.put_string ("%REPLACES%\n"); info_node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, _node) => { try { dos.put_string ("%s\n".printf (_node.get_string ())); } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.stderr.printf("%s\n", e.message); } }); dos.put_string ("\n"); } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.stderr.printf("%s\n", e.message); } } } } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.stderr.printf("%s\n", e.message); } } }); if (dep_to_check.length > 0) { yield check_aur_dep_list (dep_to_check); } } public string[] get_repos_names () { string[] repos_names = {}; unowned Alpm.List syncdbs = alpm_handle.syncdbs; while (syncdbs != null) { unowned Alpm.DB db = syncdbs.data; repos_names += db.name; syncdbs.next (); } return repos_names; } public async AlpmPackage[] get_repo_pkgs (string repo) { AlpmPackage[] pkgs = {}; unowned Alpm.List syncdbs = alpm_handle.syncdbs; while (syncdbs != null) { unowned Alpm.DB db = syncdbs.data; if (db.name == repo) { unowned Alpm.List pkgcache = db.pkgcache; while (pkgcache != null) { unowned Alpm.Package sync_pkg = pkgcache.data; unowned Alpm.Package? local_pkg = alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (sync_pkg.name); if (local_pkg != null) { pkgs += initialise_pkg_struct (local_pkg); } else { pkgs += initialise_pkg_struct (sync_pkg); } pkgcache.next (); } break; } syncdbs.next (); } return pkgs; } public string[] get_groups_names () { string[] groups_names = {}; unowned Alpm.List groupcache = alpm_handle.localdb.groupcache; while (groupcache != null) { unowned Alpm.Group group = groupcache.data; if (!(group.name in groups_names)) { groups_names += group.name; } groupcache.next (); } unowned Alpm.List syncdbs = alpm_handle.syncdbs; while (syncdbs != null) { unowned Alpm.DB db = syncdbs.data; groupcache = db.groupcache; while (groupcache != null) { unowned Alpm.Group group = groupcache.data; if (!(group.name in groups_names)) { groups_names += group.name; } groupcache.next (); } syncdbs.next (); } return groups_names; } private Alpm.List group_pkgs (string group_name) { Alpm.List result = null; unowned Alpm.Group? grp = alpm_handle.localdb.get_group (group_name); if (grp != null) { unowned Alpm.List packages = grp.packages; while (packages != null) { unowned Alpm.Package pkg = packages.data; result.add (pkg); packages.next (); } } unowned Alpm.List syncdbs = alpm_handle.syncdbs; while (syncdbs != null) { unowned Alpm.DB db = syncdbs.data; grp = db.get_group (group_name); if (grp != null) { unowned Alpm.List packages = grp.packages; while (packages != null) { unowned Alpm.Package pkg = packages.data; if (result.find (pkg, (Alpm.List.CompareFunc) alpm_pkg_compare_name) == null) { result.add (pkg); } packages.next (); } } syncdbs.next (); } return result; } public async AlpmPackage[] get_group_pkgs (string groupname) { AlpmPackage[] pkgs = {}; Alpm.List alpm_pkgs = group_pkgs (groupname); unowned Alpm.List list = alpm_pkgs; while (list != null) { unowned Alpm.Package alpm_pkg = list.data; pkgs += initialise_pkg_struct (alpm_pkg); list.next (); } return pkgs; } public string[] get_pkg_uninstalled_optdeps (string pkgname) { string[] optdeps = {}; unowned Alpm.Package? alpm_pkg = alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (pkgname); if (alpm_pkg == null) { alpm_pkg = get_syncpkg (pkgname); } if (alpm_pkg != null) { unowned Alpm.List optdepends = alpm_pkg.optdepends; while (optdepends != null) { unowned Alpm.Depend optdep = optdepends.data; if (Alpm.find_satisfier (alpm_handle.localdb.pkgcache, optdep.name) == null) { optdeps += optdep.compute_string (); } optdepends.next (); } } return optdeps; } public AlpmPackageDetails get_pkg_details (string pkgname) { string name = ""; string version = ""; string desc = ""; string url = ""; string repo = ""; string has_signature = ""; string reason = ""; string packager = ""; string builddate = ""; string installdate = ""; string[] groups = {}; string[] backups = {}; string[] files = {}; string[] licenses = {}; string[] depends = {}; string[] optdepends = {}; string[] requiredby = {}; string[] optionalfor = {}; string[] provides = {}; string[] replaces = {}; string[] conflicts = {}; var details = AlpmPackageDetails (); unowned Alpm.Package? alpm_pkg = alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (pkgname); if (alpm_pkg == null) { alpm_pkg = get_syncpkg (pkgname); } if (alpm_pkg != null) { // name name = alpm_pkg.name; // version version = alpm_pkg.version; // desc can be null if (alpm_pkg.desc != null) { desc = alpm_pkg.desc; } details.origin = (uint) alpm_pkg.origin; // url can be null if (alpm_pkg.url != null) { url = alpm_pkg.url; } // packager can be null packager = alpm_pkg.packager ?? ""; // groups unowned Alpm.List list = alpm_pkg.groups; while (list != null) { groups += ((Alpm.List) list).data; list.next (); } // licenses list = alpm_pkg.licenses; while (list != null) { licenses += ((Alpm.List) list).data; list.next (); } // build_date GLib.Time time = GLib.Time.local ((time_t) alpm_pkg.builddate); builddate = time.format ("%a %d %b %Y %X %Z"); // local pkg if (alpm_pkg.origin == Alpm.Package.From.LOCALDB) { // repo unowned Alpm.Package? sync_pkg = get_syncpkg (alpm_pkg.name); if (sync_pkg != null) { repo = sync_pkg.db.name; } // reason if (alpm_pkg.reason == Alpm.Package.Reason.EXPLICIT) { reason = _("Explicitly installed"); } else if (alpm_pkg.reason == Alpm.Package.Reason.DEPEND) { reason = _("Installed as a dependency for another package"); } else { reason = _("Unknown"); } // install_date time = GLib.Time.local ((time_t) alpm_pkg.installdate); installdate = time.format ("%a %d %b %Y %X %Z"); // backups list = alpm_pkg.backups; while (list != null) { backups += "/" + ((Alpm.List) list).data.name; list.next (); } // requiredby Alpm.List pkg_requiredby = alpm_pkg.compute_requiredby (); list = pkg_requiredby; while (list != null) { requiredby += ((Alpm.List) list).data; list.next (); } pkg_requiredby.free_inner (GLib.free); // optionalfor Alpm.List pkg_optionalfor = alpm_pkg.compute_optionalfor (); list = pkg_optionalfor; while (list != null) { optionalfor += ((Alpm.List) list).data; list.next (); } pkg_optionalfor.free_inner (GLib.free); // files unowned Alpm.FileList filelist = alpm_pkg.files; Alpm.File* file_ptr = filelist.files; for (size_t i = 0; i < filelist.count; i++, file_ptr++) { if (!file_ptr->name.has_suffix ("/")) { files += "/" + file_ptr->name; } } // sync pkg } else if (alpm_pkg.origin == Alpm.Package.From.SYNCDB) { // repos repo = alpm_pkg.db.name; // signature has_signature = alpm_pkg.base64_sig != null ? _("Yes") : _("No"); } // depends list = alpm_pkg.depends; while (list != null) { depends += ((Alpm.List) list).data.compute_string (); list.next (); } // optdepends list = alpm_pkg.optdepends; while (list != null) { optdepends += ((Alpm.List) list).data.compute_string (); list.next (); } // provides list = alpm_pkg.provides; while (list != null) { provides += ((Alpm.List) list).data.compute_string (); list.next (); } // replaces list = alpm_pkg.replaces; while (list != null) { replaces += ((Alpm.List) list).data.compute_string (); list.next (); } // conflicts list = alpm_pkg.conflicts; while (list != null) { conflicts += ((Alpm.List) list).data.compute_string (); list.next (); } } details.name = (owned) name; details.version = (owned) version; details.desc = (owned) desc; details.repo = (owned) repo; details.url = (owned) url; details.packager = (owned) packager; details.builddate = (owned) builddate; details.installdate = (owned) installdate; details.reason = (owned) reason; details.has_signature = (owned) has_signature; details.licenses = (owned) licenses; details.depends = (owned) depends; details.optdepends = (owned) optdepends; details.requiredby = (owned) requiredby; details.optionalfor = (owned) optionalfor; details.provides = (owned) provides; details.replaces = (owned) replaces; details.conflicts = (owned) conflicts; details.groups = (owned) groups; details.backups = (owned) backups; details.files = (owned) files; return details; } public void start_get_updates (bool check_aur_updates) { UpdateInfos[] updates_infos = {}; unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = null; unowned Alpm.Package? candidate = null; foreach (unowned string name in alpm_config.get_syncfirsts ()) { pkg = Alpm.find_satisfier (alpm_handle.localdb.pkgcache, name); if (pkg != null) { candidate = pkg.sync_newversion (alpm_handle.syncdbs); if (candidate != null) { var infos = UpdateInfos () { name = candidate.name, old_version = pkg.version, new_version = candidate.version, repo = candidate.db.name, download_size = candidate.download_size }; updates_infos += (owned) infos; } } } if (updates_infos.length != 0) { var updates = Updates () { is_syncfirst = true, repos_updates = (owned) updates_infos, aur_updates = {} }; get_updates_finished (updates); return; } else { string[] local_pkgs = {}; unowned Alpm.List pkgcache = alpm_handle.localdb.pkgcache; while (pkgcache != null) { unowned Alpm.Package installed_pkg = pkgcache.data; // check if installed_pkg is in IgnorePkg or IgnoreGroup if (alpm_handle.should_ignore (installed_pkg) == 0) { candidate = installed_pkg.sync_newversion (alpm_handle.syncdbs); if (candidate != null) { var infos = UpdateInfos () { name = candidate.name, old_version = installed_pkg.version, new_version = candidate.version, repo = candidate.db.name, download_size = candidate.download_size }; updates_infos += (owned) infos; } else { if (check_aur_updates && (aur_updates_results.get_length () == 0)) { // check if installed_pkg is a local pkg unowned Alpm.List syncdbs = alpm_handle.syncdbs; while (syncdbs != null) { unowned Alpm.DB db = syncdbs.data; pkg = Alpm.find_satisfier (db.pkgcache, installed_pkg.name); if (pkg != null) { break; } syncdbs.next (); } if (pkg == null) { local_pkgs += installed_pkg.name; } } } } pkgcache.next (); } if (check_aur_updates) { // get aur updates if (aur_updates_results.get_length () == 0) { AUR.multiinfo.begin (local_pkgs, (obj, res) => { aur_updates_results = AUR.multiinfo.end (res); var updates = Updates () { is_syncfirst = false, repos_updates = (owned) updates_infos, aur_updates = get_aur_updates_infos () }; get_updates_finished (updates); }); } else { var updates = Updates () { is_syncfirst = false, repos_updates = (owned) updates_infos, aur_updates = get_aur_updates_infos () }; get_updates_finished (updates); } } else { var updates = Updates () { is_syncfirst = false, repos_updates = (owned) updates_infos, aur_updates = {} }; get_updates_finished (updates); } } } private UpdateInfos[] get_aur_updates_infos () { UpdateInfos[] aur_updates_infos = {}; aur_updates_results.foreach_element ((array, index, node) => { unowned Json.Object pkg_info = node.get_object (); unowned string name = pkg_info.get_string_member ("Name"); unowned string new_version = pkg_info.get_string_member ("Version"); unowned string old_version = alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (name).version; if (Alpm.pkg_vercmp (new_version, old_version) == 1) { var infos = UpdateInfos () { name = name, old_version = old_version, new_version = new_version, repo = "" }; aur_updates_infos += (owned) infos; } }); return aur_updates_infos; } private bool trans_init (Alpm.TransFlag flags) { if (!databases_lock_mutex.trylock ()) { // Wait for pacman to finish emit_event (0, 0, {}); databases_lock_mutex.lock (); } if (cancellable.is_cancelled ()) { databases_lock_mutex.unlock (); cancellable.reset (); return false; } current_error = ErrorInfos (); cancellable.reset (); if (alpm_handle.trans_init (flags) == -1) { Alpm.Errno errno = alpm_handle.errno (); current_error.errno = (uint) errno; current_error.message = _("Failed to init transaction"); if (errno != 0) { current_error.details = { Alpm.strerror (errno) }; } databases_lock_mutex.unlock (); return false; } return true; } private void sysupgrade_prepare () { current_error = ErrorInfos (); bool success = trans_init (0); if (success) { add_ignorepkgs (); if (alpm_handle.trans_sysupgrade ((enable_downgrade) ? 1 : 0) == -1) { Alpm.Errno errno = alpm_handle.errno (); current_error.errno = (uint) errno; current_error.message = _("Failed to prepare transaction"); if (errno != 0) { current_error.details = { Alpm.strerror (errno) }; } trans_release (); success = false; } else { success = trans_prepare_real (); } } else { if (cancellable.is_cancelled ()) { success = true; } } trans_prepare_finished (success); } public void start_sysupgrade_prepare_ (bool enable_downgrade_, string[] temporary_ignorepkgs_) { enable_downgrade = enable_downgrade_; temporary_ignorepkgs = temporary_ignorepkgs_; try { thread_pool.add (new AlpmAction (sysupgrade_prepare)); } catch (ThreadError e) { stderr.printf ("Thread Error %s\n", e.message); } } private bool trans_add_pkg_real (Alpm.Package pkg) { current_error = ErrorInfos (); if (alpm_handle.trans_add_pkg (pkg) == -1) { Alpm.Errno errno = alpm_handle.errno (); if (errno == Alpm.Errno.TRANS_DUP_TARGET || errno == Alpm.Errno.PKG_IGNORED) { // just skip duplicate or ignored targets return true; } else { current_error.errno = (uint) errno; current_error.message = _("Failed to prepare transaction"); if (errno != 0) { current_error.details = { "%s: %s".printf (pkg.name, Alpm.strerror (errno)) }; } return false; } } return true; } private bool trans_add_pkg (string pkgname) { current_error = ErrorInfos (); unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = get_syncpkg (pkgname); if (pkg == null) { current_error.message = _("Failed to prepare transaction"); current_error.details = { _("target not found: %s").printf (pkgname) }; return false; } else { bool success = trans_add_pkg_real (pkg); if (success) { if (("linux31" in pkg.name) || ("linux4" in pkg.name)) { string[] installed_kernels = {}; string[] installed_modules = {}; unowned Alpm.List pkgcache = alpm_handle.localdb.pkgcache; while (pkgcache != null) { unowned Alpm.Package local_pkg = pkgcache.data; if (("linux31" in local_pkg.name) || ("linux4" in local_pkg.name)) { string[] local_pkg_splitted = local_pkg.name.split ("-", 2); if ((local_pkg_splitted[0] in installed_kernels) == false) { installed_kernels += local_pkg_splitted[0]; } if (local_pkg_splitted.length == 2) { if ((local_pkg_splitted[1] in installed_modules) == false) { installed_modules += local_pkg_splitted[1]; } } } pkgcache.next (); } string[] splitted = pkg.name.split ("-", 2); if (splitted.length == 2) { // we are adding a module // add the same module for other installed kernels foreach (unowned string installed_kernel in installed_kernels) { string module = installed_kernel + "-" + splitted[1]; unowned Alpm.Package? module_pkg = get_syncpkg (module); if (module_pkg != null) { trans_add_pkg_real (module_pkg); } } } else if (splitted.length == 1) { // we are adding a kernel // add all installed modules for other kernels foreach (unowned string installed_module in installed_modules) { string module = splitted[0] + "-" + installed_module; unowned Alpm.Package? module_pkg = get_syncpkg (module); if (module_pkg != null) { trans_add_pkg_real (module_pkg); } } } } } return success; } } private bool trans_load_pkg (string pkgpath) { current_error = ErrorInfos (); Alpm.Package* pkg; if (alpm_handle.load_tarball (pkgpath, 1, alpm_handle.localfilesiglevel, out pkg) == -1) { Alpm.Errno errno = alpm_handle.errno (); current_error.errno = (uint) errno; current_error.message = _("Failed to prepare transaction"); if (errno != 0) { current_error.details = { "%s: %s".printf (pkgpath, Alpm.strerror (errno)) }; } return false; } else if (alpm_handle.trans_add_pkg (pkg) == -1) { Alpm.Errno errno = alpm_handle.errno (); current_error.errno = (uint) errno; current_error.message = _("Failed to prepare transaction"); if (errno != 0) { current_error.details = { "%s: %s".printf (pkg->name, Alpm.strerror (errno)) }; } // free the package because it will not be used delete pkg; return false; } return true; } private bool trans_remove_pkg (string pkgname) { current_error = ErrorInfos (); unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (pkgname); if (pkg == null) { current_error.message = _("Failed to prepare transaction"); current_error.details = { _("target not found: %s").printf (pkgname) }; return false; } else if (alpm_handle.trans_remove_pkg (pkg) == -1) { Alpm.Errno errno = alpm_handle.errno (); current_error.errno = (uint) errno; current_error.message = _("Failed to prepare transaction"); if (errno != 0) { current_error.details = { "%s: %s".printf (pkg.name, Alpm.strerror (errno)) }; } return false; } return true; } private bool trans_prepare_real () { bool success = true; current_error = ErrorInfos (); string[] details = {}; Alpm.List err_data; if (alpm_handle.trans_prepare (out err_data) == -1) { Alpm.Errno errno = alpm_handle.errno (); current_error.errno = (uint) errno; current_error.message = _("Failed to prepare transaction"); switch (errno) { case 0: break; case Alpm.Errno.PKG_INVALID_ARCH: details += Alpm.strerror (errno) + ":"; unowned Alpm.List list = err_data; while (list != null) { string* pkgname = list.data; details += _("package %s does not have a valid architecture").printf (pkgname); delete pkgname; list.next (); } break; case Alpm.Errno.UNSATISFIED_DEPS: details += Alpm.strerror (errno) + ":"; unowned Alpm.List list = err_data; while (list != null) { Alpm.DepMissing* miss = list.data; string depstring = miss->depend.compute_string (); unowned Alpm.List trans_add = alpm_handle.trans_to_add (); unowned Alpm.Package pkg; string detail; if (miss->causingpkg == null) { /* package being installed/upgraded has unresolved dependency */ detail = _("%s: requires %s").printf (miss->target, depstring); } else if ((pkg = Alpm.pkg_find (trans_add, miss->causingpkg)) != null) { /* upgrading a package breaks a local dependency */ detail = _("%s: installing %s (%s) breaks dependency '%s'").printf (miss->target, miss->causingpkg, pkg.version, depstring); } else { /* removing a package breaks a local dependency */ detail = _("%s: removing %s breaks dependency '%s'").printf (miss->target, miss->causingpkg, depstring); } if (!(detail in details)) { details += detail; } delete miss; list.next (); } break; case Alpm.Errno.CONFLICTING_DEPS: details += Alpm.strerror (errno) + ":"; unowned Alpm.List list = err_data; while (list != null) { Alpm.Conflict* conflict = list.data; string conflict_detail = _("%s and %s are in conflict").printf (conflict->package1, conflict->package2); // only print reason if it contains new information if (conflict->reason.mod != Alpm.Depend.Mode.ANY) { conflict_detail += " (%s)".printf (conflict->reason.compute_string ()); } details += (owned) conflict_detail; delete conflict; list.next (); } break; default: details += Alpm.strerror (errno); break; } current_error.details = (owned) details; trans_release (); success = false; } else { // Search for holdpkg in target list bool found_locked_pkg = false; unowned Alpm.List to_remove = alpm_handle.trans_to_remove (); while (to_remove != null) { unowned Alpm.Package pkg = to_remove.data; if (alpm_config.get_holdpkgs ().find_custom (pkg.name, strcmp) != null) { details += _("%s needs to be removed but it is a locked package").printf (pkg.name); found_locked_pkg = true; break; } to_remove.next (); } if (found_locked_pkg) { current_error.message = _("Failed to prepare transaction"); current_error.details = (owned) details; trans_release (); success = false; } } return success; } private void trans_prepare () { bool success = trans_init (flags); if (success) { foreach (unowned string name in to_install) { success = trans_add_pkg (name); if (!success) { break; } } if (success) { foreach (unowned string name in to_remove) { success = trans_remove_pkg (name); if (!success) { break; } } } if (success) { foreach (unowned string path in to_load) { success = trans_load_pkg (path); if (!success) { break; } } } if (success) { success = trans_prepare_real (); } else { trans_release (); } } else { if (cancellable.is_cancelled ()) { success = true; } } trans_prepare_finished (success); } private void build_prepare () { // create a fake aur db try { var list = new StringBuilder (); foreach (unowned string name_version in aur_desc_list) { list.append (name_version); list.append (" "); } Process.spawn_command_line_sync ("rm -f %ssync/aur.db".printf (alpm_handle.dbpath)); Process.spawn_command_line_sync ("bsdtar -cf %ssync/aur.db -C %s %s".printf (alpm_handle.dbpath, aurdb_path, list.str)); } catch (SpawnError e) { stderr.printf ("SpawnError: %s\n", e.message); } // get an handle without emit signal callbacks AND fake aur db alpm_handle = alpm_config.get_handle (); if (alpm_handle == null) { current_error = ErrorInfos () { message = _("Failed to initialize alpm library") }; trans_commit_finished (false); } else { alpm_handle.questioncb = (Alpm.QuestionCallBack) cb_question; alpm_handle.logcb = (Alpm.LogCallBack) cb_log; lockfile = GLib.File.new_for_path (alpm_handle.lockfile); // fake aur db alpm_handle.register_syncdb ("aur", Alpm.Signature.Level.PACKAGE_OPTIONAL | Alpm.Signature.Level.DATABASE_OPTIONAL); // add to_build in to_install for the fake trans prpeapre foreach (unowned string name in to_build) { to_install += name; } // check base-devel group needed to build pkgs var backup_to_remove = new GenericSet (str_hash, str_equal); foreach (unowned string name in to_remove) { backup_to_remove.add (name); } unowned Alpm.List syncdbs = alpm_handle.syncdbs; while (syncdbs != null) { unowned Alpm.DB db = syncdbs.data; unowned Alpm.Group? grp = db.get_group ("base-devel"); if (grp != null) { unowned Alpm.List packages = grp.packages; while (packages != null) { unowned Alpm.Package pkg = packages.data; if (alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (pkg.name) == null) { to_install += pkg.name; } else { // remove the needed pkg from to_remove backup_to_remove.remove (pkg.name); } packages.next (); } } syncdbs.next (); } // check git needed to build pkgs if (alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg ("git") == null) { to_install += "git"; } else { // remove the needed pkg from to_remove backup_to_remove.remove ("git"); } to_remove = {}; foreach (unowned string name in backup_to_remove) { to_remove += name; } // fake trans prepare bool success = trans_init (flags); if (success) { foreach (unowned string name in to_install) { success = trans_add_pkg (name); if (!success) { break; } } if (success) { foreach (unowned string name in to_remove) { success = trans_remove_pkg (name); if (!success) { break; } } } if (success) { foreach (unowned string path in to_load) { success = trans_load_pkg (path); if (!success) { break; } } } if (success) { success = trans_prepare_real (); if (success) { // check trans preparation result string[] real_to_install = {}; unowned Alpm.List pkgs_to_add = alpm_handle.trans_to_add (); while (pkgs_to_add != null) { unowned Alpm.Package trans_pkg = pkgs_to_add.data; unowned Alpm.DB? db = trans_pkg.db; if (db != null) { if (db.name == "aur") { // it is a aur pkg to build aur_pkgbases_to_build.append (trans_pkg.pkgbase); var infos = UpdateInfos () { name = trans_pkg.name, old_version = "", new_version = trans_pkg.version, repo = "", download_size = 0 }; to_build_infos += (owned) infos; if (!(trans_pkg.name in to_build)) { to_install_as_dep.insert (trans_pkg.name, trans_pkg.name); } } else { // it is a pkg to install real_to_install += trans_pkg.name; if (!(trans_pkg.name in to_install)) { to_install_as_dep.insert (trans_pkg.name, trans_pkg.name); } } } pkgs_to_add.next (); } aur_conflicts_to_remove = {}; unowned Alpm.List pkgs_to_remove = alpm_handle.trans_to_remove (); while (pkgs_to_remove != null) { unowned Alpm.Package trans_pkg = pkgs_to_remove.data; // it is a pkg to remove if (!(trans_pkg.name in to_remove)) { var infos = UpdateInfos () { name = trans_pkg.name, old_version = trans_pkg.version, new_version = "", repo = "", download_size = 0 }; aur_conflicts_to_remove += (owned) infos; } pkgs_to_remove.next (); } trans_release (); try { Process.spawn_command_line_sync ("rm -f %ssync/aur.db".printf (alpm_handle.dbpath)); } catch (SpawnError e) { stderr.printf ("SpawnError: %s\n", e.message); } // get standard handle refresh_handle (); // launch standard prepare to_install = real_to_install; trans_prepare (); } else { // get standard handle refresh_handle (); trans_prepare_finished (false); } } else { trans_release (); // get standard handle refresh_handle (); trans_prepare_finished (false); } } else { if (cancellable.is_cancelled ()) { success = true; } // get standard handle refresh_handle (); trans_prepare_finished (success); } } } public void start_trans_prepare (Alpm.TransFlag flags_, string[] to_install_, string[] to_remove_, string[] to_load_, string[] to_build_) { flags = flags_; to_install = to_install_; to_remove = to_remove_; to_load = to_load_; to_build = to_build_; to_build_infos = {}; aur_pkgbases_to_build = new GLib.List (); if (to_build.length != 0) { compute_aur_build_list.begin (to_build, (obj, res) => { try { thread_pool.add (new AlpmAction (build_prepare)); } catch (ThreadError e) { stderr.printf ("Thread Error %s\n", e.message); } }); } else { try { thread_pool.add (new AlpmAction (trans_prepare)); } catch (ThreadError e) { stderr.printf ("Thread Error %s\n", e.message); } } } public void choose_provider (int provider) { provider_mutex.lock (); choosen_provider = provider; provider_cond.signal (); provider_mutex.unlock (); } public TransactionSummary get_transaction_summary () { UpdateInfos[] to_install = {}; UpdateInfos[] to_upgrade = {}; UpdateInfos[] to_downgrade = {}; UpdateInfos[] to_reinstall = {}; UpdateInfos[] to_remove = {}; unowned Alpm.List pkgs_to_add = alpm_handle.trans_to_add (); while (pkgs_to_add != null) { unowned Alpm.Package trans_pkg = pkgs_to_add.data; unowned Alpm.Package? local_pkg = alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (trans_pkg.name); var infos = UpdateInfos () { name = trans_pkg.name, old_version = local_pkg != null ? local_pkg.version : "", new_version = trans_pkg.version, // if pkg was load from a file, pkg.db is null repo =trans_pkg.db != null ? trans_pkg.db.name : "", download_size = trans_pkg.download_size }; if (local_pkg == null) { to_install += (owned) infos; } else { int cmp = Alpm.pkg_vercmp (trans_pkg.version, local_pkg.version); if (cmp == 1) { to_upgrade += (owned) infos; } else if (cmp == 0) { to_reinstall += (owned) infos; } else { to_downgrade += (owned) infos; } } pkgs_to_add.next (); } unowned Alpm.List pkgs_to_remove = alpm_handle.trans_to_remove (); while (pkgs_to_remove != null) { unowned Alpm.Package trans_pkg = pkgs_to_remove.data; var infos = UpdateInfos () { name = trans_pkg.name, old_version = trans_pkg.version, new_version = "", repo = trans_pkg.db.name }; to_remove += (owned) infos; pkgs_to_remove.next (); } UpdateInfos[] conflicts_to_remove = {}; foreach (unowned UpdateInfos infos in aur_conflicts_to_remove){ conflicts_to_remove += infos; } aur_conflicts_to_remove = {}; string[] pkgbases_to_build = {}; foreach (unowned string name in aur_pkgbases_to_build) { pkgbases_to_build += name; } var summary = TransactionSummary () { to_install = (owned) to_install, to_upgrade = (owned) to_upgrade, to_downgrade = (owned) to_downgrade, to_reinstall = (owned) to_reinstall, to_remove = (owned) to_remove, to_build = to_build_infos, aur_conflicts_to_remove = conflicts_to_remove, aur_pkgbases_to_build = pkgbases_to_build }; return summary; } private void trans_commit () { current_error = ErrorInfos (); bool success = true; Alpm.List err_data; if (alpm_handle.trans_commit (out err_data) == -1) { Alpm.Errno errno = alpm_handle.errno (); current_error.errno = (uint) errno; // cancel the download return an EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD error if (errno == Alpm.Errno.EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD && cancellable.is_cancelled ()) { trans_release (); refresh_handle (); trans_commit_finished (false); return; } current_error.message = _("Failed to commit transaction"); string[] details = {}; switch (errno) { case 0: break; case Alpm.Errno.FILE_CONFLICTS: details += Alpm.strerror (errno) + ":"; //TransFlag flags = alpm_handle.trans_get_flags (); //if ((flags & TransFlag.FORCE) != 0) { //details += _("unable to %s directory-file conflicts").printf ("--force"); //} unowned Alpm.List list = err_data; while (list != null) { Alpm.FileConflict* conflict = list.data; switch (conflict->type) { case Alpm.FileConflict.Type.TARGET: details += _("%s exists in both %s and %s").printf (conflict->file, conflict->target, conflict->ctarget); break; case Alpm.FileConflict.Type.FILESYSTEM: details += _("%s: %s already exists in filesystem").printf (conflict->target, conflict->file); break; } delete conflict; list.next (); } break; case Alpm.Errno.PKG_INVALID: case Alpm.Errno.PKG_INVALID_CHECKSUM: case Alpm.Errno.PKG_INVALID_SIG: case Alpm.Errno.DLT_INVALID: details += Alpm.strerror (errno) + ":"; unowned Alpm.List list = err_data; while (list != null) { string* filename = list.data; details += _("%s is invalid or corrupted").printf (filename); delete filename; list.next (); } break; default: details += Alpm.strerror (errno); break; } current_error.details = (owned) details; success = false; } trans_release (); refresh_handle (); bool need_refresh = false; to_install_as_dep.foreach_remove ((pkgname, val) => { unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = alpm_handle.localdb.get_pkg (pkgname); if (pkg != null) { pkg.reason = Alpm.Package.Reason.DEPEND; need_refresh = true; return true; // remove current pkgname } return false; }); if (need_refresh) { refresh_handle (); } trans_commit_finished (success); } public void start_trans_commit (GLib.BusName sender) { check_authorization.begin (sender, (obj, res) => { bool authorized = check_authorization.end (res); if (authorized) { try { thread_pool.add (new AlpmAction (trans_commit)); } catch (ThreadError e) { stderr.printf ("Thread Error %s\n", e.message); } } else { current_error = ErrorInfos () { message = _("Authentication failed") }; trans_release (); refresh_handle (); trans_commit_finished (false); } }); } public void trans_release () { alpm_handle.trans_release (); remove_ignorepkgs (); databases_lock_mutex.unlock (); } [DBus (no_reply = true)] public void trans_cancel () { if (alpm_handle.trans_interrupt () == 0) { // a transaction is being interrupted // it will end the normal way return; } cancellable.cancel (); } [DBus (no_reply = true)] public void quit () { // be sure to not quit with locked databases if (thread_pool.get_num_threads () == 0) { loop.quit (); } } // End of Daemon Object } } private void write_log_file (string event) { var now = new DateTime.now_local (); string log = "%s [PAMAC] %s\n".printf (now.format ("[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M]"), event); var file = GLib.File.new_for_path ("/var/log/pacman.log"); try { // creating a DataOutputStream to the file var dos = new DataOutputStream (file.append_to (FileCreateFlags.NONE)); // writing a short string to the stream dos.put_string (log); } catch (GLib.Error e) { stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message); } } private void cb_event (Alpm.Event.Data data) { string[] details = {}; uint secondary_type = 0; switch (data.type) { case Alpm.Event.Type.HOOK_START: switch (data.hook_when) { case Alpm.HookWhen.PRE_TRANSACTION: secondary_type = (uint) Alpm.HookWhen.PRE_TRANSACTION; break; case Alpm.HookWhen.POST_TRANSACTION: secondary_type = (uint) Alpm.HookWhen.POST_TRANSACTION; break; default: break; } break; case Alpm.Event.Type.HOOK_RUN_START: details += data.hook_run_name; details += data.hook_run_desc ?? ""; details += data.hook_run_position.to_string (); details += data.hook_run_total.to_string (); break; case Alpm.Event.Type.PACKAGE_OPERATION_START: switch (data.package_operation_operation) { case Alpm.Package.Operation.REMOVE: details += data.package_operation_oldpkg.name; details += data.package_operation_oldpkg.version; secondary_type = (uint) Alpm.Package.Operation.REMOVE; break; case Alpm.Package.Operation.INSTALL: details += data.package_operation_newpkg.name; details += data.package_operation_newpkg.version; secondary_type = (uint) Alpm.Package.Operation.INSTALL; break; case Alpm.Package.Operation.REINSTALL: details += data.package_operation_newpkg.name; details += data.package_operation_newpkg.version; secondary_type = (uint) Alpm.Package.Operation.REINSTALL; break; case Alpm.Package.Operation.UPGRADE: details += data.package_operation_oldpkg.name; details += data.package_operation_oldpkg.version; details += data.package_operation_newpkg.version; secondary_type = (uint) Alpm.Package.Operation.UPGRADE; break; case Alpm.Package.Operation.DOWNGRADE: details += data.package_operation_oldpkg.name; details += data.package_operation_oldpkg.version; details += data.package_operation_newpkg.version; secondary_type = (uint) Alpm.Package.Operation.DOWNGRADE; break; default: break; } break; case Alpm.Event.Type.DELTA_PATCH_START: details += data.delta_patch_delta.to; details += data.delta_patch_delta.delta; break; case Alpm.Event.Type.SCRIPTLET_INFO: details += data.scriptlet_info_line; break; case Alpm.Event.Type.PKGDOWNLOAD_START: // do not emit event when download is cancelled if (pamac_daemon.cancellable.is_cancelled ()) { return; } details += data.pkgdownload_file; break; case Alpm.Event.Type.OPTDEP_REMOVAL: details += data.optdep_removal_pkg.name; details += data.optdep_removal_optdep.compute_string (); break; case Alpm.Event.Type.DATABASE_MISSING: details += data.database_missing_dbname; break; case Alpm.Event.Type.PACNEW_CREATED: details += data.pacnew_created_file; break; case Alpm.Event.Type.PACSAVE_CREATED: details += data.pacsave_created_file; break; default: break; } pamac_daemon.emit_event ((uint) data.type, secondary_type, details); } private void cb_question (Alpm.Question.Data data) { switch (data.type) { case Alpm.Question.Type.INSTALL_IGNOREPKG: // Do not install package in IgnorePkg/IgnoreGroup data.install_ignorepkg_install = 0; break; case Alpm.Question.Type.REPLACE_PKG: // Auto-remove conflicts in case of replaces data.replace_replace = 1; break; case Alpm.Question.Type.CONFLICT_PKG: // Auto-remove conflicts data.conflict_remove = 1; break; case Alpm.Question.Type.REMOVE_PKGS: // Return an error if there are top-level packages which have unresolvable dependencies data.remove_pkgs_skip = 0; break; case Alpm.Question.Type.SELECT_PROVIDER: string depend_str = data.select_provider_depend.compute_string (); string[] providers_str = {}; unowned Alpm.List list = data.select_provider_providers; while (list != null) { unowned Alpm.Package pkg = list.data; providers_str += pkg.name; list.next (); } pamac_daemon.provider_cond = Cond (); pamac_daemon.provider_mutex = Mutex (); pamac_daemon.choosen_provider = null; pamac_daemon.emit_providers (depend_str, providers_str); pamac_daemon.provider_mutex.lock (); while (pamac_daemon.choosen_provider == null) { pamac_daemon.provider_cond.wait (pamac_daemon.provider_mutex); } data.select_provider_use_index = pamac_daemon.choosen_provider; pamac_daemon.provider_mutex.unlock (); break; case Alpm.Question.Type.CORRUPTED_PKG: // Auto-remove corrupted pkgs in cache data.corrupted_remove = 1; break; case Alpm.Question.Type.IMPORT_KEY: if (data.import_key_key.revoked == 1) { // Do not get revoked key data.import_key_import = 0; } else { // Auto get not revoked key data.import_key_import = 1; } break; default: data.any_answer = 0; break; } } private void cb_progress (Alpm.Progress progress, string pkgname, int percent, uint n_targets, uint current_target) { if (percent == 0) { pamac_daemon.emit_progress ((uint) progress, pkgname, (uint) percent, n_targets, current_target); pamac_daemon.timer.start (); } else if (percent == 100) { pamac_daemon.emit_progress ((uint) progress, pkgname, (uint) percent, n_targets, current_target); pamac_daemon.timer.stop (); }else if (pamac_daemon.timer.elapsed () < 0.5) { return; } else { pamac_daemon.emit_progress ((uint) progress, pkgname, (uint) percent, n_targets, current_target); pamac_daemon.timer.start (); } } private uint64 prevprogress; private int cb_download (void* data, uint64 dltotal, uint64 dlnow, uint64 ultotal, uint64 ulnow) { if (unlikely (pamac_daemon.cancellable.is_cancelled ())) { return 1; } string filename = (string) data; if (unlikely (dlnow == 0 || dltotal == 0 || prevprogress == dltotal)) { return 0; } else if (unlikely (prevprogress == 0)) { pamac_daemon.emit_download (filename, 0, dltotal); pamac_daemon.emit_download (filename, dlnow, dltotal); pamac_daemon.timer.start (); } else if (unlikely (dlnow == dltotal)) { pamac_daemon.emit_download (filename, dlnow, dltotal); pamac_daemon.timer.stop (); } else if (likely (pamac_daemon.timer.elapsed () < 0.5)) { return 0; } else { pamac_daemon.emit_download (filename, dlnow, dltotal); pamac_daemon.timer.start (); } prevprogress = dlnow; return 0; } private int cb_fetch (string fileurl, string localpath, int force) { if (pamac_daemon.cancellable.is_cancelled ()) { return -1; } Curl.Easy curl; curl = new Curl.Easy (); char error_buffer[Curl.ERROR_SIZE]; var url = GLib.File.new_for_uri (fileurl); var destfile = GLib.File.new_for_path (localpath + url.get_basename ()); var tempfile = GLib.File.new_for_path (destfile.get_path () + ".part"); curl.reset (); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.URL, fileurl); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.FAILONERROR, 1L); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.ERRORBUFFER, error_buffer); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30L); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.FILETIME, 1L); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.NOPROGRESS, 0L); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.XFERINFOFUNCTION, cb_download); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.XFERINFODATA, (void*) url.get_basename ()); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 1L); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.LOW_SPEED_TIME, 30L); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.NETRC, Curl.NetRCOption.OPTIONAL); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.HTTPAUTH, Curl.CURLAUTH_ANY); bool remove_partial_download = true; if (fileurl.contains (".pkg.tar.") && !fileurl.has_suffix (".sig")) { remove_partial_download = false; } string open_mode = "wb"; prevprogress = 0; try { if (force == 0) { if (destfile.query_exists ()) { // start from scratch only download if our local is out of date. curl.setopt (Curl.Option.TIMECONDITION, Curl.TimeCond.IFMODSINCE); FileInfo info = destfile.query_info ("time::modified", 0); TimeVal time = info.get_modification_time (); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.TIMEVALUE, time.tv_sec); } else if (tempfile.query_exists ()) { // a previous partial download exists, resume from end of file. FileInfo info = tempfile.query_info ("standard::size", 0); int64 size = info.get_size (); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.RESUME_FROM_LARGE, size); open_mode = "ab"; } } else { if (tempfile.query_exists ()) { tempfile.delete (); } } } catch (GLib.Error e) { stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message); } Posix.FILE localf = Posix.FILE.open (tempfile.get_path (), open_mode); if (localf == null) { stderr.printf ("could not open file %s\n", tempfile.get_path ()); return -1; } curl.setopt (Curl.Option.WRITEDATA, localf); // perform transfer Curl.Code err = curl.perform (); // disconnect relationships from the curl handle for things that might go out // of scope, but could still be touched on connection teardown. This really // only applies to FTP transfers. curl.setopt (Curl.Option.NOPROGRESS, 1L); curl.setopt (Curl.Option.ERRORBUFFER, null); int ret; // was it a success? switch (err) { case Curl.Code.OK: long timecond, remote_time = -1; double remote_size, bytes_dl; unowned string effective_url; // retrieve info about the state of the transfer curl.getinfo (Curl.Info.FILETIME, out remote_time); curl.getinfo (Curl.Info.CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD, out remote_size); curl.getinfo (Curl.Info.SIZE_DOWNLOAD, out bytes_dl); curl.getinfo (Curl.Info.CONDITION_UNMET, out timecond); curl.getinfo (Curl.Info.EFFECTIVE_URL, out effective_url); if (timecond == 1 && bytes_dl == 0) { // time condition was met and we didn't download anything. we need to // clean up the 0 byte .part file that's left behind. try { if (tempfile.query_exists ()) { tempfile.delete (); } } catch (GLib.Error e) { stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message); } ret = 1; } // remote_size isn't necessarily the full size of the file, just what the // server reported as remaining to download. compare it to what curl reported // as actually being transferred during curl_easy_perform () else if (remote_size != -1 && bytes_dl != -1 && bytes_dl != remote_size) { pamac_daemon.emit_log ((uint) Alpm.LogLevel.ERROR, _("%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes\n").printf ( fileurl, bytes_dl, remote_size)); if (remove_partial_download) { try { if (tempfile.query_exists ()) { tempfile.delete (); } } catch (GLib.Error e) { stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message); } } ret = -1; } else { try { tempfile.move (destfile, FileCopyFlags.OVERWRITE); } catch (GLib.Error e) { stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message); } ret = 0; } break; case Curl.Code.ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK: if (remove_partial_download) { try { if (tempfile.query_exists ()) { tempfile.delete (); } } catch (GLib.Error e) { stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message); } } ret = -1; break; default: // other cases are errors try { if (tempfile.query_exists ()) { if (remove_partial_download) { tempfile.delete (); } else { // delete zero length downloads FileInfo info = tempfile.query_info ("standard::size", 0); int64 size = info.get_size (); if (size == 0) { tempfile.delete (); } } } } catch (GLib.Error e) { stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message); } // do not report error for missing sig with db if (!fileurl.has_suffix ("db.sig")) { string hostname = url.get_uri ().split("/")[2]; pamac_daemon.emit_log ((uint) Alpm.LogLevel.ERROR, _("failed retrieving file '%s' from %s : %s\n").printf ( url.get_basename (), hostname, (string) error_buffer)); } ret = -1; break; } return ret; } private void cb_totaldownload (uint64 total) { pamac_daemon.emit_totaldownload (total); } private void cb_log (Alpm.LogLevel level, string fmt, va_list args) { // do not log errors when download is cancelled if (pamac_daemon.cancellable.is_cancelled ()) { return; } Alpm.LogLevel logmask = Alpm.LogLevel.ERROR | Alpm.LogLevel.WARNING; if ((level & logmask) == 0) { return; } string? log = null; log = fmt.vprintf (args); if (log != null) { pamac_daemon.emit_log ((uint) level, log); } } void on_bus_acquired (DBusConnection conn) { pamac_daemon = new Pamac.Daemon (); try { conn.register_object ("/org/manjaro/pamac", pamac_daemon); } catch (IOError e) { stderr.printf ("Could not register service\n"); loop.quit (); } } void main () { // i18n Intl.setlocale (LocaleCategory.ALL, ""); Intl.textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE); Bus.own_name (BusType.SYSTEM, "org.manjaro.pamac", BusNameOwnerFlags.NONE, on_bus_acquired, null, () => { stderr.printf ("Could not acquire name\n"); loop.quit (); }); Curl.global_init (Curl.GLOBAL_SSL); loop = new MainLoop (); loop.run (); Curl.global_cleanup (); }