2015-03-04 15:55:36 +01:00

1405 lines
48 KiB

* pamac-vala
* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Guillaume Benoit <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a get of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace Pamac {
[DBus (name = "org.manjaro.pamac")]
public interface Daemon : Object {
public abstract void start_write_pamac_config (HashTable<string,Variant> new_pamac_conf) throws IOError;
public abstract void start_write_alpm_config (HashTable<string,Variant> new_alpm_conf) throws IOError;
public abstract void start_write_mirrors_config (HashTable<string,Variant> new_mirrors_conf) throws IOError;
public abstract void start_set_pkgreason (string pkgname, uint reason) throws IOError;
public abstract void start_refresh (int force, bool emit_finish_signal) throws IOError;
public abstract bool get_checkspace () throws IOError;
public abstract string get_syncfirst () throws IOError;
public abstract string get_ignorepkg () throws IOError;
public abstract bool should_hold (string pkgname) throws IOError;
public abstract async Pamac.Package[] get_all_pkgs () throws IOError;
public abstract async Pamac.Package[] get_installed_pkgs () throws IOError;
public abstract async Pamac.Package[] get_local_pkgs () throws IOError;
public abstract async Pamac.Package[] get_orphans () throws IOError;
public abstract Pamac.Package find_local_pkg (string pkgname) throws IOError;
public abstract Pamac.Package find_sync_pkg (string pkgname) throws IOError;
public abstract async Pamac.Package[] search_pkgs (string search_string, bool search_aur) throws IOError;
public abstract string[] get_repos_names () throws IOError;
public abstract async Pamac.Package[] get_repo_pkgs (string repo) throws IOError;
public abstract string[] get_groups_names () throws IOError;
public abstract async Pamac.Package[] get_group_pkgs (string group_name) throws IOError;
public abstract string[] get_pkg_files (string pkgname) throws IOError;
public abstract string[] get_pkg_uninstalled_optdeps (string pkgname) throws IOError;
public abstract PackageDeps get_pkg_deps (string pkgname) throws IOError;
public abstract PackageDetails get_pkg_details (string pkgname) throws IOError;
public abstract async Updates get_updates () throws IOError;
public abstract ErrorInfos trans_init (Alpm.TransFlag transflags) throws IOError;
public abstract ErrorInfos trans_sysupgrade (int enable_downgrade) throws IOError;
public abstract ErrorInfos trans_add_pkg (string pkgname) throws IOError;
public abstract ErrorInfos trans_remove_pkg (string pkgname) throws IOError;
public abstract ErrorInfos trans_load_pkg (string pkgpath) throws IOError;
public abstract void start_trans_prepare () throws IOError;
public abstract void choose_provider (int provider) throws IOError;
public abstract UpdateInfos[] trans_to_add () throws IOError;
public abstract UpdateInfos[] trans_to_remove () throws IOError;
public abstract void start_trans_commit () throws IOError;
public abstract int trans_release () throws IOError;
public abstract void trans_cancel () throws IOError;
[DBus (no_reply = true)]
public abstract void quit () throws IOError;
public signal void emit_event (uint primary_event, uint secondary_event, string[] details);
public signal void emit_providers (string depend, string[] providers);
public signal void emit_progress (uint progress, string pkgname, int percent, uint n_targets, uint current_target);
public signal void emit_download (string filename, uint64 xfered, uint64 total);
public signal void emit_totaldownload (uint64 total);
public signal void emit_log (uint level, string msg);
public signal void set_pkgreason_finished ();
public signal void refresh_finished (ErrorInfos error);
public signal void trans_prepare_finished (ErrorInfos error);
public signal void trans_commit_finished (ErrorInfos error);
public signal void write_pamac_config_finished (int refresh_period, bool enable_aur, bool recurse);
public signal void write_alpm_config_finished ();
public signal void write_mirrors_config_finished ();
public signal void generate_mirrorlist_start ();
public signal void generate_mirrorlist_data (string line);
public signal void generate_mirrorlist_finished ();
public enum TransactionType {
STANDARD = (1 << 0),
UPDATE = (1 << 1),
BUILD = (1 << 2)
public class Transaction: Object {
public Daemon daemon;
public Alpm.TransFlag flags;
// those hashtables will be used as set
public HashTable<string,string> to_add;
public HashTable<string,string> to_remove;
public HashTable<string,string> to_load;
public HashTable<string,string> to_build;
public Mode mode;
uint64 total_download;
uint64 already_downloaded;
string previous_label;
string previous_textbar;
double previous_percent;
string previous_filename;
uint pulse_timeout_id;
bool sysupgrade_after_trans;
// it seems that upgrade after build can cause trouble
// so disable it and let's see if it's fine
//bool sysupgrade_after_build;
int build_status;
int enable_downgrade;
Vte.Terminal term;
Vte.Pty pty;
TransactionSumDialog transaction_sum_dialog;
TransactionInfoDialog transaction_info_dialog;
ProgressDialog progress_dialog;
PreferencesDialog preferences_dialog;
//parent window
Gtk.ApplicationWindow? window;
public signal void finished (bool with_error);
public signal void enable_aur (bool enable);
public Transaction (Gtk.ApplicationWindow? window) {
flags = Alpm.TransFlag.CASCADE;
to_add = new HashTable<string,string> (str_hash, str_equal);
to_remove = new HashTable<string,string> (str_hash, str_equal);
to_load = new HashTable<string,string> (str_hash, str_equal);
to_build = new HashTable<string,string> (str_hash, str_equal);
connecting_dbus_signals ();
//creating dialogs
this.window = window;
transaction_sum_dialog = new TransactionSumDialog (window);
transaction_info_dialog = new TransactionInfoDialog (window);
progress_dialog = new ProgressDialog (this, window);
preferences_dialog = new PreferencesDialog (window);
//creating terminal
term = new Vte.Terminal ();
term.scroll_on_output = false;
term.expand = true;
term.height_request = 200;
term.set_visible (true);
// creating pty for term
try {
pty = term.pty_new_sync (Vte.PtyFlags.NO_HELPER);
} catch (Error e) {
stderr.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message);
// connect to child_exited signal which will only be emit after a call to watch_child
term.child_exited.connect (on_term_child_exited);
// add term in a grid with a scrollbar
var grid = new Gtk.Grid ();
grid.expand = true;
grid.set_visible (true);
var sb = new Gtk.Scrollbar (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, term.vadjustment);
sb.set_visible (true);
grid.attach (term, 0, 0, 1, 1);
grid.attach (sb, 1, 0, 1, 1);
progress_dialog.expander.add (grid);
// progress data
total_download = 0;
already_downloaded = 0;
previous_label = "";
previous_textbar = "";
previous_percent = 0.0;
previous_filename = "";
sysupgrade_after_trans = false;
//sysupgrade_after_build = false;
build_status = 0;
public void start_write_pamac_config (HashTable<string,Variant> new_pamac_conf) {
try {
daemon.start_write_pamac_config (new_pamac_conf);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
public void start_write_alpm_config (HashTable<string,Variant> new_alpm_conf) {
try {
daemon.start_write_alpm_config (new_alpm_conf);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
public void start_write_mirrors_config (HashTable<string,Variant> new_mirrors_conf) {
try {
daemon.start_write_mirrors_config (new_mirrors_conf);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
public void start_set_pkgreason (string pkgname, Alpm.Package.Reason reason) {
try {
daemon.start_set_pkgreason (pkgname, (uint) reason);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
public void start_refresh (int force) {
string action = dgettext (null, "Synchronizing package databases") + "...";
spawn_in_term ({"echo", action});
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (action);
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_fraction (0);
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_text ("");
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (true);
progress_dialog.close_button.set_visible (false); ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ()) {
Gtk.main_iteration ();
try {
daemon.start_refresh (force, true);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
public bool get_checkspace () {
bool checkspace = false;
try {
checkspace = daemon.get_checkspace ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return checkspace;
public string get_syncfirst () {
string syncfirst = "";
try {
syncfirst = daemon.get_syncfirst ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return syncfirst;
public string get_ignorepkg () {
string ignorepkg = "";
try {
ignorepkg = daemon.get_ignorepkg ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return ignorepkg;
public bool should_hold (string pkgname) {
bool should_hold = false;
try {
should_hold = daemon.should_hold (pkgname);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return should_hold;
public async Pamac.Package[] get_all_pkgs () {
Pamac.Package[] pkgs = {};
try {
pkgs = yield daemon.get_all_pkgs ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return pkgs;
public async Pamac.Package[] get_installed_pkgs () {
Pamac.Package[] pkgs = {};
try {
pkgs = yield daemon.get_installed_pkgs ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return pkgs;
public async Pamac.Package[] get_local_pkgs () {
Pamac.Package[] pkgs = {};
try {
pkgs = yield daemon.get_local_pkgs ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return pkgs;
public async Pamac.Package[] get_orphans () {
Pamac.Package[] pkgs = {};
try {
pkgs = yield daemon.get_orphans ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return pkgs;
public Pamac.Package find_local_pkg (string pkgname) {
var pkg = Pamac.Package (null, null);
try {
pkg = daemon.find_local_pkg (pkgname);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return pkg;
public Pamac.Package find_sync_pkg (string pkgname) {
var pkg = Pamac.Package (null, null);
try {
pkg = daemon.find_sync_pkg (pkgname);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return pkg;
public async Pamac.Package[] search_pkgs (string search_string, bool search_aur) {
Pamac.Package[] pkgs = {};
try {
pkgs = yield daemon.search_pkgs (search_string, search_aur);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return pkgs;
public string[] get_repos_names () {
string[] repos_names = {};
try {
repos_names = daemon.get_repos_names ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return repos_names;
public async Pamac.Package[] get_repo_pkgs (string repo) {
Pamac.Package[] pkgs = {};
try {
pkgs = yield daemon.get_repo_pkgs (repo);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return pkgs;
public string[] get_groups_names () {
string[] groups_names = {};
try {
groups_names = daemon.get_groups_names ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return groups_names;
public async Pamac.Package[] get_group_pkgs (string group_name) {
Pamac.Package[] pkgs = {};
try {
pkgs = yield daemon.get_group_pkgs (group_name);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return pkgs;
public string[] get_pkg_files (string pkgname) {
string[] files = {};
try {
files = daemon.get_pkg_files (pkgname);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return files;
public string[] get_pkg_uninstalled_optdeps (string pkgname) {
string[] optdeps = {};
try {
optdeps = daemon.get_pkg_uninstalled_optdeps (pkgname);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return optdeps;
public PackageDeps get_pkg_deps (string pkgname) {
var deps = PackageDeps ();
try {
deps = daemon.get_pkg_deps (pkgname);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return deps;
public PackageDetails get_pkg_details (string pkgname) {
var details = PackageDetails ();
try {
details = daemon.get_pkg_details (pkgname);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return details;
public async Updates get_updates () {
var updates = Updates ();
try {
updates = yield daemon.get_updates ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
return updates;
public void sysupgrade_simple (int enable_downgrade) {
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_fraction (0);
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (true);
ErrorInfos err = ErrorInfos ();
try {
err = daemon.trans_init (0);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
if (err.str != "") {
finished (true);
handle_error (err);
} else {
try {
err = daemon.trans_sysupgrade (enable_downgrade);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
if (err.str == "") { ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ())
Gtk.main_iteration ();
try {
daemon.start_trans_prepare ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
} else {
release ();
finished (true);
handle_error (err);
public void sysupgrade (int enable_downgrade) {
this.enable_downgrade = enable_downgrade;
string action = dgettext (null, "Starting full system upgrade") + "...";
spawn_in_term ({"echo", action});
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (action);
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_fraction (0);
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_text ("");
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (true);
progress_dialog.close_button.set_visible (false);
while (Gtk.events_pending ()) {
Gtk.main_iteration ();
// sysupgrade
get_updates.begin ((obj, res) => {
Updates updates = get_updates.end (res);
// get syncfirst updates
if (updates.is_syncfirst) {
clear_lists ();
if (mode == Mode.MANAGER) {
sysupgrade_after_trans = true;
foreach (UpdateInfos infos in updates.repos_updates) {
to_add.insert (,;
// run as a standard transaction
run ();
} else {
if (updates.aur_updates.length != 0) {
clear_lists ();
//if (repos_updates_len != 0) {
//sysupgrade_after_build = true;
foreach (UpdateInfos infos in updates.aur_updates) {
to_build.insert (,;
if (updates.repos_updates.length != 0) {
sysupgrade_simple (enable_downgrade);
} else { ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ()) {
Gtk.main_iteration ();
ErrorInfos err = ErrorInfos ();
on_trans_prepare_finished (err);
public void clear_lists () {
to_add.steal_all ();
to_remove.steal_all ();
to_build.steal_all ();
public void run () {
string action = dgettext (null,"Preparing") + "...";
spawn_in_term ({"echo", action});
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (action);
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_fraction (0);
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_text ("");
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (true);
progress_dialog.close_button.set_visible (false); ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ())
Gtk.main_iteration ();
// run
ErrorInfos err = ErrorInfos ();
if (to_add.size () == 0
&& to_remove.size () == 0
&& to_load.size () == 0
&& to_build.size () != 0) {
// there only AUR packages to build so no need to prepare transaction
on_trans_prepare_finished (err);
} else {
try {
err = daemon.trans_init (flags);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
if (err.str != "") {
finished (true);
handle_error (err);
} else {
foreach (string name in to_add.get_keys ()) {
try {
err = daemon.trans_add_pkg (name);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
if (err.str != "")
foreach (string name in to_remove.get_keys ()) {
try {
err = daemon.trans_remove_pkg (name);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
if (err.str != "")
foreach (string path in to_load.get_keys ()) {
try {
err = daemon.trans_load_pkg (path);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
if (err.str != "")
if (err.str == "") {
try {
daemon.start_trans_prepare ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
} else {
release ();
finished (true);
handle_error (err);
public void choose_provider (string depend, string[] providers) {
int len = providers.length;
var choose_provider_dialog = new ChooseProviderDialog (window);
choose_provider_dialog.label.set_markup ("<b>%s</b>".printf (dgettext (null, "Choose a provider for %s").printf (depend, len)));
choose_provider_dialog.comboboxtext.remove_all ();
foreach (string provider in providers)
choose_provider_dialog.comboboxtext.append_text (provider); = 0; ();
choose_provider_dialog.hide ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ())
Gtk.main_iteration ();
try {
daemon.choose_provider (;
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
public TransactionType set_transaction_sum () {
// return 0 if transaction_sum is empty, 2, if there are only aur updates, 1 otherwise
TransactionType type = 0;
uint64 dsize = 0;
UpdateInfos[] prepared_to_add = {};
UpdateInfos[] prepared_to_remove = {};
string[] to_downgrade = {};
string[] to_install = {};
string[] to_reinstall = {};
string[] to_update = {};
string[] _to_build = {};
Gtk.TreeIter iter;
transaction_sum_dialog.top_label.set_markup ("<big><b>%s</b></big>".printf (dgettext (null, "Transaction Summary")));
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.clear ();
try {
prepared_to_add = daemon.trans_to_add ();
prepared_to_remove = daemon.trans_to_remove ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
foreach (UpdateInfos pkg_info in prepared_to_add) {
dsize += pkg_info.download_size;
Pamac.Package local_pkg = find_local_pkg (;
if ( == "") {
to_install += "%s %s".printf (, pkg_info.version);
} else {
int cmp = Alpm.pkg_vercmp (pkg_info.version, local_pkg.version);
if (cmp == 1) {
to_update += "%s %s".printf (, pkg_info.version);
} else if (cmp == 0) {
to_reinstall += "%s %s".printf (, pkg_info.version);
} else {
to_downgrade += "%s %s".printf (, pkg_info.version);
foreach (string name in to_build.get_keys ()) {
_to_build += name;
int len = prepared_to_remove.length;
int i;
if (len != 0) {
type |= TransactionType.STANDARD;
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
0, dgettext (null, "To remove") + ":",
1, "%s %s".printf (prepared_to_remove[0].name, prepared_to_remove[0].version));
i = 1;
while (i < len) {
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
1, "%s %s".printf (prepared_to_remove[i].name, prepared_to_remove[i].version));
len = to_downgrade.length;
if (len != 0) {
type |= TransactionType.STANDARD;
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
0, dgettext (null, "To downgrade") + ":",
1, to_downgrade[0]);
i = 1;
while (i < len) {
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
1, to_downgrade[i]);
len = _to_build.length;
if (len != 0) {
type |= TransactionType.BUILD;
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
0, dgettext (null, "To build") + ":",
1, _to_build[0]);
i = 1;
while (i < len) {
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
1, _to_build[i]);
len = to_install.length;
if (len != 0) {
type |= TransactionType.STANDARD;
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
0, dgettext (null, "To install") + ":",
1, to_install[0]);
i = 1;
while (i < len) {
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
1, to_install[i]);
len = to_reinstall.length;
if (len != 0) {
type |= TransactionType.STANDARD;
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
0, dgettext (null, "To reinstall") + ":",
1, to_reinstall[0]);
i = 1;
while (i < len) {
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
1, to_reinstall[i]);
len = to_update.length;
if (len != 0) {
type |= TransactionType.UPDATE;
if (mode != Mode.UPDATER) {
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
0, dgettext (null, "To update") + ":",
1, to_update[0]);
i = 1;
while (i < len) {
transaction_sum_dialog.sum_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1,
1, to_update[i]);
if (dsize == 0) {
transaction_sum_dialog.bottom_label.set_visible (false);
} else {
transaction_sum_dialog.bottom_label.set_markup ("<b>%s: %s</b>".printf (dgettext (null, "Total download size"), format_size (dsize)));
transaction_sum_dialog.bottom_label.set_visible (true);
return type;
public void start_commit () {
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (false);
try {
daemon.start_trans_commit ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
public void build_aur_packages () {
string action = dgettext (null,"Building packages") + "...";
spawn_in_term ({"echo", action});
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (action);
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_fraction (0);
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_text ("");
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (false);
progress_dialog.close_button.set_visible (false);
progress_dialog.expander.set_expanded (true);
progress_dialog.width_request = 700;
term.grab_focus ();
pulse_timeout_id = Timeout.add (500, (GLib.SourceFunc) progress_dialog.progressbar.pulse);
string[] cmds = {"yaourt", "-S"};
foreach (string name in to_build.get_keys ())
cmds += name;
Pid child_pid;
spawn_in_term (cmds, out child_pid);
// watch_child is needed in order to have the child_exited signal emitted
term.watch_child (child_pid);
public void cancel () {
try {
daemon.trans_cancel ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
public void release () {
try {
daemon.trans_release ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
public void stop_daemon () {
try {
daemon.quit ();
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);
public void spawn_in_term (string[] args, out Pid child_pid = null) {
Pid intern_pid;
try {
Process.spawn_async (null, args, null, SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH | SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, pty.child_setup, out intern_pid);
} catch (SpawnError e) {
stderr.printf ("SpawnError: %s\n", e.message);
child_pid = intern_pid;
term.set_pty (pty);
public async void run_preferences_dialog () {
var pamac_config = new Pamac.Config ("/etc/pamac.conf");
var mirrors_config = new Alpm.MirrorsConfig ("/etc/pacman-mirrors.conf");
bool enable_aur = pamac_config.enable_aur;
bool recurse = pamac_config.recurse;
int refresh_period = pamac_config.refresh_period;
bool checkspace = get_checkspace ();
string syncfirst = get_syncfirst ();
string ignorepkg = get_ignorepkg ();
string choosen_generation_method = mirrors_config.choosen_generation_method;
string choosen_country = mirrors_config.choosen_country;
preferences_dialog.enable_aur_button.set_active (enable_aur);
preferences_dialog.remove_unrequired_deps_button.set_active (recurse);
preferences_dialog.refresh_period_spin_button.set_value (refresh_period);
preferences_dialog.check_space_button.set_active (checkspace);
preferences_dialog.syncfirst_entry.set_text (syncfirst);
preferences_dialog.ignore_upgrade_entry.set_text (ignorepkg);
preferences_dialog.mirrors_country_comboboxtext.remove_all ();
preferences_dialog.mirrors_country_comboboxtext.append_text (dgettext (null, "Worldwide")); = 0;
int index = 1;
mirrors_config.get_countrys ();
foreach (string country in mirrors_config.countrys) {
preferences_dialog.mirrors_country_comboboxtext.append_text (country);
if (country == choosen_country) { = index;
index += 1;
preferences_dialog.mirrorlist_generation_method_comboboxtext.remove_all ();
preferences_dialog.mirrorlist_generation_method_comboboxtext.append_text (dgettext (null, "speed"));
preferences_dialog.mirrorlist_generation_method_comboboxtext.append_text (dgettext (null, "random"));
if (choosen_generation_method == "rank") { = 0;
} else { = 1;
int response = ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ()) {
Gtk.main_iteration ();
var new_pamac_conf = new HashTable<string,Variant> (str_hash, str_equal);
var new_alpm_conf = new HashTable<string,Variant> (str_hash, str_equal);
var new_mirrors_conf = new HashTable<string,Variant> (str_hash, str_equal);
if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK) {
enable_aur = preferences_dialog.enable_aur_button.get_active ();
recurse = preferences_dialog.remove_unrequired_deps_button.get_active ();
refresh_period = preferences_dialog.refresh_period_spin_button.get_value_as_int ();
checkspace = preferences_dialog.check_space_button.get_active ();
syncfirst = preferences_dialog.syncfirst_entry.get_text ();
ignorepkg = preferences_dialog.ignore_upgrade_entry.get_text ();
choosen_country = preferences_dialog.mirrors_country_comboboxtext.get_active_text ();
if (preferences_dialog.mirrorlist_generation_method_comboboxtext.get_active_text () == dgettext (null, "speed")) {
choosen_generation_method = "rank";
} else {
choosen_generation_method = "random";
if (enable_aur != pamac_config.enable_aur) {
new_pamac_conf.insert ("EnableAUR", new Variant.boolean (enable_aur));
if (recurse != pamac_config.recurse) {
new_pamac_conf.insert ("RemoveUnrequiredDeps", new Variant.boolean (recurse));
if (refresh_period != pamac_config.refresh_period) {
new_pamac_conf.insert ("RefreshPeriod", new Variant.int32 (refresh_period));
if (checkspace != get_checkspace ()) {
new_alpm_conf.insert ("CheckSpace", new Variant.boolean (checkspace));
if (syncfirst != get_syncfirst ()) {
new_alpm_conf.insert ("SyncFirst", new Variant.string (syncfirst));
if (ignorepkg != get_ignorepkg ()) {
new_alpm_conf.insert ("IgnorePkg", new Variant.string (ignorepkg));
if (choosen_country != mirrors_config.choosen_country) {
new_mirrors_conf.insert ("OnlyCountry", new Variant.string (choosen_country));
if (choosen_generation_method == "rank"
&& preferences_dialog.mirrorlist_generation_method_comboboxtext.get_active_text () == dgettext (null, "random")) {
new_mirrors_conf.insert ("Method", new Variant.string (dgettext (null, "random")));
if (choosen_generation_method == "random"
&& preferences_dialog.mirrorlist_generation_method_comboboxtext.get_active_text () == dgettext (null, "speed")) {
new_mirrors_conf.insert ("Method", new Variant.string (dgettext (null, "speed")));
if (new_pamac_conf.size () != 0) {
start_write_pamac_config (new_pamac_conf);
SourceFunc callback = run_preferences_dialog.callback;
ulong handler_id = daemon.write_pamac_config_finished.connect (() => {
Idle.add((owned) callback);
daemon.disconnect (handler_id);
if (new_alpm_conf.size () != 0) {
start_write_alpm_config (new_alpm_conf);
SourceFunc callback = run_preferences_dialog.callback;
ulong handler_id = daemon.write_alpm_config_finished.connect (() => {
Idle.add((owned) callback);
daemon.disconnect (handler_id);
if (new_mirrors_conf.size () != 0) {
start_write_mirrors_config (new_mirrors_conf);
SourceFunc callback = run_preferences_dialog.callback;
ulong handler_id = daemon.write_mirrors_config_finished.connect (() => {
Idle.add((owned) callback);
daemon.disconnect (handler_id);
preferences_dialog.hide ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ()) {
Gtk.main_iteration ();
void on_emit_event (uint primary_event, uint secondary_event, string[] details) {
string msg;
switch (primary_event) {
case Alpm.Event.Type.CHECKDEPS_START:
msg = dgettext (null, "Checking dependencies") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
msg = dgettext (null, "Checking file conflicts") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.RESOLVEDEPS_START:
msg = dgettext (null, "Resolving dependencies") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
msg = dgettext (null, "Checking inter-conflicts") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
switch (secondary_event) {
case Alpm.Package.Operation.INSTALL:
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (false);
previous_filename = details[0];
msg = dgettext (null, "Installing %s").printf (details[0]) + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
msg = dgettext (null, "Installing %s").printf ("%s (%s)".printf (details[0], details[1]))+ "...";
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Package.Operation.REINSTALL:
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (false);
previous_filename = details[0];
msg = dgettext (null, "Reinstalling %s").printf (details[0]) + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
msg = dgettext (null, "Reinstalling %s").printf ("%s (%s)".printf (details[0], details[1]))+ "...";
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Package.Operation.REMOVE:
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (false);
previous_filename = details[0];
msg = dgettext (null, "Removing %s").printf (details[0]) + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
msg = dgettext (null, "Removing %s").printf ("%s (%s)".printf (details[0], details[1]))+ "...";
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Package.Operation.UPGRADE:
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (false);
previous_filename = details[0];
msg = dgettext (null, "Upgrading %s").printf (details[0]) + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
msg = dgettext (null, "Upgrading %s").printf ("%s (%s -> %s)".printf (details[0], details[1], details[2]))+ "...";
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Package.Operation.DOWNGRADE:
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (false);
previous_filename = details[0];
msg = dgettext (null, "Downgrading %s").printf (details[0]) + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
msg = dgettext (null, "Downgrading %s").printf ("%s (%s -> %s)".printf (details[0], details[1], details[2]))+ "...";
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.INTEGRITY_START:
msg = dgettext (null, "Checking integrity") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.KEYRING_START:
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (true);
msg = dgettext (null, "Checking keyring") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.KEY_DOWNLOAD_START:
msg = dgettext (null, "Downloading required keys") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.LOAD_START:
msg = dgettext (null, "Loading packages files") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
msg = dgettext (null, "Checking delta integrity") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.DELTA_PATCHES_START:
msg = dgettext (null, "Applying deltas") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.DELTA_PATCH_START:
msg = dgettext (null, "Generating %s with %s").printf (details[0], details[1]) + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.DELTA_PATCH_DONE:
msg = dgettext (null, "Generation succeeded") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.DELTA_PATCH_FAILED:
msg = dgettext (null, "Generation failed") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.SCRIPTLET_INFO:
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (dgettext (null, "Configuring %s").printf (previous_filename) + "...");
progress_dialog.expander.set_expanded (true);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", "-n", details[0]});
case Alpm.Event.Type.RETRIEVE_START:
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (true);
msg = dgettext (null, "Downloading") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.DISKSPACE_START:
msg = dgettext (null, "Checking available disk space") + "...";
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (msg);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", msg});
case Alpm.Event.Type.OPTDEP_REMOVAL:
spawn_in_term ({"echo", dgettext (null, "%s optionally requires %s").printf (details[0], details[1])});
case Alpm.Event.Type.DATABASE_MISSING:
spawn_in_term ({"echo", dgettext (null, "Database file for %s does not exist").printf (details[0])});
case Alpm.Event.Type.PACNEW_CREATED:
spawn_in_term ({"echo", dgettext (null, "%s installed as %s.pacnew").printf (details[0])});
case Alpm.Event.Type.PACSAVE_CREATED:
spawn_in_term ({"echo", dgettext (null, "%s installed as %s.pacsave").printf (details[0])});
case Alpm.Event.Type.PACORIG_CREATED:
spawn_in_term ({"echo", dgettext (null, "%s installed as %s.pacorig").printf (details[0])});
while (Gtk.events_pending ())
Gtk.main_iteration ();
void on_emit_providers (string depend, string[] providers) {
choose_provider (depend, providers);
void on_emit_progress (uint progress, string pkgname, int percent, uint n_targets, uint current_target) {
double fraction;
switch (progress) {
case Alpm.Progress.ADD_START:
case Alpm.Progress.UPGRADE_START:
case Alpm.Progress.DOWNGRADE_START:
case Alpm.Progress.REINSTALL_START:
case Alpm.Progress.REMOVE_START:
fraction = ((float) (current_target-1)/n_targets)+((float) percent/(100*n_targets));
case Alpm.Progress.CONFLICTS_START:
case Alpm.Progress.DISKSPACE_START:
case Alpm.Progress.INTEGRITY_START:
case Alpm.Progress.KEYRING_START:
case Alpm.Progress.LOAD_START:
fraction = (float) percent/100;
string textbar = "%lu/%lu".printf (current_target, n_targets);
if (textbar != previous_textbar) {
previous_textbar = textbar;
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_text (textbar);
if (fraction != previous_percent) {
previous_percent = fraction;
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_fraction (fraction);
while (Gtk.events_pending ())
Gtk.main_iteration ();
void on_emit_download (string filename, uint64 xfered, uint64 total) {
string label;
string textbar;
double fraction;
if (filename != previous_filename) {
previous_filename = filename;
if (filename.has_suffix (".db")) {
label = dgettext (null, "Refreshing %s").printf (filename.replace (".db", "")) + "...";
} else {
label = dgettext (null, "Downloading %s").printf (filename.replace (".pkg.tar.xz", "")) + "...";
if (label != previous_label) {
previous_label = label;
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (label);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", label});
if (total_download > 0) {
fraction = (float) (xfered + already_downloaded) / total_download;
if (fraction <= 1)
textbar = "%s/%s".printf (format_size (xfered + already_downloaded), format_size (total_download));
textbar = "%s".printf (format_size (xfered + already_downloaded));
} else {
fraction = (float) xfered / total;
if (fraction <= 1)
textbar = "%s/%s".printf (format_size (xfered), format_size (total));
textbar = "%s".printf (format_size (xfered));
if (fraction > 0) {
if (fraction != previous_percent) {
previous_percent = fraction;
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_fraction (fraction);
} else
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_fraction (0);
if (textbar != previous_textbar) {
previous_textbar = textbar;
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_text (textbar);
if (xfered == total) {
already_downloaded += total;
previous_filename = "";
void on_emit_totaldownload (uint64 total) {
total_download = total;
void on_emit_log (uint level, string msg) {
// msg ends with \n
string? line = null;
Gtk.TextIter end_iter;
if ((Alpm.LogLevel) level == Alpm.LogLevel.WARNING) {
if (previous_filename != "")
line = dgettext (null, "Warning") + ": " + previous_filename + ": " + msg;
line = dgettext (null, "Warning") + ": " + msg;
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.get_end_iter (out end_iter);
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.insert (ref end_iter, msg, msg.length);
} else if ((Alpm.LogLevel) level == Alpm.LogLevel.ERROR) {
if (previous_filename != "")
line = dgettext (null, "Error") + ": " + previous_filename + ": " + msg;
line = dgettext (null, "Error") + ": " + msg;
if (line != null) {
progress_dialog.expander.set_expanded (true);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", "-n", line});
public void show_warnings () {
if (transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.text != "") {
transaction_info_dialog.set_title (dgettext (null, "Warning"));
transaction_info_dialog.label.set_visible (false);
transaction_info_dialog.expander.set_visible (true);
transaction_info_dialog.expander.set_expanded (true); ();
transaction_info_dialog.hide ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ())
Gtk.main_iteration ();
Gtk.TextIter start_iter;
Gtk.TextIter end_iter;
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.get_start_iter (out start_iter);
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.get_end_iter (out end_iter);
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.delete (ref start_iter, ref end_iter);
public void handle_error (ErrorInfos error) {
progress_dialog.expander.set_expanded (true);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", "-n", error.str});
Gtk.TextIter start_iter;
Gtk.TextIter end_iter;
transaction_info_dialog.set_title (dgettext (null, "Error"));
transaction_info_dialog.label.set_visible (true);
transaction_info_dialog.label.set_markup (error.str);
if (error.details.length != 0) {
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.get_start_iter (out start_iter);
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.get_end_iter (out end_iter);
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.delete (ref start_iter, ref end_iter);
transaction_info_dialog.expander.set_visible (true);
transaction_info_dialog.expander.set_expanded (true);
spawn_in_term ({"echo", ":"});
foreach (string detail in error.details) {
spawn_in_term ({"echo", detail});
string str = detail + "\n";
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.get_end_iter (out end_iter);
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.insert (ref end_iter, str, str.length);
} else
transaction_info_dialog.expander.set_visible (false);
spawn_in_term ({"echo"}); ();
transaction_info_dialog.hide ();
progress_dialog.hide ();
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.get_start_iter (out start_iter);
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.get_end_iter (out end_iter);
transaction_info_dialog.textbuffer.delete (ref start_iter, ref end_iter);
while (Gtk.events_pending ())
Gtk.main_iteration ();
public void on_refresh_finished (ErrorInfos error) {
if (error.str == "") {
if (mode == Mode.UPDATER) {
progress_dialog.hide ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ()) {
Gtk.main_iteration ();
finished (false);
} else {
clear_lists ();
sysupgrade (0);
} else {
handle_error (error);
finished (true);
previous_filename = "";
public void on_trans_prepare_finished (ErrorInfos error) {
if (error.str == "") {
show_warnings ();
TransactionType type = set_transaction_sum ();
if (type == TransactionType.UPDATE && mode == Mode.UPDATER) {
// there only updates
//sysupgrade_after_build = false;
start_commit ();
} else if (type != 0) {
if ( () == Gtk.ResponseType.OK) {
transaction_sum_dialog.hide ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ())
Gtk.main_iteration ();
if (type == TransactionType.BUILD) {
// there only AUR packages to build
ErrorInfos err = ErrorInfos ();
on_trans_commit_finished (err);
} else
start_commit ();
} else {
spawn_in_term ({"echo", dgettext (null, "Transaction cancelled") + ".\n"});
progress_dialog.hide ();
transaction_sum_dialog.hide ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ())
Gtk.main_iteration ();
release ();
to_build.steal_all ();
sysupgrade_after_trans = false;
//sysupgrade_after_build = false;
finished (true);
} else {
//ErrorInfos err = ErrorInfos ();
//err.str = dgettext (null, "Nothing to do") + "\n";
spawn_in_term ({"echo", dgettext (null, "Nothing to do") + ".\n"});
progress_dialog.hide ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ())
Gtk.main_iteration ();
release ();
clear_lists ();
finished (false);
//handle_error (err);
} else {
finished (true);
handle_error (error);
public void on_trans_commit_finished (ErrorInfos error) {
if (error.str == "") {
if (to_build.size () != 0) {
if (to_add.size () != 0
|| to_remove.size () != 0
|| to_load.size () != 0) {
spawn_in_term ({"echo", dgettext (null, "Transaction successfully finished") + ".\n"});
build_aur_packages ();
} else {
//progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (dgettext (null, "Transaction successfully finished"));
//progress_dialog.close_button.set_visible (true);
clear_lists ();
show_warnings ();
if (sysupgrade_after_trans) {
sysupgrade_after_trans = false;
sysupgrade (0);
//} else if (sysupgrade_after_build) {
//sysupgrade_simple (enable_downgrade);
} else {
if (build_status == 0)
spawn_in_term ({"echo", dgettext (null, "Transaction successfully finished") + ".\n"});
spawn_in_term ({"echo"});
progress_dialog.hide ();
while (Gtk.events_pending ())
Gtk.main_iteration ();
finished (false);
} else {
finished (true);
handle_error (error);
total_download = 0;
already_downloaded = 0;
build_status = 0;
previous_filename = "";
void on_term_child_exited (int status) {
Source.remove (pulse_timeout_id);
to_build.steal_all ();
build_status = status;
ErrorInfos err = ErrorInfos ();
on_trans_commit_finished (err);
void on_write_pamac_config_finished (int refresh_period, bool aur_enabled, bool recurse) {
flags = Alpm.TransFlag.CASCADE;
if (recurse) {
flags |= Alpm.TransFlag.RECURSE;
enable_aur (aur_enabled);
void on_generate_mirrorlist_start () {
string action = dgettext (null, "Generating mirrorlist") + "...";
spawn_in_term ({"echo", action});
progress_dialog.action_label.set_text (action);
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_fraction (0);
progress_dialog.progressbar.set_text ("");
progress_dialog.cancel_button.set_visible (false);
progress_dialog.close_button.set_visible (false);
progress_dialog.expander.set_expanded (true);
progress_dialog.width_request = 700;
pulse_timeout_id = Timeout.add (500, (GLib.SourceFunc) progress_dialog.progressbar.pulse); ();
void on_generate_mirrorlist_data (string line) {
spawn_in_term ({"echo", "-n", line});
void on_generate_mirrorlist_finished () {
Source.remove (pulse_timeout_id);
spawn_in_term ({"echo"});
start_refresh (0);
void connecting_dbus_signals () {
try {
daemon = Bus.get_proxy_sync (BusType.SYSTEM, "org.manjaro.pamac",
// Connecting to signals
daemon.emit_event.connect (on_emit_event);
daemon.emit_providers.connect (on_emit_providers);
daemon.emit_progress.connect (on_emit_progress);
daemon.emit_download.connect (on_emit_download);
daemon.emit_totaldownload.connect (on_emit_totaldownload);
daemon.emit_log.connect (on_emit_log);
daemon.refresh_finished.connect (on_refresh_finished);
daemon.trans_prepare_finished.connect (on_trans_prepare_finished);
daemon.trans_commit_finished.connect (on_trans_commit_finished);
daemon.write_pamac_config_finished.connect (on_write_pamac_config_finished);
daemon.generate_mirrorlist_start.connect (on_generate_mirrorlist_start);
daemon.generate_mirrorlist_data.connect (on_generate_mirrorlist_data);
daemon.generate_mirrorlist_finished.connect (on_generate_mirrorlist_finished);
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("IOError: %s\n", e.message);