2016-04-25 16:53:06 +02:00

269 lines
8.1 KiB

* pamac-vala
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Guillaume Benoit <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a get of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace Pamac {
[GtkTemplate (ui = "/org/manjaro/pamac/updater/updater_window.ui")]
class UpdaterWindow : Gtk.ApplicationWindow {
Gtk.HeaderBar headerbar;
Gtk.StackSwitcher stackswitcher;
Gtk.ScrolledWindow repos_scrolledwindow;
Gtk.ScrolledWindow aur_scrolledwindow;
Gtk.TreeView repos_updates_treeview;
Gtk.CellRendererToggle repos_select_update;
Gtk.TreeView aur_updates_treeview;
Gtk.CellRendererToggle aur_select_update;
Gtk.Label bottom_label;
Gtk.Box transaction_infobox;
Gtk.Label transaction_infos_label;
Gtk.Button details_button;
Gtk.Button apply_button;
Gtk.Button cancel_button;
Gtk.ListStore repos_updates_list;
Gtk.ListStore aur_updates_list;
public Pamac.Transaction transaction;
public bool transaction_running;
public UpdaterWindow (Gtk.Application application) {
Object (application: application);
bottom_label.visible = false;
apply_button.get_style_context ().add_class (Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_SUGGESTED_ACTION);
details_button.visible = false;
cancel_button.visible = false;
transaction_infobox.visible = false;
stackswitcher.visible = false;
aur_scrolledwindow.visible = false;
transaction_running = false;
Timeout.add (100, populate_window);
bool populate_window () {
this.get_window ().set_cursor (new Gdk.Cursor.for_display (Gdk.Display.get_default (), Gdk.CursorType.WATCH));
repos_updates_list = new Gtk.ListStore (6, typeof (bool), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string),typeof (string), typeof (string));
repos_updates_treeview.set_model (repos_updates_list);
aur_updates_list = new Gtk.ListStore (4, typeof (bool), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string));
aur_updates_treeview.set_model (aur_updates_list);
transaction = new Transaction (this as Gtk.ApplicationWindow);
transaction.mode = Mode.UPDATER;
transaction.start_transaction.connect (on_start_transaction);
transaction.emit_action.connect (on_emit_action);
transaction.finished.connect (populate_updates_list);
transaction.get_updates_finished.connect (on_get_updates_finished);
on_refresh_button_clicked ();
return false;
void set_transaction_infobox_visible () {
bool visible = false;
repos_updates_list.foreach ((model, path, iter) => {
bool selected;
repos_updates_list.get (iter, 0, out selected);
visible = selected;
return visible;
if (!visible) {
aur_updates_list.foreach ((model, path, iter) => {
bool selected;
aur_updates_list.get (iter, 0, out selected);
visible = selected;
return visible;
transaction_infobox.visible = visible;
void on_repos_select_update_toggled (string path) {
if (!transaction_running) {
Gtk.TreePath treepath = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string (path);
Gtk.TreeIter iter;
string pkgname;
repos_updates_list.get_iter (out iter, treepath);
repos_updates_list.get (iter, 1, out pkgname);
if ( {
repos_updates_list.set (iter, 0, false);
transaction.temporary_ignorepkgs.add (pkgname);
} else {
repos_updates_list.set (iter, 0, true);
transaction.temporary_ignorepkgs.remove (pkgname);
set_transaction_infobox_visible ();
void on_aur_select_update_toggled (string path) {
if (!transaction_running) {
Gtk.TreePath treepath = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string (path);
Gtk.TreeIter iter;
string pkgname;
aur_updates_list.get_iter (out iter, treepath);
aur_updates_list.get (iter, 1, out pkgname);
if ( {
aur_updates_list.set (iter, 0, false);
transaction.temporary_ignorepkgs.add (pkgname);
} else {
aur_updates_list.set (iter, 0, true);
transaction.temporary_ignorepkgs.remove (pkgname);
set_transaction_infobox_visible ();
void on_preferences_button_clicked () {
transaction.run_preferences_dialog.begin (() => {
populate_updates_list ();
void on_apply_button_clicked () {
transaction_running = true;
transaction.sysupgrade (false);
apply_button.visible = false;
details_button.visible = true;
cancel_button.visible = true;
void on_refresh_button_clicked () {
this.get_window ().set_cursor (new Gdk.Cursor.for_display (Gdk.Display.get_default (), Gdk.CursorType.WATCH));
transaction.start_refresh (false);
void on_history_button_clicked () {
transaction.run_history_dialog ();
void on_about_button_clicked () {
transaction.run_about_dialog ();
void on_details_button_clicked () {
transaction.show_progress ();
void on_cancel_button_clicked () {
transaction.cancel ();
void on_start_transaction () {
cancel_button.visible = false;
void on_emit_action (string action) {
transaction_infos_label.label = action;
void populate_updates_list () {
transaction_running = false;
apply_button.visible = true;
apply_button.grab_default ();
details_button.visible = false;
cancel_button.visible = false;
this.get_window ().set_cursor (new Gdk.Cursor.for_display (Gdk.Display.get_default (), Gdk.CursorType.WATCH));
transaction_infos_label.label = "";
transaction.start_get_updates ();
void on_get_updates_finished (Updates updates) {
headerbar.title = "";
repos_updates_list.clear ();
stackswitcher.visible = false;
repos_scrolledwindow.visible = true;
aur_updates_list.clear ();
aur_scrolledwindow.visible = false;
bottom_label.visible = false;
uint64 dsize = 0;
uint repos_updates_nb = 0;
uint aur_updates_nb = 0;
foreach (unowned UpdateInfos infos in updates.repos_updates) {
string size = infos.download_size != 0 ? format_size (infos.download_size) : "";
dsize += infos.download_size;
repos_updates_list.insert_with_values (null, -1,
0, !transaction.temporary_ignorepkgs.contains (,
2, infos.new_version,
3, "(%s)".printf (infos.old_version),
4, infos.repo,
5, size);
foreach (unowned UpdateInfos infos in updates.aur_updates) {
aur_updates_list.insert_with_values (null, -1,
0, !transaction.temporary_ignorepkgs.contains (,
2, infos.new_version,
3, "(%s)".printf (infos.old_version));
uint updates_nb = repos_updates_nb + aur_updates_nb;
if (updates_nb == 0) {
headerbar.title = dgettext (null, "Your system is up-to-date");
} else {
headerbar.title = dngettext (null, "%u available update", "%u available updates", updates_nb).printf (updates_nb);
set_transaction_infobox_visible ();
if (dsize != 0) {
bottom_label.set_markup("<b>%s: %s</b>".printf (dgettext (null, "Total download size"), format_size(dsize)));
bottom_label.visible = true;
} else {
bottom_label.visible = false;
if (aur_updates_nb != 0) {
aur_scrolledwindow.visible = true;
if (repos_updates_nb == 0) {
repos_scrolledwindow.visible = false;
stackswitcher.visible = true;
this.get_window ().set_cursor (null);