#! /usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # pamac - A Python implementation of alpm # Copyright (C) 2013 Guillaume Benoit # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import pyalpm from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject from time import sleep import subprocess import os import fnmatch #import requests #from ftplib import FTP #from urllib.parse import urlparse import dbus from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop import signal from pamac import config, common, aur to_remove = set() to_add = set() to_mark_as_dep = set() to_update = set() to_load = set() available_updates = (False, []) to_build = [] cancel_download = False build_proc = None make_depends = set() base_devel = ('autoconf', 'automake', 'binutils', 'bison', 'fakeroot', 'file', 'findutils', 'flex', 'gawk', 'gcc', 'gettext', 'grep', 'groff', 'gzip', 'libtool', 'm4', 'make', 'patch', 'pkg-config', 'sed', 'sudo', 'texinfo', 'util-linux', 'which') build_depends = set() handle = None syncdbs = None localdb = None # i18n import gettext import locale locale.bindtextdomain('pamac', '/usr/share/locale') gettext.bindtextdomain('pamac', '/usr/share/locale') gettext.textdomain('pamac') _ = gettext.gettext interface = Gtk.Builder() interface.set_translation_domain('pamac') interface.add_from_file('/usr/share/pamac/gui/dialogs.ui') ErrorDialog = interface.get_object('ErrorDialog') WarningDialog = interface.get_object('WarningDialog') #InfoDialog = interface.get_object('InfoDialog') #QuestionDialog = interface.get_object('QuestionDialog') ConfDialog = interface.get_object('ConfDialog') transaction_sum = interface.get_object('transaction_sum') sum_top_label = interface.get_object('sum_top_label') sum_bottom_label = interface.get_object('sum_bottom_label') ChooseDialog = interface.get_object('ChooseDialog') choose_list = interface.get_object('choose_list') choose_label = interface.get_object('choose_label') choose_renderertoggle = interface.get_object('choose_renderertoggle') ProgressWindow = interface.get_object('ProgressWindow') progress_bar = interface.get_object('progressbar2') progress_label = interface.get_object('progresslabel2') action_icon = interface.get_object('action_icon') ProgressCancelButton = interface.get_object('ProgressCancelButton') ProgressCloseButton = interface.get_object('ProgressCloseButton') progress_expander = interface.get_object('progress_expander') progress_textview = interface.get_object('progress_textview') progress_buffer = progress_textview.get_buffer() DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default = True) bus = dbus.SystemBus() def get_dbus_methods(): proxy = bus.get_object('org.manjaro.pamac','/org/manjaro/pamac', introspect = False) global Refresh global CheckUpdates global Init global Sysupgrade global Remove global Add global Load global Prepare global To_Remove global To_Add global Commit global Interrupt global Release global StopDaemon global SetPkgReason SetPkgReason = proxy.get_dbus_method('SetPkgReason','org.manjaro.pamac') Refresh = proxy.get_dbus_method('Refresh','org.manjaro.pamac') CheckUpdates = proxy.get_dbus_method('CheckUpdates','org.manjaro.pamac') Init = proxy.get_dbus_method('Init','org.manjaro.pamac') Sysupgrade = proxy.get_dbus_method('Sysupgrade','org.manjaro.pamac') Remove = proxy.get_dbus_method('Remove','org.manjaro.pamac') Add = proxy.get_dbus_method('Add','org.manjaro.pamac') Load = proxy.get_dbus_method('Load','org.manjaro.pamac') Prepare = proxy.get_dbus_method('Prepare','org.manjaro.pamac') To_Remove = proxy.get_dbus_method('To_Remove','org.manjaro.pamac') To_Add = proxy.get_dbus_method('To_Add','org.manjaro.pamac') Commit = proxy.get_dbus_method('Commit','org.manjaro.pamac') Interrupt = proxy.get_dbus_method('Interrupt','org.manjaro.pamac') Release = proxy.get_dbus_method('Release','org.manjaro.pamac') StopDaemon = proxy.get_dbus_method('StopDaemon','org.manjaro.pamac') def config_dbus_signals(): bus.add_signal_receiver(action_handler, dbus_interface = "org.manjaro.pamac", signal_name = "EmitAction") bus.add_signal_receiver(action_long_handler, dbus_interface = "org.manjaro.pamac", signal_name = "EmitActionLong") bus.add_signal_receiver(icon_handler, dbus_interface = "org.manjaro.pamac", signal_name = "EmitIcon") bus.add_signal_receiver(target_handler, dbus_interface = "org.manjaro.pamac", signal_name = "EmitTarget") bus.add_signal_receiver(percent_handler, dbus_interface = "org.manjaro.pamac", signal_name = "EmitPercent") bus.add_signal_receiver(need_details_handler, dbus_interface = "org.manjaro.pamac", signal_name = "EmitNeedDetails") bus.add_signal_receiver(download_start_handler, dbus_interface = "org.manjaro.pamac", signal_name = "EmitDownloadStart") bus.add_signal_receiver(transaction_start_handler, dbus_interface = "org.manjaro.pamac", signal_name = "EmitTransactionStart") bus.add_signal_receiver(log_error, dbus_interface = "org.manjaro.pamac", signal_name = "EmitLogError") bus.add_signal_receiver(log_warning, dbus_interface = "org.manjaro.pamac", signal_name = "EmitLogWarning") def action_handler(action): progress_label.set_text(action) def action_long_handler(action_long): global progress_buffer end_iter = progress_buffer.get_end_iter() progress_buffer.insert(end_iter, action_long) def need_details_handler(need): progress_expander.set_expanded(need) def icon_handler(icon): action_icon.set_from_file(icon) def target_handler(target): progress_bar.set_text(target) def percent_handler(percent): if percent > 1: progress_bar.pulse() else: progress_bar.set_fraction(percent) def transaction_start_handler(msg): ProgressCancelButton.set_visible(False) ProgressWindow.show() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() def download_start_handler(msg): ProgressWindow.show() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() def log_error(msg): ErrorDialog.format_secondary_text(msg) response = ErrorDialog.run() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() if response: ErrorDialog.hide() def log_warning(msg): WarningDialog.format_secondary_text(msg) response = WarningDialog.run() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() if response: WarningDialog.hide() def choose_provides(data): virtual_dep = str(data[1]) providers = data[0] choose_label.set_markup('{}'.format(_('{pkgname} is provided by {number} packages.\nPlease choose those you would like to install:').format(pkgname = virtual_dep, number = str(len(providers))))) choose_list.clear() for name in providers: choose_list.append([False, str(name)]) lenght = len(to_add) ChooseDialog.run() if len(to_add) == lenght: # no choice was done by the user to_add.add(choose_list.get(choose_list.get_iter_first(), 1)[0]) # add first provider def on_choose_renderertoggle_toggled(widget, line): choose_list[line][0] = not choose_list[line][0] def on_ChooseButton_clicked(*arg): ChooseDialog.hide() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() for row in choose_list: if row[0] is True: to_add.add(row[1].split(':')[0]) # split done in case of optdep choice def on_progress_textview_size_allocate(*arg): #auto-scrolling method adj = progress_textview.get_vadjustment() adj.set_value(adj.get_upper() - adj.get_page_size()) def get_handle(): global handle handle = config.handle() print('get handle') def update_dbs(): global handle global syncdbs global localdb handle = config.handle() syncdbs = handle.get_syncdbs() localdb = handle.get_localdb() def get_localpkg(name): return localdb.get_pkg(name) def get_syncpkg(name): for repo in syncdbs: pkg = repo.get_pkg(name) if pkg: return pkg def refresh(force_update = False): while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() action_handler(_('Refreshing')+'...') icon_handler('/usr/share/pamac/icons/24x24/status/refresh-cache.png') target_handler('') percent_handler(0) ProgressCancelButton.set_visible(True) ProgressCloseButton.set_visible(False) progress_expander.set_visible(True) ProgressWindow.show() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() Refresh(force_update) def init_transaction(**options): return Init(dbus.Dictionary(options, signature='sb')) def check_to_build(): global to_build global to_add global to_mark_as_dep global make_depends global build_depends make_depends = set() builds_depends = set() # check if base_devel packages are installed for name in base_devel: if not pyalpm.find_satisfier(localdb.pkgcache, name): make_depends.add(name) already_checked = set() build_order = [] i = 0 error = '' while i < len(to_build): while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() pkg = to_build[i] # if current pkg is not in build_order add it at the end of the list if not pkg.name in build_order: build_order.append(pkg.name) # download end extract tarball from AUR srcdir = aur.get_extract_tarball(pkg) if srcdir: # get PKGBUILD and parse it to create a new pkg object with makedeps and deps new_pkgs = aur.get_pkgs(srcdir + '/PKGBUILD') for new_pkg in new_pkgs: while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() print('checking', new_pkg.name) # check if some makedeps must be installed for makedepend in new_pkg.makedepends: while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() if not makedepend in already_checked: if not pyalpm.find_satisfier(localdb.pkgcache, makedepend): print('found make dep:',makedepend) for db in syncdbs: provider = pyalpm.find_satisfier(db.pkgcache, makedepend) if provider: break if provider: make_depends.add(provider.name) already_checked.add(makedepend) else: # current makedep need to be built raw_makedepend = common.format_pkg_name(makedepend) if raw_makedepend in build_order: # add it in build_order before pkg build_order.remove(raw_makedepend) index = build_order.index(pkg.name) build_order.insert(index, raw_makedepend) else: # get infos about it makedep_pkg = aur.info(raw_makedepend) if makedep_pkg: # add it in to_build so it will be checked to_build.append(makedep_pkg) # add it in build_order before pkg index = build_order.index(pkg.name) build_order.insert(index, raw_makedepend) # add it in already_checked and to_add_as_as_dep already_checked.add(raw_makedepend) to_mark_as_dep.add(raw_makedepend) else: if error: error += '\n' error += _('{pkgname} depends on {dependname} but it is not installable').format(pkgname = pkg.name, dependname = makedepend) # check if some deps must be installed or built for depend in new_pkg.depends: while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() if not depend in already_checked: if not pyalpm.find_satisfier(localdb.pkgcache, depend): print('found dep:',depend) for db in syncdbs: provider = pyalpm.find_satisfier(db.pkgcache, depend) if provider: break if provider: # current dep need to be installed build_depends.add(provider.name) already_checked.add(depend) else: # current dep need to be built raw_depend = common.format_pkg_name(depend) if raw_depend in build_order: # add it in build_order before pkg build_order.remove(raw_depend) index = build_order.index(pkg.name) build_order.insert(index, raw_depend) else: # get infos about it dep_pkg = aur.info(raw_depend) if dep_pkg: # add it in to_build so it will be checked to_build.append(dep_pkg) # add it in build_order before pkg index = build_order.index(pkg.name) build_order.insert(index, raw_depend) # add it in already_checked and to_add_as_as_dep already_checked.add(raw_depend) to_mark_as_dep.add(raw_depend) else: if error: error += '\n' error += _('{pkgname} depends on {dependname} but it is not installable').format(pkgname = pkg.name, dependname = depend) else: if error: error += '\n' error += _('Failed to get {pkgname} archive from AUR').format(pkgname = pkg.name) i += 1 if error: return error # add pkgname in make_depends and build_depends in to_add and to_mark_as_dep for name in make_depends: to_add.add(name) to_mark_as_dep.add(name) for name in build_depends: to_add.add(name) to_mark_as_dep.add(name) # reorder to_build following build_order to_build.sort(key = lambda pkg: build_order.index(pkg.name)) print('order:', build_order) print('to build:',to_build) print('makedeps:',make_depends) print('builddeps:',build_depends) return error def run(): if to_add or to_remove or to_load or to_build: global progress_buffer action_handler(_('Preparing')+'...') icon_handler('/usr/share/pamac/icons/24x24/status/package-setup.png') target_handler('') percent_handler(0) progress_buffer.delete(progress_buffer.get_start_iter(), progress_buffer.get_end_iter()) ProgressCancelButton.set_visible(False) ProgressCloseButton.set_visible(False) progress_expander.set_visible(False) ProgressWindow.show() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() # we need to give some time a the window to refresh sleep(0.1) error = '' if to_build: # check if packages in to_build have deps or makedeps which need to be install first error += check_to_build() if not error: if to_add or to_remove or to_load: while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() trans_flags = {'cascade' : True} error += init_transaction(**trans_flags) if not error: for name in to_add: error += Add(name) for name in to_remove: error += Remove(name) for path in to_load: error += Load(path) if not error: error += prepare(**trans_flags) if not error: set_transaction_sum() ProgressWindow.hide() ConfDialog.show_all() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() if error: ProgressWindow.hide() Release() return(error) else: return (_('Nothing to do')) def prepare(**trans_flags): error = '' ret = Prepare() # ret type is a(ass) so [([''], '')] if ret[0][0]: # providers are emitted Release() for item in ret: choose_provides(item) error += init_transaction(**trans_flags) if not error: for name in to_add: error += Add(name) for name in to_remove: error += Remove(name) for path in to_load: error += Load(path) if not error: ret = Prepare() if ret[0][1]: error = str(ret[0][1]) elif ret[0][1]: # an error is emitted error = str(ret[0][1]) return(error) def check_finished_build(data): def handle_timeout(*args): raise Exception('timeout') global to_build global build_proc path = data[0] pkg = data[1] if build_proc.poll() is None: # Build no finished : read stdout to push it to text_buffer # add a timeout to stop reading stdout if too long # so the gui won't freeze signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handle_timeout) signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0.05) # 50 ms timeout try: line = build_proc.stdout.readline().decode(encoding='UTF-8') #print(line.rstrip('\n')) progress_buffer.insert_at_cursor(line) progress_bar.pulse() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() except Exception: while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() finally: signal.alarm(0) return True elif build_proc.poll() == 0: # Build successfully finished built = [] # parse again PKGBUILD to have new pkg objects in case of a pkgver() function # was used so pkgver was changed during build process new_pkgs = aur.get_pkgs(path + '/PKGBUILD') # find built packages for new_pkg in new_pkgs: for item in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, item)): # add a * before pkgver if there an epoch variable if fnmatch.fnmatch(item, '{}-*{}-*.pkg.tar.?z'.format(new_pkg.name, new_pkg.version)): built.append(os.path.join(path, item)) break if built: print('successfully built:', built) build_proc = None if pkg in to_build: to_build.remove(pkg) # install built packages error = '' error += init_transaction() if not error: for pkg_path in built: error += Load(pkg_path) if not error: error += prepare() if not error: if To_Remove(): set_transaction_sum() ConfDialog.show_all() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() else: finalize() if error: Release() ProgressCancelButton.set_visible(False) ProgressCloseButton.set_visible(True) ErrorDialog.format_secondary_text(error) response = ErrorDialog.run() if response: ErrorDialog.hide() else: ProgressCancelButton.set_visible(False) ProgressCloseButton.set_visible(True) action_long_handler(_('Build process failed.')) return False elif build_proc.poll() == 1: # Build finish with an error ProgressCancelButton.set_visible(False) ProgressCloseButton.set_visible(True) action_long_handler(_('Build process failed.')) return False def download(url_list, path): def write_file(chunk): nonlocal transferred nonlocal f if cancel_download: if ftp: ftp.quit() raise Exception('Download cancelled') return f.write(chunk) transferred += len(chunk) if total_size > 0: percent = round(transferred/total_size, 2) percent_handler(percent) if transferred <= total_size: target = '{transferred}/{size}'.format(transferred = common.format_size(transferred), size = common.format_size(total_size)) else: target = '' target_handler(target) while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() global cancel_download cancel_download = False ftp = None total_size = 0 transferred = 0 icon_handler('/usr/share/pamac/icons/24x24/status/package-download.png') ProgressCancelButton.set_visible(True) ProgressCloseButton.set_visible(False) parsed_urls = [] for url in url_list: url_components = urlparse(url) if url_components.scheme: parsed_urls.append(url_components) print(parsed_urls) for url_components in parsed_urls: if url_components.scheme == 'http': total_size += int(requests.get(url).headers['Content-Length']) elif url_components.scheme == 'ftp': ftp = FTP(url_components.netloc) ftp.login('anonymous', '') total_size += int(ftp.size(url_components.path)) print(total_size) for url_components in parsed_urls: filename = url_components.path.split('/')[-1] print(filename) action = _('Downloading {pkgname}').format(pkgname = filename)+'...' action_long = action+'\n' action_handler(action) action_long_handler(action_long) ProgressWindow.show() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() with open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'wb') as f: if url_components.scheme == 'http': try: r = requests.get(url, stream = True) for chunk in r.iter_content(1024): if cancel_download: raise Exception('Download cancelled') break else: write_file(chunk) except Exception as e: print(e) cancel_download = False elif url_components.scheme == 'ftp': try: ftp = FTP(url_components.netloc) ftp.login('anonymous', '') ftp.retrbinary('RETR '+url_components.path, write_file, blocksize=1024) except Exception as e: print(e) cancel_download = False def build_next(): global build_proc pkg = to_build[0] path = os.path.join(aur.srcpkgdir, pkg.name) new_pkgs = aur.get_pkgs(path + '/PKGBUILD') # sources are identicals for splitted packages # (not complete) download(new_pkgs[0].source, path) action = _('Building {pkgname}').format(pkgname = pkg.name)+'...' action_handler(action) action_long_handler(action+'\n') icon_handler('/usr/share/pamac/icons/24x24/status/package-setup.png') target_handler('') percent_handler(0) ProgressCancelButton.set_visible(True) ProgressCloseButton.set_visible(False) progress_expander.set_visible(True) progress_expander.set_expanded(True) ProgressWindow.show() build_proc = subprocess.Popen(["makepkg", "-cf"], cwd = path, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() GObject.timeout_add(100, check_finished_build, (path, pkg)) def finalize(): if To_Add() or To_Remove(): global progress_buffer action_handler(_('Preparing')+'...') icon_handler('/usr/share/pamac/icons/24x24/status/package-setup.png') target_handler('') percent_handler(0) progress_buffer.delete(progress_buffer.get_start_iter(), progress_buffer.get_end_iter()) ProgressCancelButton.set_visible(True) ProgressCloseButton.set_visible(False) progress_expander.set_visible(True) try: Commit() except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e: Release() elif to_build: # packages in to_build have no deps or makedeps # so we build and install the first one # the next ones will be built by the caller build_next() def mark_needed_pkgs_as_dep(): global to_mark_as_dep for name in to_mark_as_dep.copy(): if get_localpkg(name): error = SetPkgReason(name, pyalpm.PKG_REASON_DEPEND) if error: print(error) else: to_mark_as_dep.discard(name) def get_updates(): while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() action_handler(_('Checking for updates')+'...') icon_handler('/usr/share/pamac/icons/24x24/status/package-search.png') target_handler('') percent_handler(0) ProgressCancelButton.set_visible(False) ProgressCloseButton.set_visible(False) progress_expander.set_visible(False) ProgressWindow.show() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() CheckUpdates() def get_transaction_sum(): transaction_dict = {'to_remove': [], 'to_build': [], 'to_install': [], 'to_update': [], 'to_reinstall': [], 'to_downgrade': []} for pkg in to_build: transaction_dict['to_build'].append(pkg.name+' '+pkg.version) _to_remove = sorted(To_Remove()) for name, version in _to_remove: transaction_dict['to_remove'].append(name+' '+version) others = sorted(To_Add()) for name, version, dsize in others: pkg = get_localpkg(name) if pkg: comp = pyalpm.vercmp(version, pkg.version) if comp == 1: transaction_dict['to_update'].append((name+' '+version, dsize)) elif comp == 0: transaction_dict['to_reinstall'].append((name+' '+version, dsize)) elif comp == -1: transaction_dict['to_downgrade'].append((name+' '+version, dsize)) else: transaction_dict['to_install'].append((name+' '+version, dsize)) #~ if transaction_dict['to_build']: #~ print('To build:', [name for name in transaction_dict['to_build']]) #~ if transaction_dict['to_install']: #~ print('To install:', [name for name, size in transaction_dict['to_install']]) #~ if transaction_dict['to_reinstall']: #~ print('To reinstall:', [name for name, size in transaction_dict['to_reinstall']]) #~ if transaction_dict['to_downgrade']: #~ print('To downgrade:', [name for name, size in transaction_dict['to_downgrade']]) #~ if transaction_dict['to_remove']: #~ print('To remove:', [name for name in transaction_dict['to_remove']]) #~ if transaction_dict['to_update']: #~ print('To update:', [name for name, size in transaction_dict['to_update']]) return transaction_dict def set_transaction_sum(show_updates = True): dsize = 0 transaction_sum.clear() transaction_dict = get_transaction_sum() sum_top_label.set_markup('{}'.format(_('Transaction Summary'))) if transaction_dict['to_remove']: transaction_sum.append([_('To remove')+':', transaction_dict['to_remove'][0]]) i = 1 while i < len(transaction_dict['to_remove']): transaction_sum.append(['', transaction_dict['to_remove'][i]]) i += 1 if transaction_dict['to_downgrade']: transaction_sum.append([_('To downgrade')+':', transaction_dict['to_downgrade'][0][0]]) dsize += transaction_dict['to_downgrade'][0][1] i = 1 while i < len(transaction_dict['to_downgrade']): transaction_sum.append(['', transaction_dict['to_downgrade'][i][0]]) dsize += transaction_dict['to_downgrade'][i][1] i += 1 if transaction_dict['to_build']: transaction_sum.append([_('To build')+':', transaction_dict['to_build'][0]]) i = 1 while i < len(transaction_dict['to_build']): transaction_sum.append(['', transaction_dict['to_build'][i]]) i += 1 if transaction_dict['to_install']: transaction_sum.append([_('To install')+':', transaction_dict['to_install'][0][0]]) dsize += transaction_dict['to_install'][0][1] i = 1 while i < len(transaction_dict['to_install']): transaction_sum.append(['', transaction_dict['to_install'][i][0]]) dsize += transaction_dict['to_install'][i][1] i += 1 if transaction_dict['to_reinstall']: transaction_sum.append([_('To reinstall')+':', transaction_dict['to_reinstall'][0][0]]) dsize += transaction_dict['to_reinstall'][0][1] i = 1 while i < len(transaction_dict['to_reinstall']): transaction_sum.append(['', transaction_dict['to_reinstall'][i][0]]) dsize += transaction_dict['to_reinstall'][i][1] i += 1 if show_updates: if transaction_dict['to_update']: transaction_sum.append([_('To update')+':', transaction_dict['to_update'][0][0]]) dsize += transaction_dict['to_update'][0][1] i = 1 while i < len(transaction_dict['to_update']): transaction_sum.append(['', transaction_dict['to_update'][i][0]]) dsize += transaction_dict['to_update'][i][1] i += 1 else: for name, size in transaction_dict['to_update']: dsize += size if dsize == 0: sum_bottom_label.set_markup('') else: sum_bottom_label.set_markup('{} {}'.format(_('Total download size:'), common.format_size(dsize))) def sysupgrade(show_updates = True): global to_update global to_add global to_remove syncfirst, updates = available_updates if updates: to_update.clear() to_add.clear() to_remove.clear() for name, version, db, tarpath, size in updates: if db == 'AUR': # call AURPkg constructor directly to avoid a request to AUR infos = {'name': name, 'version': version, 'Description': '', 'URLPath': tarpath} pkg = aur.AURPkg(infos) to_build.append(pkg) else: to_update.add(name) error = '' if syncfirst: error += init_transaction() if not error: for name in to_update: error += Add(name) if not error: error += prepare() else: if to_build: # check if packages in to_build have deps or makedeps which need to be install first # grab errors differently here to not break regular updates _error = check_to_build() if to_update or to_add: error += init_transaction() if not error: if to_update: error += Sysupgrade() _error = '' for name in to_add: _error += Add(name) if _error: print(_error) if not error: error += prepare() if not error: set_transaction_sum(show_updates = show_updates) if show_updates: ProgressWindow.hide() ConfDialog.show_all() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() else: if len(transaction_sum) != 0: ProgressWindow.hide() ConfDialog.show_all() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() else: finalize() if error: ProgressWindow.hide() Release() return error