/* * pamac-vala * * Copyright (C) 2014 Guillaume Benoit * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a get of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ using Gtk; using Alpm; const string VERSION = "2.0"; namespace Pamac { public struct SortInfo { public int column_number; public Gtk.SortType sort_type; } [GtkTemplate (ui = "/org/manjaro/pamac/manager/manager_window.ui")] public class ManagerWindow : Gtk.ApplicationWindow { // icons public Gdk.Pixbuf? installed_icon; public Gdk.Pixbuf? uninstalled_icon; public Gdk.Pixbuf? to_install_icon; public Gdk.Pixbuf? to_reinstall_icon; public Gdk.Pixbuf? to_remove_icon; public Gdk.Pixbuf? locked_icon; // manager objects [GtkChild] public TreeView packages_treeview; [GtkChild] public TreeViewColumn state_column; [GtkChild] public TreeViewColumn name_column; [GtkChild] public TreeViewColumn version_column; [GtkChild] public TreeViewColumn repo_column; [GtkChild] public TreeViewColumn size_column; [GtkChild] public Notebook filters_notebook; [GtkChild] public SearchEntry search_entry; [GtkChild] public TreeView search_treeview; [GtkChild] public TreeSelection search_treeview_selection; [GtkChild] public TreeView groups_treeview; [GtkChild] public TreeView states_treeview; [GtkChild] public TreeView repos_treeview; [GtkChild] public TreeView deps_treeview; [GtkChild] public TreeView details_treeview; [GtkChild] public ScrolledWindow deps_scrolledwindow; [GtkChild] public ScrolledWindow details_scrolledwindow; [GtkChild] public ScrolledWindow files_scrolledwindow; [GtkChild] public Label name_label; [GtkChild] public Label desc_label; [GtkChild] public Label link_label; [GtkChild] public Label licenses_label; [GtkChild] public TextView files_textview; [GtkChild] public Switch search_aur_button; [GtkChild] public Button valid_button; [GtkChild] public Button cancel_button; public Gtk.Menu right_click_menu; public Gtk.MenuItem deselect_item; public Gtk.MenuItem install_item; public Gtk.MenuItem remove_item; public Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem separator_item; public Gtk.MenuItem reinstall_item; public Gtk.MenuItem install_optional_deps_item; public Gtk.MenuItem explicitly_installed_item; public GLib.List selected_pkgs; public ListStore search_list; public ListStore groups_list; public ListStore states_list; public ListStore repos_list; public ListStore deps_list; public ListStore details_list; PackagesModel packages_list; HashTable aur_results; public Pamac.Config pamac_config; public Transaction transaction; public SortInfo sortinfo; //dialogs HistoryDialog history_dialog; PackagesChooserDialog packages_chooser_dialog; PreferencesDialog preferences_dialog; public ManagerWindow (Gtk.Application application) { Object (application: application); aur_results = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); right_click_menu = new Gtk.Menu (); deselect_item = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (dgettext (null, "Deselect")); deselect_item.activate.connect (on_deselect_item_activate); right_click_menu.append (deselect_item); install_item = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (dgettext (null, "Install")); install_item.activate.connect (on_install_item_activate); right_click_menu.append (install_item); remove_item = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (dgettext (null, "Remove")); remove_item.activate.connect (on_remove_item_activate); right_click_menu.append (remove_item); separator_item = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem (); right_click_menu.append (separator_item); reinstall_item = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (dgettext (null, "Reinstall")); reinstall_item.activate.connect (on_reinstall_item_activate); right_click_menu.append (reinstall_item); install_optional_deps_item = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (dgettext (null, "Install optional dependencies")); install_optional_deps_item.activate.connect (on_install_optional_deps_item_activate); right_click_menu.append (install_optional_deps_item); explicitly_installed_item = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (dgettext (null, "Mark as explicitly installed")); explicitly_installed_item.activate.connect (on_explicitly_installed_item_activate); right_click_menu.append (explicitly_installed_item); right_click_menu.show_all (); search_list = new Gtk.ListStore (1, typeof (string)); search_treeview.set_model (search_list); groups_list = new Gtk.ListStore (1, typeof (string)); groups_treeview.set_model (groups_list); states_list = new Gtk.ListStore (1, typeof (string)); states_treeview.set_model (states_list); repos_list = new Gtk.ListStore (1, typeof (string)); repos_treeview.set_model (repos_list); deps_list = new Gtk.ListStore (2, typeof (string), typeof (string)); deps_treeview.set_model (deps_list); details_list = new Gtk.ListStore (2, typeof (string), typeof (string)); details_treeview.set_model (details_list);; try { installed_icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_resource ("/org/manjaro/pamac/manager/package-installed-updated.png"); uninstalled_icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_resource ("/org/manjaro/pamac/manager/package-available.png"); to_install_icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_resource ("/org/manjaro/pamac/manager/package-install.png"); to_reinstall_icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_resource ("/org/manjaro/pamac/manager/package-reinstall.png"); to_remove_icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_resource ("/org/manjaro/pamac/manager/package-remove.png"); locked_icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_resource ("/org/manjaro/pamac/manager/package-installed-locked.png"); } catch (GLib.Error e) { stderr.printf (e.message); } pamac_config = new Pamac.Config ("/etc/pamac.conf"); transaction = new Pamac.Transaction (this as ApplicationWindow, pamac_config); transaction.finished.connect (on_emit_trans_finished); history_dialog = new HistoryDialog (this); packages_chooser_dialog = new PackagesChooserDialog (this, transaction); preferences_dialog = new PreferencesDialog (this as ApplicationWindow); set_buttons_sensitive (false); search_aur_button.set_active (pamac_config.enable_aur); // sort by name by default sortinfo = {0, SortType.ASCENDING}; update_lists (); } public void enable_aur (bool enable) { search_aur_button.set_active (enable); } public void set_buttons_sensitive (bool sensitive) { valid_button.set_sensitive (sensitive); cancel_button.set_sensitive (sensitive); } public void update_lists () { string[] grps = {}; TreeIter iter; foreach (unowned DB db in transaction.handle.syncdbs) { repos_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, db.name); foreach (unowned Group grp in db.groupcache) { if ((grp.name in grps) == false) { grps += grp.name; } } } repos_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "local")); foreach (string name in grps) groups_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, name); groups_list.set_sort_column_id (0, SortType.ASCENDING); states_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Installed")); //states_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Uninstalled")); states_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Orphans")); states_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "To install")); states_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "To remove")); } public void set_infos_list (Pamac.Package pkg) { name_label.set_markup ("%s %s".printf (pkg.name, pkg.version)); // fix &,-,>,< in desc string desc; if (pkg.alpm_pkg != null) desc = pkg.alpm_pkg.desc; else desc = pkg.aur_json.get_string_member ("Description"); desc = desc.replace ("&", "&"); desc = desc.replace ("<->", "/"); desc_label.set_markup (desc); // fix & in url string url; if (pkg.alpm_pkg != null) url = pkg.alpm_pkg.url; else url = pkg.aur_json.get_string_member ("URL"); url = url.replace ("&", "&"); link_label.set_markup ("%s".printf (url, url)); StringBuilder licenses = new StringBuilder (); licenses.append (dgettext (null, "Licenses")); licenses.append (":"); if (pkg.alpm_pkg != null) { foreach (unowned string license in pkg.alpm_pkg.licenses) { licenses.append (" "); licenses.append (license); } } else { licenses.append (" "); licenses.append (pkg.aur_json.get_string_member ("License")); } licenses_label.set_markup (licenses.str); } public void set_deps_list (Alpm.Package pkg) { deps_list.clear (); TreeIter iter; unowned Alpm.List list = pkg.depends; size_t len = list.length; size_t i; if (len != 0) { deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Depends On") + ":", 1, list.nth_data (0).compute_string ()); i = 1; while (i < len) { deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 1, list.nth_data (i).compute_string ()); i++; } } list = pkg.optdepends; len = list.length; if (len != 0) { unowned Depend optdep = list.nth_data (0); unowned Alpm.Package? satisfier = find_satisfier ( transaction.handle.localdb.pkgcache, optdep.name); string optdep_str = optdep.compute_string (); if (satisfier != null) optdep_str = optdep_str + " [" + dgettext (null, "Installed") + "]"; deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Optional Dependencies") + ":", 1, optdep_str); i = 1; while (i < len) { optdep = list.nth_data (i); satisfier = find_satisfier ( transaction.handle.localdb.pkgcache, optdep.name); optdep_str = optdep.compute_string (); if (satisfier != null) optdep_str = optdep_str + " [" + dgettext (null, "Installed") + "]"; deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 1, optdep_str); i++; } } if (pkg.origin == PkgFrom.LOCALDB) { Alpm.List str_list = pkg.compute_requiredby (); len = str_list.length; if (len != 0) { deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Required By") + ":", 1, str_list.nth_data (0)); i = 1; while (i < len) { deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 1, str_list.nth_data (i)); i++; } } } list = pkg.provides; len = list.length; if (len != 0) { deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Provides") + ":", 1, list.nth_data (0).compute_string ()); i = 1; while (i < len) { deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 1, list.nth_data (i).compute_string ()); i++; } } list = pkg.replaces; len = list.length; if (len != 0) { deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Replaces") + ":", 1, list.nth_data (0).compute_string ()); i = 1; while (i < len) { deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 1, list.nth_data (i).compute_string ()); i++; } } list = pkg.conflicts; len = list.length; if (len != 0) { deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Conflicts With") + ":", 1, list.nth_data (0).compute_string ()); i = 1; while (i < len) { deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 1, list.nth_data (i).compute_string ()); i++; } } } public void set_details_list (Alpm.Package pkg) { details_list.clear (); TreeIter iter; if (pkg.origin == PkgFrom.SYNCDB) { details_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Repository") + ":", 1, pkg.db.name); } unowned Alpm.List list = pkg.groups; size_t len = list.length; size_t i; if (len != 0) { details_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Groups") + ":", 1, list.nth_data (0)); i = 1; while (i < len) { details_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 1, list.nth_data (i)); i++; } } details_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Packager") + ":", 1, pkg.packager); if (pkg.origin == PkgFrom.LOCALDB) { GLib.Time time = GLib.Time.local ((time_t) pkg.installdate); string strtime = time.format ("%a %d %b %Y %X %Z"); details_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Install Date") + ":", 1, strtime); string reason; if (pkg.reason == PkgReason.EXPLICIT) reason = dgettext (null, "Explicitly installed"); else if (pkg.reason == PkgReason.EXPLICIT) reason = dgettext (null, "Installed as a dependency for another package"); else reason = dgettext (null, "Unknown"); details_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Install Reason") + ":", 1, reason); } if (pkg.origin == PkgFrom.SYNCDB) { details_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Signatures") + ":", 1, pkg.base64_sig != null ? "Yes" : "No"); } if (pkg.origin == PkgFrom.LOCALDB) { unowned Alpm.List backup_list = pkg.backup; len = backup_list.length; if (len != 0) { details_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, dgettext (null, "Backup files") + ":", 1, "/" + backup_list.nth_data (0).name); i = 1; while (i < len) { details_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 1, "/" + backup_list.nth_data (i).name); i++; } } } } public void set_files_list (Alpm.Package pkg) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); foreach (unowned Alpm.File file in pkg.files) { if (text.len != 0) text.append ("\n"); text.append ("/"); text.append (file.name); } files_textview.buffer.set_text (text.str, (int) text.len); } public async unowned Alpm.List search_pkgs (string search_string, out Json.Array aur_pkgs) { unowned Alpm.List needles = null; string[] splitted = search_string.split (" "); foreach (unowned string part in splitted) needles.add (part); unowned Alpm.List pkgs = search_all_dbs (transaction.handle, needles); if (search_aur_button.get_active()) { if (aur_results.contains (search_string)) { aur_pkgs = aur_results.get (search_string); } else { aur_pkgs = AUR.search (search_string); aur_results.insert (search_string, aur_pkgs); } } else { aur_pkgs = new Json.Array (); } return pkgs; } public void populate_packages_list (Alpm.List? pkgs, Json.Array? aur_pkgs = null) { packages_treeview.freeze_child_notify (); packages_treeview.set_model (null); // populate liststore packages_list = new PackagesModel (pkgs, aur_pkgs, this); // sort liststore int column = sortinfo.column_number; if (column == 0) packages_list.sort_by_name (sortinfo.sort_type); else if (column == 1) packages_list.sort_by_state (sortinfo.sort_type); else if (column == 2) packages_list.sort_by_version (sortinfo.sort_type); else if (column == 3) packages_list.sort_by_repo (sortinfo.sort_type); else if (column == 4) packages_list.sort_by_size (sortinfo.sort_type); packages_treeview.set_model (packages_list); packages_treeview.thaw_child_notify (); this.get_window ().set_cursor (null); } public void refresh_packages_list () { int current_page = filters_notebook.get_current_page (); if (current_page == 0) { TreeModel model; TreeIter? iter; TreeSelection selection = search_treeview.get_selection (); if (selection.get_selected (out model, out iter)) { on_search_treeview_selection_changed (); } } else if (current_page == 1) { on_groups_treeview_selection_changed (); } else if (current_page == 2) { on_states_treeview_selection_changed (); } else if (current_page == 3) { on_repos_treeview_selection_changed (); } } [GtkCallback] public void on_packages_treeview_selection_changed () { TreeModel model; TreeSelection selection = packages_treeview.get_selection (); GLib.List selected = selection.get_selected_rows (out model); if (selected.length () == 1) { TreeIter iter; model.get_iter (out iter, selected.nth_data (0)); Pamac.Package pkg = (Pamac.Package) iter.user_data; if (pkg.alpm_pkg != null) { set_infos_list (pkg); set_deps_list (pkg.alpm_pkg); set_details_list (pkg.alpm_pkg); deps_scrolledwindow.visible = true; details_scrolledwindow.visible = true; if (pkg.alpm_pkg.origin == PkgFrom.LOCALDB) { set_files_list (pkg.alpm_pkg); files_scrolledwindow.visible = true; } else { files_scrolledwindow.visible = false; } } else if (pkg.aur_json != null) { set_infos_list (pkg); deps_scrolledwindow.visible = false; details_scrolledwindow.visible = false; files_scrolledwindow.visible = false; } } } [GtkCallback] public void on_packages_treeview_row_activated (TreeView treeview, TreePath path, TreeViewColumn column) { TreeIter iter; if (packages_list.get_iter (out iter, path)) { GLib.Value val; packages_list.get_value (iter, 0, out val); string name = val.get_string (); if (name != dgettext (null, "No package found")) { if (transaction.to_add.steal (name)) { } else if (transaction.to_remove.steal (name)) { } else if (transaction.to_build.steal (name)) { } else { packages_list.get_value (iter, 3, out val); string db_name = val.get_string (); if (db_name == "local") { if ((name in transaction.holdpkg) == false) { transaction.to_remove.insert (name, name); } } else if (db_name == "AUR") { transaction.to_build.insert (name, name); } else { transaction.to_add.insert (name, name); } } } } if (transaction.to_add.size () + transaction.to_remove.size () + transaction.to_build.size () == 0) { set_buttons_sensitive (false); } else { set_buttons_sensitive (true); } // force a display refresh packages_treeview.queue_draw (); } void on_install_item_activate () { unowned Alpm.Package? find_pkg = null; foreach (Pamac.Package pkg in selected_pkgs) { if (pkg.repo == "AUR") transaction.to_build.insert (pkg.name, pkg.name); else { find_pkg = transaction.handle.localdb.get_pkg (pkg.name); if (find_pkg == null) transaction.to_add.insert (pkg.name, pkg.name); } } if (transaction.to_add.size () != 0 || transaction.to_build.size () != 0) { set_buttons_sensitive (true); } } void on_reinstall_item_activate () { foreach (Pamac.Package pkg in selected_pkgs) { if (pkg.repo == "local") transaction.to_add.insert (pkg.name, pkg.name); } if (transaction.to_add.size () != 0) set_buttons_sensitive (true); } void on_remove_item_activate () { foreach (Pamac.Package pkg in selected_pkgs) { if ((pkg.name in transaction.holdpkg) == false) { if (pkg.repo == "local") transaction.to_remove.insert (pkg.name, pkg.name); } } if (transaction.to_remove.size () != 0) set_buttons_sensitive (true); } void on_deselect_item_activate () { foreach (Pamac.Package pkg in selected_pkgs) { if (transaction.to_add.steal (pkg.name)) { } else if (transaction.to_remove.steal (pkg.name)) { } else if (transaction.to_build.steal (pkg.name)) { } } if (transaction.to_add.size () == 0 && transaction.to_remove.size () == 0 && transaction.to_load.size () == 0 && transaction.to_build.size () == 0) { set_buttons_sensitive (false); } } public void choose_opt_dep (GLib.List pkgs) { uint nb; TreeIter iter; unowned Alpm.Package? found; foreach (Pamac.Package pkg in pkgs) { var choose_dep_dialog = new ChooseDependenciesDialog (this); nb = 0; foreach (unowned Depend opt_dep in pkg.alpm_pkg.optdepends) { found = find_satisfier (transaction.handle.localdb.pkgcache, opt_dep.compute_string ()); if (found == null) { choose_dep_dialog.deps_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, false, 1, opt_dep.name, 2, opt_dep.desc); nb += 1; } } choose_dep_dialog.label.set_markup ("%s".printf (dgettext (null, "%s has %u uninstalled optional dependencies.\nChoose those you would like to install:").printf (pkg.name, nb))); choose_dep_dialog.run (); choose_dep_dialog.hide (); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); choose_dep_dialog.deps_list.foreach ((model, path, iter) => { GLib.Value val; bool selected; string name; choose_dep_dialog.deps_list.get_value (iter, 0, out val); selected = val.get_boolean (); if (selected) { choose_dep_dialog.deps_list.get_value (iter, 1, out val); name = val.get_string (); transaction.to_add.insert (name, name); } return false; }); } } void on_install_optional_deps_item_activate () { choose_opt_dep (selected_pkgs); if (transaction.to_add.size () != 0) set_buttons_sensitive (true); } void on_explicitly_installed_item_activate () { foreach (Pamac.Package pkg in selected_pkgs) { transaction.set_pkgreason.begin (pkg.name, PkgReason.EXPLICIT, (obj, res) => { transaction.set_pkgreason.end (res); refresh_packages_list (); }); } } [GtkCallback] public bool on_packages_treeview_button_press_event (Gdk.EventButton event) { packages_treeview.grab_focus (); // Check if right mouse button was clicked if (event.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS && event.button == 3) { TreeIter iter; TreePath? treepath; Pamac.Package clicked_pkg; TreeSelection selection = packages_treeview.get_selection (); packages_treeview.get_path_at_pos ((int) event.x, (int) event.y, out treepath, null, null, null); packages_list.get_iter (out iter, treepath); clicked_pkg = (Pamac.Package) iter.user_data; if (clicked_pkg.name == dgettext (null, "No package found")) return true; if (selection.path_is_selected (treepath) == false) { selection.unselect_all (); selection.select_path (treepath); } GLib.List selected_paths = selection.get_selected_rows (null); deselect_item.set_sensitive (false); install_item.set_sensitive (false); remove_item.set_sensitive (false); reinstall_item.set_sensitive (false); install_optional_deps_item.set_sensitive (false); explicitly_installed_item.set_sensitive (false); selected_pkgs = new GLib.List (); foreach (TreePath path in selected_paths) { packages_list.get_iter (out iter, path); clicked_pkg = (Pamac.Package) iter.user_data; selected_pkgs.append (clicked_pkg); } foreach (Pamac.Package pkg in selected_pkgs) { if (transaction.to_add.contains (pkg.name) || transaction.to_remove.contains (pkg.name) || transaction.to_build.contains (pkg.name)) { deselect_item.set_sensitive (true); break; } } foreach (Pamac.Package pkg in selected_pkgs) { if (pkg.repo != "local") { install_item.set_sensitive (true); break; } } foreach (Pamac.Package pkg in selected_pkgs) { if (pkg.repo == "local") { remove_item.set_sensitive (true); break; } } if (selected_pkgs.length () == 1) { unowned Alpm.Package? find_pkg = null; clicked_pkg = selected_pkgs.nth_data (0); if (clicked_pkg.repo == "local") { unowned Alpm.List optdepends = clicked_pkg.alpm_pkg.optdepends; if (optdepends.length != 0) { uint nb = 0; unowned Alpm.Package? found; foreach (unowned Depend opt_dep in optdepends) { found = find_satisfier (transaction.handle.localdb.pkgcache, opt_dep.compute_string ()); if (found == null) nb += 1; } if (nb != 0) install_optional_deps_item.set_sensitive (true); } if (clicked_pkg.alpm_pkg.reason == PkgReason.DEPEND) explicitly_installed_item.set_sensitive (true); find_pkg = get_syncpkg (transaction.handle, clicked_pkg.name); if (find_pkg != null) { if (pkg_vercmp (find_pkg.version, clicked_pkg.version) == 0) reinstall_item.set_sensitive (true); } } } right_click_menu.popup (null, null, null, event.button, event.time); return true; } else return false; } [GtkCallback] public void on_name_column_clicked () { SortType new_order; if (name_column.sort_indicator == false) new_order = SortType.ASCENDING; else { if (sortinfo.sort_type == SortType.ASCENDING) new_order = SortType.DESCENDING; else new_order = SortType.ASCENDING; } packages_list.sort_by_name (new_order); // force a display refresh packages_treeview.queue_draw (); } [GtkCallback] public void on_state_column_clicked () { SortType new_order; if (state_column.sort_indicator == false) new_order = SortType.ASCENDING; else { if (sortinfo.sort_type == SortType.ASCENDING) new_order = SortType.DESCENDING; else new_order = SortType.ASCENDING; } packages_list.sort_by_state (new_order); // force a display refresh packages_treeview.queue_draw (); } [GtkCallback] public void on_version_column_clicked () { SortType new_order; if (version_column.sort_indicator == false) new_order = SortType.ASCENDING; else { if (sortinfo.sort_type == SortType.ASCENDING) new_order = SortType.DESCENDING; else new_order = SortType.ASCENDING; } packages_list.sort_by_version (new_order); // force a display refresh packages_treeview.queue_draw (); } [GtkCallback] public void on_repo_column_clicked () { SortType new_order; if (repo_column.sort_indicator == false) new_order = SortType.ASCENDING; else { if (sortinfo.sort_type == SortType.ASCENDING) new_order = SortType.DESCENDING; else new_order = SortType.ASCENDING; } packages_list.sort_by_repo (new_order); // force a display refresh packages_treeview.queue_draw (); } [GtkCallback] public void on_size_column_clicked () { SortType new_order; if (size_column.sort_indicator == false) new_order = SortType.ASCENDING; else { if (sortinfo.sort_type == SortType.ASCENDING) new_order = SortType.DESCENDING; else new_order = SortType.ASCENDING; } packages_list.sort_by_size (new_order); // force a display refresh packages_treeview.queue_draw (); } [GtkCallback] public void on_search_entry_activate () { string search_string = search_entry.get_text (); if (search_string != "") { this.get_window ().set_cursor (new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.WATCH)); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); search_pkgs.begin (search_string, (obj, res) => { Json.Array aur_pkgs; unowned Alpm.List pkgs = search_pkgs.end (res, out aur_pkgs); if (pkgs.length != 0) { // add search string in search_list if needed bool found = false; TreeIter? iter; TreeModel model; TreeSelection selection = search_treeview.get_selection (); // check if search string is already selected in search list if (selection.get_selected (out model, out iter)) { GLib.Value val; model.get_value (iter, 0, out val); string selected_string = val.get_string (); if (selected_string == search_string) { found = true; // we need to populate packages_list populate_packages_list (pkgs, aur_pkgs); } else { search_list.foreach ((_model, _path, _iter) => { GLib.Value line; model.get_value (_iter, 0, out line); if ((string) line == search_string) { found = true; // block the signal to not populate when we select the iter in search_list search_treeview_selection.changed.disconnect (on_search_treeview_selection_changed); selection.select_iter (_iter); search_treeview_selection.changed.connect_after (on_search_treeview_selection_changed); populate_packages_list (pkgs, aur_pkgs); } return found; }); } } if (!found) { search_list.insert_with_values (out iter, -1, 0, search_string); // block the signal to not populate when we select the iter in search_list search_treeview_selection.changed.disconnect (on_search_treeview_selection_changed); selection.select_iter (iter); search_treeview_selection.changed.connect_after (on_search_treeview_selection_changed); populate_packages_list (pkgs, aur_pkgs); } } else // populate with empty lists populate_packages_list (pkgs, aur_pkgs); }); } } [GtkCallback] public void on_search_entry_icon_press (EntryIconPosition p0, Gdk.Event? p1) { on_search_entry_activate (); } [GtkCallback] public void on_search_treeview_selection_changed () { TreeModel model; TreeIter? iter; TreeSelection selection = search_treeview.get_selection (); if (selection.get_selected (out model, out iter)) { this.get_window ().set_cursor (new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.WATCH)); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); GLib.Value val; model.get_value (iter, 0, out val); string search_string = val.get_string (); search_pkgs.begin (search_string, (obj, res) => { Json.Array aur_pkgs; unowned Alpm.List pkgs = search_pkgs.end (res, out aur_pkgs); populate_packages_list (pkgs, aur_pkgs); }); } } [GtkCallback] public void on_groups_treeview_selection_changed () { TreeModel model; TreeIter? iter; TreeSelection selection = groups_treeview.get_selection (); if (selection.get_selected (out model, out iter)) { this.get_window ().set_cursor (new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.WATCH)); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); GLib.Value val; model.get_value (iter, 0, out val); string grp_name = val.get_string (); unowned Alpm.List pkgs = group_pkgs_all_dbs (transaction.handle, grp_name); populate_packages_list (pkgs); } } [GtkCallback] public void on_states_treeview_selection_changed () { TreeModel model; TreeIter? iter; TreeSelection selection = states_treeview.get_selection (); if (selection.get_selected (out model, out iter)) { this.get_window ().set_cursor (new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.WATCH)); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); GLib.Value val; model.get_value (iter, 0, out val); string state = val.get_string (); unowned Alpm.List pkgs = null; unowned Alpm.Package? find_pkg = null; if (state == dgettext (null, "To install")) { foreach (string name in transaction.to_add.get_keys ()) { find_pkg = transaction.handle.localdb.get_pkg (name); if (find_pkg != null) pkgs.add (find_pkg); else { find_pkg = get_syncpkg (transaction.handle, name); if (find_pkg != null) pkgs.add (find_pkg); } } } else if (state == dgettext (null, "To remove")) { foreach (string name in transaction.to_remove.get_keys ()) { find_pkg = transaction.handle.localdb.get_pkg (name); if (find_pkg != null) pkgs.add (find_pkg); } } else if (state == dgettext (null, "Installed")) { pkgs = transaction.handle.localdb.pkgcache; } else if (state == dgettext (null, "Uninstalled")) { unowned Alpm.List tmp = null; unowned Alpm.List diff = null; foreach (unowned DB db in transaction.handle.syncdbs) { if (pkgs.length == 0) pkgs = db.pkgcache; else { tmp = db.pkgcache; diff = tmp.diff (pkgs, (Alpm.List.CompareFunc) pkgcmp); pkgs.join (diff); } } } else if (state == dgettext (null, "Orphans")) { foreach (unowned Alpm.Package pkg in transaction.handle.localdb.pkgcache) { if (pkg.reason == PkgReason.DEPEND) { if (pkg.compute_requiredby().length == 0) pkgs.add (pkg); } } } populate_packages_list (pkgs); } } [GtkCallback] public void on_repos_treeview_selection_changed () { TreeModel model; TreeIter? iter; TreeSelection selection = repos_treeview.get_selection (); if (selection.get_selected (out model, out iter)) { this.get_window ().set_cursor (new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.WATCH)); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); GLib.Value val; model.get_value (iter, 0, out val); string repo = val.get_string (); unowned Alpm.List pkgs = null; unowned Alpm.Package? find_pkg = null; if (repo == dgettext (null, "local")) { foreach (unowned Alpm.Package pkg in transaction.handle.localdb.pkgcache) { find_pkg = get_syncpkg (transaction.handle, pkg.name); if (find_pkg == null) pkgs.add (pkg); } } else { foreach (unowned DB db in transaction.handle.syncdbs) { if (db.name == repo) { foreach (unowned Alpm.Package pkg in db.pkgcache) { find_pkg = transaction.handle.localdb.get_pkg (pkg.name); if (find_pkg != null) pkgs.add (find_pkg); else pkgs.add (pkg); } } } } populate_packages_list (pkgs); } } [GtkCallback] public void on_filters_notebook_switch_page (Widget page, uint page_num) { refresh_packages_list (); } [GtkCallback] public void on_history_item_activate () { var file = GLib.File.new_for_path ("/var/log/pamac.log"); if (!file.query_exists ()) GLib.stderr.printf ("File '%s' doesn't exist.\n", file.get_path ()); else { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); try { // Open file for reading and wrap returned FileInputStream into a // DataInputStream, so we can read line by line var dis = new DataInputStream (file.read ()); string line; // Read lines until end of file (null) is reached while ((line = dis.read_line (null)) != null) { text.append (line); text.append ("\n"); } } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.stderr.printf("%s\n", e.message); } history_dialog.textview.buffer.set_text (text.str, (int) text.len); history_dialog.run (); history_dialog.hide (); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); } } [GtkCallback] public void on_local_item_activate () { int response = packages_chooser_dialog.run (); if (response== ResponseType.ACCEPT) { SList packages_paths = packages_chooser_dialog.get_filenames (); if (packages_paths.length () != 0) { foreach (string path in packages_paths) { transaction.to_load.insert (path, path); } this.get_window ().set_cursor (new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.WATCH)); packages_chooser_dialog.hide (); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); transaction.run (); } } else packages_chooser_dialog.hide (); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); } [GtkCallback] public void on_preferences_item_activate () { bool enable_aur = pamac_config.enable_aur; bool recurse = pamac_config.recurse; uint64 refresh_period = pamac_config.refresh_period; preferences_dialog.enable_aur_button.set_active (enable_aur); preferences_dialog.remove_unrequired_deps_button.set_active (recurse); preferences_dialog.refresh_period_spin_button.set_value (refresh_period); int response = preferences_dialog.run (); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); if (response == ResponseType.OK) { HashTable new_conf = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); enable_aur = preferences_dialog.enable_aur_button.get_active (); recurse = preferences_dialog.remove_unrequired_deps_button.get_active (); refresh_period = (uint64) preferences_dialog.refresh_period_spin_button.get_value (); if (enable_aur != pamac_config.enable_aur) { search_aur_button.set_active (enable_aur); new_conf.insert ("EnableAUR", enable_aur.to_string ()); } if (recurse != pamac_config.recurse) new_conf.insert ("RemoveUnrequiredDeps", recurse.to_string ()); if (refresh_period != pamac_config.refresh_period) new_conf.insert ("RefreshPeriod", refresh_period.to_string ()); if (new_conf.size () != 0) { transaction.write_config.begin (new_conf, (obj, res) => { transaction.write_config.end (res); pamac_config.reload (); search_aur_button.set_active (pamac_config.enable_aur); }); } } preferences_dialog.hide (); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); } [GtkCallback] public void on_about_item_activate () { Gtk.show_about_dialog ( this, "program_name", "Pamac", "logo_icon_name", "system-software-install", "comments", dgettext (null, "A Gtk3 frontend for libalpm"), "copyright", "Copyright © 2014 Guillaume Benoit", "version", VERSION, "license_type", License.GPL_3_0, "website", "http://manjaro.org"); } [GtkCallback] public void on_valid_button_clicked () { this.get_window ().set_cursor (new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.WATCH)); while (Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration (); if (pamac_config.recurse) transaction.flags |= Alpm.TransFlag.RECURSE; transaction.run (); } [GtkCallback] public void on_cancel_button_clicked () { transaction.clear_lists (); set_buttons_sensitive (false); // force a display refresh packages_treeview.queue_draw (); } [GtkCallback] public void on_refresh_button_clicked () { transaction.refresh (0); } public void on_emit_trans_finished (bool error) { print ("transaction finished\n"); if (error == false) { set_buttons_sensitive (false); refresh_packages_list (); } transaction.to_load.steal_all (); this.get_window ().set_cursor (null); } } }