# TUF Manager ## License [3-Clause BSD License](LICENSE) ## Screenshots ## Build requirements To build TUF Manager the following is needed: - vala - valadoc - glib - gtk3 - dbus - polkit - polkit-gobject - gmodule-export ## Other requirements This software will only work if using the [faustus](https://github.com/hackbnw/faustus) driver module. ## Build options - valadocs Build TUF Manager's vala documentation. - valadocs-deps Build external valadocs that TUF Manager utilizes and calls. - build-cli Build the cli interface. - build-gui Build the gui interface. - build-tray Build the tray icon - always-authenticated Authentication is not required to use the TUF Server that runs in the background as a daemon, if this is set to false polkit is used for authentication. Setting this to false is more secure, but also makes things like auto restore of settings on login impossible to do without a password. - openrc Install an OpenRC init script. Ff this option is not set, the init script is still generated during build, just not installed. - runit Install a runit init script. If this option is not set, the init script is still generated during build, just not installed. - s6 Install n s6 init scripts. If this option is not set, the init scripts are still generated during build, just not installed. - system Install a systemd unit. If this option is not set, the unit is still generated during build, just not installed. ## Usage There are 3 programs and 1 daemon supplied by TUF Manager. - tuf-cli This allows controlling the TUF laptop functions via command line interface. - tuf-gui This supplies a graphical interface to control the TUF laptop. - tuf-server This is the daemon that runs in the background and handles all requests from both tuf-cli and tuf-gui. - tuf-tray This is the tray icon to control the TUF Manager program ## Future plans - Manpage - Config options for both tuf-gui and tuf-cli - Notifications of fan mode change via status bar - Restore last known settings on login via status bar icon