<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>configure.screen</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <h1>configure.screen</h1> <B>Category</B><p> <a href="display_commands.html">Display commands</a><p> <B>Syntax</B><p> <p> configure.screen(PLAYTOP,INPUTLINE,STATUSLINE);<p> <B>Description</B><p> <p> Sets the location of certain items on screen:<p> PLAYTOP is the top line of the playing area. This is normally set to 1. It should always be set to something between 0 and 3, since the playing area is 168 pixels high (21 lines) and should not go off the screen. <p> INPUTLINE is the line on which the player is prompted for input. This is normally set to 22.<p> STATUSLINE is the line on which the current score and sound on/off status are displayed. This is normally set to 0.<p> Note that the menu always appears on line 0.<p> <B>See also</B><p> <a href="status_line_on.html">status.line.on</a><p> <a href="status_line_off.html">status.line.off</a><p> </BODY></HTML>