QT AGI Studio was debianized by Jarno Elonen in 2003 from source files available at http://agistudio.sourceforge.net/ Upstream authors: Helen Zommer Jarno Elonen Claudio Matsuoka Peter Kelly (orig. Agistudio in Pascal) Lance Ewing (the DOS Picedit) Nat Budin (Win32 fixes) Upstream copyright: 2000, 2002, 2003 Helen Zommer 2003 Jarno Elonen 1999 Claudio Matsuoka 2000 Nat Budin (Peter Kelly and Lance Ewing are not included in this list since while a great part of the logic and ideas are based on their work, QT Agistudio has been rewritten in C++.) QT AGI Studio is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. On Debian GNU/Linux system you can find a copy of GPL in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL' The packager has placed his own packaging works into the Public Domain and licenses those works that are modifications to existing copyrighted works (some packaging scripts, modified upstream sources etc.) under the same license as the original ones.