/**************************************************************************** ** ** This help window was modified from an example code by QT. ** Original license: ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-1999 Troll Tech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ //my modifications of the original source: //included .xpm in the source, removed 'about' buttons, added setSource, //removed tr() (didn't compile with Mandrake 7.0) //added hideEvent,showEvent #include "helpwindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //Added by qt3to4: #include #include #include #include #include #include "home.xpm" #include "forward.xpm" #include "back.xpm" #include "menu.h" HelpWindow *helpwindow,*helpwindow1; HelpWindow::HelpWindow( const QString& home_, const QString& _path, QWidget* parent, const char *name ) : Q3MainWindow( parent, name ), pathCombo( 0 ), selectedURL(), path( QFileInfo( home_ ).dirPath( TRUE ), "*.htm*" ) { Q3StyleSheetItem* style; // Modify the application-wide default style sheet to handle // some extra HTML gracefully. // // Ignore any bodytext in ...: style = new Q3StyleSheetItem( Q3StyleSheet::defaultSheet(), "head" ); style->setDisplayMode(Q3StyleSheetItem::DisplayNone); // // Not in default style sheet, just fake it: style = new Q3StyleSheetItem( Q3StyleSheet::defaultSheet(), "dl" ); style->setDisplayMode(Q3StyleSheetItem::DisplayBlock); style = new Q3StyleSheetItem( Q3StyleSheet::defaultSheet(), "dt" ); style->setDisplayMode(Q3StyleSheetItem::DisplayBlock); style->setContexts("dl"); // // Many HTML files omit the

or , so we add this for efficiency: Q3StyleSheet::defaultSheet()->item("p")->setSelfNesting( FALSE ); Q3StyleSheet::defaultSheet()->item("li")->setSelfNesting( FALSE ); readHistory(); readBookmarks(); fileList = path.entryList(); browser = new Q3TextBrowser( this ); browser->mimeSourceFactory()->setFilePath( _path ); browser->setFrameStyle( Q3Frame::Panel | Q3Frame::Sunken ); connect( browser, SIGNAL( textChanged() ), this, SLOT( textChanged() ) ); setCentralWidget( browser ); if ( !home_.isEmpty() ) browser->setSource( home_ ); connect( browser, SIGNAL( highlighted( const QString&) ), statusBar(), SLOT( message( const QString&)) ); resize( 640,700 ); Q3PopupMenu* file = new Q3PopupMenu( this ); file->insertItem( "&New Window", this, SLOT( newWindow() ), Qt::ALT | Qt::Key_N ); file->insertItem( "&Open File", this, SLOT( openFile() ), Qt::ALT | Qt::Key_O ); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( "&Close", this, SLOT( hide() ), Qt::ALT | Qt::Key_Q ); Q3PopupMenu* go = new Q3PopupMenu( this ); backwardId = go->insertItem( QPixmap(back), "&Backward", browser, SLOT( backward() ), Qt::ALT | Qt::Key_Left ); forwardId = go->insertItem( QPixmap(forward), "&Forward", browser, SLOT( forward() ), Qt::ALT | Qt::Key_Right ); go->insertItem( QPixmap(home), "&Home", browser, SLOT( home() ) ); hist = new Q3PopupMenu( this ); QStringList::Iterator it = history.begin(); for ( ; it != history.end(); ++it ) mHistory[ hist->insertItem( *it ) ] = *it; connect( hist, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( histChosen( int ) ) ); bookm = new Q3PopupMenu( this ); bookm->insertItem( "Add Bookmark", this, SLOT( addBookmark() ) ); bookm->insertSeparator(); QStringList::Iterator it2 = bookmarks.begin(); for ( ; it2 != bookmarks.end(); ++it2 ) mBookmarks[ bookm->insertItem( *it2 ) ] = *it2; connect( bookm, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( bookmChosen( int ) ) ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", file ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Go", go ); menuBar()->insertItem( "History" , hist ); menuBar()->insertItem( "Bookmarks" , bookm ); menuBar()->setItemEnabled( forwardId, FALSE); menuBar()->setItemEnabled( backwardId, FALSE); connect( browser, SIGNAL( backwardAvailable( bool ) ), this, SLOT( setBackwardAvailable( bool ) ) ); connect( browser, SIGNAL( forwardAvailable( bool ) ), this, SLOT( setForwardAvailable( bool ) ) ); Q3ToolBar* toolbar = new Q3ToolBar( this ); addToolBar( toolbar, "Toolbar"); QToolButton* button; button = new QToolButton( QPixmap(back), "Backward", "", browser, SLOT(backward()), toolbar ); connect( browser, SIGNAL( backwardAvailable(bool) ), button, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); button->setEnabled( FALSE ); button = new QToolButton( QPixmap(forward), "Forward", "", browser, SLOT(forward()), toolbar ); connect( browser, SIGNAL( forwardAvailable(bool) ), button, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); button->setEnabled( FALSE ); button = new QToolButton( QPixmap(home), "Home", "", browser, SLOT(home()), toolbar ); toolbar->addSeparator(); pathCombo = new QComboBox( TRUE, toolbar ); connect( pathCombo, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( pathSelected( const QString & ) ) ); toolbar->setStretchableWidget( pathCombo ); setRightJustification( TRUE ); pathCombo->insertItem( home_ ); pathCombo->installEventFilter( this ); QObjectList l = queryList( "QLineEdit" ); if ( l.size()>0 ) ( (QLineEdit*)l.at(0) )->installEventFilter( this ); browser->setFocus(); } void HelpWindow::setBackwardAvailable( bool b) { menuBar()->setItemEnabled( backwardId, b); } void HelpWindow::setForwardAvailable( bool b) { menuBar()->setItemEnabled( forwardId, b); } void HelpWindow::textChanged() { if ( browser->documentTitle().isNull() ) setCaption( browser->context() ); else setCaption( browser->documentTitle() ) ; selectedURL = caption(); if ( !selectedURL.isEmpty() && pathCombo ) { path = QDir( QFileInfo( selectedURL ).dirPath( TRUE ), "*.htm*" ); fileList = path.entryList(); bool exists = FALSE; int i; for ( i = 0; i < pathCombo->count(); ++i ) { if ( pathCombo->text( i ) == selectedURL ) { exists = TRUE; break; } } if ( !exists ) { pathCombo->insertItem( selectedURL, 0 ); pathCombo->setCurrentItem( 0 ); mHistory[ hist->insertItem( selectedURL ) ] = selectedURL; } else pathCombo->setCurrentItem( i ); selectedURL = QString::null; } } HelpWindow::~HelpWindow() { history.clear(); QMap::Iterator it = mHistory.begin(); for ( ; it != mHistory.end(); ++it ) history.append( *it ); QFile f( QDir::currentDirPath() + "/.history" ); f.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ); QDataStream s( &f ); s << history; f.close(); bookmarks.clear(); QMap::Iterator it2 = mBookmarks.begin(); for ( ; it2 != mBookmarks.end(); ++it2 ) bookmarks.append( *it2 ); QFile f2( QDir::currentDirPath() + "/.bookmarks" ); f2.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ); QDataStream s2( &f2 ); s2 << bookmarks; f2.close(); } void HelpWindow::openFile() { QString fn = Q3FileDialog::getOpenFileName( QString::null, QString::null, this ); if ( !fn.isEmpty() ) browser->setSource( fn ); } void HelpWindow::setSource(char *filename) { browser->setSource( filename ); } void HelpWindow::newWindow() { ( new HelpWindow(browser->source(), "qbrowser") )->show(); } void HelpWindow::pathSelected( const QString &_path ) { browser->setSource( _path ); path = QDir( QFileInfo( _path ).dirPath( TRUE ), "*.htm*" ); fileList = path.entryList(); QMap::Iterator it = mHistory.begin(); bool exists = FALSE; for ( ; it != mHistory.end(); ++it ) { if ( *it == _path ) { exists = TRUE; break; } } if ( !exists ) mHistory[ hist->insertItem( _path ) ] = _path; } bool HelpWindow::eventFilter( QObject * o, QEvent * e ) { QObjectList l = queryList( "QLineEdit" ); if ( l.empty() ) return FALSE; QLineEdit *lined = (QLineEdit*)l.at(0); if ( ( o == pathCombo || o == lined ) && e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { if ( isprint(((QKeyEvent *)e)->ascii()) ) { if ( lined->hasMarkedText() ) lined->del(); QString nt( lined->text() ); nt.remove( 0, nt.findRev( '/' ) + 1 ); nt.truncate( lined->cursorPosition() ); nt += (char)(((QKeyEvent *)e)->ascii()); QStringList::Iterator it = fileList.begin(); while ( it != fileList.end() && (*it).left( nt.length() ) != nt ) ++it; if ( !(*it).isEmpty() ) { nt = *it; int cp = lined->cursorPosition() + 1; int l = path.canonicalPath().length() + 1; lined->validateAndSet( path.canonicalPath() + "/" + nt, cp, cp, l + nt.length() ); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } void HelpWindow::readHistory() { if ( QFile::exists( QDir::currentDirPath() + "/.history" ) ) { QFile f( QDir::currentDirPath() + "/.history" ); f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); QDataStream s( &f ); s >> history; f.close(); while ( history.count() > 20 ) history.remove( history.begin() ); } } void HelpWindow::readBookmarks() { if ( QFile::exists( QDir::currentDirPath() + "/.bookmarks" ) ) { QFile f( QDir::currentDirPath() + "/.bookmarks" ); f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); QDataStream s( &f ); s >> bookmarks; f.close(); } } void HelpWindow::histChosen( int i ) { if ( mHistory.contains( i ) ) browser->setSource( mHistory[ i ] ); } void HelpWindow::bookmChosen( int i ) { if ( mBookmarks.contains( i ) ) browser->setSource( mBookmarks[ i ] ); } void HelpWindow::addBookmark() { mBookmarks[ bookm->insertItem( caption() ) ] = caption(); } //********************************************* void HelpWindow::hideEvent( QHideEvent * ) { if(window_list && window_list->isVisible())window_list->draw(); } //********************************************* void HelpWindow::showEvent( QShowEvent * ) { if(window_list && window_list->isVisible())window_list->draw(); }