<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Object editor</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <h1>Object editor</h1> The Object editor allows you to create and edit the <b>object</b> file, which is used to store the names of inventory items available to the player during the game. For more information on the <b>object</b> file, <a href="object_descr.html">click here</a>. <p> To load the Object editor, select the option from the "Tools" menu or the toolbar. When you do this, it will load the <b>object</b> file of the current game (if a game is open). You can then open a different file if you wish. <p> <img src="object-editor.png" alt = "" ><p> Most of the editing is pretty self-explanatory. There are a few things, however than need explanation:<p> All objects MUST have a name. The default name for an object that does not have a proper name is '?'. When you delete an object and it is not the last one in the list, it will be replaced with '?'. This is because moving the other objects up in the list would require re-compilation of all logics that refer to those objects, so it is better to leave the other object numbers as they are. <p> The <b>object</b> file must contain at least one object. A new <b>object</b> file will just contain the object '?'.<p> <h2>Encryption</h2> In early versions of the interpreter (those before 2.411), the <b>object</b> file was not encrypted. The editor allows you to specify whether or not you want to encrypt the file. Just select 'Encrypted file' from the 'Options' menu. When opening a file, the editor automatically detects whether or not the file is encrypted. <p> <h2>Saving</h2> Note: When saving a file, it does not necessarily have to be called <b>object</b>. It must have this name, however, for the interpreter to use it.<p> <a href="index.html">Back to contents</a><p> </BODY></HTML>