<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Settings</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <p> <h1>Settings</h1> The 'Settings' menu (in the 'Game' menu) allow to configure various aspects of the program. <h2>General</h2> <p><b>Default resource type :</b> the default resource type when the resource window is opened. <p><b>GUI style:</b> the general "look-and-feel" of the program GUI (currently only the standard QT GUI styles are available) <p><b>Picedit style:</b> allows to split the Picture Editor window in two windows (tools and picture separately) in case if one big window doesn't fit the screen. <p><b>Extract logic as:</b> how to extract logic files when the option "Extract resource" is used. <h2>Directories</h2> <p><b>Logic source directory :</b> the place for the logic sources (also the default starting directory for "read file" and "save file" options for various resources) <ul> <li>When "Game_dir" is selected, the source directory is a subdirectory of the game directory <li>When "Full path" is selected, the source directory can be anywhere </ul> <p><b>Template: </b> the directory which contains the template game. <p><b>Help: </b> the directory which contains the help files. <h2>Logic editor</h2> Settings which affect the way the decompiled logic is displayed. <h2>Interpreter</h2> The AGI interpreter command line. Either the interpreter command must be in your PATH, or specify the full path for it. The interpreter will be invoked with the current directory same as your game directory, so there is no need to specify the game directory. <hr> The settings are saved in a file ~/.agistudio (in your home directory) in the plain text format so you can edit this file if you feel like it. </BODY></HTML>