2016-04-14 18:19:20 +02:00

287 lines
7.8 KiB

* pactree.vala - a simple dependency tree viewer translated in Vala
* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Guillaume Benoit <>
* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Pacman Development Team <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Compile with: valac --pkg=libalpm --vapidir=../vapi pactree.vala
using Alpm;
/* output */
string provides;
string unresolvable;
string branch_tip1;
string branch_tip2;
int indent_size;
/* color */
string branch1_color;
string branch2_color;
string leaf1_color;
string leaf2_color;
string color_off;
/* globals */
Handle handle;
unowned DB localdb;
Alpm.List<string> walked;
Alpm.List<string> provisions;
/* options */
bool color;
bool graphviz;
bool linear;
int max_depth;
bool reverse;
bool unique;
string dbpath;
const OptionEntry[] options = {
{ "dbpath", 'b', 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref dbpath, "set an alternate database location", "path" },
{ "color", 'c', 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref color, "colorize output", null },
{ "depth", 'd', 0, OptionArg.INT, ref max_depth, "limit the depth of recursion", "number" },
{ "graph", 'g', 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref graphviz, "generate output for graphviz", null },
{ "linear", 'l', 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref linear, "enable linear output", null },
{ "reverse", 'r', 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref reverse, "show reverse dependencies", null },
{ "unique", 'u', 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref unique, "show dependencies with no duplicates (implies -l)", null },
{ null }
static void init_options() {
/* initialize options */
color = false;
graphviz = false;
linear = false;
max_depth = -1;
reverse = false;
unique = false;
dbpath = "/var/lib/pacman";
/* output */
provides = " provides";
unresolvable = " [unresolvable]";
branch_tip1 = "|--";
branch_tip2 = "+--";
indent_size = 3;
/* color */
branch1_color = "\033[0;33m"; /* yellow */
branch2_color = "\033[0;37m"; /* white */
leaf1_color = "\033[1;32m"; /* bold green */
leaf2_color = "\033[0;32m"; /* green */
color_off = "\033[0m";
static int parse_options(ref unowned string[] args) {
var opts = new OptionContext("");
opts.add_main_entries(options, null);
try {
bool b = opts.parse(ref args);
if (!b) {
stderr.puts(opts.get_help(false, null));
return 1;
catch (OptionError e)
stderr.puts("Unable to parse options : " + e.message + "\n");
return 1;
/* there must be (at least) one argument left */
if (args.length == 1) return 1;
/* unique implies linear */
if (unique) linear = true;
/* no color */
if (!color) {
branch1_color = branch2_color = "";
leaf1_color = leaf2_color = "";
color_off = "";
/* linear */
if (linear) {
provides = "";
branch_tip1 = branch_tip2 = "";
indent_size = 0;
return 0;
static void local_init() {
Alpm.Errno error;
handle = new Handle ("/", dbpath, out error);
assert (error == 0);
localdb = handle.localdb;
assert (localdb != null);
static int main (string[] args) {
int ret = parse_options(ref args);
if (ret != 0) return ret;
string? target_name = args[1];
unowned Package? pkg = find_satisfier(localdb.pkgcache, target_name);
if (pkg == null) {
stderr.printf("Error: package '%s' not found\n", target_name);
return 1;
/* begin writing */
print_start(, target_name);
walk_reverse_deps(pkg, 1);
walk_deps(pkg, 1);
return 0;
static void print_text(string? pkg, string? provision, int depth)
int indent_sz = (depth + 1) * indent_size;
if ((pkg == null) && (provision == null)) return;
if (pkg == null) {
/* we failed to resolve provision */
stdout.printf("%s%*s%s%s%s%s%s\n", branch1_color, indent_sz, branch_tip1,
leaf1_color, provision, branch1_color, unresolvable, color_off);
} else if ((provision != null) && (provision != pkg)) {
/* pkg provides provision */
stdout.printf("%s%*s%s%s%s%s %s%s%s\n", branch2_color, indent_sz, branch_tip2,
leaf1_color, pkg, leaf2_color, provides, leaf1_color, provision,
} else {
/* pkg is a normal package */
stdout.printf("%s%*s%s%s%s\n", branch1_color, indent_sz, branch_tip1, leaf1_color,
pkg, color_off);
* walk dependencies in reverse, showing packages which require the target
static void walk_reverse_deps(Package pkg, int depth) {
if((max_depth >= 0) && (depth > max_depth)) return;
Alpm.List<string> required_by = pkg.compute_requiredby();
unowned Alpm.List<string> list = required_by;
while (list != null) {
unowned string pkgname =;
if (walked.find_str(pkgname) != null) {
/* if we've already seen this package, don't print in "unique" output
* and don't recurse */
if (!unique) {
print(, pkgname, null, depth);
} else {
print(, pkgname, null, depth);
walk_reverse_deps(localdb.get_pkg(pkgname), depth + 1);
} ();
* walk dependencies, showing dependencies of the target
static void walk_deps(Package pkg, int depth)
if((max_depth >= 0) && (depth > max_depth)) return;
unowned Alpm.List<unowned Depend> depends = pkg.depends;
while (depends != null) {
unowned Alpm.Depend depend =;
unowned string depname =;
unowned Package? provider = find_satisfier (localdb.pkgcache, depname);
if (provider != null) {
string provname =;
if (walked.find_str (provname) != null) {
/* if we've already seen this package, don't print in "unique" output
* and don't recurse */
if (!unique) {
print (, provname, depname, depth);
} else {
print (, provname, depname, depth);
walk_deps(provider, depth + 1);
} else {
/* unresolvable package */
print(, null, depname, depth);
} ();
static void print_graph(string parentname, string? pkgname, string? depname)
if(depname != null) {
stdout.printf("\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [color=chocolate4];\n", parentname, depname);
if((pkgname != null) && (depname != pkgname) && (provisions.find_str(depname) != null)) {
stdout.printf("\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [arrowhead=none, color=grey];\n", depname, pkgname);
} else if(pkgname != null) {
stdout.printf("\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [color=chocolate4];\n", parentname, pkgname);
/* parent depends on dep which is satisfied by pkg */
static void print(string? parentname, string? pkgname, string? depname, int depth)
if(graphviz) {
print_graph(parentname, pkgname, depname);
} else {
print_text(pkgname, depname, depth);
static void print_start(string pkgname, string provname)
if(graphviz) {
stdout.printf("digraph G { START [color=red, style=filled];\n" +
"node [style=filled, color=green];\n" +
" \"START\" -> \"%s\";\n", pkgname);
} else {
print_text(pkgname, provname, 0);
static void print_end()
if(graphviz) {
/* close graph output */