change grey turtle's center and collision

This commit is contained in:
Chris Cromer 2022-11-19 23:19:34 -03:00
parent 770dff36ee
commit 88fbc40fa9
1 changed files with 3 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=14 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=13 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://assets/turtle/grey_walking.png" type="Texture" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://assets/turtle/grey_walking.png" type="Texture" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://assets/turtle/grey_breaking.png" type="Texture" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://assets/turtle/grey_breaking.png" type="Texture" id=2]
@ -56,22 +56,14 @@ animations = [ {
[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=5] [sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=5]
extents = Vector2( 9.5, 8 ) extents = Vector2( 9.5, 8 )
[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=7]
extents = Vector2( 5.5, 6 )
[node name="GreyTurtle" type="KinematicBody2D"] [node name="GreyTurtle" type="KinematicBody2D"]
[node name="AnimatedSprite" type="AnimatedSprite" parent="."] [node name="AnimatedSprite" type="AnimatedSprite" parent="."]
frames = SubResource( 4 ) frames = SubResource( 4 )
animation = "walk" animation = "walk"
centered = false
[node name="NormalCollision" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] [node name="NormalCollision" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."]
visible = false visible = false
position = Vector2( -0.5, 0 ) position = Vector2( 15, 8 )
shape = SubResource( 5 ) shape = SubResource( 5 )
[node name="ShellCollision" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."]
visible = false
position = Vector2( -0.5, 2 )
shape = SubResource( 7 )
disabled = true