#!/bin/bash #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Title: ch6.sh # Date: 2019-03-14 # Version: 1.0 # Author: baho-utot@columbus.rr.com # Options: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2019 Baho Utot #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dedicated to Elizabeth my cat of 20 years, Euthanasia on 2019-05-16 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set -o errexit # exit if error...insurance ;) set -o nounset # exit if variable not initalized set +h # disable hashall #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Master variables PRGNAME=${0##*/} # script name minus the path TOPDIR=${PWD} # parent directory PARENT=/usr/src/LFS-RPM # rpm build directory LOGS=LOGS # build logs directory INFOS=INFO # rpm info log directory SPECS=SPECS # rpm spec file directory PROVIDES=PROVIDES # rpm provides log directory REQUIRES=REQUIRES # rpm requires log directory RPMS=RPMS # rpm binary package directory LOGPATH=${TOPDIR}/LOGS # path to log directory LC_ALL=POSIX PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/tools/bin export LC_ALL PATH #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBALS RPM_NAME="" RPM_VERSION="" RPM_RELEASE="" RPM_SPEC="" RPM_INSTALLED="" RPM_ARCH="" RPM_BINARY="" RPM_PACKAGE="" RPM_EXISTS="" RPM_TARBALLS="" RPM_MD5SUMS="" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Common support functions function die { local _red="\\033[1;31m" local _normal="\\033[0;39m" [ -n "$*" ] && printf "${_red}$*${_normal}\n" false exit 1 } function msg { printf "%s\n" "${1}" return } function msg_line { printf "%s" "${1}" return } function msg_failure { local _red="\\033[1;31m" local _normal="\\033[0;39m" printf "${_red}%s${_normal}\n" "FAILURE" exit 2 } function msg_success { local _green="\\033[1;32m" local _normal="\\033[0;39m" printf "${_green}%s${_normal}\n" "SUCCESS" return } function msg_log { printf "\n%s\n\n" "${1}" >> ${_logfile} 2>&1 return } function end_run { local _green="\\033[1;32m" local _normal="\\033[0;39m" printf "${_green}%s${_normal}\n" "Run Complete" return } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions function _build { local i="" local _log="${LOGS}/${RPM_NAME}" > ${_log} > ${INFOS}/${RPM_NAME} > ${PROVIDES}/${RPM_NAME} > ${REQUIRES}/${RPM_NAME} rm -rf BUILD BUILDROOT msg_line "Building: ${RPM_NAME}: " _md5sum rpmbuild -ba ${RPM_SPEC} >> ${_log} 2>&1 && msg_success || msg_failure _status [ "F" == ${RPM_EXISTS} ] && die "ERROR: Binary Missing: ${RPM_BINARY}" rpm -qilp ${RPMS}/${RPM_ARCH}/${RPM_BINARY} > ${INFOS}/${RPM_NAME} 2>&1 || true rpm -qp --provides ${RPMS}/${RPM_ARCH}/${RPM_BINARY} > ${PROVIDES}/${RPM_NAME} 2>&1 || true rpm -qp --requires ${RPMS}/${RPM_ARCH}/${RPM_BINARY} > ${REQUIRES}/${RPM_NAME} 2>&1 || true return } function _params { local i="" RPM_NAME="" RPM_VERSION="" RPM_RELEASE="" RPM_SPEC="" RPM_INSTALLED="" RPM_ARCH="" RPM_BINARY="" RPM_PACKAGE="" RPM_EXISTS="" RPM_TARBALLS="" RPM_MD5SUMS="" RPM_SPEC=${1} RPM_ARCH=$(rpm --eval %_arch) if [ -e ${RPM_SPEC} ]; then while read i; do i=$(echo ${i} | tr -d '[:cntrl:][:space:]') case ${i} in Name:*) RPM_NAME=${i##Name:} ;; Version:*) RPM_VERSION=${i##Version:} ;; Release:*) RPM_RELEASE=${i##Release:} ;; ?TARBALL:*) RPM_TARBALLS+="${i##?TARBALL:} " ;; ?MD5SUM:*) RPM_MD5SUMS+="${i##?MD5SUM:} " ;; *) ;; esac done < ${RPM_SPEC} # remove trailing whitespace RPM_TARBALLS=${RPM_TARBALLS## } RPM_MD5SUMS=${RPM_MD5SUMS## } else die "ERROR: ${RPM_SPEC}: does not exist" fi RPM_BINARY="${RPM_NAME}-${RPM_VERSION}-${RPM_RELEASE}.${RPM_ARCH}.rpm" RPM_PACKAGE=${RPM_BINARY%.*} _status return } function _install { local _log="${LOGS}/${RPM_NAME}" _status [ "F" == ${RPM_EXISTS} ] && die "ERROR: Binary Missing: ${RPM_BINARY}" [ "T" == ${RPM_INSTALLED} ] && return msg_line "Installing: ${RPM_BINARY}: " rpm -Uvh --nodeps "${RPMS}/${RPM_ARCH}/${RPM_BINARY}" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 && msg_success || msg_failure return } function _status { [ -e "${RPMS}/${RPM_ARCH}/${RPM_BINARY}" ] && RPM_EXISTS="T" || RPM_EXISTS="F" [ "${RPM_PACKAGE}" == "$(rpm -q "$RPM_PACKAGE")" ] && RPM_INSTALLED="T" || RPM_INSTALLED="F" return } function _print { msg "Status for ${RPM_BINARY}" msg "Spec--------> ${RPM_SPEC}" msg "Name--------> ${RPM_NAME}" msg "Version-----> ${RPM_VERSION}" msg "Release-----> ${RPM_RELEASE}" msg "Arch--------> ${RPM_ARCH}" msg "Package-----> ${RPM_PACKAGE}" msg "Binary------> ${RPM_BINARY}" msg "Exists------> ${RPM_EXISTS}" msg "Installed---> ${RPM_INSTALLED}" for i in ${RPM_TARBALLS}; do msg "Tarball-----> ${i}";done for i in ${RPM_MD5SUMS}; do msg "MD5SUM------> ${i}";done return } function _md5sum { local i="" [ -z "${RPM_TARBALLS}" ] && return > SOURCES/"MD5SUM" for i in ${RPM_MD5SUMS}; do printf "%s\n" "$(echo ${i} | tr ";" " ")" >> SOURCES/"MD5SUM";done md5sum -c SOURCES/"MD5SUM" > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "Source checksum error: ${RPM_SPEC}" return } function _symlinks { msg_line "Installing Essential Files and Symlinks: " _log="${LOGS}/symlinks" > ${_log} ln -vsf /tools/bin/{bash,cat,chmod,dd,echo,ln,mkdir,pwd,rm,stty,touch} /bin >> "${_log}" 2>&1 ln -vsf /tools/bin/{env,install,perl,printf} /usr/bin >> "${_log}" 2>&1 ln -vsf /tools/lib/libgcc_s.so{,.1} /usr/lib >> "${_log}" 2>&1 ln -vsf /tools/lib/libstdc++.{a,so{,.6}} /usr/lib >> "${_log}" 2>&1 install -vdm755 /usr/lib/pkgconfig >> "${_log}" 2>&1 ln -vsf bash /bin/sh >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg_success return } function _glibc { ln -sf /tools/lib/gcc /usr/lib ln -sf ../lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /lib64 ln -sf ../lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /lib64/ld-lsb-x86-64.so.3 rm -f /usr/include/limits.h _build _install /sbin/locale-gen return } function _adjust { msg_line " Adjusting tool chain: " _log="${LOGS}/adjust" > "${_log}" mv -v /tools/bin/{ld,ld-old} >> "${_log}" 2>&1 mv -v /tools/$(uname -m)-pc-linux-gnu/bin/{ld,ld-old} >> "${_log}" 2>&1 mv -v /tools/bin/{ld-new,ld} >> "${_log}" 2>&1 ln -sv /tools/bin/ld /tools/$(uname -m)-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld >> "${_log}" 2>&1 gcc -dumpspecs | sed -e 's@/tools@@g' -e '/\*startfile_prefix_spec:/{n;s@.*@/usr/lib/ @}' -e '/\*cpp:/{n;s@$@ -isystem /usr/include@}' > `dirname $(gcc --print-libgcc-file-name)`/specs touch ${_log} _log="${LOGS}/adjust.test" msg_line "Testing tool chain: " > "${_log}" echo 'int main(){}' > dummy.c cc dummy.c -v -Wl,--verbose &> dummy.log msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test: [Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2]" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 readelf -l a.out | grep ': /lib' >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test: /usr/lib/../lib/crt1.o succeeded" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test: /usr/lib/../lib/crti.o succeeded" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test: /usr/lib/../lib/crtn.o succeeded" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 grep -o '/usr/lib.*/crt[1in].*succeeded' dummy.log >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test: #include <...> search starts here:" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test: /usr/include" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 grep -B1 '^ /usr/include' dummy.log>> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test: SEARCH_DIR("/usr/lib")" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test: SEARCH_DIR("/lib")" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 grep 'SEARCH.*/usr/lib' dummy.log |sed 's|; |\n|g' >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test: attempt to open /lib/libc.so.6 succeeded" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 grep "/lib.*/libc.so.6 " dummy.log >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test: found ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 at /lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 grep found dummy.log >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 rm -v dummy.c a.out dummy.log >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg_success touch ${_log} return } function _bc { ln -sf /tools/lib/libncursesw.so.6 /usr/lib/libncursesw.so.6 ln -sf libncursesw.so.6 /usr/lib/libncurses.so _build _install return } function _gcc { _build _install _log="${LOGS}/gcc.test" msg_line " Testing ${i}: " _log="${LOGS}/gcc.test" > "${_log}" echo 'int main(){}' > dummy.c cc dummy.c -v -Wl,--verbose &> dummy.log msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 readelf -l a.out | grep ': /lib' >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test:" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "[Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2]" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 grep -o '/usr/lib.*/crt[1in].*succeeded' dummy.log >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test:" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/../../../../lib/crt1.o succeeded" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/../../../../lib/crti.o succeeded" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/../../../../lib/crtn.o succeeded" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 grep -B4 '^ /usr/include' dummy.log >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test:" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "#include <...> search starts here:" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "/usr/local/include" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include-fixed" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "/usr/include" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 grep 'SEARCH.*/usr/lib' dummy.log |sed 's|; |\n|g' >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test:" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "SEARCH_DIR("/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib64")" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "SEARCH_DIR("/usr/local/lib64")" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "SEARCH_DIR("/lib64")" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "SEARCH_DIR("/usr/lib64")" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "SEARCH_DIR("/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib")" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "SEARCH_DIR("/usr/local/lib")" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "SEARCH_DIR("/lib")" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "SEARCH_DIR("/usr/lib");" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 grep "/lib.*/libc.so.6 " dummy.log >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test:" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "attempt to open /lib/libc.so.6 succeeded" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 grep found dummy.log >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "Test:" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg "found ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 at /lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg " " >> "${_log}" 2>&1 rm -v dummy.c a.out dummy.log >> "${_log}" 2>&1 msg_success return } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main line # Create directories if needed [ -e "${LOGS}" ] || install -vdm 755 "${LOGS}" [ -e "${INFOS}" ] || install -vdm 755 "${INFOS}" [ -e "${PROVIDES}" ] || install -vdm 755 "${PROVIDES}" [ -e "${REQUIRES}" ] || install -vdm 755 "${REQUIRES}" [ -e "${RPMS}" ] || install -vdm 755 "${RPMS}" LIST+="filesystem " # 6.5. Creating Directories LIST+="symlinks " # 6.6. Creating Essential Files and Symlinks LIST+="linux-api-headers " # 6.7. Linux-4.20.12 API Headers LIST+="man-pages " # 6.8. Man-pages-4.16 LIST+="glibc " # 6.9. Glibc-2.29 LIST+="tzdata " # Adding time zone data LIST+="adjust " # 6.10. Adjusting the Toolchain LIST+="zlib " # 6.11. Zlib-1.2.11 LIST+="file " # 6.12. File-5.36 LIST+="readline " # 6.13. Readline-8.0 LIST+="m4 " # 6.14. M4-1.4.18 LIST+="bc " # 6.15. Bc-1.07.1 LIST+="binutils " # 6.16. Binutils-2.32 LIST+="gmp " # 6.17. GMP-6.1.2 LIST+="mpfr " # 6.18. MPFR-4.0.2 LIST+="mpc " # 6.19. MPC-1.1.0 LIST+="shadow " # 6.20. Shadow-4.6 LIST+="gcc " # 6.21. GCC-8.2.0 LIST+="bzip2 " # 6.22. Bzip2-1.0.6 LIST+="pkg-config " # 6.23. Pkg-config-0.29.2 LIST+="ncurses " # 6.24. Ncurses-6.1 LIST+="attr " # 6.25. Attr-2.4.48 LIST+="acl " # 6.26. Acl-2.2.53 LIST+="libcap " # 6.27. Libcap-2.26 LIST+="sed " # 6.28. Sed-4.7 LIST+="psmisc " # 6.29. Psmisc-23.2 LIST+="iana-etc " # 6.30. Iana-Etc-2.30 LIST+="bison " # 6.31. Bison-3.3.2 LIST+="flex " # 6.32. Flex-2.6.4 LIST+="grep " # 6.33. Grep-3.3 LIST+="bash " # 6.34. Bash-5.0 LIST+="libtool " # 6.35. Libtool-2.4.6 LIST+="gdbm " # 6.36. GDBM-1.18.1 LIST+="gperf " # 6.37. Gperf-3.1 LIST+="expat " # 6.38. Expat-2.2.6 LIST+="inetutils " # 6.39. Inetutils-1.9.4 LIST+="perl " # 6.40. Perl-5.28.1 LIST+="XML-Parser " # 6.41. XML::Parser-2.44 LIST+="intltool " # 6.42. Intltool-0.51.0 LIST+="autoconf " # 6.43. Autoconf-2.69 LIST+="automake " # 6.44. Automake-1.16.1 LIST+="xz " # 6.45. Xz-5.2.4 LIST+="kmod " # 6.46. Kmod-26 LIST+="gettext " # 6.47. Gettext- LIST+="libelf " # 6.48. Libelf from Elfutils-0.176 LIST+="libffi " # 6.49. Libffi-3.2.1 LIST+="openssl " # 6.50. OpenSSL-1.1.1a LIST+="python3 " # 6.51. Python-3.7.2 LIST+="ninja " # 6.52. Ninja-1.9.0 LIST+="meson " # 6.53. Meson-0.49.2 LIST+="coreutils " # 6.54. Coreutils-8.30 LIST+="check " # 6.55. Check-0.12.0 LIST+="diffutils " # 6.56. Diffutils-3.7 LIST+="gawk " # 6.57. Gawk-4.2.1 LIST+="findutils " # 6.58. Findutils-4.6.0 LIST+="groff " # 6.59. Groff-1.22.4 LIST+="grub " # 6.60. GRUB-2.02 LIST+="less " # 6.61. Less-530 LIST+="gzip " # 6.62. Gzip-1.10 LIST+="iproute2 " # 6.63. IPRoute2-4.20.0 LIST+="kbd " # 6.64. Kbd-2.0.4 LIST+="libpipeline " # 6.65. Libpipeline-1.5.1 LIST+="make " # 6.66. Make-4.2.1 LIST+="patch " # 6.67. Patch-2.7.6 LIST+="man-db " # 6.68. Man-DB-2.8.5 LIST+="tar " # 6.69. Tar-1.31 LIST+="texinfo " # 6.70. Texinfo-6.5 LIST+="vim " # 6.71. Vim-8.1 LIST+="procps-ng " # 6.72. Procps-ng-3.3.15 LIST+="util-linux " # 6.73. Util-linux-2.33.1 LIST+="e2fsprogs " # 6.74. E2fsprogs-1.44.5 LIST+="sysklogd " # 6.75. Sysklogd-1.5.1 LIST+="sysvinit " # 6.76. Sysvinit-2.93 LIST+="eudev " # 6.77. Eudev-3.2.7 # Chapter 7 LIST+="lfs-bootscripts " # lfs-bootscripts LIST+="cpio " # cpio LIST+="mkinitramfs " # mkinitramfs LIST+="linux " # 8.3. Linux-4.20.12 # ADDONS LIST+="popt " # popt LIST+="rpm " # rpm LIST+="wget " # wget LIST+="firmware-radeon " # firmware-radeon LIST+="firmware-realtek " # firmware-realtek LIST+="firmware-amd-ucode " # firmware-amd-ucode LIST+="base " # lfs base packages meta package for i in ${LIST};do case ${i} in symlinks) _log="${LOGS}/symlinks" if [ -e ${_log} ]; then msg "Skipping: Installing Essential Files and Symlinks" else _symlinks fi ;; glibc) _params "${SPECS}/${i}.spec" if [ "T" = "${RPM_EXISTS}" ]; then msg "Skipping: ${i}" else _glibc fi ;; adjust) _log="${LOGS}/adjust" if [ -e ${_log} ]; then msg "Skipping: Adjusting tool chain" else _adjust fi ;; bc) _params "${SPECS}/${i}.spec" if [ "T" = "${RPM_EXISTS}" ]; then msg "Skipping: ${i}" else _bc fi ;; gcc) _params "${SPECS}/${i}.spec" if [ "T" = "${RPM_EXISTS}" ]; then msg "Skipping: ${i}" else _gcc fi ;; util-linux) _params "${SPECS}/${i}.spec" if [ "T" = "${RPM_EXISTS}" ]; then msg "Skipping: ${i}" else [ -e /usr/include/blkid ] && rm -rf /usr/include/blkid [ -e /usr/include/libmount ] && rm -rf /usr/include/libmount [ -e /usr/include/uuid ] && rm -rf /usr/include/uuid _build _install fi ;; *) _params "${SPECS}/${i}.spec" if [ "T" = "${RPM_EXISTS}" ]; then msg "Skipping: ${i}" else _build _install fi ;; esac done # update ld cache, generate locales and set user/group files unset LIST LIST+="/sbin/ldconfig " LIST+="/sbin/locale-gen " LIST+="/usr/sbin/pwconv " LIST+="/usr/sbin/grpconv " for i in ${LIST}; do msg_line "${i}: ";eval " ${i}";msg_success;done # Configure unset LIST LIST+="/etc/sysconfig/clock " LIST+="/etc/passwd " LIST+="/etc/hosts " LIST+="/etc/hostname " LIST+="/etc/fstab " LIST+="/etc/sysconfig/ifconfig.eth0 " LIST+="/etc/resolv.conf " LIST+="/etc/lsb-release " LIST+="/etc/sysconfig/rc.site " for i in ${LIST}; do vim "${i}";done end_run