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2020-06-01 16:11:06 -04:00
#TARBALL: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.20.1.tar.xz
#MD5SUM: 9ed9e26ab613b668e0026222a9c23639;SOURCES/gettext-0.20.1.tar.xz
2019-05-24 08:27:40 -04:00
Summary: The Gettext package contains utilities for internationalization and localization.
Name: gettext
2020-06-01 16:11:06 -04:00
Version: 0.20.1
2019-05-24 08:27:40 -04:00
Release: 1
License: GPLv3
URL: Any
Group: LFS/Base
Source0: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gettext/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
Requires: filesystem
The Gettext package contains utilities for internationalization and localization.
These allow programs to be compiled with NLS (Native Language Support), enabling
them to output messages in the user's native language.
%setup -q -n %{NAME}-%{VERSION}
./configure \
--prefix=%{_prefix} \
--disable-static \
make %{?_smp_mflags}
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
chmod -v 0755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/preloadable_libintl.so
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{NAME}-%{VERSION}
# Copy license/copying file
install -D -m644 COPYING %{buildroot}/usr/share/licenses/%{name}/LICENSE
# Create file list
rm %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/dir
find %{buildroot} -name '*.la' -delete
2020-06-01 16:11:06 -04:00
find "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" -not -type d -print > filelist.list
sed -i "s|^${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}||" filelist.list
sed -i '/man\/man/d' filelist.list
sed -i '/\/usr\/share\/info/d' filelist.list
2019-05-24 08:27:40 -04:00
2020-06-01 16:11:06 -04:00
%files -f filelist.list
2019-05-24 08:27:40 -04:00
2019-05-25 21:36:26 -04:00
2019-05-24 08:27:40 -04:00
2020-06-01 16:11:06 -04:00
* Sun May 31 2020 Chris Cromer <chris@cromer.cl> 0.20.1-1
2019-05-24 08:27:40 -04:00
* Tue Jan 09 2018 baho-utot <baho-utot@columbus.rr.com>
- Initial build. First version