package com.droidquest.items; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import com.droidquest.Room; import com.droidquest.devices.ANDGate; import com.droidquest.devices.FlipFlop; import com.droidquest.devices.NOTGate; import com.droidquest.devices.Node; import com.droidquest.devices.ORGate; import com.droidquest.devices.XORGate; public class ToolBox extends Item { public boolean open; public ToolBox(int X, int Y, Room r) { x=X; y=Y; room=r; width=26; height=22; // width=166; height=94; open = false; GenerateIcons(); currentIcon = icons[0].getImage(); } public void GenerateIcons() { // Executes once during initialization icons = new ImageIcon[2]; icons[0]= new ImageIcon(new BufferedImage(26,22,BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR)); icons[1]= new ImageIcon(new BufferedImage(166,94,BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR)); Graphics g; Graphics2D g2; try { g = icons[0].getImage().getGraphics(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.out.println("Could not get Graphics pointer to Remote Image[0]"); return; } g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setBackground(new Color(0,0,0,0)); g2.clearRect(0,0,width,height); g2.setColor(; g2.fillRect(4,0,18,2); g2.fillRect(0,2,26,20); g2.setColor(; g2.fillRect(6,2,14,2); g2.fillRect(0,6,26,2); g2.fillRect(6,10,14,2); g2.fillRect(10,12,6,2); try { g = icons[1].getImage().getGraphics(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.out.println("Could not get Graphics pointer to Remote Image[0]"); return; } g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setBackground(new Color(0,0,0,0)); g2.clearRect(0,0,166,94); g2.setColor(Color.white); g2.drawRect(0,0,165,93); g2.setColor(; g2.fillRect(4,72+0,18,2); g2.fillRect(0,72+2,26,20); g2.setColor(; g2.fillRect(6,72+2,14,2); g2.fillRect(0,72+6,26,2); g2.fillRect(6,72+10,14,2); g2.fillRect(10,72+12,6,2); // Create temporary Gates, call their Function() and Animate() to // draw them, and then transfer their images into icons[0]. // ToolBox 26,22 // AND 28,50 // OR 28,50 // XOR 28,50 // NOT 28,50 // FF 48,32 // NODE 36,32 // NODE90 36,32 // NODE3 36,32 // Width = 48 + 36 + 28 + 28 + 6*4 + 26 = 190 // Height = 50 + 50 + 6 = 106 ANDGate ag = new ANDGate(0,0,null); ag.Function(); ag.Decorate(); g2.drawImage(ag.icons[0].getImage(),30,4,level); ORGate og = new ORGate(0,0,null); og.Function(); og.Decorate(); g2.drawImage(og.icons[0].getImage(),64,4,level); XORGate xg = new XORGate(0,0,null); xg.Function(); xg.Decorate(); g2.drawImage(xg.icons[0].getImage(),98,4,level); NOTGate ng = new NOTGate(0,0,null); ng.Function(); ng.Decorate(); g2.drawImage(ng.icons[0].getImage(),132,4,level); FlipFlop ff = new FlipFlop(0,0,null); ff.Function(); ff.Decorate(); g2.drawImage(ff.icons[0].getImage(),30,58,level); Node n1 = new Node(0,0,null, Node.TYPE_STRAIGHT); n1.Function(); n1.Decorate(); g2.drawImage(n1.icons[0].getImage(),74,58,level); Node n2 = new Node(0,0,null, Node.TYPE_RIGHT); n2.Function(); n2.Decorate(); g2.drawImage(n2.icons[0].getImage(),98,58,level); Node n3 = new Node(0,0,null, Node.TYPE_THREE); n3.Function(); n3.Decorate(); g2.drawImage(n3.icons[0].getImage(),128,58,level); if (open) currentIcon = icons[1].getImage(); else currentIcon = icons[0].getImage(); } public void Toggle() { if (open) { // Close ToolBox width=26; height=22; open=false; currentIcon = icons[0].getImage(); y+=72; if (y>320) y=320; } else { // Open ToolBox width=166; height=94; open=true; currentIcon = icons[1].getImage(); y-=72; if (y<32) y=32; if (x>338) x=338; } } public boolean CanBePickedUp(Item item) { if (item != level.gameCursor) return false; if (open) { int ix = item.x - x + item.width/2; int iy = item.y - y + item.height/2; if (ix < 26 && iy > 72) return true; if (ix > 30 && ix < (30+28) && iy > 4 && iy < (4+50) ) { ANDGate ag = new ANDGate(x+30,y+4,; level.items.addElement(ag); item.PicksUp(ag); return false; } if (ix > 64 && ix < (64+28) && iy > 4 && iy < (4+50) ) { ORGate og = new ORGate(x+64,y+4,; level.items.addElement(og); item.PicksUp(og); return false; } if (ix > 98 && ix < (98+28) && iy > 4 && iy < (4+50) ) { XORGate xg = new XORGate(x+98,y+4,; level.items.addElement(xg); item.PicksUp(xg); return false; } if (ix > 132 && ix < (132+28) && iy > 4 && iy < (4+50) ) { NOTGate ng = new NOTGate(x+132,y+4,; level.items.addElement(ng); ng.ports[1].value=true; item.PicksUp(ng); return false; } if (ix > 30 && ix < (30+48) && iy > 58 && iy < (58+32) ) { FlipFlop ff = new FlipFlop(x+30,y+58,; level.items.addElement(ff); ff.ports[3].value=true; item.PicksUp(ff); return false; } if (ix > 74 && ix < (74+22) && iy > 58 && iy < (58+32) ) { Node n1 = new Node(x+74,y+58,, Node.TYPE_STRAIGHT); level.items.addElement(n1); item.PicksUp(n1); return false; } if (ix > 98 && ix < (98+28) && iy > 58 && iy < (58+32) ) { Node n2 = new Node(x+98,y+58,, Node.TYPE_RIGHT); level.items.addElement(n2); item.PicksUp(n2); return false; } if (ix > 128 && ix < (128+28) && iy > 58 && iy < (58+32) ) { Node n3 = new Node(x+128,y+58,, Node.TYPE_THREE); level.items.addElement(n3); item.PicksUp(n3); return false; } } else return true; return false; } }