package com.droidquest.materials; import com.droidquest.Room; import com.droidquest.items.Item; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.Date; public class Switch extends Material { // Programmable wall switch, normally used for opening doors when // touched. Each line in the program is an array of numbers, with the // first explaining what function the array of numbers performs. // // Wait4Contact // Wait4Removal // Wait4Time x // SetValueHigh // SetValueLow // Replace (x,y,m)... // LeftRoom // RightRoom // UpRoom // DownRoom // ResetRoom public static final int ROT_UP = 0; // Rotation refers to which wall the switch is attached to public static final int ROT_RIGHT = 1; public static final int ROT_DOWN = 2; protected static final int ROT_LEFT = 3; private int rotation; private transient ImageIcon[] images; protected boolean value; public static final int WAIT4CONTACT = -1; public static final int WAIT4REMOVAL = -2; public static final int WAIT4TIME = -3; public static final int SETVALUEHIGH = -4; public static final int SETVALUELOW = -5; public static final int REPLACE = -6; private static final int LEFTROOM = -7; private static final int RIGHTROOM = -8; private static final int UPROOM = -9; public static final int DOWNROOM = -10; private static final int RESETROOM = -11; //public static final int WAIT4PLAYERCONTACT = -12; //If I actually add this, it'll change the signature. private int switchState = 0; private transient Room room; private transient Room currentRoom; private int[][] program; private Item trigger = null; private Date timeout; private boolean timing = false; protected Switch(int rot) { super(true, false); program = new int[][]{{0}}; GenerateIcons(); rotation = rot; } public Switch(int rot, int[][] p) { super(true, false); program = p; GenerateIcons(); rotation = rot; } public void GenerateIcons() { images = new ImageIcon[2]; for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { images[a] = new ImageIcon(new BufferedImage(28, 32, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR)); Graphics g; try { g = images[a].getImage().getGraphics(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.out.println("Could not get Graphics pointer to " + getClass() + " Image"); return; } Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setBackground(; g2.clearRect(0, 0, 28, 32); if (a == 0) { g2.setColor(Color.white); } else { g2.setColor(new Color(255, 128, 0)); } switch (rotation) { case ROT_UP: g2.fillRect(2, 10, 24, 6); g2.fillRect(10, 0, 8, 10); break; case ROT_RIGHT: g2.fillRect(12, 4, 6, 24); g2.fillRect(18, 12, 10, 8); break; case ROT_DOWN: g2.fillRect(2, 16, 24, 6); g2.fillRect(10, 22, 8, 10); break; case ROT_LEFT: g2.fillRect(10, 4, 6, 24); g2.fillRect(0, 12, 10, 8); break; } } } public boolean equals(Material mat) { if (super.equals(mat)) { if (rotation == ((Switch) mat).rotation && value == ((Switch) mat).value && program == ((Switch) mat).program) { return true; } } return false; } public void TouchedByItem(Item item) { if (switchState == program.length) { switchState = 0; } if (program[switchState][0] == WAIT4CONTACT) { trigger = item; room =; currentRoom = room; switchState++; } if (program[switchState][0] == -12) // == WAIT4PLAYERCONTACT { if (item == level.player) { trigger = item; room =; currentRoom = room; switchState++; } } } public void Animate() { if (switchState == program.length) { switchState = 0; } if (value) { icon = images[1]; } else { icon = images[0]; } switch (program[switchState][0]) { case WAIT4REMOVAL: { Dimension d = trigger.GetXY(); int bigXL = d.width / 28; int bigXR = (d.width + trigger.getWidth()) / 28; int bigYT = d.height / 32; int bigYB = (d.height + trigger.getHeight()) / 32; boolean removed = true; for (int Y = bigYT; Y < bigYB; Y++) { for (int X = bigXL; X < bigXR; X++) { if ([Y][X] == this) { removed = false; } } } if (removed) { switchState++; } currentRoom = room; } break; case WAIT4TIME: if (timing) { Date now = new Date(); if (now.getTime() >= timeout.getTime()) { switchState++; timing = false; currentRoom = room; } } else { timeout = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * program[switchState][1]); timing = true; } break; case SETVALUEHIGH: value = true; switchState++; break; case SETVALUELOW: value = false; switchState++; break; case REPLACE: if (currentRoom == null) { currentRoom =; } for (int a = 0; a < (program[switchState].length - 1) / 3; a++) { currentRoom.SetMaterial(program[switchState][a * 3 + 1], program[switchState][a * 3 + 2], program[switchState][a * 3 + 3]); } switchState++; break; case LEFTROOM: currentRoom = currentRoom.leftRoom; switchState++; break; case RIGHTROOM: currentRoom = currentRoom.rightRoom; switchState++; break; case UPROOM: currentRoom = currentRoom.upRoom; switchState++; break; case DOWNROOM: currentRoom = currentRoom.downRoom; switchState++; break; case RESETROOM: currentRoom = room; switchState++; break; } } }