package com.droidquest; //This is the source code for DroidQuest 2.7. Copyright 2003 by Thomas Foote. import com.droidquest.avatars.Avatar; import com.droidquest.avatars.LabCursor; import com.droidquest.levels.MainMenu; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Set; import*; public class DQ extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private RoomDisplay myRoom; private JCheckBoxMenuItem menuToggleHot = null; private JMenuItem menuItemCursor = null; private JMenuItem menuItemSolderpen = null; private JMenuItem menuItemPaintbrush = null; private JCheckBoxMenuItem menuItemRadio = null; private JMenuItem menuItemToolbox = null; private JMenuItem menuRotateRight = null; private JMenuItem menuRotateLeft = null; private JMenuItem menuLoadChip = null; private JMenuItem menuFlipDevice = null; private DQ() { // Constructor super("DroidQuest"); setSize(560 + 8, 384 + 27 + 24); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { setVisible(false); dispose(); System.exit(0); } }); setIconImage(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/helper0.gif")).getImage()); Container contentPane = getContentPane(); myRoom = new RoomDisplay(this); addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { myRoom.requestFocus(); } }); contentPane.add(myRoom); myRoom.setLocation(0, 0); JMenuBar menuBar; JMenu fileMenu; JMenu avatarMenu; JMenu controlMenu; JMenu helpMenu; JMenuItem menuItemSave; JMenuItem menuItemMain; JCheckBoxMenuItem menuItemSound; JMenuItem menuItemExit; menuBar = new JMenuBar(); setJMenuBar(menuBar); fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); fileMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F); menuBar.add(fileMenu); menuItemSave = new JMenuItem("Save Level", KeyEvent.VK_S); menuItemMain = new JMenuItem("Main Menu", KeyEvent.VK_M); menuItemSound = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Sound", true); menuItemExit = new JMenuItem("Exit", KeyEvent.VK_X); fileMenu.add(menuItemSave); fileMenu.add(menuItemMain); fileMenu.add(menuItemSound); fileMenu.add(menuItemExit); menuItemSave.addActionListener(this); menuItemMain.addActionListener(this); menuItemSound.addActionListener(this); menuItemExit.addActionListener(this); avatarMenu = new JMenu("Avatar"); avatarMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_A); menuBar.add(avatarMenu); menuItemCursor = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Cursor"); avatarMenu.add(menuItemCursor); menuItemCursor.addActionListener(this); menuItemSolderpen = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Solderpen"); avatarMenu.add(menuItemSolderpen); menuItemSolderpen.setEnabled(false); menuItemSolderpen.addActionListener(this); menuItemPaintbrush = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Paintbrush"); avatarMenu.add(menuItemPaintbrush); menuItemPaintbrush.setEnabled(false); menuItemPaintbrush.addActionListener(this); ButtonGroup menuItemAvatarButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); menuItemAvatarButtonGroup.add(menuItemCursor); menuItemAvatarButtonGroup.add(menuItemSolderpen); menuItemAvatarButtonGroup.add(menuItemPaintbrush); menuItemCursor.setSelected(true); controlMenu = new JMenu("Controls"); controlMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_C); menuBar.add(controlMenu); menuItemToolbox = new JMenuItem("Toolbox"); controlMenu.add(menuItemToolbox); menuItemToolbox.addActionListener(this); menuItemRadio = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Radio"); controlMenu.add(menuItemRadio); menuItemRadio.setSelected(false); menuItemRadio.setEnabled(false); menuItemRadio.addActionListener(this); menuRotateRight = new JMenuItem("Rotate Part Clockwise"); controlMenu.add(menuRotateRight); menuRotateRight.setEnabled(false); menuRotateRight.addActionListener(this); menuRotateLeft = new JMenuItem("Rotate Part Counter-clockwise"); controlMenu.add(menuRotateLeft); menuRotateLeft.setEnabled(false); menuRotateLeft.addActionListener(this); menuToggleHot = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Hot Cursor", false); menuToggleHot.setEnabled(false); controlMenu.add(menuToggleHot); menuToggleHot.addActionListener(this); menuLoadChip = new JMenuItem("Load Chip"); controlMenu.add(menuLoadChip); menuLoadChip.setEnabled(false); menuLoadChip.addActionListener(this); JMenuItem menuEnterRobot = new JMenuItem("Enter Robot"); controlMenu.add(menuEnterRobot); menuEnterRobot.addActionListener(this); JMenuItem menuExitRobot = new JMenuItem("Exit Robot"); controlMenu.add(menuExitRobot); menuExitRobot.addActionListener(this); menuFlipDevice = new JMenuItem("Flip Device/Wire"); controlMenu.add(menuFlipDevice); menuFlipDevice.setEnabled(false); menuFlipDevice.addActionListener(this); menuBar.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); helpMenu = new JMenu("Help"); helpMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_H); menuBar.add(helpMenu); JMenuItem helpInfo = new JMenuItem("Help"); helpMenu.add(helpInfo); helpInfo.addActionListener(this); try { System.setErr(System.out); } catch (SecurityException e) { } } public static void main(String[] args) { DQ dq = new DQ(); GraphicsConfiguration gc = dq.getGraphicsConfiguration(); Rectangle bounds = gc.getBounds(); dq.setLocation(bounds.x + (bounds.width - 568) / 2, bounds.y + (bounds.height - 435) / 2); dq.setVisible(true); } public void setHotCursorSelected(boolean selected) { if (null != this.menuToggleHot) { this.menuToggleHot.setSelected(selected); } } public void setHotCursorEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (null != this.menuToggleHot) { this.menuToggleHot.setEnabled(enabled); } } public void setRotateEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (null != this.menuRotateRight && null != this.menuRotateLeft) { this.menuRotateRight.setEnabled(enabled); this.menuRotateLeft.setEnabled(enabled); } } public void setLoadChipEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (null != this.menuLoadChip) { this.menuLoadChip.setEnabled(enabled); } } public void setFlipDeviceEnabled(boolean enabled) { if(null != this.menuFlipDevice) { this.menuFlipDevice.setEnabled(enabled); } } public void setToolboxEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (null != this.menuItemToolbox) { this.menuItemToolbox.setEnabled(enabled); } } public void selectCursor() { if (null != this.menuItemCursor) { this.menuItemCursor.setSelected(true); if (null != myRoom && null != myRoom.level && myRoom.level.gameCursor instanceof LabCursor) { setHotCursorEnabled(true); } setToolboxEnabled(true); } } public void setSolderPenEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (null != this.menuItemSolderpen) { this.menuItemSolderpen.setEnabled(enabled); } } public void selectSolderpen() { if (null != this.menuItemSolderpen) { this.menuItemSolderpen.setSelected(true); this.setHotCursorEnabled(false); setToolboxEnabled(false); setFlipDeviceEnabled(true); } } public void setPaintbrushEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (null != this.menuItemPaintbrush) { this.menuItemPaintbrush.setEnabled(enabled); setFlipDeviceEnabled(false); } } public void selectPaintBrush() { if (null != this.menuItemPaintbrush) { this.menuItemPaintbrush.setSelected(true); this.setHotCursorEnabled(false); this.setToolboxEnabled(false); } } public void setRadioEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (null != this.menuItemRadio) { this.menuItemRadio.setEnabled(enabled); } } public void setRadioSelected(boolean selected) { if (null != this.menuItemRadio) { this.menuItemRadio.setSelected(selected); } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Save Level")) { FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this, "Save Level", FileDialog.SAVE); fd.setDirectory(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.DroidQuest/" + "Saves");; System.out.println("Dialog returned with " + fd.getDirectory() + fd.getFile()); if (fd.getFile() != null) { myRoom.SaveLevel(fd.getDirectory() + fd.getFile()); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Cursor")) { if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleGameCursor(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Solderpen")) { // Handle Solderpen if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleSolderPen(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Paintbrush")) { // Handle Paintbrush if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handlePaintbrush(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Toolbox")) { if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleToolbox(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Radio")) { if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleRadio(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Rotate Part Clockwise")) { // Rotate a part clockwise if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleRotateDevice(1); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Rotate Part Counter-clockwise")) { // Rotate counter clockwise if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleRotateDevice(-1); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Hot Cursor")) { if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleHotCursor(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Load Chip")) { if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleLoadSmallChip(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Help")) { if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleHelp(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Enter Robot")) { if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleEnterRoom(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Exit Robot")) { if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleExitRoom(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Flip Device/Wire")) { if (null != myRoom.level && null != myRoom.level.player && myRoom.level.player instanceof Avatar) { Avatar playerAvatar = (Avatar) myRoom.level.player; playerAvatar.handleFlipDevice(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Main Menu")) { int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Do you want to quit this level?", "return to Main Menu", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (n == 0) { myRoom.level.Empty(); myRoom.level = new MainMenu(myRoom); myRoom.level.Init(); setHotCursorEnabled(false); setHotCursorSelected(false); setRotateEnabled(false); setLoadChipEnabled(false); setPaintbrushEnabled(false); setFlipDeviceEnabled(false); setToolboxEnabled(false); setSolderPenEnabled(false); setRadioSelected(false); setRadioEnabled(false); selectCursor(); } } if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Sound")) { myRoom.useSounds = ((JCheckBoxMenuItem) e.getSource()).getState(); if (!myRoom.useSounds) { Set keys = myRoom.level.sounds.keySet(); for (String soundFile : keys) { SoundClip soundClip = myRoom.level.sounds.get(soundFile); soundClip.audioClip.stop(); } } } if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Exit")) { setVisible(false); dispose(); System.exit(0); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Updating Tutorial levels to 2.0 // //ROTUT1 : Robot Anatomy //ROTUT2 : Robot Wiring //ROTUT3 : Sensors //ROTUT4 : The Toolkit //ROTUT5 : Robot Circuits //ROTUT6 : Robot Teamwork //ROTUT7 : Chip Design // //Text has the following embedded commands: //"{BIG} " : Switch to large font //"{SML} " : Switch to small font //"{rrr,ggg,bbb} " : Switch color. rrr, ggg, bbb == 000-255 //"{BSP} " : BackSpace, good for switching between BIG and SML // //Small characters are all 12 pixels wide, and Large charaacters are all 27 pixels wide. // //Undo Support //Undo the folowing actions //Summon Device //Destroy Device //Move Device //Make Wire //Delete Wire // //class GameAction //{ //static int TYPE_BLANK = 0; //static int TYPE_SUMMON_DEVICE = 1; //static int TYPE_DESTROY_DEVICE = 2; //static int TYPE_MOVE_DEVICE = 3; //static int TYPE_MAKE_WIRE = 4; //static int TYPE_DELETE_WIRE = 5; // //int type; //Device device; //int x; //int y; //Room room; //Wire wire; // //public Action (int t, Device dev) //{ // type = t; // device = dev; // x=dev.x; // y=dev.y; // room =; //} // //public Action (int t, Wire w) //{ // type = t; // wire = w; // room =; //} // //public void Reverse() //{ // switch (type) // { // case 1: // Destroy Device // // remove all wires // dev.Erase() // dev.level.items.removeElement(dev); // break; // case 2: // Re-summon Device // // break; // case 3: // Move Device // // break; // case 4: // Delete Wire // // break; // case 5: // Remake Wire // // break; // } // type=TYPE_BLANK; // dev=null; // x=0; y=0; // room=null; // wire=null; //} // //} // //Room:MaterialsArray[][] references to materials, instead of indexes //Initialize the Room Arrays when loading from inventories //Can't board the subway train while carrying things...! // // //Hot cursor makes input port true, but it doesn't show graphically. //Add some way to show how much of a charge a Crystal has. //Add {CENTER}, {LEFT}, & {RIGHT} to TextBoxes //Give Rooms an array of Materials that's used instead of the RoomArray matrix. //Make burners & tester put chips on even pixels // //Populate Levels 2-5 // //Oscillator //Gates //Bus //Clock Chip //Delay //One Shot Chip //RS //6 bit Counter //Full Adder //Count-to-N //Monomer //Wall hugger //Stereo Recorder // //Game ideas: //1) Classic Robot Odyssey //2) Return to Robotropolis //3) Adventure (Classic Atari game) //4) Adventure Odyssey (Use robots to solve problems in the Adventure world) // // // //JAR file created with this command: //% jar cmf0 manifest.txt DQ.jar *.class // //ZIP file created with these files: //DQ.jar //DQlogo.gif //Readme.txt // //