package com.droidquest.levels; import com.droidquest.Room; import com.droidquest.RoomDisplay; import com.droidquest.SoundClip; import com.droidquest.Wire; import com.droidquest.chipstuff.Port; import com.droidquest.decorations.Spark; import com.droidquest.devices.Device; import com.droidquest.devices.SmallChip; import com.droidquest.items.Initializer; import com.droidquest.items.Item; import com.droidquest.items.ToolBox; import com.droidquest.materials.Material; import com.droidquest.materials.Portal; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.ImageObserver; import*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; public class Level implements ImageObserver, Serializable { public Item player; public Item gameCursor; public Item solderingPen; public Item remote; public Item toolbox; public Item currentViewer; public Item helpCam; public Item paintbrush; public transient Portal portal; public boolean electricity; public Vector rooms = new Vector(); public Vector materials = new Vector(); public Vector items = new Vector(); public Vector sparks = new Vector(); public transient RoomDisplay roomdisplay; private transient Vector invRooms = new Vector(); private transient Vector invRoomIndexes = new Vector(); private transient Vector invMaterials = new Vector(); private transient Vector invMaterialIndexes = new Vector(); private transient Vector invItems = new Vector(); private transient Vector invItemIndexes = new Vector(); public transient HashMap sounds = new HashMap(); public transient Random random = new Random(); public transient static String ATTACHSOUND = "attach.WAV"; public transient static String DETATCHSOUND = "detatch.WAV"; public transient static String PICKUPSOUND = "pickup.WAV"; public transient static String DROPSOUND = "drop.WAV"; public transient static String BEEPSOUND = "beep.WAV"; public transient static String BUMPSOUND = "bump.WAV"; public transient static String CHARGESOUND = "charge.WAV"; public transient static String DISCHARGESOUND = "discharge.WAV"; public transient static String BURNSOUND = "burn.WAV"; public transient static String ENDMUSICSOUND = "liberty.mid"; public transient static String STARTMUSICSOUND = "sp001.wav"; public transient static String TELEPORTSOUND = "teleport.WAV"; public transient static String TRANSPORTSOUND = "transport.WAV"; private String[] soundFiles = { ATTACHSOUND, DETATCHSOUND, PICKUPSOUND, DROPSOUND, BEEPSOUND, BUMPSOUND, CHARGESOUND, DISCHARGESOUND, BURNSOUND, ENDMUSICSOUND, STARTMUSICSOUND, TELEPORTSOUND, TRANSPORTSOUND }; public transient boolean cheatmode = false; Level() { Item.level = this; Room.level = this; Material.level = this; InitSounds(); } public Level(RoomDisplay rd) { roomdisplay = rd; Item.level = this; Room.level = this; Material.level = this; random.setSeed(System.currentTimeMillis()); InitSounds(); } public void LinkRoomsLeftRight(int L, int R) { rooms.elementAt(L).rightRoom = rooms.elementAt(R); rooms.elementAt(R).leftRoom = rooms.elementAt(L); } public void LinkRoomsUpDown(int U, int D) { rooms.elementAt(U).downRoom = rooms.elementAt(D); rooms.elementAt(D).upRoom = rooms.elementAt(U); } void LinkRoomsHorizontally(int[] roomlist) { for (int a = 0; a < roomlist.length - 1; a++) { LinkRoomsLeftRight(roomlist[a], roomlist[a + 1]); } } void LinkRoomsVertically(int[] roomlist) { for (int a = 0; a < roomlist.length - 1; a++) { LinkRoomsUpDown(roomlist[a], roomlist[a + 1]); } } void LinkRoomsGrid(int[][] roomgrid) { // Requires a rectangular grid... each array is the same length int height = roomgrid.length; int width = roomgrid[0].length; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (x < width - 1) { LinkRoomsLeftRight(roomgrid[y][x], roomgrid[y][x + 1]); } if (y < height - 1) { LinkRoomsUpDown(roomgrid[y][x], roomgrid[y + 1][x]); } } } } public Material materialAt(int x, int y, Room r) { if (x < 0 || x > 19 || y < 0 || y > 11) { Material mat = materials.elementAt(0); if (x < 0) { if (r.leftRoom != null) { mat = materials.elementAt(r.leftRoom.RoomArray[y][x + 20]); } } if (x > 19) { if (r.rightRoom != null) { mat = materials.elementAt(r.rightRoom.RoomArray[y][x - 20]); } } if (y < 0) { if (r.upRoom != null) { mat = materials.elementAt(r.upRoom.RoomArray[y + 12][x]); } } if (y > 11) { if (r.downRoom != null) { mat = materials.elementAt(r.downRoom.RoomArray[y - 12][x]); } } return mat; } else { return materials.elementAt(r.RoomArray[y][x]); } } public Item FindNearestItem(Item a) { Item nearest = null; int dx = 100; int dy = 100; int cxa = a.x + a.getWidth() / 2; int cya = a.y + a.getHeight() / 2; for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { Item b = items.elementAt(i); if (a.Overlaps(b)) { int cxb = b.x + b.getWidth() / 2; int cyb = b.y + b.getHeight() / 2; int dx2 = Math.abs(cxb - cxa); int dy2 = Math.abs(cyb - cya); if ((dx2 + dy2) < (dx + dy)) { nearest = b; dx = dx2; dy = dy2; } } } return nearest; } public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y, int width, int height) { // This does nothing, but allows Images to be drawn freely onto // other images. The only reason I have this function is so I have // an object that implements ImageObserver, which for some stupid // reason is a requirement for several Graphics methods. return false; } public void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { // Save Basic Room Data int a; s.writeInt(rooms.size()); for (a = 0; a < rooms.size(); a++) { s.writeObject(rooms.elementAt(a)); } // Save Materials Data s.writeInt(materials.size()); for (a = 0; a < materials.size(); a++) { s.writeObject(materials.elementAt(a)); } // Save Basic Items data s.writeInt(items.size()); for (a = 0; a < items.size(); a++) { s.writeObject(items.elementAt(a)); } // Save Electricity s.writeBoolean(electricity); // Save Player, GameCursor, CurrentViewer s.writeInt(items.indexOf(player)); s.writeInt(items.indexOf(gameCursor)); s.writeInt(items.indexOf(currentViewer)); s.writeInt(items.indexOf(solderingPen)); s.writeInt(items.indexOf(remote)); s.writeInt(items.indexOf(toolbox)); s.writeInt(items.indexOf(helpCam)); s.writeInt(items.indexOf(paintbrush)); // Save Room References (UDLRrooms, PortalItem, Wires) for (a = 0; a < rooms.size(); a++) { rooms.elementAt(a).writeRef(s); } // Save Item References for (a = 0; a < items.size(); a++) { items.elementAt(a).writeRef(s); } } public void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException { int a; int numRooms = s.readInt(); rooms = new Vector(); for (a = 0; a < numRooms; a++) { try { Room r = (Room) s.readObject(); rooms.addElement(r); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } int numMaterials = s.readInt(); materials = new Vector(); for (a = 0; a < numMaterials; a++) { try { Material m = (Material) s.readObject(); materials.addElement(m); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } int numItems = s.readInt(); items = new Vector(); for (a = 0; a < numItems; a++) { try { Item i = (Item) s.readObject(); items.addElement(i); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } electricity = s.readBoolean(); player = FindItem(s.readInt()); gameCursor = FindItem(s.readInt()); currentViewer = FindItem(s.readInt()); solderingPen = FindItem(s.readInt()); remote = FindItem(s.readInt()); toolbox = FindItem(s.readInt()); helpCam = FindItem(s.readInt()); paintbrush = FindItem(s.readInt()); // Read Room References (UDLRrooms, PortalItem, Wires) for (a = 0; a < numRooms; a++) { rooms.elementAt(a).readRef(s); } // Read Item References for (a = 0; a < numItems; a++) { items.elementAt(a).readRef(s); } // Generate Material Icons for (a = 0; a < numMaterials; a++) { materials.elementAt(a).GenerateIcons(); } } public Item FindItem(String classname) { for (Item item : items) { if (item != null && item.getClass().toString().endsWith(classname)) { return item; } } return null; } public Item FindItem(int itemIndex) { if (itemIndex == -1) { return null; } if (itemIndex >= items.size()) { return null; } return items.elementAt(itemIndex); } public Room FindRoom(int roomIndex) { if (roomIndex == -1) { return null; } if (roomIndex >= rooms.size()) { return null; } return rooms.elementAt(roomIndex); } public void Empty() { // This goes through the entire level structure and removes all // references to everything. int a; Room.level = null; Item.level = null; // Remove all Items for (a = 0; a < items.size(); a++) { Item item = items.elementAt(a); item.Erase(); } items.clear(); items = null; // Remove all Materials materials.clear(); materials = null; // Remove all Rooms for (a = 0; a < rooms.size(); a++) { Room room = rooms.elementAt(a); room.Erase(); } rooms.clear(); rooms = null; // Remove all Local References player = null; gameCursor = null; solderingPen = null; remote = null; toolbox = null; currentViewer = null; helpCam = null; System.gc(); // Run Garbage Collection } public void WriteInventory() { if (player.carrying == null) { return; } AddItemToInventory(player.carrying); LinkInventory(); SaveInventory(); } void AddItemToInventory(Item item) { // Save Item if (item instanceof ToolBox) { return; } Item clonedItem = (Item) item.clone(); invItems.addElement(clonedItem); invItemIndexes.addElement(items.indexOf(item)); System.out.println((invItems.size() - 1) + ": " + "Saving " + item.getClass() + ", index=" + items.indexOf(item)); if (item.carriedBy == player) { clonedItem.carriedBy = null; = null; } if (item.carriedBy == player.carrying) { = null; } // Save carried Item if (item.carrying != null && == { AddItemToInventory(item.carrying); } if (item.InternalRoom != null) { // Store Copy of Room Room clonedRoom = (Room) item.InternalRoom.clone(); invRooms.addElement(clonedRoom); invRoomIndexes.addElement(rooms.indexOf(item.InternalRoom)); System.out.println("Saving Room to Inventory."); // Store all Materials in the Internal Room int matcount = 0; for (int Y = 0; Y < 12; Y++) { for (int X = 0; X < 20; X++) { int matIndex = item.InternalRoom.RoomArray[Y][X]; Material originalMaterial = materials.elementAt(matIndex); Material clonedMaterial = (Material) originalMaterial.clone(); boolean found = false; for (int a = 0; a < invMaterials.size(); a++) { Material testMaterial = invMaterials.elementAt(a); if (testMaterial.equals(clonedMaterial)) { found = true; } } if (!found) { invMaterials.addElement(clonedMaterial); invMaterialIndexes.addElement(matIndex); matcount++; } } } System.out.println("Saved " + matcount + "Materials to Inventory."); // Store all Items in the Internal Room if (item.InternalRoom != null) { for (int a = 0; a < items.size(); a++) { Item internalItem = items.elementAt(a); if ( == item.InternalRoom) { AddItemToInventory(internalItem); } } } } } void LinkInventory() { for (int a = 0; a < invItems.size(); a++) { Item item = invItems.elementAt(a); if (item.carrying != null) { Integer realItemIndex = items.indexOf(item.carrying); int b = 0; while (invItemIndexes.elementAt(b).intValue() != realItemIndex.intValue()) { b++; } item.carrying = invItems.elementAt(b); System.out.println(item.getClass() + " carrying " + item.carrying.getClass()); } if (item.carriedBy != null) { Integer realItemIndex = items.indexOf(item.carriedBy); int b = 0; while (invItemIndexes.elementAt(b).intValue() != realItemIndex.intValue()) { b++; } item.carriedBy = invItems.elementAt(b); System.out.println(item.getClass() + " carriedBy " + item.carriedBy.getClass()); } if ( != null) { Integer realRoomIndex = rooms.indexOf(; int b = 0; while (invRoomIndexes.elementAt(b).intValue() != realRoomIndex.intValue()) { b++; } = invRooms.elementAt(b); System.out.println(item.getClass() + " is in room #" + b); } if (item.InternalRoom != null) { Integer realInternalRoomIndex = rooms.indexOf(item.InternalRoom); int b = 0; while (invRoomIndexes.elementAt(b).intValue() != realInternalRoomIndex.intValue()) { b++; } item.InternalRoom = invRooms.elementAt(b); // item.InternalRoom.portalItem = item; System.out.println(item.getClass() + " has internal room #" + b); } } for (int a = 0; a < invRooms.size(); a++) { Room room = invRooms.elementAt(a); if (room.upRoom != null) { Integer realRoomIndex = rooms.indexOf(room.upRoom); int b = 0; while (invRoomIndexes.elementAt(b).intValue() != realRoomIndex.intValue()) { b++; } room.upRoom = invRooms.elementAt(b); } if (room.downRoom != null) { Integer realRoomIndex = rooms.indexOf(room.downRoom); int b = 0; while (invRoomIndexes.elementAt(b).intValue() != realRoomIndex.intValue()) { b++; } room.downRoom = invRooms.elementAt(b); } if (room.leftRoom != null) { Integer realRoomIndex = rooms.indexOf(room.leftRoom); int b = 0; while (invRoomIndexes.elementAt(b).intValue() != realRoomIndex.intValue()) { b++; } room.leftRoom = invRooms.elementAt(b); } if (room.rightRoom != null) { Integer realRoomIndex = rooms.indexOf(room.rightRoom); int b = 0; while (invRoomIndexes.elementAt(b).intValue() != realRoomIndex.intValue()) { b++; } room.rightRoom = invRooms.elementAt(b); } if (room.portalItem != null) { Integer realItemIndex = items.indexOf(room.portalItem); int b = 0; while (invItemIndexes.elementAt(b).intValue() != realItemIndex.intValue()) { b++; } room.portalItem = invItems.elementAt(b); System.out.println("Room #" + a + " is inside " + room.portalItem.getClass()); } for (int X = 0; X < 20; X++) { for (int Y = 0; Y < 12; Y++) { Integer realMatIndex = room.RoomArray[Y][X]; room.RoomArray[Y][X] = invMaterialIndexes.indexOf(realMatIndex); } } for (int w = 0; w < room.wires.size(); w++) { Wire wire = room.wires.elementAt(w); Integer realItemIndex = items.indexOf(wire.fromPort.myDevice); int b = 0; while (invItemIndexes.elementAt(b).intValue() != realItemIndex.intValue()) { b++; } Item invItem = invItems.elementAt(b); Device invDevice = (Device) invItem; b = 0; while (((Device) (wire.fromPort.myDevice)).ports[b] != wire.fromPort) { b++; } wire.fromPort = invDevice.ports[b]; wire.fromPort.myWire = wire; wire.fromPort.myDevice = invDevice; realItemIndex = items.indexOf(wire.toPort.myDevice); b = 0; while (invItemIndexes.elementAt(b).intValue() != realItemIndex.intValue()) { b++; } invItem = invItems.elementAt(b); invDevice = (Device) invItem; b = 0; while (((Device) (wire.toPort.myDevice)).ports[b] != wire.toPort) { b++; } wire.toPort = invDevice.ports[b]; wire.toPort.myWire = wire; wire.toPort.myDevice = invDevice; if (wire.fromPort.type == Port.TYPE_INPUT) { wire.inPort = wire.fromPort; wire.outPort = wire.toPort; } else { wire.inPort = wire.toPort; wire.outPort = wire.fromPort; } } } } void SaveInventory() { if (invItems.size() == 0) { return; } String filename = "temp.inv"; System.out.println("Saving Inventory "); try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename); ObjectOutputStream s = new ObjectOutputStream(out); s.writeInt(invRooms.size()); for (int a = 0; a < invRooms.size(); a++) { s.writeObject(invRooms.elementAt(a)); } s.writeInt(invMaterials.size()); for (int a = 0; a < invMaterials.size(); a++) { s.writeObject(invMaterials.elementAt(a)); } s.writeInt(invItems.size()); for (int a = 0; a < invItems.size(); a++) { s.writeObject(invItems.elementAt(a)); } // Save Room References (UDLRrooms, PortalItem, Wires) for (int a = 0; a < invRooms.size(); a++) { Room room = invRooms.elementAt(a); s.writeInt(invRooms.indexOf(room.upRoom)); s.writeInt(invRooms.indexOf(room.downRoom)); s.writeInt(invRooms.indexOf(room.rightRoom)); s.writeInt(invRooms.indexOf(room.leftRoom)); s.writeInt(invItems.indexOf(room.portalItem)); s.writeInt(room.wires.size()); for (int b = 0; b < room.wires.size(); b++) { Wire wire = room.wires.elementAt(b); int p; s.writeInt(invItems.indexOf(wire.fromPort.myDevice)); // Index of fromport device p = 0; while (((Device) wire.fromPort.myDevice).ports[p] != wire.fromPort) { p++; } s.writeInt(p); // Index of fromport (as device.ports[?] s.writeInt(invItems.indexOf(wire.toPort.myDevice)); // Index of toport device p = 0; while (((Device) wire.toPort.myDevice).ports[p] != wire.toPort) { p++; } s.writeInt(p); // Index of toport (as device.ports[?] s.writeInt(invItems.indexOf(wire.inPort.myDevice)); // Index of inport device p = 0; while (((Device) wire.inPort.myDevice).ports[p] != wire.inPort) { p++; } s.writeInt(p); // Index of inport (as device.ports[?] s.writeInt(invItems.indexOf(wire.outPort.myDevice)); // Index of outport device p = 0; while (((Device) wire.outPort.myDevice).ports[p] != wire.outPort) { p++; } s.writeInt(p); // Index of outport (as device.ports[?] } } // Save Item References for (int a = 0; a < invItems.size(); a++) { Item item = invItems.elementAt(a); s.writeInt(invItems.indexOf(item.carrying)); s.writeInt(invItems.indexOf(item.carriedBy)); s.writeInt(invRooms.indexOf(; s.writeInt(invRooms.indexOf(item.InternalRoom)); if (item.getClass().toString().endsWith("SmallChip")) { SmallChip sc = (SmallChip) item; String chipfilename = "tmp" + a + ".chip"; sc.SaveChip(chipfilename); } } s.flush(); s.close(); out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("File Not Found"); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IO Exception"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } public void LoadInventory() { roomdisplay.timer.stop(); String filename = "temp.inv"; System.out.println("Loading Inventory "); int orgNumRooms = rooms.size(); int orgNumMaterials = materials.size(); int orgNumItems = items.size(); try { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename); ObjectInputStream s = new ObjectInputStream(in); int numRooms = s.readInt(); System.out.println("Loading " + numRooms + " Rooms from Inventory"); for (int a = 0; a < numRooms; a++) { try { Room room = (Room) s.readObject(); rooms.addElement(room); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } int numMaterials = s.readInt(); System.out.println("Loading " + numMaterials + " Materials from Inventory"); for (int a = 0; a < numMaterials; a++) { try { Material material = (Material) s.readObject(); materials.addElement(material); material.GenerateIcons(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } int numItems = s.readInt(); for (int a = 0; a < numItems; a++) { try { Item item = (Item) s.readObject(); items.addElement(item); System.out.println("Loading " + item.getClass() + " from Inventory"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } for (int a = 0; a < numRooms; a++) { Room room = rooms.elementAt(orgNumRooms + a); int upRoomIndex = s.readInt(); int downRoomIndex = s.readInt(); int rightRoomIndex = s.readInt(); int leftRoomIndex = s.readInt(); int portalItemIndex = s.readInt(); if (upRoomIndex != -1) { room.upRoom = rooms.elementAt(upRoomIndex + orgNumRooms); } if (downRoomIndex != -1) { room.downRoom = rooms.elementAt(downRoomIndex + orgNumRooms); } if (rightRoomIndex != -1) { room.rightRoom = rooms.elementAt(rightRoomIndex + orgNumRooms); } if (leftRoomIndex != -1) { room.leftRoom = rooms.elementAt(leftRoomIndex + orgNumRooms); } if (portalItemIndex != 1) { room.portalItem = items.elementAt(portalItemIndex + orgNumItems); System.out.println("Room #" + a + " has portalItem:" + room.portalItem.getClass()); } int numWires = s.readInt(); System.out.println("Linking " + numWires + " wires"); for (int b = 0; b < numWires; b++) { Wire wire = room.wires.elementAt(b); Item tmpItem = items.elementAt(s.readInt() + orgNumItems); Device tmpDevice = (Device) tmpItem; wire.fromPort = tmpDevice.ports[s.readInt()]; wire.fromPort.myWire = wire; tmpItem = items.elementAt(s.readInt() + orgNumItems); tmpDevice = (Device) tmpItem; wire.toPort = tmpDevice.ports[s.readInt()]; wire.toPort.myWire = wire; tmpItem = items.elementAt(s.readInt() + orgNumItems); tmpDevice = (Device) tmpItem; wire.inPort = tmpDevice.ports[s.readInt()]; tmpItem = items.elementAt(s.readInt() + orgNumItems); tmpDevice = (Device) tmpItem; wire.outPort = tmpDevice.ports[s.readInt()]; } // Modify the Material Indexes for (int X = 0; X < 20; X++) { for (int Y = 0; Y < 12; Y++) { room.RoomArray[Y][X] += orgNumMaterials; } } room.GenerateArray(); } for (int a = 0; a < numItems; a++) { Item item = items.elementAt(orgNumItems + a); int carryingIndex = s.readInt(); int carriedByIndex = s.readInt(); int roomIndex = s.readInt(); int internalRoomIndex = s.readInt(); if (carryingIndex != -1) { item.carrying = items.elementAt(carryingIndex + orgNumItems); System.out.println(item.getClass() + " carries " + item.carrying.getClass()); } if (carriedByIndex != -1) { item.carriedBy = items.elementAt(carriedByIndex + orgNumItems); System.out.println(item.getClass() + " carriedBy " + item.carriedBy.getClass()); } if (roomIndex != -1) { = rooms.elementAt(roomIndex + orgNumRooms); System.out.println(item.getClass() + " is in room #" + roomIndex); } else { if (gameCursor != null) { =; } else { System.out.println("gameCursor = null"); } } if (internalRoomIndex != -1) { item.InternalRoom = rooms.elementAt(internalRoomIndex + orgNumRooms); System.out.println(item.getClass() + " has InternalRoom #" + internalRoomIndex); item.InternalRoom.portalItem = item; } if (item.isDevice()) { Device device = (Device) item; for (int b = 0; b < device.ports.length; b++) { device.ports[b].myDevice = device; } } } Item item = items.elementAt(orgNumItems); gameCursor.carrying = item; item.carriedBy = gameCursor; s.close(); in.close(); File f = new File(filename); f.delete(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("File Not Found"); roomdisplay.timer.start(); return; } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IO Exception"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return; } roomdisplay.timer.start(); // Remove all unnecessary Materials for (int a = 0; a < materials.size() - 1; a++) { for (int b = a + 1; b < materials.size(); b++) { Material mat1 = materials.elementAt(a); Material mat2 = materials.elementAt(b); if (mat1.equals(mat2)) { materials.remove(mat2); for (int c = 0; c < rooms.size(); c++) { Room room = rooms.elementAt(c); for (int Y = 0; Y < 12; Y++) { for (int X = 0; X < 20; X++) { if (room.RoomArray[Y][X] == b) { room.RoomArray[Y][X] = a; } if (room.RoomArray[Y][X] > b) { room.RoomArray[Y][X] -= 1; } } } } b--; } } } for (int a = orgNumItems; a < items.size(); a++) { Item item = items.elementAt(a); item.GenerateIcons(); if (item.getClass().toString().endsWith("SmallChip")) { SmallChip sc = (SmallChip) item; String chipfilename = "tmp" + (a - orgNumItems) + ".chip"; sc.LoadChip(chipfilename, false); File f = new File(chipfilename); f.delete(); } } } void InitSounds() { for (String soundFile : soundFiles) { sounds.put(soundFile, new SoundClip(soundFile)); } } public void PlaySound(Room room, String soundname) { if (!roomdisplay.useSounds) { return; } boolean flag = true; if (currentViewer != null) { if (room != { flag = false; } } if (flag) { System.out.println("Playing sound " + soundname); SoundClip soundClip = sounds.get(soundname); if (soundClip != null) {; } System.out.println("Done"); } } public void Init() { // Generate all Room Material Arrays for (int a = 0; a < rooms.size(); a++) { Room room = rooms.elementAt(a); room.GenerateArray(); } // Randomize the level Initializer initializer; for (Item item : items) { if (item.getClass().toString().endsWith("Init")) { initializer = (Initializer) item; initializer.Init(); } } } }