package com.droidquest.levels; import java.awt.Color; import com.droidquest.Room; import com.droidquest.RoomDisplay; import com.droidquest.Wire; import com.droidquest.avatars.GameCursor; import com.droidquest.avatars.HelpCam; import com.droidquest.chipstuff.Port; import com.droidquest.decorations.Arrow; import com.droidquest.decorations.Graphix; import com.droidquest.devices.Antenna; import com.droidquest.devices.ContactSensor; import com.droidquest.devices.Device; import com.droidquest.devices.DirectionalSensor; import com.droidquest.devices.NOTGate; import com.droidquest.devices.PortDevice; import com.droidquest.devices.RoomSensor; import com.droidquest.items.BlueRobot; import com.droidquest.items.Crystal; import com.droidquest.items.GenericRobot; import com.droidquest.items.Item; import com.droidquest.items.Key; import com.droidquest.items.OrangeRobot; import com.droidquest.items.SentryT1; import com.droidquest.items.Square; import com.droidquest.items.Triangle; import com.droidquest.items.WhiteRobot; import com.droidquest.materials.CrystalRecharger; import com.droidquest.materials.Lock; import com.droidquest.materials.Material; import com.droidquest.materials.Portal; class ROTut1 extends Level { public ROTut1(RoomDisplay rd) { super(rd); // Material 0, Blank materials.addElement(new Material(true, false)); // Material 1, LightBlue Wall materials.addElement(new Material(new Color(192,192,255),false, true)); // Material 2, Green Wall materials.addElement(new Material(new Color(0,255,0),false, true)); // Material 3, Orange Wall materials.addElement(new Material(new Color(255,128,0),false, true)); // Material 4, LightOrange Wall materials.addElement(new Material(new Color(255,224,192),false, true)); // Material 5, CrystalRecharger materials.addElement(new CrystalRecharger()); // Material 6, Blue Wall materials.addElement(new Material(new Color(0,0,255),false, true)); // Material 7, LockT1 int[][] lockProgram = { {Lock.NARROW}, {12,10,0 }, {12,9,0, 12,6,1}, {12,8,0, 12,5,1}, {Lock.NARROW}, {12,5,0, 12,8,1}, {12,6,0, 12,9,1}, {12,10,1}, }; materials.addElement(new Lock(Color.white,, lockProgram)); // Material 8, Portal to Tutorial 2; materials.addElement(new Portal("ROTut2.lvl",false, true)); // Material 9, Portal to Main Menu; materials.addElement(new Portal("MainMenu.lvl",false, true)); for (int a=0; a<34; a++) rooms.addElement(new Room()); { // Room 0, Help Screen Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(0); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,2); room.AddTextBox("Use the Menubar above to turn sound on or off, or to return to the Main Menu level", 2*28, 4*32, 450); room.AddTextBox("Press ? to get help or hints", 2*28, 8*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("To continue, press RETURN", 4*28, 10*32, 500); } { // Room 1, Title Screen Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(1); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialOutline(19,5,19,7,0); room.SetMaterial(0,10,0); room.AddTextBox("{BIG} ROBOT ANATOMY", 4*28, 2*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("In ROBOT ANATOMY, you will learn how to move, how to handle objects, and how robots ", 2*28, 3*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("- Move", 6*28, 5*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("- Send Signals", 6*28, 6*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("- Grab Objects", 6*28, 7*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("- Detect Objects", 6*28, 8*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("Follow the Arrows", 6*28, 10*32, 500); room.AddArrow(559,6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 2, Movement Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(2); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialFill(0,5,19,7,0); room.AddTextBox("You can move the cursor using the Arrow keys on your keyboard, or by clicking anywhere on the screen with the mouse.", 2*28, 2*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("Click here", 3*28, 8*32, 500); room.AddArrow(5*28,6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_UP, 28, Color.white) ; room.AddTextBox("Double-Click here", 12*28+14, 8*32, 160); room.AddArrow(15*28,6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_UP, 28, Color.white) ; room.AddArrow(559,6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 3, Movement 2 Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(3); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialFill(0,5,19,7,0); room.AddTextBox("Double-Clicking the mouse on one side of the cursor starts your cursor moving in that direction until it reaches a wall or the next room.", 2*28, 2*32, 500); room.AddArrow(559,6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 4, Pick up Key Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(4); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,5,0,7,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(19,8,19,10,0); room.AddTextBox("You can pick up and drop objects.", 2*28, 2*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("To pick up an object, move on top of it and press the SPACEBAR (or Right-Click the mouse).", 2*28, 3*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("Pick up this key and move it around. To drop it, press the SPACEBAR again.", 2*28, 8*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("Take the Key with you", 6*28, 10*32+16, 500); room.AddArrow(559,9*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; items.addElement(new Key(9*28, 5*32, room,; } { // Room 5, Locked Sentry Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(5); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,8,0,10,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(8,11,11,11,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(12,7,19,11,1); room.SetMaterial(12,7,7); room.AddTextBox("You can move in small steps. Press the control key and the cursor keys at the same time.", 2*28, 2*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("This sentry is trapped.", 2*28, 4*32+16, 500); room.AddTextBox("To let it out, hold the key by the HANDLE. Use small steps to put the key in the lock.", 2*28, 6*32, 500); room.AddArrow(10*28, 383, Arrow.DIR_DOWN, 28, Color.white) ; items.addElement(new SentryT1(17*28, 9*32+16, room)); } { // Room 6, Blue Robot Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(6); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialOutline(8,0,11,0,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(16,11,18,11,0); room.AddTextBox("This is a robot. You can go inside it.", 2*28, 2*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("To go inside, line yourself up with one of the robot's white BUMPERS and move in slowly. It may take a few tries.", 2*28, 4*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("Go inside and explore.", 2*28, 9*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("Come back and take the robot with you.", 2*28, 10*32, 350); room.AddArrow(17*28+14, 383, Arrow.DIR_DOWN, 28, Color.white); room.AddTextBox("BUMPER", 15*28, 4*32+16, 350); room.AddArrow(15*28+2, 3*32+2, Arrow.DIR_UP, 28, Color.white); GenericRobot robot = new BlueRobot(15*28,2*32,room); items.addElement(robot); { robot.charge = 0; robot.thrusterPower=true; Wire dummy; dummy = new Wire(((GenericRobot)robot).devices[7].ports[0], ((GenericRobot)robot).devices[0].ports[0]); dummy = new Wire(((GenericRobot)robot).devices[1].ports[0], ((GenericRobot)robot).devices[4].ports[0]); dummy = new Wire(((GenericRobot)robot).devices[3].ports[0], ((GenericRobot)robot).devices[6].ports[0]); dummy = new Wire(((GenericRobot)robot).devices[5].ports[0], ((GenericRobot)robot).devices[2].ports[0]); robot.InternalRoom.AddTextBox("GRABBER", 7*28, 2*32+20, 100); robot.InternalRoom.AddTextBox("ANTENNA", 7*28, 4*32-8, 100); robot.InternalRoom.AddTextBox("BUMPER", 3*28, 6*32, 100); robot.InternalRoom.AddTextBox("BATTERY", 6*28, 9*32+24, 100); robot.InternalRoom.AddTextBox("SWITCH", 13*28+8, 10*32-8, 100); robot.InternalRoom.AddTextBox("THRUSTER", 14*28, 5*32, 100); robot.InternalRoom.AddTextBox("EYE", 13*28, 3*32, 100); robot.InternalRoom.AddArrow(6*28, 3*32-16, Arrow.DIR_LEFT, 28, Color.white) ; robot.InternalRoom.AddArrow(4*28+14, 4*32-16, Arrow.DIR_LEFT, 28, Color.white) ; robot.InternalRoom.AddArrow(2*28+14, 5*32, Arrow.DIR_UP, 28, Color.white) ; robot.InternalRoom.AddArrow(4*28+14, 10*32-16, Arrow.DIR_LEFT, 28, Color.white) ; robot.InternalRoom.AddArrow(16*28+16, 10*32-16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; robot.InternalRoom.AddArrow(18*28, 5*32+8, Arrow.DIR_UP, 28, Color.white) ; robot.InternalRoom.AddArrow(16*28, 3*32-8, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; } } { // Room 7, Alternate Entry Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(7); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialFill(16,0,18,11,0); room.AddTextBox("You can also enter the robot by moving the cursor so it overlaps the robot, and then pressing E.", 2*28, 2*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("Once inside, you can exit by pressing E again.", 2*28, 6*32, 350); } { // Room 8, Periscope Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(8); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialFill(16,0,18,11,0); room.AddTextBox("You can be inside the robot and still see outside.", 2*28, 2*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("Go inside the robot. Sit on the robot's EYE to activate its periscope.", 2*28, 4*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("Move off the eye to see inside the robot again.", 2*28, 6*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("Come outside.", 2*28, 9*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("Take the robot with you through the next few rooms.", 2*28, 10*32, 350); room.AddArrow(17*28+14, 383, Arrow.DIR_DOWN, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 9, Triangle Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(9); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialFill(16,0,18,0,0); room.SetMaterialFill(19,5,19,7,0); room.AddTextBox("You can put things inside robots. You can even put robots inside robots!", 2*28, 2*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("Pick up the triangle. Carry it inside the robot. Drop it and come outside.", 2*28, 9*32, 400); room.AddArrow(559, 6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; items.addElement(new Triangle(9*28, 6*32, room, new Color(255,128,0))); } { // Room 10, Input Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(10); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,3,3,1); room.SetMaterialFill(0,5,19,8,0); room.AddTextBox("This is an INPUT.", 5*28, 2*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("Some robot parts connect to inputs. Go inside the robot and see.", 5*28, 3*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("When electricity flows IN to an input, it turns on the robot part.", 2*28, 8*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("You can see electricity flow. It is orange.", 2*28, 10*32, 500); room.AddArrow(559, 6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; PortDevice pd=new PortDevice(2*28-8,24,room, 24, Port.TYPE_INPUT); items.addElement(pd); pd.rotate(1); pd.rotate(1); } { // Room 11, Output Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(11); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,3,3,1); room.SetMaterialFill(0,5,19,8,0); room.AddTextBox("This is an OUTPUT.", 5*28, 2*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("Some robot parts connect to outputs. Go inside the robot and see.", 5*28, 3*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("When a robot part is activated, electricity flows OUT of its output.", 2*28, 9*32, 500); room.AddArrow(559, 6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 32, Color.white) ; PortDevice pd=new PortDevice(2*28-8,20,room, 24, Port.TYPE_OUTPUT); items.addElement(pd); pd.rotate(1); pd.rotate(1); } { // Room 12, Bumper Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(12); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,5,0,8,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(16,11,18,11,0); room.AddTextBox("When a robot touches a wall, its bumper beeps and turns orange with electricity. Inside the robot, the bumper's OUTPUT turns on too.", 2*28, 2*32, 450); room.AddTextBox("Try it and see what happens.", 2*28, 5*32, 450); room.AddArrow(17*28+14, 383, Arrow.DIR_DOWN, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 13, Thrusters Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(13); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialOutline(16,0,18,0,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(14,11,16,11,0); room.AddTextBox("Inside a robot are four THRUSTERS.", 2*28, 2*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("You can propel robots by making electricity flow into the thrusters' INPUTS.", 2*28, 4*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("There is also a BATTERY inside the robot.", 2*28, 7*32, 300); room.AddTextBox("This robot can't move because its battery is dead.", 2*28, 9*32, 300); room.AddArrow(15*28+14, 383, Arrow.DIR_DOWN, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 14, Crystal Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(14); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,3); room.SetMaterialOutline(14,0,16,0,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(19,4,19,6,0); room.AddTextBox("Use this ENERGY CRYSTAL to recharge dead batteries.", 2*28, 2*32, 250); room.AddTextBox("Take it inside the robot. Pass it over the battery. Notice how the battery level fills with electricity.", 2*28, 4*32+16, 350); room.AddTextBox("The crystal goes dead (white) as its electricity drains.", 2*28, 8*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("Drop the crystal in the robot. Take the robot with you.", 2*28, 10*32, 450); room.AddArrow(559, 5*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; items.addElement(new Crystal(12*28,2*32, room,100000)); } { // Room 15, Crystal Recharger Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(15); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,3); room.SetMaterialOutline(16,11,18,11,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,4,0,6,0); room.SetMaterial(17,2,5); room.AddTextBox("Use this CRYSTAL RECHARGER to recharge energy crystals.", 2*28, 2*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("Bring the dead energy crystal outside. Pass it over the recharger. Watch it fill with electricity.", 2*28, 7*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("Continue to take the robot with you.", 2*28, 10*32, 350); room.AddArrow(17*28+14, 383, Arrow.DIR_DOWN, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 16, Thruster Demo Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(16); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialFill(16,0,18,11,0); room.AddTextBox("START", 13*28+14, 52, 350); room.AddArrow(13*28, 32, Arrow.DIR_UP, 28, Color.white) ; room.AddTextBox("Move the robot so ONLY its top bumper touches the top wall. Drop it.", 4*28, 4*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("When the robot touches a wall, electricity flows from its bumper to the thruster, propelling the robot.", 4*28, 7*32, 350); room.AddArrow(17*28+14, 383, Arrow.DIR_DOWN, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 17, Thruster Talk Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(17); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialFill(16,0,18,11,0); room.AddTextBox("A thruster moves a robot in the direction opposite its thrust.", 2*28, 3*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("When the left thruster is on, the robot moves RIGHT.", 2*28, 5*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("When the right thruster is on, the robot moves LEFT.", 2*28, 7*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("What happens when the top or bottom thruster is on?", 2*28, 9*32, 400); room.AddArrow(17*28+14, 383, Arrow.DIR_DOWN, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 18, Switch Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(18); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialFill(16,0,18,0,0); room.SetMaterialFill(0,5,0,7,0); room.AddTextBox("The SWITCH inside a robot turns electricity flow to the thrusters on or off.", 2*28, 2*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("Go inside and sit on the switch. Press SPACEBAR to open and close it.", 2*28, 5*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("Thrusters work when the switch is closed (orange). Open the switch to save batteries.", 2*28, 8*32, 450); room.AddTextBox("Leave the robot here.", 2*28, 11*32, 350); room.AddArrow(0, 6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_LEFT, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 19, Antenna Input Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(19); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,4); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,4,5,4); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,8,0,10,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(19,5,19,7,0); room.AddTextBox("The ANTENNA control inside a robot controls the antenna outside.", 6*28, 2*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("When its INPUT is on, the robot's antenna sends signals to other robots, wherever they may be.", 6*28, 5*32, 400); room.AddArrow(0, 9*32+16, Arrow.DIR_LEFT, 28, Color.white) ; Antenna ant = new Antenna(2*28-12,2*32, room, Color.white); PortDevice pd = new PortDevice(18, 4*32, room, 28, Port.TYPE_OUTPUT); items.addElement(ant); items.addElement(pd); pd.value=true; pd.rotate(1); Wire dummy = new Wire(pd.ports[0], ant.ports[0]); } { // Room 20, Antenna Output Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(20); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,4); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,4,4,4); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,5,0,7,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(19,8,19,10,0); room.AddTextBox("When a robot's antenna receives signals, the antenna control's OUTPUT turns on.", 6*28, 2*32, 350); room.AddArrow(0, 6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_LEFT, 28, Color.white) ; items.addElement(new Antenna(2*28-12, 2*32, room, Color.white)); } { // Room 21, Grabber Input Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(21); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,4); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,4,5,4); room.SetMaterialOutline(16,11,18,11,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(19,5,19,7,0); room.AddTextBox("The GRABBER control inside a robot controls the grabber outside the robot.", 6*28, 2*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("When the grabber control's INPUT is on, the robot will grab an object that touches the robot's body.", 6*28, 4*32, 350); room.AddTextBox("Note: Robots can't grab objects held by you or another robot.", 3*28, 9*32, 400); room.AddArrow(17*28+14, 383, Arrow.DIR_DOWN, 28, Color.white) ; room.graphix.addElement(new Graphix("grab0.jpg",28,48)); } { // Room 22, Grabber Output Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(22); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,4); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,4,5,4); room.SetMaterialOutline(16,0,18,0,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(19,5,19,7,0); room.AddTextBox("When a robot grabs a object, the grabber control's OUTPUT turns on.", 6*28, 2*32, 300); room.AddArrow(559, 6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; room.graphix.addElement(new Graphix("grab1.jpg",28,56)); } { // Room 23, Sensors Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(23); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,4,6); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,8,19,11,6); room.SetMaterialOutline(1,8,18,8,0); room.AddTextBox("These are SENSORS. Use them inside robots to detect objects that MATCH the sensor shape. Each of these sensors detects energy crystals in a different way.", 2*28, 8*32, 500); room.AddArrow(559, 6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; items.addElement(new DirectionalSensor(3*28+14,1*32+4, room,new Crystal(0,0,null,0))); items.addElement(new RoomSensor(10*28,2*32, room,new Crystal(0,0,null,0))); items.addElement(new ContactSensor(16*28,2*32, room,new Crystal(0,0,null,0))); } { // Room 24, Contact Sensor Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(24); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,6); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,5,19,7,0); room.AddTextBox("This is a CONTACT sensor. It detects objects that touch it.", 2*28, 2*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("Inside the robot, it detects objects that touch the robot's body.", 2*28, 4*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("Place the square ON the sensor. What happens when you let go?", 2*28, 9*32, 500); room.AddArrow(559, 6*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; items.addElement(new ContactSensor(16*28,2*32,room,new Square(0,0,null,Color.white))); items.addElement(new Square(10*28,6*32,room,; } { // Room 25, Room Sensor Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(25); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,6); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,5,0,7,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(1,11,3,11,0); room.AddTextBox("This is an IN-SAME-ROOM sensor. It detects objects in the same room.", 2*28, 2*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("Inside the robot, it detects objects in the same room as the robot.", 2*28, 4*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("Sensors can't detect an object that is held. Pick up the triangle. What happens?", 6*28, 9*32, 400); room.AddArrow(2*28+14, 383, Arrow.DIR_DOWN, 28, Color.white) ; items.addElement(new Triangle(10*28,6*32,room,new Color(255,128,0))); items.addElement(new RoomSensor(15*28,2*32,room,new Triangle(0,0,null,Color.white))); } { // Room 26, Directional Sensor Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(26); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,6); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,4,0,6,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(1,0,3,0,0); room.AddTextBox("This is a DIRECTIONAL sensor. It detects the direction of an object in the same room.", 4*28, 2*32, 450); room.AddTextBox("Inside the robot, it detects the direction of an object in the robot's room.", 4*28, 4*32, 450); room.AddTextBox("Pick up the sensor. move it around the crystal. Outputs pointing in the DIRECTION of the crystal turn on.", 2*28, 9*32, 500); room.AddArrow(0, 5*32+16, Arrow.DIR_LEFT, 28, Color.white) ; items.addElement(new Crystal(10*28,6*32,room,100000)); items.addElement(new DirectionalSensor(14*28,5*32, room, new Crystal(0,0,null,0))); } { // Room 27, Orange Robot Talk Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(27); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,6); room.SetMaterialOutline(19,4,19,6,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,8,0,10,0); room.AddTextBox("Next door is a robot wired with three sensors.", 2*28, 2*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("The sensors are wired to make the robot:", 2*28, 4*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("- beep when it contacts a square.", 4*28, 6*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("- move left or right toward an energy crystal.", 4*28, 8*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("- move down when a triangle is in the room", 4*28, 10*32, 400); room.AddArrow(0, 9*32+16, Arrow.DIR_LEFT, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 28, Orange Robot Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(28); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,6); room.SetMaterialOutline(19,8,19,10,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(1,11,2,11,0); room.AddTextBox("Go inside the robot. Notice how the sensors are wired.", 2*28, 2*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("Come outside. Move the objects and the robot to new locations. Watch what happens.", 2*28, 4*32, 500); room.AddArrow(2*28+14, 383, Arrow.DIR_DOWN, 28, Color.white) ; items.addElement(new Square(4*28,6*32, room,; items.addElement(new Crystal(9*28,6*32, room,100000)); items.addElement(new Triangle(14*28, 6*32, room,new Color(255,128,0))); GenericRobot robot = new OrangeRobot(2*28, 2*32, room); items.addElement(robot); { robot.thrusterPower=true; items.addElement(new DirectionalSensor(7*28+14,5*32+4,robot.InternalRoom,new Crystal(0,0,null,0))); Item dsensor = (Item) items.lastElement(); Wire dummy; dummy = new Wire(((GenericRobot)robot).devices[1].ports[0], ((Device)dsensor).ports[3]); dummy = new Wire(((GenericRobot)robot).devices[3].ports[0], ((Device)dsensor).ports[1]); items.addElement(new RoomSensor(8*28,2*32,robot.InternalRoom,new Triangle(0,0,null,Color.white))); Item rsensor = (Item) items.lastElement(); ((Device)rsensor).rotate(1); ((Device)rsensor).rotate(1); dummy = new Wire(((Device)rsensor).ports[0], ((GenericRobot)robot).devices[0].ports[0]); items.addElement(new ContactSensor(13*28,2*32,robot.InternalRoom,new Square(0,0,null,Color.white))); Item csensor = (Item) items.lastElement(); dummy = new Wire(((GenericRobot)robot).devices[8].ports[0], ((Device)csensor).ports[0]); } } { // Room 29, White Robot Talk Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(29); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,4); room.SetMaterialOutline(19,8,19,10,0); room.SetMaterialOutline(1,0,2,0,0); room.AddTextBox("The robot next door is wired to pick up and carry an object.", 4*28, 2*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("The robot is also wired to follow walls.", 4*28, 4*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("Go inside the robot. Close the switch. Move quickly onto the eye and watch how the robot works.", 4*28, 6*32, 400); room.AddArrow(559, 9*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; } { // Room 30, White Robot Maze Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(30); int[][] table = { {4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4}, {4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4}, {4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4}, {4,0,0,0,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,0,0,0,4}, {4,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,4}, {4,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,4}, {4,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,4}, {4,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,4}, {0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,0,0,0,4}, {0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4}, {0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4}, {4,4,4,0,4,0,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4} }; room.RoomArray = table; items.addElement(new Crystal(12*28,6*32,room,100000)); items.addElement(new WhiteRobot(1*28, 6*32, room)); { Item robot = (Item) items.lastElement(); Wire dummy; dummy = new Wire(((GenericRobot)robot).devices[1].ports[0], ((GenericRobot)robot).devices[6].ports[0]); dummy = new Wire(((GenericRobot)robot).devices[5].ports[0], ((GenericRobot)robot).devices[0].ports[0]); dummy = new Wire(((GenericRobot)robot).devices[7].ports[0], ((GenericRobot)robot).devices[2].ports[0]); dummy = new Wire(((GenericRobot)robot).devices[3].ports[0], ((GenericRobot)robot).devices[4].ports[0]); items.addElement(new ContactSensor(8*28,2*32,robot.InternalRoom,new Triangle(0,0,null,Color.white))); Item csensor = (Item) items.lastElement(); items.addElement(new NOTGate(10*28,5*32,robot.InternalRoom)); Item notgate = (Item) items.lastElement(); ((Device)notgate).rotate(1); ((Device)notgate).rotate(1); dummy = new Wire(((Device)csensor).ports[0], ((Device)notgate).ports[0]); dummy = new Wire(((Device)notgate).ports[1], ((GenericRobot)robot).devices[9].ports[0]); } } { // Room 31, After Maze Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(31); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,4); room.SetMaterialOutline(19,4,19,6,0); room.SetMaterial(3,0,0); room.SetMaterial(5,0,0); room.AddTextBox("Drop a triangle on the robot above to make it let go of the crystal. Look inside to see why it works.", 2*28, 8*32, 500); room.AddArrow(559, 5*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 28, Color.white) ; items.addElement(new Triangle(14*28, 6*32, room, new Color(255,128,0))); } { // Room 32, End Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(32); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,11,1); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,4,0,6,0); room.SetMaterial(19,10,0); room.SetMaterial(5,5,8); room.SetMaterial(5,7,9); room.AddTextBox("You have learned a lot about ROBOT ANATOMY.", 2*28, 2*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("Go to TOOLKIT tutorial.", 6*28, 6*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("Return to MAIN MENU.", 6*28, 8*32, 500); room.AddTextBox("Press ? for help or hints.", 2*28, 10*32, 500); } { // Room 33, Shortcut Room room = (Room) rooms.elementAt(33); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,0,19,9,1); room.SetMaterialOutline(0,11,19,11,1); room.AddTextBox("Aha! A shortcut between the beginning and end of ROBOT ANATOMY!", 4*28, 4*32, 400); room.AddTextBox("or", 10*28, 10*32+20, 500); room.AddArrow(8*28, 10*32+16, Arrow.DIR_LEFT, 50, Color.white) ; room.AddArrow(13*28, 10*32+16, Arrow.DIR_RIGHT, 50, Color.white) ; } int[] list1 = {31,32,33,1,2,3,4,5}; LinkRoomsHorizontally(list1); int[] list2 = {5,6,7,8,9}; LinkRoomsVertically(list2); int[] list3 = {9,10,11,12}; LinkRoomsHorizontally(list3); int[] list4 = {12,13,14}; LinkRoomsVertically(list4); LinkRoomsLeftRight(14,15); int[] list5 = {15,16,17,18}; LinkRoomsVertically(list5); int[] list6 = {21,20,19,18}; LinkRoomsHorizontally(list6); LinkRoomsUpDown(21,22); int[] list7 = {22,23,24,25}; LinkRoomsHorizontally(list7); LinkRoomsUpDown(25,26); int[] list8 = {28,27,26}; LinkRoomsHorizontally(list8); LinkRoomsUpDown(28,29); LinkRoomsLeftRight(29,30); LinkRoomsUpDown(30,31); gameCursor = new GameCursor(16*28+14,5*32+16,(Room) rooms.elementAt(1)); helpCam = new HelpCam( (Room) rooms.elementAt(0)); items.addElement(gameCursor); items.addElement(helpCam); player = gameCursor; currentViewer = player; electricity=true; } }