package com.droidquest.items; import com.droidquest.Room; import com.droidquest.Wire; import com.droidquest.devices.Device; import com.droidquest.levels.Level; import com.droidquest.materials.ChipTrash; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import; import; import; import; public class Item implements Serializable, Cloneable { public transient static Level level; public transient Item carrying; // What this item is carrying. public transient Item carriedBy; // What is carrying this item. public transient Image currentIcon; // Current image of this item. public transient ImageIcon[] icons; // Array of images for this item public transient Room room; // Room this item is currently in private transient Color outline; // Null, White, Grey public transient int automove; // 0=normal movement, 1=Move to autoX,autoY, 2=Move in autoX,autoY public transient int autoX; // Destination of automovement public transient int autoY; // Destination of automovement public Room InternalRoom = null; // Room inside this item, if any. protected int repeating = 0; // Keyboard repeat. public int charge = 0; // Battery Charge of this item, if any. public boolean grabbable = true; // Can this item be picked up? public int x, y; // Position X,Y int orgX; int orgY; // origin, within graphics protected int width, height; // width & height of object from origin protected Rectangle leftPortal; protected Rectangle rightPortal; protected Rectangle upPortal; protected Rectangle downPortal; public boolean editable = false; protected Item() { x = 0; y = 0; } public Item(String filename, int X, int Y, Room r) { x = X; y = Y; room = r; grabbable = true; // icons = new Image[1]; // icons[0]=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(filename); icons = new ImageIcon[1]; icons[0] = new ImageIcon(filename); currentIcon = icons[0].getImage(); } public void writeRef(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { s.writeInt(level.items.indexOf(carrying)); s.writeInt(level.items.indexOf(carriedBy)); s.writeInt(level.rooms.indexOf(room)); s.writeInt(level.rooms.indexOf(InternalRoom)); } public void readRef(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException { carrying = level.FindItem(s.readInt()); carriedBy = level.FindItem(s.readInt()); room = level.FindRoom(s.readInt()); InternalRoom = level.FindRoom(s.readInt()); GenerateIcons(); } public Image getIcon() { return currentIcon; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } public int getX() { return (x - orgX); } public int getY() { return (y - orgY); } public Room getRoom() { return room; } public void PicksUp(Item item) { // This picks up an item if (carrying == null) { if (item.CanBePickedUp(this) && item.carriedBy == null) { carrying = item; item.carriedBy = this; item.x -= x; item.y -= y; item.outline = Color.white; level.PlaySound(room, Level.PICKUPSOUND); } } } public void Drops() { // This drops the carried item if (carrying != null) { Item item = carrying; carrying.carriedBy = null; Dimension d = GetXY(); carrying.x += d.width; carrying.y += d.height; if (carrying.x < 0) { carrying.x += 560; = room.leftRoom; } if (carrying.y < 0) { carrying.y += 384; = room.upRoom; } if (carrying.x > 559) { carrying.x -= 560; = room.rightRoom; } if (carrying.y > 383) { carrying.y -= 384; = room.downRoom; } carrying = null; outline = new Color(128, 128, 128); item.IsDropped(); level.PlaySound(room, Level.DROPSOUND); } } protected void IsDropped() { if (!editable) { return; } int bigXl = (x) / 28; int bigXr = (x + width - 1) / 28; int bigYt = (y) / 32; int bigYb = (y + height - 1) / 32; if (bigXr > 19) { bigXr = 19; } if (bigYb > 11) { bigYb = 11; } for (int a = bigYt; a <= bigYb; a++) { for (int b = bigXl; b <= bigXr; b++) { if (room.MaterialArray[a][b] instanceof ChipTrash) { SetRoom(null); // Cheap way to remove the wires; level.items.removeElement(this); level.PlaySound(room, Level.DISCHARGESOUND); return; } } } } public void SetRoom(Room r) { // Goes through recursively from Item to carried item to carried // item.... Puts all items in the same room. Room cr = r; if (r != room) { if (isDevice()) { Device device = (Device) this; for (int a = 0; a < device.ports.length; a++) { if (device.ports[a].myWire != null) { Wire wire = device.ports[a].myWire; wire.Remove(); } } } } if (carriedBy == null) { if (x < 0) { cr = r.leftRoom; x += 560; } if (y < 0) { cr = r.upRoom; y += 384; } if (x >= 560) { cr = r.rightRoom; x -= 560; } if (y >= 384) { cr = r.downRoom; y -= 384; } } room = cr; automove = 0; if (carrying != null) { carrying.SetRoom(cr); } } public boolean KeyUp(KeyEvent e) { // Handles keybord input. // Return TRUE if repaint is needed (usually for movement) return false; } public boolean KeyDown(KeyEvent e) { // Handles keybord input. // Return TRUE if repaint is needed (usually for movement) return false; } public void MouseClick(MouseEvent e) { int button = 0; if ((e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) { button = 1; } if ((e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) { button = 3; } if (button == 1) { if (e.getClickCount() == 1) { autoX = e.getX() - width / 2; autoY = e.getY() - height / 2; autoX -= autoX % 2; // Even numbered pixel only! autoY -= autoY % 2; automove = 1; } else if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { int dx = e.getX() - width / 2 - x; int dy = e.getY() - height / 2 - y; if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) { autoY = 0; autoX = 28; if (dx < 0) { autoX = -28; } automove = 2; } else { autoX = 0; autoY = 32; if (dy < 0) { autoY = -32; } automove = 2; } } } if (button == 3) { KeyEvent k = new KeyEvent(e.getComponent(), e.getID(), e.getWhen(), 0, KeyEvent.VK_SPACE, ' '); KeyUp(k); } } protected void MoveUp(int dist) { int bigXl = x / 28; int bigXr = (x + getWidth() - 1) / 28; int bigY = (y - dist) / 32; if ((!level.materialAt(bigXl, bigY, room).Passable(this)) || (!level.materialAt(bigXr, bigY, room).Passable(this))) { automove = 0; y = (bigY + 1) * 32; ItemEffectsMaterials(); return; } y = y - dist; if (y < 0) { if (room.getUpRoom(this) != null) { // change Rooms y = y + 384; SetRoom(room.getUpRoom(this)); } else if (this == level.player && room.portalItem != null) { // Exit item, Player only Dimension d = room.portalItem.GetXY(); x = d.width + (room.portalItem.width - width) / 2; y = d.height + (room.portalItem.height - height) / 2; SetRoom(; MoveUp(dist); } else { // stop at top y += 384; automove = 0; } } ItemEffectsMaterials(); } protected void MoveDown(int dist) { int bigXl = x / 28; int bigXr = (x + getWidth() - 1) / 28; int bigY = (y + getHeight() - 1 + dist) / 32; if ((!level.materialAt(bigXl, bigY, room).Passable(this)) || (!level.materialAt(bigXr, bigY, room).Passable(this))) { automove = 0; int newDist = bigY * 32 - getHeight() - y; y += newDist; ItemEffectsMaterials(); return; } y = y + dist; if (y > 383) { if (room.getDownRoom(this) != null) { // change Rooms y = y - 384; SetRoom(room.getDownRoom(this)); } else if (this == level.player && room.portalItem != null) { // Exit item, GameCursor only Dimension d = room.portalItem.GetXY(); x = d.width + (room.portalItem.width - width) / 2; y = d.height + (room.portalItem.height - height) / 2; SetRoom(; MoveDown(dist); } else { // stop at bottom y -= 384; automove = 0; } } ItemEffectsMaterials(); } protected void MoveLeft(int dist) { int bigX = (x - dist) / 28; int bigYt = y / 32; int bigYb = (y + getHeight() - 1) / 32; if ((!level.materialAt(bigX, bigYt, room).Passable(this)) || (!level.materialAt(bigX, bigYb, room).Passable(this))) { automove = 0; x = (bigX + 1) * 28; ItemEffectsMaterials(); return; } x = x - dist; if (x < 0) { if (room.getLeftRoom(this) != null) { // change Rooms x = x + 560; SetRoom(room.getLeftRoom(this)); } else if (this == level.player && room.portalItem != null) { // Exit item, GameCursor only Dimension d = room.portalItem.GetXY(); x = d.width + (room.portalItem.width - width) / 2; y = d.height + (room.portalItem.height - height) / 2; SetRoom(; MoveLeft(dist); } else { // stop at Left x += 560; automove = 0; } } ItemEffectsMaterials(); } protected void MoveRight(int dist) { int bigX = (x + getWidth() - 1 + dist) / 28; int bigYt = y / 32; int bigYb = (y + getHeight() - 1) / 32; // if (bigX<20 && bigYb<20 && bigYt>=0) if ((!level.materialAt(bigX, bigYt, room).Passable(this)) || (!level.materialAt(bigX, bigYb, room).Passable(this))) { automove = 0; int newDist = bigX * 28 - getWidth() - x; x += newDist; ItemEffectsMaterials(); return; } x = x + dist; if (x > 559) { if (room.getRightRoom(this) != null) { // change Rooms x = x - 560; SetRoom(room.getRightRoom(this)); } else if (this == level.player && room.portalItem != null) { // Exit item, GameCursor only Dimension d = room.portalItem.GetXY(); x = d.width + (room.portalItem.width - width) / 2; y = d.height + (room.portalItem.height - height) / 2; SetRoom(; MoveRight(dist); } else { // stop at Right x -= 560; automove = 0; } } ItemEffectsMaterials(); } protected void MoveUp(boolean nudge) { int dist = 32; if (nudge) { dist = 2; } MoveUp(dist); } protected void MoveDown(boolean nudge) { int dist = 32; if (nudge) { dist = 2; } MoveDown(dist); } protected void MoveLeft(boolean nudge) { int dist = 28; if (nudge) { dist = 2; } MoveLeft(dist); } protected void MoveRight(boolean nudge) { int dist = 28; if (nudge) { dist = 2; } MoveRight(dist); } public void Animate() { if (automove == 1 && room == null) { automove = 0; } if (automove == 1) { int dx = autoX - x; int dy = autoY - y; if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) { automove = 0; } if (dx < -28) { dx = -28; } if (dx > 28) { dx = 28; } if (dy < -32) { dy = -32; } if (dy > 32) { dy = 32; } if (dx > 0) { MoveRight(dx); } if (dx < 0) { MoveLeft(-dx); } if (dy > 0) { MoveDown(dy); } if (dy < 0) { MoveUp(-dy); } } if (automove == 2) { if (autoX > 0) { MoveRight(autoX); } if (autoX < 0) { MoveLeft(-autoX); } if (autoY > 0) { MoveDown(autoY); } if (autoY < 0) { MoveUp(-autoY); } } } public void Decorate() { } public void GenerateIcons() { // This is where the icons[] array is filled with ImageIcons, and // the ImageIcons are painted. Depending on the Item, this can be // done either once during initialization, or once per Animation // phase. } public boolean CanBePickedUp(Item i) { // Returns True if THIS Item can be picked up by Item i. return grabbable; } private void ItemEffectsMaterials() { // called after every Move() function // // Checks the materials touched by this item, and calls their // Material.TouchedByItem(Item) if (room == null) { return; } Dimension d = GetXY(); int bigXl = (d.width) / 28; int bigXr = (d.width + width - 1) / 28; int bigYt = (d.height) / 32; int bigYb = (d.height + height - 1) / 32; if (bigXr > 19) { bigXr = 19; } if (bigYb > 11) { bigYb = 11; } for (int a = bigYt; a <= bigYb; a++) { for (int b = bigXl; b <= bigXr; b++) { if (a >= 0 && a < 12 && b >= 0 && b < 20) { room.MaterialArray[a][b].TouchedByItem(this); } } } if (carrying != null) { carrying.ItemEffectsMaterials(); } } public Dimension GetXY() { // Recursively goes up the carrying tree to figure out the XY // coordinates of an item. if (carriedBy != null) { Dimension d = carriedBy.GetXY(); d.width += x; d.height += y; return d; } else { return new Dimension(x, y); } } public void Draw(Graphics g, JPanel jp) { Dimension d = GetXY(); if (currentIcon != null) { g.drawImage(currentIcon, d.width - orgX, d.height - orgY, jp); } else { System.out.println("Cannot draw " + getClass()); } if (outline != null) { g.setColor(outline); g.drawRect(d.width, d.height, width + 1, height + 1); g.drawRect(d.width + 1, d.height + 1, width - 1, height - 1); outline = null; } } public void Draw(Graphics g, int X, int Y, JPanel jp) { g.drawImage(currentIcon, X - orgX, Y - orgY, jp); } public boolean Overlaps(Item testItem) { boolean overlap = false; if (this != testItem && == { overlap = true; Dimension d1 = GetXY(); Dimension d2 = testItem.GetXY(); if (this.carrying == testItem) { overlap = false; } if (this == testItem.carrying) { overlap = false; } if (d1.width + this.width < d2.width) { overlap = false; } if (d2.width + testItem.width < d1.width) { overlap = false; } if (d1.height + this.height < d2.height) { overlap = false; } if (d2.height + testItem.height < d1.height) { overlap = false; } } return overlap; } public boolean RightEnterOverlap(Item item) { boolean result = true; if (leftPortal != null) { if (item.x < x + leftPortal.x) { result = false; } if (item.x > x + leftPortal.x + leftPortal.width) { result = false; } if (item.y < y + leftPortal.y) { result = false; } if (item.y > y + leftPortal.y + leftPortal.height) { result = false; } } else { result = false; } if (OverWall()) { result = false; } return result; } public boolean DownEnterOverlap(Item item) { boolean result = true; if (upPortal != null) { if (item.x < x + upPortal.x) { result = false; } if (item.x > x + upPortal.x + upPortal.width) { result = false; } if (item.y < y + upPortal.y) { result = false; } if (item.y > y + upPortal.y + upPortal.height) { result = false; } } else { result = false; } if (OverWall()) { result = false; } return result; } public boolean LeftEnterOverlap(Item item) { boolean result = true; if (leftPortal != null) { if (item.x < x + rightPortal.x) { result = false; } if (item.x > x + rightPortal.x + rightPortal.width) { result = false; } if (item.y < y + rightPortal.y) { result = false; } if (item.y > y + rightPortal.y + rightPortal.height) { result = false; } } else { result = false; } if (OverWall()) { result = false; } return result; } public boolean UpEnterOverlap(Item item) { boolean result = true; if (downPortal != null) { if (item.x < x + downPortal.x) { result = false; } if (item.x > x + downPortal.x + downPortal.width) { result = false; } if (item.y < y + downPortal.y) { result = false; } if (item.y > y + downPortal.y + downPortal.height) { result = false; } } else { result = false; } if (OverWall()) { result = false; } return result; } public boolean isDevice() { return false; } public Object clone() { Object newObject = null; try { newObject = super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { } // if (newObject instanceof Device) // { // Device newDevice = (Device) newObject; // newDevice.ports = null; // newDevice.GenerateIcons(); // } return newObject; } public void Erase() { carrying = null; carriedBy = null; room = null; currentIcon = null; icons = null; InternalRoom = null; } public boolean OverWall() { Dimension d = GetXY(); int bigXL = (d.width + width / 2 - 14) / 28; int bigXR = (d.width + width / 2 + 14) / 28; int bigYT = (d.height + height / 2 - 16) / 32; int bigYB = (d.height + height / 2 + 16) / 32; if (bigXR > 19) { bigXR = 19; } if (bigYB > 11) { bigYB = 11; } boolean flag = false; for (int Y = bigYT; Y <= bigYB; Y++) { for (int X = bigXL; X <= bigXR; X++) { if (!room.MaterialArray[Y][X].passable) { flag = true; } } } return flag; } }