/* * pamac-vala * * Copyright (C) 2014 Guillaume Benoit * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a get of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ namespace Pamac { public struct UpdatesInfos { public string name; public string version; public string db_name; public string tarpath; public uint64 download_size; } public enum Mode { MANAGER, UPDATER } public struct ErrorInfos { public string str; public string[] details; public ErrorInfos () { str = ""; details = {}; } } } public string format_size (uint64 size) { float KiB_size = size / 1024; if (KiB_size < 1000) { string size_string = dgettext ("pamac", "%.0f KiB").printf (KiB_size); return size_string; } else { string size_string = dgettext ("pamac", "%.2f MiB").printf (KiB_size / 1024); return size_string; } } public int pkgcmp (Alpm.Package pkg1, Alpm.Package pkg2) { return strcmp (pkg1.name, pkg2.name); } public Alpm.List search_all_dbs (Alpm.Handle handle, Alpm.List needles) { var syncpkgs = new Alpm.List (); var result = handle.localdb.search (needles); foreach (var db in handle.syncdbs) { if (syncpkgs.length == 0) syncpkgs = db.search (needles); else { syncpkgs.join (db.search (needles).diff (syncpkgs, (Alpm.List.CompareFunc) pkgcmp)); } } result.join (syncpkgs.diff (result, (Alpm.List.CompareFunc) pkgcmp)); //result.sort ((Alpm.List.CompareFunc) pkgcmp); return result; } public Alpm.List group_pkgs_all_dbs (Alpm.Handle handle, string grp_name) { var result = new Alpm.List (); unowned Alpm.Group? grp = handle.localdb.get_group (grp_name); if (grp != null) { foreach (var pkg in grp.packages) result.add (pkg); } result.join (Alpm.find_group_pkgs (handle.syncdbs, grp_name).diff (result, (Alpm.List.CompareFunc) pkgcmp)); //result.sort ((Alpm.List.CompareFunc) pkgcmp); return result; } public Alpm.List get_all_pkgs (Alpm.Handle handle) { var syncpkgs = new Alpm.List (); var result = new Alpm.List (); result = handle.localdb.pkgcache.copy (); foreach (var db in handle.syncdbs) { if (syncpkgs.length == 0) syncpkgs = db.pkgcache.copy (); else { syncpkgs.join (db.pkgcache.diff (syncpkgs, (Alpm.List.CompareFunc) pkgcmp)); } } result.join (syncpkgs.diff (result, (Alpm.List.CompareFunc) pkgcmp)); //result.sort ((Alpm.List.CompareFunc) pkgcmp); return result; } public unowned Alpm.Package? get_syncpkg (Alpm.Handle handle, string name) { unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = null; foreach (var db in handle.syncdbs) { pkg = db.get_pkg (name); if (pkg != null) break; } return pkg; } public Pamac.UpdatesInfos[] get_syncfirst_updates (Alpm.Handle handle, string[] syncfirst) { Pamac.UpdatesInfos infos = Pamac.UpdatesInfos (); Pamac.UpdatesInfos[] syncfirst_infos = {}; unowned Alpm.Package? pkg = null; unowned Alpm.Package? candidate = null; foreach (var name in syncfirst) { pkg = Alpm.find_satisfier (handle.localdb.pkgcache, name); if (pkg != null) { candidate = pkg.sync_newversion (handle.syncdbs); if (candidate != null) { infos.name = candidate.name; infos.version = candidate.version; infos.db_name = candidate.db.name; infos.tarpath = ""; infos.download_size = candidate.download_size; syncfirst_infos += infos; } } } return syncfirst_infos; } public Pamac.UpdatesInfos[] get_repos_updates (Alpm.Handle handle, string[] ignore_pkgs) { unowned Alpm.Package? candidate = null; Pamac.UpdatesInfos infos = Pamac.UpdatesInfos (); Pamac.UpdatesInfos[] updates = {}; foreach (var local_pkg in handle.localdb.pkgcache) { // continue only if the local pkg is not in IgnorePkg or IgnoreGroup if ((local_pkg.name in ignore_pkgs) == false) { candidate = local_pkg.sync_newversion (handle.syncdbs); if (candidate != null) { infos.name = candidate.name; infos.version = candidate.version; infos.db_name = candidate.db.name; infos.tarpath = ""; infos.download_size = candidate.download_size; updates += infos; } } } return updates; } public Pamac.UpdatesInfos[] get_aur_updates (Alpm.Handle handle, string[] ignore_pkgs) { unowned Alpm.Package? sync_pkg = null; unowned Alpm.Package? candidate = null; string[] local_pkgs = {}; Pamac.UpdatesInfos infos = Pamac.UpdatesInfos (); Pamac.UpdatesInfos[] aur_updates = {}; // get local pkgs foreach (var local_pkg in handle.localdb.pkgcache) { // continue only if the local pkg is not in IgnorePkg or IgnoreGroup if ((local_pkg.name in ignore_pkgs) == false) { // check updates from AUR only for local packages foreach (var db in handle.syncdbs) { sync_pkg = Alpm.find_satisfier (db.pkgcache, local_pkg.name); if (sync_pkg != null) break; } if (sync_pkg == null) { // check update from AUR only if no package from dbs will replace it candidate = local_pkg.sync_newversion (handle.syncdbs); if (candidate == null) { local_pkgs += local_pkg.name; } } } } // get aur updates var aur_pkgs = AUR.multiinfo (local_pkgs); int cmp; unowned Json.Object pkg_info; string version; string name; foreach (var node in aur_pkgs.get_elements ()) { pkg_info = node.get_object (); version = pkg_info.get_string_member ("Version"); name = pkg_info.get_string_member ("Name"); cmp = Alpm.pkg_vercmp (version, handle.localdb.get_pkg (name).version); if (cmp == 1) { infos.name = name; infos.version = version; infos.db_name = "AUR"; infos.tarpath = pkg_info.get_string_member ("URLPath"); infos.download_size = 0; aur_updates += infos; } } return aur_updates; }