CC=clang CFLAGS=-Wall -Isrc/include -g -std=c11 LDFLAGS= FILENAME=myshellin SRC=src/myshellin.c src/loop.c src/console_line.c src/array.c src/builtins.c src/launch.c src/utils.c src/redirect.c OBJ=$(SRC:.c=.o) all: shell doc report shell: ifneq (, $(shell which bear)) ifeq (, $(wildcard ./compile_commands.json)) $(MAKE) shellbear else $(MAKE) shellbuild endif else $(MAKE) shellbuild endif shellbear: bear make shellbuild shellbuild: $(OBJ) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(FILENAME) $^ $(LDFLAGS) doc: # if doxygen and bear are installed create the code documentation ifneq (, $(shell which bear)) ifeq (, $(wildcard ./compile_commands.json)) $(MAKE) cleanshell $(MAKE) shellbear endif ifneq (, $(shell which doxygen)) doxygen doxygen.conf make -C docs/latex mv docs/latex/refman.pdf refman.pdf endif endif report: # if pdflatex is installed create the report ifneq (, $(shell which pdflatex)) make -C report mv report/Informe.pdf Informe.pdf else ifneq (, $(shell which pdftex)) make -C report mv report/Informe.pdf Informe.pdf endif clean: cleanshell cleandoc cleanreport cleanshell: rm -f src/*.o $(FILENAME) compile_commands.json cleandoc: rm -rf refman.pdf docs compile_commands.json cleanreport: make -C report clean rm -f Informe.pdf .PHONY: all shell shellbear shellbuild doc report clean cleanshell cleandoc cleanreport