# Cordova Android Test Project The project in this directory is an Android Test project that enables those interested in further developing `cordova-android` to validate their changes. ## Requirements The requirements in the [top-level README](../README.md) still apply. In addition, ensure you have installed Gradle, and that it is (at the time of this writing) at least version 3.3 or newer. ## Getting Started You can run this test project from both the command line as well as from Android Studio: ### Command Line Ensure you have the gradle wrapper script, `gradlew`, in this directory. If you do not, you can run the following to generate it: $ cd cordova-android/test $ gradle :wrapper -b build.gradle You can then see a list of all tasks available to run with `gradlew tasks`. The two different kinds of tests one typically wants to run are unit tests and end-to-end, or instrumented, tests. Unit tests do not require any particular environment to run in, but the instrumented tests, however, require a connected Android device or emulator to run in. - To run the unit tests, run: `gradlew test`. - To run the instrumented tests, run: `gradlew connectedAndroidTest`. To make sure all tests are run, add the `--rerun-tasks` parameter. ### Android Studio Import this `test/` directory into Android Studio, and hit the Play button.