var english_strings = { english: "English", spanish: "Spanish", project_name: "Project name:", help: "Help", code: "Code", result: "Result", screen: "Screen", add_line: "Add line", insert_line: "Insert line", delete_line: "Delete line", clear_code: "Clear code", export_code: "Export", import_code: "Import:", execute_code: "Execute", pause_code: "Pause", stop_code: "Stop", interval: "Interval: ", input_value: "Input value:", error_input: "The submitted value is not a number.", error_syntax: "Syntax error.", error_memory: "Memory address not found.", error_no_command: "No command detected.", error_math: "Math error.", error_ac: "AC is empty.", file_load_failed: "Failed to load file!", leave: "Are you sure you want to leave this page?", help_text: "
rda: Read from keyboard to memory.
lda: Load to AC.
str: Save to memory.
wrt: Print to screen.
add: Addition.
sub: Subtraction.
mul: Multiplication.
div: Division.
jmp: Jump.
jmpZ: Jump if AC is equal to 0.
jmpL: Jump if AC is less than 0.
sqr: Square root of AC.
pow: AC to the power of n
End: End program.

#: Use numeric value.
[]: Value in memory is an address.", credits_description: "Language simulator based on the architecture of", credits_john: "John von Nuemann", credits_cromer: "Made by Christopher Cromer(" };