titulo=Data Structures tituloArraySimple=Simple Array tituloArrayOrdenado=Ordered Array tituloPila=Stack tituloCola=Queue tituloBurbuja=Bubble tituloInsercion=Insertion tituloSeleccion=Selection tituloShell=Shell tituloQuick=Quick tituloMerge=Merge tituloListaEnlazadaSimple=Simple Linked List tituloListaEnlazadaCircular=Circular Linked List tituloListaEnlazadaDoble=Double Linked List tituloArbolGeneral=General Tree tituloGrafoDirigido=Directed Graph tituloGrafoNoDirigido=Undirected Graph tituloTablaHash=Hash Table estructuras=Structures array=Array arraySimple=Simple arrayOrdenado=Ordered ordenamiento=Sort burbuja=Bubble insercion=Insertion seleccion=Selection shell=Shell quick=Quick merge=merge listaEnlazada=Linked List listaSimple=Simple listaCircular=Circular doblementeEnlazada=Double pila=Stack cola=Queue arboles=Tree general=General binario=Binary busquedaBinario=Binary Search AVL=AVL rojoNegro=Red-Black bTree=B-Tree grafos=Graphs dirigidos=Directed noDirigidos=Undirected tablaHash=Hash Table idioma=Language ingles=English espanol=Spanish cambiarIdioma=Change Language cambiarIdiomaMensaje=To change the language the program must be restarted.\n\nAre you sure you wish the restart? ayuda=Help acerca=About credito=Made by Christopher Cromer(chris@cromer.cl)\nCivil Engineering in Computer Science\nUniversity of the B\u00EDo B\u00EDo cambiar=Change cancelar=Cancel cerrar=Close error=Error llenar=Fill vaciar=Empty insertar=Insert eliminar=Delete buscar=Search push=Push pop=Pop peek=Peek nuevo=New paso=Step correr=Run llave=Key: valor=Value: arrayLleno=Value not inserted because array is full. arrayValorExiste=Value already exists. arrayNoEsta=Value does not exist. arrayNoValor=Please input a numeric value. burbujaYaOrdenado=The array is already sorted. insercionYaOrdenado=The array is already sorted. seleccionYaOrdenado=The array is already sorted. shellYaOrdenado=The array is already sorted. quickYaOrdenado=The array is already sorted. mergeYaOrdenado=The array is already sorted. listaLlaveExiste=Key already exists. listaNoEsta=Key does not exist. listaNoValor=Please input a numeric key and value. pilaLlena=Value not inserted because the stack is full. pilaVacia=The stack is empty. pilaNoValor=Please input a numeric value. colaLlena=Value not inserted because the queue is full. colaVacia=The queue is empty. colaNoValor=Please input a numeric value. arbolValorExiste=Value already exists. arbolNoEsta=Value does not exist. arbolNoValor=Please input a numeric value. grafoNodos=Nodos: grafoEdges=Edges: grafoLleno=Node not inserted because of a maxium of 5 nodes in this implementation. grafoNodoExiste=Node already exists. grafoEdgeExiste=Edge already exists. grafoNoNodo=Node does not exist. grafoNoEdge=Edge does not exist. grafoNoNumero=Please input a numeric node number. tablaHashLleno=Key not inserted because the hash table is full. tablaHashLlaveExiste=Key already exists. tablaHashNoEsta=Key does not exist. tablaHashNoLlave=Please input a key and a numeric value.