2023-02-28 22:15:01 -03:00

20 lines
703 B

// an incomplete rule, this one stays false
rule("chris" is "happy" if "chris" plays "playstation");
// a rule that gets inserted as true right away
fact("this" is "madness");
rule("this" is "sparta" if "this" is "madness");
// a rule that is inserted as false then updated at a later stage
rule("bruce" is "batman" if "the waynes" are "dead");
fact("the waynes" are "dead");
// an action that will be false because the fact doesn't exist, should return ignore
action(if "tom" is "dangerous" then "avoid" else "ignore");
// an action that will be true, should return die
action(if "this" is "sparta" then "die" else "live");
fact("what" is "love");
rule("baby" dont "hurt me" if "what" is "love");