#include "models/error.h" #include "models/rule.h" const char* obelisk::Rule::createTable() { return R"( CREATE TABLE "rule" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, "fact" INTEGER NOT NULL, "reason" INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK("reason" != "fact"), PRIMARY KEY("id" AUTOINCREMENT), UNIQUE("fact", "reason"), FOREIGN KEY("fact") REFERENCES "fact"("id") ON DELETE RESTRICT, FOREIGN KEY("reason") REFERENCES "fact"("id") ON DELETE RESTRICT ); )"; } void obelisk::Rule::selectById(sqlite3* dbConnection) { if (dbConnection == nullptr) { throw obelisk::DatabaseException("database isn't open"); } sqlite3_stmt* ppStmt = nullptr; auto result = sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbConnection, "SELECT id, fact, reason FROM rule WHERE (fact=? AND reason=?)", -1, &ppStmt, nullptr); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); } result = sqlite3_bind_int(ppStmt, 1, getFact().getId()); switch (result) { case SQLITE_OK : break; case SQLITE_TOOBIG : throw obelisk::DatabaseSizeException(); break; case SQLITE_RANGE : throw obelisk::DatabaseRangeException(); break; case SQLITE_NOMEM : throw obelisk::DatabaseMemoryException(); break; default : throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); break; } result = sqlite3_bind_int(ppStmt, 2, getReason().getId()); switch (result) { case SQLITE_OK : break; case SQLITE_TOOBIG : throw obelisk::DatabaseSizeException(); break; case SQLITE_RANGE : throw obelisk::DatabaseRangeException(); break; case SQLITE_NOMEM : throw obelisk::DatabaseMemoryException(); break; default : throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); break; } result = sqlite3_step(ppStmt); switch (result) { case SQLITE_DONE : // no rows in the database break; case SQLITE_ROW : setId(sqlite3_column_int(ppStmt, 0)); getFact().setId(sqlite3_column_int(ppStmt, 1)); getReason().setId(sqlite3_column_int(ppStmt, 2)); break; case SQLITE_BUSY : throw obelisk::DatabaseBusyException(); break; case SQLITE_MISUSE : throw obelisk::DatabaseMisuseException(); break; default : throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); break; } result = sqlite3_finalize(ppStmt); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); } } void obelisk::Rule::insert(sqlite3* dbConnection) { if (dbConnection == nullptr) { throw obelisk::DatabaseException("database isn't open"); } sqlite3_stmt* ppStmt = nullptr; auto result = sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbConnection, "INSERT INTO rule (fact, reason) VALUES (?, ?)", -1, &ppStmt, nullptr); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); } result = sqlite3_bind_int(ppStmt, 1, getFact().getId()); switch (result) { case SQLITE_OK : break; case SQLITE_TOOBIG : throw obelisk::DatabaseSizeException(); break; case SQLITE_RANGE : throw obelisk::DatabaseRangeException(); break; case SQLITE_NOMEM : throw obelisk::DatabaseMemoryException(); break; default : throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); break; } result = sqlite3_bind_int(ppStmt, 2, getReason().getId()); switch (result) { case SQLITE_OK : break; case SQLITE_TOOBIG : throw obelisk::DatabaseSizeException(); break; case SQLITE_RANGE : throw obelisk::DatabaseRangeException(); break; case SQLITE_NOMEM : throw obelisk::DatabaseMemoryException(); break; default : throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); break; } result = sqlite3_step(ppStmt); switch (result) { case SQLITE_DONE : setId((int) sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(dbConnection)); sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid(dbConnection, 0); break; case SQLITE_CONSTRAINT : throw obelisk::DatabaseConstraintException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); case SQLITE_BUSY : throw obelisk::DatabaseBusyException(); break; case SQLITE_MISUSE : throw obelisk::DatabaseMisuseException(); break; default : throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); break; } result = sqlite3_finalize(ppStmt); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); } } void obelisk::Rule::selectByReason(sqlite3* dbConnection, int reasonId, std::vector& rules) { if (dbConnection == nullptr) { throw obelisk::DatabaseException("database isn't open"); } sqlite3_stmt* ppStmt = nullptr; auto result = sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbConnection, "SELECT id, fact, reason FROM rule WHERE (reason=?)", -1, &ppStmt, nullptr); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); } result = sqlite3_bind_int(ppStmt, 1, reasonId); switch (result) { case SQLITE_OK : break; case SQLITE_TOOBIG : throw obelisk::DatabaseSizeException(); break; case SQLITE_RANGE : throw obelisk::DatabaseRangeException(); break; case SQLITE_NOMEM : throw obelisk::DatabaseMemoryException(); break; default : throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); break; } while ((result = sqlite3_step(ppStmt)) != SQLITE_DONE) { switch (result) { case SQLITE_ROW : rules.push_back(obelisk::Rule(sqlite3_column_int(ppStmt, 0), obelisk::Fact(sqlite3_column_int(ppStmt, 1)), obelisk::Fact(sqlite3_column_int(ppStmt, 2)))); break; case SQLITE_BUSY : throw obelisk::DatabaseBusyException(); break; case SQLITE_MISUSE : throw obelisk::DatabaseMisuseException(); break; default : throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); break; } } result = sqlite3_finalize(ppStmt); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { throw obelisk::DatabaseException(sqlite3_errmsg(dbConnection)); } } int& obelisk::Rule::getId() { return id_; } void obelisk::Rule::setId(int id) { id_ = id; } obelisk::Fact& obelisk::Rule::getFact() { return fact_; } void obelisk::Rule::setFact(obelisk::Fact fact) { fact_ = fact; } obelisk::Fact& obelisk::Rule::getReason() { return reason_; } void obelisk::Rule::setReason(obelisk::Fact reason) { reason_ = reason; }