#ifndef OBELISK_LEXER_H #define OBELISK_LEXER_H #include #include namespace obelisk { /** * @brief The Lexer reads and identifies tokens in the obelisk source code. * */ class Lexer { private: int lastChar = ' '; /** * @brief The stream of the source file being read. * */ std::ifstream fileStream_; /** * @brief The last found identifier. * */ std::string identifier_; /** * @brief The last found number. * */ double numberValue_ = 0; /** * @brief Set the identifier. * * @param[in] identifier The new identifier. */ void setIdentifier(const std::string& identifier); /** * @brief Erase the last identifier. * */ void eraseIdentifier(); /** * @brief Add the last found char to the end of the identifier. * * @param[in] lastChar The last char that was found. */ void appendIdentifier(int lastChar); /** * @brief Set the number value. * * @param[in] numberValue The new number value. */ void setNumberValue(double numberValue); /** * @brief Comment the rest of the line. * * @param[in] lastChar The char to check to see if it in the end of the line. */ void commentLine(int* lastChar); public: /** * @brief These token represent recognized language keywords and language functionality. * */ enum Token { /** * @brief End of file is returned when the source code is finished. * */ kTokenEof = -1, /** * @brief A fact which is a relationship between 2 entities. * */ kTokenFact = -2, /** * @brief A rule which is a relationship between a new fact a existing fact. * */ kTokenRule = -3, /** * @brief An action to take if a fact is true. * */ kTokenAction = -4, /** * @brief A definition of a new function. * */ kTokenDef = -5, /** * @brief An external function that will be linked to. * */ kTokenExtern = -6, /** * @brief An identifier which is a alphanumeric value. * */ kTokenIdentifier = -7, /** * @brief A double floating point value. * */ kTokenNumber = -8, /** * @brief A string. * */ kTokenString = -9 }; /** * @brief Construct a new Lexer object. * * @param[in] sourceFile The source file to read. */ Lexer(const std::string& sourceFile); /** * @brief Destroy the Lexer object. * */ ~Lexer(); /** * @brief Gets the next token in the source code. * * @throws LexerException when an invalid token is found. * @return int Returns a Token value or char if no known token was found. */ int getToken(); /** * @brief Get the last identifier. * * @return const std::string& Returns a string that contains the last found identifier. */ const std::string& getIdentifier(); /** * @brief Get the last number value. * * @return double Return the last number that was found. */ double getNumberValue(); }; /** * @brief Lexer exception class. * */ class LexerException : public std::exception { private: /** * @brief The error message from the exception. * */ const std::string errorMessage_; public: /** * @brief Construct a new LexerException object. * */ LexerException() : errorMessage_("an unknown error ocurred") { } /** * @brief Construct a new LexerException object. * * @param[in] errorMessage Error message to include. */ LexerException(const std::string& errorMessage) : errorMessage_(errorMessage) { } /** * @brief Return the exception's error message. * * @return const char* Returns a string containing the error message. */ const char* what() const noexcept { return errorMessage_.c_str(); } }; } // namespace obelisk #endif