Merge pull request 'feature/state_machine' (#5) from feature/state_machine into develop

Reviewed-on: Proyecto-Titulo/juego#5
This commit is contained in:
Chris Cromer 2022-04-13 09:39:41 -04:00
commit 6ea66d4e07
30 changed files with 1913 additions and 500 deletions

View File

@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ if env['platform'] == 'linux':
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-g3', '-Og'])
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-g', '-O3'])
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ else:
cpp_library += '.' + str(env['bits'])
# make sure our binding library is properly includes
env.Append(CPPPATH=['.', godot_headers_path, cpp_bindings_path + 'include/', cpp_bindings_path + 'include/core/', cpp_bindings_path + 'include/gen/', 'src/include/', 'lib/include'])
env.Append(CPPPATH=['.', godot_headers_path, cpp_bindings_path + 'include/', cpp_bindings_path + 'include/core/', cpp_bindings_path + 'include/gen/'])
env.Append(LIBPATH=[cpp_bindings_path + 'bin/'])

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[gd_resource type="NativeScript" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://gdnative/libalai.tres" type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://gdnative/alai.tres" type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
resource_name = "Main"

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
[gd_resource type="NativeScript" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://gdnative/libalai.tres" type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
[sub_resource type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
symbol_prefix = "godot_player"
entry/Windows.64 = "res://gdnative/windows.64/libalai.dll"
entry/X11.64 = "res://gdnative/linux.64/"
dependency/Windows.64 = [ ]
dependency/X11.64 = [ ]
resource_name = "Player"
class_name = "Player"
library = ExtResource( 1 )
library = SubResource( 1 )

View File

@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=2]
[gd_scene load_steps=9 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://characters/player/sprites/green.tres" type="SpriteFrames" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://characters/player/Player.gdns" type="Script" id=2]
[ext_resource path="res://characters/player/states/Idle.gdns" type="Script" id=2]
[ext_resource path="res://state_machine/StateMachine.gdns" type="Script" id=3]
[ext_resource path="res://characters/player/states/Move.gdns" type="Script" id=4]
[ext_resource path="res://characters/player/Player.gdns" type="Script" id=5]
[ext_resource path="res://characters/player/states/Jump.gdns" type="Script" id=6]
[ext_resource path="res://characters/player/states/Fall.gdns" type="Script" id=7]
[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=1]
extents = Vector2( 7, 11.5 )
extents = Vector2( 7, 12 )
[node name="Player" type="KinematicBody2D"]
script = ExtResource( 2 )
script = ExtResource( 5 )
[node name="AnimatedSprite" type="AnimatedSprite" parent="."]
frames = ExtResource( 1 )
@ -15,7 +20,21 @@ animation = "idle"
centered = false
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 12, 12.5 )
position = Vector2( 12, 12 )
shape = SubResource( 1 )
[connection signal="player_moved" from="." to="." method="_on_Player_player_moved"]
[node name="StateMachine" type="Node" parent="."]
script = ExtResource( 3 )
default_state = "Idle"
[node name="Idle" type="Node" parent="StateMachine"]
script = ExtResource( 2 )
[node name="Move" type="Node" parent="StateMachine"]
script = ExtResource( 4 )
[node name="Jump" type="Node" parent="StateMachine"]
script = ExtResource( 6 )
[node name="Fall" type="Node" parent="StateMachine"]
script = ExtResource( 7 )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[gd_resource type="NativeScript" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://gdnative/alai.tres" type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
resource_name = "PlayerFall"
class_name = "PlayerFall"
library = ExtResource( 1 )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[gd_resource type="NativeScript" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://gdnative/alai.tres" type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
resource_name = "PlayerIdle"
class_name = "PlayerIdle"
library = ExtResource( 1 )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[gd_resource type="NativeScript" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://gdnative/alai.tres" type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
resource_name = "PlayerJump"
class_name = "PlayerJump"
library = ExtResource( 1 )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[gd_resource type="NativeScript" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://gdnative/alai.tres" type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
resource_name = "PlayerMove"
class_name = "PlayerMove"
library = ExtResource( 1 )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[gd_resource type="NativeScript" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://gdnative/alai.tres" type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
resource_name = "State"
class_name = "State"
library = ExtResource( 1 )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[gd_resource type="NativeScript" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://gdnative/alai.tres" type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
resource_name = "StateMachine"
class_name = "StateMachine"
library = ExtResource( 1 )

View File

@ -3,14 +3,15 @@
#include <SceneTree.hpp>
using namespace godot;
using namespace main;
void Main::_register_methods()
register_method("_ready", &Main::_ready);
register_method("_physics_process", &Main::_physics_process);
register_property<Main, bool>("full_screen", &Main::set_full_screen, &Main::get_full_screen, ALAI_MAIN_FULL_SCREEN);
register_property<Main, Vector2>("window_size", &Main::set_window_size, &Main::get_window_size, ALAI_MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE);
register_property<Main, int8_t>("launch_screen", &Main::set_launch_screen, &Main::get_launch_screen, ALAI_MAIN_LAUNCH_SCREEN);
register_property<Main, bool>("full_screen", &Main::set_full_screen, &Main::get_full_screen, main::full_screen);
register_property<Main, Vector2>("window_size", &Main::set_window_size, &Main::get_window_size, main::window_size);
register_property<Main, int8_t>("launch_screen", &Main::set_launch_screen, &Main::get_launch_screen, main::launch_screen);
@ -26,9 +27,9 @@ void Main::_init()
_os = OS::get_singleton();
_input = Input::get_singleton();
full_screen = ALAI_MAIN_FULL_SCREEN;
window_size = ALAI_MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE;
launch_screen = ALAI_MAIN_LAUNCH_SCREEN;
full_screen = main::full_screen;
window_size = main::window_size;
launch_screen = main::launch_screen;
void Main::_ready()
@ -39,17 +40,10 @@ void Main::_ready()
String resolution = String("Resolution before: " + String().num(_os->get_window_size().x) + "x" + String().num(_os->get_window_size().y));
_os->get_screen_position(get_launch_screen()) + _os->get_screen_size() * 0.5 - _os->get_window_size() * 0.5
resolution = String("Resolution after: " + String().num(_os->get_window_size().x) + "x" + String().num(_os->get_window_size().y));
@ -61,39 +55,39 @@ void Main::_physics_process(float delta)
void Main::set_full_screen(bool new_full_screen)
void Main::set_full_screen(bool full_screen)
full_screen = new_full_screen;
this->full_screen = full_screen;
bool Main::get_full_screen()
return full_screen;
return this->full_screen;
void Main::set_window_size(Vector2 new_window_size)
void Main::set_window_size(Vector2 window_size)
window_size = new_window_size;
this-> window_size = window_size;
Vector2 Main::get_window_size()
return window_size;
return this->window_size;
void Main::set_launch_screen(int8_t new_launch_screen)
void Main::set_launch_screen(int8_t launch_screen)
launch_screen = new_launch_screen;
this->launch_screen = launch_screen;
int8_t Main::get_launch_screen()
if (launch_screen == -1)
if (this->launch_screen == -1)
return _os->get_current_screen();
return launch_screen;
return this->launch_screen;

src/Main.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
#ifndef ALAI_MAIN_H
#define ALAI_MAIN_H
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <Node.hpp>
#include <OS.hpp>
#include <Input.hpp>
* @brief This is the godot namespace for all the code included in the library.
* @details This namespace is used a prefix when the Godot engine looks for classes, methods, and properties.
namespace godot
* @brief This namespace houses some global variables and the main class.
namespace main
* @brief The default value for if the game should start in full screen.
const bool full_screen = false;
* @brief The default resolution for the game window.
const Vector2 window_size = Vector2(1280, 720);
* @brief The default screen the the game should open on.
* @details -1 opens it on the currently active screen. And 0 and above are the screens to use.
const int8_t launch_screen = -1;
* @brief This class controls the Main node.
* @details The main node is responsible for controling the window and the game iteself is a child of it.
class Main : public Node
* @brief OS singleton.
OS *_os;
* @brief Input singleton.
Input *_input;
* @brief If the window is full screen or not.
bool full_screen;
* @brief The size of the window.
Vector2 window_size;
* @brief The screen to launch the game on.
int8_t launch_screen;
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new Main object.
* @brief Destroy the Main object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
void _init();
* @brief Code to be run when ready.
* @details This method is run when all the children of this node are ready.
void _ready();
* @brief This class handles the physics processing.
* @details Every delta time, this function is called to check for input and update positioning.
* @param[in] delta The difference in time that passed since the last call to this method.
void _physics_process(float delta);
* @brief Set the full screen object.
* @param[in] full_screen The new full screen state.
void set_full_screen(bool full_screen);
* @brief Get the full screen object.
* @return true If full screen.
* @return false If not full screen.
bool get_full_screen();
* @brief Set the window size object.
* @param[in] window_size The new window size.
void set_window_size(Vector2 window_size);
* @brief Get the window size object.
* @return Vector2 The window size.
Vector2 get_window_size();
* @brief Set the launch screen object.
* @param[in] launch_screen The launch screen to use.
void set_launch_screen(int8_t launch_screen);
* @brief Get the launch screen object.
* @return int8_t The launch screen.
int8_t get_launch_screen();

View File

@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include "state_machine/StateMachine.h"
#include "state_machine/State.h"
#include "Main.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "player/Player.h"
#include "player/states/PlayerIdle.h"
#include "player/states/PlayerMove.h"
#include "player/states/PlayerJump.h"
#include "player/states/PlayerFall.h"
using namespace godot;
* @brief This function connects the gdnative init function.
extern "C" void GDN_EXPORT godot_gdnative_init(godot_gdnative_init_options *o)
* @brief This function connects the gdnative terminate function.
extern "C" void GDN_EXPORT godot_gdnative_terminate(godot_gdnative_terminate_options *o)
// This next line is a workaround to fix bug:
@ -18,9 +32,19 @@ extern "C" void GDN_EXPORT godot_gdnative_terminate(godot_gdnative_terminate_opt
* @brief This function connects the init methods in the classes to godot's gdnative.
extern "C" void GDN_EXPORT godot_nativescript_init(void *handle)

View File

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
#ifndef ALAI_MAIN_H
#define ALAI_MAIN_H
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <Node.hpp>
#include <OS.hpp>
#include <Input.hpp>
* @brief If the game should be full screen or not by default.
* @brief The default size of the window.
* @details This is ignored if full screen is true.
#define ALAI_MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE Vector2(1280, 720)
* @brief Which screen to launch the game on.
* @details If -1 it will launch the game on the "active" screen. Anything between 0 and N represents the screen number to show the game on when opened.
* @brief This is the godot namespace for all the code included in the library.
* @details This namespace is used a prefix when the Godot engine looks for classes, methods, and properties.
namespace godot
* @brief This class controls the Main node.
* @details The main node is responsible for controling the window and the game iteself is a child of it.
class Main : public Node
* @brief OS singleton.
OS *_os;
* @brief Input singleton.
Input *_input;
* @brief If the window is full screen or not.
bool full_screen;
* @brief The size of the window.
Vector2 window_size;
* @brief The screen to launch the game on.
int8_t launch_screen;
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new Main object.
* @brief Destroy the Main object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
void _init();
* @brief Code to be run when ready.
* @details This method is run when all the children of this node are ready.
void _ready();
* @brief This class handles the physics processing.
* @details Every delta time, this function is called to check for input and update positioning.
* @param[in] delta The difference in time that passed since the last call to this method.
void _physics_process(float delta);
* @brief Set the full screen object.
* @param[in] new_full_screen The new full screen state.
void set_full_screen(bool new_full_screen);
* @brief Get the full screen object.
* @return true If full screen.
* @return false If not full screen.
bool get_full_screen();
* @brief Set the window size object.
* @param[in] new_window_size The new window size.
void set_window_size(Vector2 new_window_size);
* @brief Get the window size object.
* @return Vector2 The window size.
Vector2 get_window_size();
* @brief Set the launch screen object.
* @param[in] new_launch_screen The launch screen to use.
void set_launch_screen(int8_t new_launch_screen);
* @brief Get the launch screen object.
* @return int8_t The launch screen.
int8_t get_launch_screen();

View File

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
* @brief This resource is loaded by default for the AnimatedSprite node.
#define ALAI_PLAYER_SPRITE_FRAMES "res://characters/player/sprites/green.tres"
* @brief The speed the player should move it.
#define ALAI_PLAYER_SPEED 60.0
* @brief The force applied to the player when jumping.
* @brief The gravity applied to the player.
* @brief The multiplier used to change the speed of the player when running.
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <KinematicBody2D.hpp>
#include <OS.hpp>
#include <Sprite.hpp>
#include <Vector2.hpp>
#include <Input.hpp>
#include <AnimatedSprite.hpp>
#include <SpriteFrames.hpp>
#include <ResourceLoader.hpp>
#include <PackedScene.hpp>
* @brief This is the godot namespace for all the code included in the library.
* @details This namespace is used a prefix when the Godot engine looks for classes, methods, and properties.
namespace godot
* @brief This class is used to control the player.
* @details This class allows the player to move, run, and jump as well as controls the sprite displayed for those actions.
class Player : public KinematicBody2D
GODOT_CLASS(Player, KinematicBody2D)
* @brief OS singleton.
OS *_os;
* @brief Input singleton.
Input *_input;
* @brief ResourceLoader singleton.
ResourceLoader *_resource_loader;
* @brief The animated sprite connected to the KinematicBody2D.
AnimatedSprite *animated_sprite;
* @brief The sprite frames used in the animated sprite.
Ref<SpriteFrames> sprite_frames;
* @brief The coins the player has collected.
uint8_t coins;
* @brief The velocity at which moves the player moves.
Vector2 velocity;
* @brief The speed that the player moves in.
float speed;
* @brief The force applied to the player when jumping.
float jump_force;
* @brief The gravity applied to the player.
float gravity;
* @brief The speed multiplier used to make the player move faster.
float run_speed;
* @brief State of jumping of the player. To be replaced with a state machine in the future.
uint8_t jumping;
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new Player object.
* @brief Destroy the Player object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
void _init();
* @brief Code to be run when ready.
* @details This method is run when all the children of this node are ready.
void _ready();
* @brief This class handles the physics processing.
* @details Every delta time, this function is called to check for input and update positioning.
* @param[in] delta The difference in time that passed since the last call to this method.
void _physics_process(float delta);
* @brief Set the sprite frames object.
* @param[in] new_sprite_frames The new sprite frame.
void set_sprite_frames(Ref<SpriteFrames> new_sprite_frames);
* @brief Get the sprite frames object.
* @return Ref<SpriteFrames> A reference to the sprite frames object.
Ref<SpriteFrames> get_sprite_frames();
* @brief Set the speed object.
* @param[in] new_speed The new speed.
void set_speed(float new_speed);
* @brief Get the speed object.
* @return float The current speed of the player.
float get_speed();
* @brief Set the jump force object.
* @param[in] new_jump_force The new force applied to the player to make him jump.
void set_jump_force(float new_jump_force);
* @brief Get the jump force object.
* @return float The current force being applied to the player.
float get_jump_force();
* @brief Set the gravity object.
* @param[in] new_gravity The new gravity to apply to the player.
void set_gravity(float new_gravity);
* @brief Get the gravity object.
* @return float The current gravity applied to the player.
float get_gravity();
* @brief Set the run speed object.
* @param[in] new_run_speed The new speed for running.
void set_run_speed(float new_run_speed);
* @brief Get the run speed object.
* @return float The current run speed of the player.
float get_run_speed();
* @brief This signal is called when the player moves.
* @details The jump action is not included in this signal, just moving left or right.
* @param[in] position The new position of the player.
void _on_Player_player_moved(Vector2 position);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include "Player.h"
#include "player/Player.h"
#include <Camera2D.hpp>
#include <TileMap.hpp>
@ -7,18 +7,20 @@
#include <Texture.hpp>
using namespace godot;
using namespace player;
void Player::_register_methods()
register_method("_ready", &Player::_ready);
register_method("_physics_process", &Player::_physics_process);
register_method("_on_Player_player_moved", &Player::_on_Player_player_moved);
register_method("set_velocity", &Player::set_velocity);
register_method("get_velocity", &Player::get_velocity);
//register_property<Player, Ref<SpriteFrames>>("sprite_frames", &Player::set_sprite_frames, &Player::get_sprite_frames, Ref<SpriteFrames>(), GODOT_METHOD_RPC_MODE_DISABLED, GODOT_PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT, GODOT_PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, String("SpriteFrames"));
register_property<Player, float>("speed", &Player::set_speed, &Player::get_speed, ALAI_PLAYER_SPEED);
register_property<Player, float>("jump_force", &Player::set_jump_force, &Player::get_jump_force, ALAI_PLAYER_JUMP_FORCE);
register_property<Player, float>("gravity", &Player::set_gravity, &Player::get_gravity, ALAI_PLAYER_GRAVITY);
register_property<Player, float>("run_speed", &Player::set_run_speed, &Player::get_run_speed, ALAI_PLAYER_RUN_SPEED);
register_signal<Player>("player_moved", "position", GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_VECTOR2);
register_property<Player, float>("speed", &Player::set_speed, &Player::get_speed, player::speed);
register_property<Player, float>("jump_force", &Player::set_jump_force, &Player::get_jump_force, player::jump_force);
register_property<Player, float>("gravity", &Player::set_gravity, &Player::get_gravity, player::gravity);
register_property<Player, float>("run_speed", &Player::set_run_speed, &Player::get_run_speed, player::run_speed);
register_property<Player, bool>("double_jump", &Player::set_double_jump, &Player::get_double_jump, player::double_jump);
@ -31,21 +33,18 @@ Player::~Player()
void Player::_init()
_os = OS::get_singleton();
_input = Input::get_singleton();
_resource_loader = ResourceLoader::get_singleton();
//sprite_frames = _resource_loader->load(ALAI_PLAYER_SPRITE_FRAMES);
//sprite_frames = _resource_loader->load(player::sprite_frames);
coins = 0;
velocity = Vector2();
jumping = 0;
void Player::_ready()
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ void Player::_ready()
animated_sprite = get_node<AnimatedSprite>("AnimatedSprite");
if (!animated_sprite)
WARN_PRINT("AnimateSprite not found!");
ERR_PRINT("AnimateSprite not found!");
animated_sprite = AnimatedSprite()._new();
@ -74,74 +73,7 @@ void Player::_ready()
void Player::_physics_process(float delta)
auto current_speed = get_speed();
velocity.x = 0;
if (_input->is_action_pressed("run"))
current_speed *= get_run_speed();
if (_input->is_action_pressed("right"))
velocity.x += current_speed;
if (_input->is_action_pressed("left"))
velocity.x += -current_speed;
if (velocity.x > 0)
else if (velocity.x < 0)
if (jumping > 0 && is_on_floor())
jumping = 0;
if (!is_on_floor())
if (jumping == 0)
jumping = 2;
velocity.y += get_gravity();
if (_input->is_action_just_pressed("jump") && jumping < 2)
velocity.y = -get_jump_force();
if (_input->is_action_just_released("jump"))
if (velocity.y < -100)
velocity.y = -100;
if (velocity.x < 0 || velocity.x > 0)
//emit_signal("player_moved", get_position());
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector2::UP, true);
velocity.x = Math::lerp((float) velocity.x, (float) 0, (float) 0.2);
@ -170,7 +102,6 @@ void Player::_physics_process(float delta)
if (get_parent()->get_class() == "TileMap")
Godot::print("Off screen");
auto error = get_tree()->change_scene("res://Main.tscn");
if (error != Error::OK)
@ -181,57 +112,72 @@ void Player::_physics_process(float delta)
void Player::set_sprite_frames(Ref<SpriteFrames> new_sprite_frames)
void Player::set_sprite_frames(Ref<SpriteFrames> sprite_frames)
sprite_frames = new_sprite_frames;
this->sprite_frames = sprite_frames;
Ref<SpriteFrames> Player::get_sprite_frames()
return sprite_frames;
return this->sprite_frames;
void Player::set_speed(float new_speed)
void Player::set_speed(float speed)
speed = new_speed;
this->speed = speed;
float Player::get_speed()
return speed;
return this->speed;
void Player::set_jump_force(float new_jump_force)
void Player::set_jump_force(float jump_force)
jump_force = new_jump_force;
this->jump_force = jump_force;
float Player::get_jump_force()
return jump_force;
return this->jump_force;
void Player::set_gravity(float new_gravity)
void Player::set_gravity(float gravity)
gravity = new_gravity;
this->gravity = gravity;
float Player::get_gravity()
return gravity;
return this->gravity;
void Player::set_run_speed(float new_run_speed)
void Player::set_run_speed(float run_speed)
run_speed = new_run_speed;
this->run_speed = run_speed;
float Player::get_run_speed()
return run_speed;
return this->run_speed;
void Player::_on_Player_player_moved(Vector2 position)
void Player::set_double_jump(bool double_jump)
this->double_jump = double_jump;
bool Player::get_double_jump()
return this->double_jump;
void Player::set_velocity(Vector2 velocity)
this->velocity = velocity;
Vector2 Player::get_velocity()
return this->velocity;

src/player/Player.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <KinematicBody2D.hpp>
#include <Sprite.hpp>
#include <AnimatedSprite.hpp>
#include <SpriteFrames.hpp>
#include <ResourceLoader.hpp>
* @brief This is the godot namespace for all the code included in the library.
* @details This namespace is used a prefix when the Godot engine looks for classes, methods, and properties.
namespace godot
* @brief This namespace contains the global variables related to the player and its states.
namespace player
* @brief The default sprite resource of the player.
const char player_sprite_frames[] = "res://characters/player/sprites/green.tres";
* @brief The default speed of the player.
const float speed = 60.0;
* @brief The default jump force applied when jumping.
const float jump_force = 300.0;
* @brief The default gravity applied to the player.
const float gravity = 9.81;
* @brief The default run speed multiplier.
const float run_speed = 2.0;
* @brief The default double jump activation state.
const bool double_jump = true;
* @brief This class is used to control the player.
* @details This class allows the player to move, run, and jump as well as controls the sprite displayed for those actions.
class Player : public KinematicBody2D
GODOT_CLASS(Player, KinematicBody2D)
* @brief ResourceLoader singleton.
ResourceLoader *_resource_loader;
* @brief The animated sprite connected to the KinematicBody2D.
AnimatedSprite *animated_sprite;
* @brief The sprite frames used in the animated sprite.
Ref<SpriteFrames> sprite_frames;
* @brief The coins the player has collected.
uint8_t coins;
* @brief The velocity at which moves the player moves.
Vector2 velocity;
* @brief The speed that the player moves in.
float speed;
* @brief The force applied to the player when jumping.
float jump_force;
* @brief The gravity applied to the player.
float gravity;
* @brief The speed multiplier used to make the player move faster.
float run_speed;
* @brief If double jump is enabled or not.
bool double_jump;
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new Player object.
* @brief Destroy the Player object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
void _init();
* @brief Code to be run when ready.
* @details This method is run when all the children of this node are ready.
void _ready();
* @brief This class handles the physics processing.
* @details Every delta time, this function is called to check for input and update positioning.
* @param[in] delta The difference in time that passed since the last call to this method.
void _physics_process(float delta);
* @brief Set the sprite frames object.
* @param[in] sprite_frames The new sprite frame.
void set_sprite_frames(Ref<SpriteFrames> sprite_frames);
* @brief Get the sprite frames object.
* @return Ref<SpriteFrames> A reference to the sprite frames object.
Ref<SpriteFrames> get_sprite_frames();
* @brief Set the speed object.
* @param[in] speed The new speed.
void set_speed(float speed);
* @brief Get the speed object.
* @return float The current speed of the player.
float get_speed();
* @brief Set the jump force object.
* @param[in] jump_force The new force applied to the player to make him jump.
void set_jump_force(float jump_force);
* @brief Get the jump force object.
* @return float The current force being applied to the player.
float get_jump_force();
* @brief Set the gravity object.
* @param[in] gravity The new gravity to apply to the player.
void set_gravity(float gravity);
* @brief Get the gravity object.
* @return float The current gravity applied to the player.
float get_gravity();
* @brief Set the run speed object.
* @param[in] run_speed The new speed for running.
void set_run_speed(float run_speed);
* @brief Get the run speed object.
* @return float The current run speed of the player.
float get_run_speed();
* @brief Set the double jump object.
* @param[in] double_jump The new double dump value.
void set_double_jump(bool double_jump);
* @brief Get the double jump object.
* @return true If double jump is enabled.
* @return false If double jump is disabled.
bool get_double_jump();
* @brief Set the velocity object.
* @param[in] velocity The new velocity of the player.
void set_velocity(Vector2 velocity);
* @brief Get the velocity object.
* @return Vector2 Returns the velocity of the player.
Vector2 get_velocity();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#include "player/states/PlayerFall.h"
#include "player/Player.h"
using namespace godot;
using namespace player;
void PlayerFall::_register_methods()
register_method("_state_enter", &PlayerFall::_state_enter);
register_method("_state_exit", &PlayerFall::_state_exit);
register_method("_physics_process", &PlayerFall::_physics_process);
void PlayerFall::_init()
_input = Input::get_singleton();
void PlayerFall::_state_enter()
animated_sprite = get_parent()->get_node<AnimatedSprite>("AnimatedSprite");
void PlayerFall::_state_exit()
void PlayerFall::_physics_process(float delta)
auto parent = Object::cast_to<player::Player>(get_parent());
if (parent->is_on_floor())
auto current_speed = parent->get_speed();
auto velocity = parent->get_velocity();
velocity.x = 0;
if (_input->is_action_pressed("run"))
current_speed *= parent->get_run_speed();
if (_input->is_action_pressed("right"))
velocity.x += current_speed;
if (_input->is_action_pressed("left"))
velocity.x += -current_speed;
if (velocity.x > 0)
else if (velocity.x < 0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#include "state_machine/State.h"
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <Input.hpp>
#include <AnimatedSprite.hpp>
* @brief This is the godot namespace for all the code included in the library.
* @details This namespace is used a prefix when the Godot engine looks for classes, methods, and properties.
namespace godot
namespace player
* @brief This class controls what happens when the player is in a falling state.
class PlayerFall : public State
GODOT_CLASS(PlayerFall, State)
* @brief Input singleton.
Input *_input;
* @brief The animated sprite connected to the player.
AnimatedSprite *animated_sprite;
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new Player Fall object.
* @brief Destroy the Player Fall object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
void _init();
* @brief Called when the fall state is entered.
void _state_enter();
* @brief Called when the fall state is exited.
void _state_exit();
* @brief The physics processed every delta time.
* @param[in] delta The time since the method was last run.
void _physics_process(float delta);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#include "player/states/PlayerIdle.h"
#include "player/Player.h"
using namespace godot;
using namespace player;
void PlayerIdle::_register_methods()
register_method("_state_enter", &PlayerIdle::_state_enter);
register_method("_state_exit", &PlayerIdle::_state_exit);
register_method("_physics_process", &PlayerIdle::_physics_process);
void PlayerIdle::_init()
_input = Input::get_singleton();
void PlayerIdle::_state_enter()
animated_sprite = get_parent()->get_node<AnimatedSprite>("AnimatedSprite");
void PlayerIdle::_state_exit()
void PlayerIdle::_physics_process(float delta)
auto parent = Object::cast_to<player::Player>(get_parent());
if (_input->is_action_pressed("right"))
if (_input->is_action_pressed("left"))
if (_input->is_action_just_pressed("jump"))
if (!parent->is_on_floor())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
#include "state_machine/State.h"
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <Node.hpp>
#include <Input.hpp>
#include <AnimatedSprite.hpp>
namespace godot
namespace player
* @brief This class controls what happens when the player is in the idle state.
class PlayerIdle : public State
GODOT_CLASS(PlayerIdle, State)
* @brief Input singleton.
Input *_input;
* @brief The animated sprite of the player.
AnimatedSprite *animated_sprite;
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new Player Idle object.
* @brief Destroy the Player Idle object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
void _init();
* @brief Called when the idle state is entered.
void _state_enter();
* @brief Called when the idle state is exited.
void _state_exit();
* @brief The physics processed every delta time.
* @param[in] delta The time since the method was last run.
void _physics_process(float delta);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
#include "player/states/PlayerJump.h"
#include "player/Player.h"
using namespace godot;
using namespace player;
void PlayerJump::_register_methods()
register_method("_state_enter", &PlayerJump::_state_enter);
register_method("_state_exit", &PlayerJump::_state_exit);
register_method("_physics_process", &PlayerJump::_physics_process);
void PlayerJump::_init()
_input = Input::get_singleton();
void PlayerJump::_state_enter(const String state)
animated_sprite = get_parent()->get_node<AnimatedSprite>("AnimatedSprite");
if (state == "Jump")
double_jumped = true;
double_jumped = false;
auto parent = Object::cast_to<player::Player>(get_parent());
auto velocity = parent->get_velocity();
velocity.y = -parent->get_jump_force();
void PlayerJump::_state_exit()
void PlayerJump::_physics_process(float delta)
auto parent = Object::cast_to<player::Player>(get_parent());
if (parent->is_on_floor())
auto current_speed = parent->get_speed();
auto velocity = parent->get_velocity();
velocity.x = 0;
if (_input->is_action_pressed("run"))
current_speed *= parent->get_run_speed();
if (_input->is_action_pressed("right"))
velocity.x += current_speed;
if (_input->is_action_pressed("left"))
velocity.x += -current_speed;
if (_input->is_action_just_released("jump"))
if (velocity.y < -100)
velocity.y = -100;
if (parent->get_double_jump() && !double_jumped && _input->is_action_just_pressed("jump"))
if (velocity.x > 0)
else if (velocity.x < 0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#include "state_machine/State.h"
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <Input.hpp>
#include <AnimatedSprite.hpp>
namespace godot
namespace player
* @brief This class control what happens when the player is in the jump state.
class PlayerJump : public State
GODOT_CLASS(PlayerJump, State)
* @brief Input singleton.
Input *_input;
* @brief The animated sprite connected to the player.
AnimatedSprite *animated_sprite;
* @brief If the player has already performed a double jump or not.
bool double_jumped;
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new Player Jump object.
* @brief Destroy the Player Jump object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
void _init();
* @brief Called when the player enters the jump state.
* @details If the previous state was the jump state, a double jump was performed.
* @param[in] state The previous state before this one was entered.
void _state_enter(const String state);
* @brief Called when the player exits the jump state.
void _state_exit();
* @brief The physics processed every delta time.
* @param[in] delta The time since the method was last run.
void _physics_process(float delta);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
#include "player/states/PlayerMove.h"
#include "player/Player.h"
using namespace godot;
using namespace player;
void PlayerMove::_register_methods()
register_method("_state_enter", &PlayerMove::_state_enter);
register_method("_state_exit", &PlayerMove::_state_exit);
register_method("_physics_process", &PlayerMove::_physics_process);
void PlayerMove::_init()
_input = Input::get_singleton();
void PlayerMove::_state_enter()
animated_sprite = get_parent()->get_node<AnimatedSprite>("AnimatedSprite");
void PlayerMove::_state_exit()
void PlayerMove::_physics_process(float delta)
auto parent = Object::cast_to<player::Player>(get_parent());
auto direction_pressed = false;
auto current_speed = parent->get_speed();
auto velocity = parent->get_velocity();
velocity.x = 0;
if (_input->is_action_pressed("run"))
current_speed *= parent->get_run_speed();
if (_input->is_action_pressed("right"))
direction_pressed = true;
velocity.x += current_speed;
if (_input->is_action_pressed("left"))
direction_pressed = true;
velocity.x += -current_speed;
if (_input->is_action_just_pressed("jump"))
if (velocity.x > 0)
else if (velocity.x < 0)
if (!direction_pressed)
if (!parent->is_on_floor())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#include "state_machine/State.h"
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <Input.hpp>
#include <AnimatedSprite.hpp>
namespace godot
namespace player
* @brief This class controls what happens when the player is in the move state.
class PlayerMove : public State
GODOT_CLASS(PlayerMove, State)
* @brief Input singleton.
Input *_input;
* @brief The animated sprite of the player.
AnimatedSprite *animated_sprite;
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new Player Move object.
* @brief Destroy the Player Move object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
void _init();
* @brief Called when the player enters the move state.
void _state_enter();
* @brief Called when the player exists the move state.
void _state_exit();
* @brief The physics processed every delta time.
* @param[in] delta The time since the method was last run.
void _physics_process(float delta);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#include "state_machine/State.h"
using namespace godot;
void State::_register_methods()
register_method("set_parent", &State::set_parent);
register_method("get_parent", &State::get_parent);
register_method("set_state_machine", &State::set_state_machine);
register_method("_state_enter", &State::_state_enter);
register_method("_state_exit", &State::_state_exit);
void State::_init()
void State::_state_enter(const String state, const Array args)
WARN_PRINT("State " + state + " is missing its _state_enter method!");
void State::_state_exit(const String state, const Array args)
WARN_PRINT("State " + state + " is missing its _state_exit method!");
void State::set_parent(Node *parent)
this->parent = parent;
Node *State::get_parent()
return parent;
void State::set_state_machine(StateMachine *state_machine)
this->state_machine = state_machine;
StateMachine *State::get_state_machine()
return this->state_machine;

src/state_machine/State.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#include "StateMachine.h"
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <Node.hpp>
namespace godot
* @brief This class provides a virtual template state that real states should extend from and override.
class State : public StateMachine
GODOT_CLASS(State, Node)
* @brief The state's parent, this is the node 1 level above the state machine.
Node *parent;
* @brief The state machine itself, used to handle all state related work.
StateMachine *state_machine;
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new State object.
* @brief Destroy the State object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
virtual void _init();
* @brief This is called when a state is entered.
* @param[in] state This will contain the previous state.
* @param[in] args The arguments passed to the state.
virtual void _state_enter(const String state, const Array args = Array());
* @brief This is called when a state is exited.
* @param[in] state The state we are going to.
* @param[in] args The arguments passed to the state.
virtual void _state_exit(const String state, const Array args = Array());
* @brief Set the parent object.
* @param[in] parent The parent of the state.
virtual void set_parent(Node *parent) final;
* @brief Get the parent object.
* @return Node* The parent of the state.
virtual Node *get_parent() final;
* @brief Set the state machine object.
* @param[in] state_machine The state machine.
virtual void set_state_machine(StateMachine *state_machine) final;
* @brief Get the state machine object.
* @return StateMachine* The state machine.
virtual StateMachine *get_state_machine() final;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#include "state_machine/StateMachine.h"
#include "state_machine/State.h"
using namespace godot;
void StateMachine::_register_methods()
register_method("_ready", &StateMachine::_ready);
register_method("_on_StateMachine_tree_entered", &StateMachine::_on_StateMachine_tree_entered);
register_method("_on_StateMachine_tree_exiting", &StateMachine::_on_StateMachine_tree_exiting);
register_property<StateMachine, String>("default_state", &StateMachine::set_default_state, &StateMachine::get_default_state, String());
register_property<StateMachine, bool>("debug", &StateMachine::set_debug, &StateMachine::get_debug, false);
register_signal<StateMachine>("state_entered", "state", GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING);
register_signal<StateMachine>("state_exited", "state", GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING);
register_signal<StateMachine>("state_restarted", "state", GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING);
void StateMachine::_init()
void StateMachine::_ready()
connect("tree_entered", this, "_on_StateMachine_tree_entered");
connect("tree_exiting", this, "_on_StateMachine_tree_exiting");
parent = get_parent();
void StateMachine::setup()
auto children = get_children();
if (get_current_state() == "")
if (children.size() > 0)
WARN_PRINT("State machine doesn't have a default state set, using first child!");
auto child = Object::cast_to<Node>(children[0].operator Object*());
ERR_PRINT("State machine doesn't have a default state set and has no child states!");
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++)
auto child = Object::cast_to<Node>(children[i].operator Object*());
add_state(child->get_name(), child);
child->call("set_state_machine", this);
child->call("set_parent", parent);
if (child->get_name() != get_current_state())
this->call("_state_enter", get_current_state());
void StateMachine::add_state(const String state, Node *child)
states[state] = child;
bool StateMachine::is_current(const String state)
if (get_current_state() == "")
return false;
return get_current_state() == state;
bool StateMachine::has(const String state)
return states.has(state);
void StateMachine::restart(const String state, const Array& args)
this->call("_state_exit", state, args);
this->call("_state_enter", state, args);
this->emit_signal("state_restarted", get_current_state());
void StateMachine::change(const String state, const Array &args)
if (is_current(state))
return this->restart(state, args);
auto previous_state = get_current_state();
auto exiting = this->call("_state_exit", state, args);
if (get_current_state() != "")
auto child = Object::cast_to<Node>(states[get_current_state()].operator Object*());
if (child != nullptr)
this->emit_signal("state_exited", get_current_state());
if (debug)
Godot::print(get_current_state() + " exited!");
auto child = Object::cast_to<Node>(states[get_current_state()].operator Object*());
this->call("_state_enter", previous_state, args);
this->emit_signal("state_entered", get_current_state());
if (debug)
Godot::print(get_current_state() + " entered!");
Variant StateMachine::call(const String method, const Array &args)
auto node = Object::cast_to<Node>(states[get_current_state()].operator Object*());
if (node != nullptr)
return node->call(method, args);
return Variant();
Variant StateMachine::_call(const String method, const Array &args)
return this->call(method, args);
void StateMachine::set_default_state(const String default_state)
this->default_state = default_state;
String StateMachine::get_default_state()
return this->default_state;
void StateMachine::set_current_state(const String current_sate)
this->current_state = current_sate;
String StateMachine::get_current_state()
return this->current_state;
void StateMachine::set_debug(bool debug)
this->debug = debug;
bool StateMachine::get_debug()
return this->debug;
void StateMachine::_on_StateMachine_tree_entered()
void StateMachine::_on_StateMachine_tree_exiting()
auto keys = states.keys();
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)
auto child = Object::cast_to<Node>(states[keys[i]].operator Object*());
if (child != nullptr)
auto children = get_children();
if (!children.has(child))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <Node.hpp>
namespace godot
* @brief This class provides a finite state machine that can be used with any scene and node.
class StateMachine : public Node
GODOT_CLASS(StateMachine, Node)
* @brief The parent node which is one level above the state machine.
Node *parent;
* @brief The default state for the state machine to run.
* @details If this is not set, the state machine will try to run the first state node.
* If no state nodes are present, an error will be printed and the state machine will not work.
String default_state;
* @brief If set to true the state machine will print a message showing when it enters or exits a state.
bool debug;
* @brief The current state the machine is in.
String current_state;
* @brief A list of the states in the state machine.
Dictionary states;
* @brief This adds a state to the list of states in the state machine.
* @param[in] state The new state.
* @param[in] child The godot node which represents the state.
void add_state(const String state, Node *child);
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new State Machine object.
* @brief Destroy the State Machine object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
void _init();
* @brief Code to be run when ready.
* @details This method is run when all the children of this node are ready.
void _ready();
* @brief This method will remove all no default states from the scene tree and start the default state.
void setup();
* @brief Check if the given state is the current running state.
* @param[in] state The state to compare with the running state.
* @return true If the running state and given state are the same.
* @return false If the running state and given state are not the same.
bool is_current(const String state);
* @brief Check if the state machine has a given state.
* @param[in] state The state to check for.
* @return true If the state exists.
* @return false If the state doesn't exist.
bool has(const String state);
* @brief Restar the running state by calling its enter and exit methods.
* @param[in] state The state that is being restarted.
* @param[in] args The arguments to pass to the state on exit and enter.
void restart(const String state, const Array& args = Array());
* @brief Change to a different state.
* @details If the running state is the same as the state it will restart it.
* @param[in] state The state to change to.
* @param[in] args The arguments to pass to the exiting state and the entering state.
void change(const String state, const Array &args = Array());
* @brief Call a registered godot method in the class.
* @param[in] method The method name to call.
* @param[in] args The arguments to pass to the method.
* @return Variant Returns a Variant based off what the method returns.
Variant call(const String method, const Array &args = Array());
* @brief This method is to link up a signal call back.
* @param[in] method The method to call for the signal.
* @param[in] args The arguments to pass to the method.
* @return Variant Returns a Variant based off what the method returns.
Variant _call(const String method, const Array &args = Array());
* @brief Set the default state object.
* @param[in] default_state The new default state.
void set_default_state(const String default_state);
* @brief Get the default state object.
* @return String The default state.
String get_default_state();
* @brief Set the debug object.
* @param[in] debug Whether or not to debug.
void set_debug(bool debug);
* @brief Get the debug object.
* @return true If debugging is enabled.
* @return false If debugging is disabled.
bool get_debug();
* @brief Set the current state object.
* @param[in] current_state The current state that is running.
void set_current_state(const String current_state);
* @brief Get the current state object.
* @return String The current running state.
String get_current_state();
* @brief This method is called when the signal tree_entered is emitted.
* @details This will run the setup method to prepare the state machine for use.
void _on_StateMachine_tree_entered();
* @brief This method is called when the signal tree_exiting is emitted.
* @details If the tree is in the exiting state readd all the removed state nodes to the scene tree.
* This is important because the memory won't be freed if they are no longer in the scene tree.
void _on_StateMachine_tree_exiting();
* @brief Restarts the running state.
* @tparam Args Variable number of arguments to pass to restart.
* @param[in] state The state being restarted.
* @param[in] args The arguments to pass when restarting.
template <class ...Args> void restart(const String state, Args ...args)
return restart(state, Array::make(args...));
* @brief Changes to a new state.
* @tparam Args Variable number of arguments to pass when chaning states.
* @param[in] state The state to change to.
* @param[in] args The arguments to pass to the new state.
template <class ...Args> void change(const String state, Args ...args)
return change(state, Array::make(args...));
* @brief Call a registered godot method in the class.
* @tparam Args The variable arguments to pass to the method.
* @param[in] method The method to call.
* @param[in] args The arguments to pass to it.
* @return Variant The Variant object returned by the method called.
template <class ...Args> Variant call(const String method, Args ...args)
return call(method, Array::make(args...));
* @brief This is used to connect a callback from a signal.
* @tparam Args The arguments to pass to the callback method.
* @param[in] method The method to call.
* @param[in] args The arguments to pass.
* @return Variant The Variant object returned by the method called.
template <class ...Args> Variant _call(const String method, Args ...args)
return _call(method, Array::make(args...));