273 lines
6.6 KiB
273 lines
6.6 KiB
extends Node
export var enabled: bool = false
export var development_url: String = "http://localhost:4050/api/v1"
var url_real: String = "https://alai.cromer.cl/api/v1"
export var use_development_url: bool = false
onready var url: String = development_url if use_development_url else url_real
var start_time: int = 0
var started: bool = false
var player: Dictionary = {}
var os_id: int = 0
var godot_version: Dictionary = Engine.get_version_info()
var processor_count: int = OS.get_processor_count()
var screen_count: int = OS.get_screen_count()
var screen_dpi: int = OS.get_screen_dpi()
var screen_size: Vector2 = OS.get_screen_size()
var machine_id: String = OS.get_unique_id()
var locale: String = OS.get_locale()
var game_version: String
var frames: Array = []
var coins: int = 0
var points: int = 0
var objects: Array = []
const empty_object: Dictionary = {
"name": "Object Name",
"state": "Object State",
"position_x": 0,
"position_y": 0,
"velocity_x": 0,
"velocity_y": 0
const empty_frame: Dictionary = {
"coins": 0,
"points": 0,
"fps": 0,
"elapsed_time": 0,
"objects": [],
# The game dictionary holds all data to be sent to the server
var game: Dictionary = {}
func _ready() -> void:
game_version = get_parent().game_version
player["rut"] = "23.660.457-8"
player["name"] = "Chris Cromer"
player["email"] = "chris@cromer.cl"
var os_name = OS.get_name()
if os_name == "Android":
os_id = 1
elif os_name == "iOS":
os_id = 2
elif os_name == "HTML5":
os_id = 3
elif os_name == "OSX":
os_id = 4
elif os_name == "Server":
os_id = 5
elif os_name == "Windows":
os_id = 6
elif os_name == "UWP":
os_id = 7
elif os_name == "X11":
os_id = 8
os_id = 0
player["rut"] = clean_rut(player["rut"])
game["player"] = player
game["level_id"] = 0
game["os_id"] = os_id
game["godot_version"] = godot_version
game["processor_count"] = processor_count
game["machine_id"] = machine_id
game["locale"] = locale
game["screen_count"] = screen_count
game["screen_dpi"] = screen_dpi
game["screen_size"] = screen_size
game["game_version"] = game_version
game["won"] = false
game["timestamp"] = OS.get_unix_time()
game["frames"] = frames
var err = $HTTPRequest.connect("request_completed", self, "_on_request_completed")
if err != OK:
func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void:
if enabled:
if started:
var frame = empty_frame.duplicate(true)
frame["coins"] = coins
frame["points"] = points
frame["fps"] = Engine.get_frames_per_second()
frame["elapsed_time"] = OS.get_ticks_msec() - start_time
var frame_objects = objects.duplicate()
frame["objects"] = frame_objects
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("Send"):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("Send"):
func _object_created(name: String, state: String, position: Vector2, velocity: Vector2) -> void:
if enabled and started:
add_object(name, state, position, velocity)
func _object_updated(name: String, state: String, position: Vector2, velocity: Vector2) -> void:
if enabled and started:
add_object(name, state, position, velocity)
func _object_removed(name: String) -> void:
if enabled and started:
func start_monitor() -> void:
game["level_id"] = 2 # PrototypeR
game["won"] = false
game["timestamp"] = OS.get_unix_time()
start_time = OS.get_ticks_msec()
started = true
func stop_monitor() -> void:
started = false
func add_object(name: String, state: String, position: Vector2, velocity: Vector2) -> void:
var object = empty_object.duplicate(true)
object["name"] = name
object["state"] = state
object["position_x"] = position.x
object["position_y"] = position.y
object["velocity_x"] = velocity.x
object["velocity_y"] = velocity.y
func remove_object(name: String) -> void:
for i in range(0, objects.size()):
if objects[i]["name"] == name:
func _on_coin_update(amount: int) -> void:
coins = coins + amount
func _on_request_completed(result: int, response_code: int, headers: PoolStringArray, body: PoolByteArray) -> void:
if result != HTTPRequest.RESULT_SUCCESS:
print_debug("Error: Failed to connect with error code: " + str(result))
if response_code != HTTPClient.RESPONSE_OK:
print_debug("Error: Failed response with error code: " + str(response_code))
if body.size() > 0:
var json = JSON.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8())
print_debug(JSON.print(json.result, "\t"))
func send_data() -> void:
var json = JSON.print(game)
var headers = ["Content-Type: application/json", "Content-Encoding: gzip", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"]
var body = compress_payload(json)
print("JSON B: " + String(json.length()))
print("JSON MB: " + String(json.length() / pow(2, 20)))
print("Body B: " + String(body.length()))
print("Body MB: " + String(body.length() / pow(2, 20)))
$HTTPRequest.request(url + "/game", headers, false, HTTPClient.METHOD_POST, body)
func compress_payload(payload: String) -> String:
var bytes = payload.to_utf8()
var compressed = bytes.compress(File.COMPRESSION_GZIP)
var new_payload = Marshalls.raw_to_base64(compressed)
return new_payload
func clean_rut(rut: String) -> String:
rut = rut.strip_escapes()
rut = rut.strip_edges(true, true)
rut = rut.to_lower()
rut = rut.replace(".", "")
rut = rut.replace("-", "")
return rut
func is_rut_valid(rut: String) -> bool:
rut = clean_rut(rut)
if rut.length() < 8 or rut.length() > 9:
print_debug("RUT length is invalid!")
return false
var rutTemp: String = rut.substr(0, rut.length() - 1)
var verifier: String = rut.substr(rut.length() - 1, 1)
print("Rut: " + rutTemp)
print("Verifier: " + verifier)
if not rutTemp.is_valid_integer():
print_debug("RUT isn't a valid integer!")
return false
if rutTemp.to_int() > 50000000:
print_debug("RUT is too large, that is a company!")
return false
if verifier != generate_verifier(rut):
return false
return true
func generate_verifier(rut: String) -> String:
if not rut.is_valid_integer():
print_debug("RUT isn't a valid integer!")
return ""
var multiplier: int = 2
var sum: int = 0
var remainder: int = 0
var division: int = 0
var rutLength: int = rut.length()
var i: int = rutLength - 1
while i >= 0:
sum = sum + rut.substr(i, i + 1).to_int() * multiplier
multiplier = multiplier + 1
if multiplier == 8:
multiplier = 2
i = i - 1
var tempSum: float = int(sum)
division = int(floor(tempSum / 11))
division = division * 11
remainder = sum - division
if remainder != 0:
remainder = 11 - remainder
if remainder == 10:
return "k"
return String(remainder)