#ifndef JUEGO_PLAYER_H #define JUEGO_PLAYER_H /** * @brief This resource is loaded by default for the AnimatedSprite node. */ #define JUEGO_PLAYER_SPRITE_FRAMES "res://characters/player/sprites/green.tres" /** * @brief The speed the player should move it. */ #define JUEGO_PLAYER_SPEED 100.0 /** * @brief The force applied to the player when jumping. */ #define JUEGO_PLAYER_JUMP_FORCE 300.0 /** * @brief The gravity applied to the player. */ #define JUEGO_PLAYER_GRAVITY 9.81 /** * @brief The multiplier used to change the speed of the player when running. */ #define JUEGO_PLAYER_RUN_SPEED 2.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * @brief This is the godot namespace for all the code included in the library. * @details This namespace is used a prefix when the Godot engine looks for classes, methods, and properties. */ namespace godot { /** * @brief This class is used to control the player. * @details This class allows the player to move, run, and jump as well as controls the sprite displayed for those actions. */ class Player : public KinematicBody2D { GODOT_CLASS(Player, KinematicBody2D) private: /** * @brief OS singleton. */ OS *_os; /** * @brief Input singleton. */ Input *_input; /** * @brief ResourceLoader singleton. */ ResourceLoader *_resource_loader; /** * @brief The animated sprite connected to the KinematicBody2D. */ AnimatedSprite *animated_sprite; /** * @brief The sprite frames used in the animated sprite. */ Ref sprite_frames; /** * @brief The coins the player has collected. */ uint8_t coins; /** * @brief The velocity at which moves the player moves. */ Vector2 velocity; /** * @brief The speed that the player moves in. */ float speed; /** * @brief The force applied to the player when jumping. */ float jump_force; /** * @brief The gravity applied to the player. */ float gravity; /** * @brief The speed multiplier used to make the player move faster. */ float run_speed; /** * @brief State of jumping of the player. To be replaced with a state machine in the future. */ uint8_t jumping; public: /** * @brief This method registers classes with Godot. * @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine. */ static void _register_methods(); /** * @brief Construct a new Player object. */ Player(); /** * @brief Destroy the Player object. */ ~Player(); /** * @brief Initialize the class from Godot. * @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class. */ void _init(); /** * @brief Code to be run when ready. * @details This method is run when all the children of this node are ready. */ void _ready(); /** * @brief This class handles the physics processing. * @details Every delta time, this function is called to check for input and update positioning. * * @param[in] delta The difference in time that passed since the last call to this method. */ void _physics_process(float delta); /** * @brief Set the sprite frames object. * * @param[in] new_sprite_frames The new sprite frame. */ void set_sprite_frames(Ref new_sprite_frames); /** * @brief Get the sprite frames object. * * @return Ref A reference to the sprite frames object. */ Ref get_sprite_frames(); /** * @brief Set the speed object. * * @param[in] new_speed The new speed. */ void set_speed(float new_speed); /** * @brief Get the speed object. * * @return float The current speed of the player. */ float get_speed(); /** * @brief Set the jump force object. * * @param[in] new_jump_force The new force applied to the player to make him jump. */ void set_jump_force(float new_jump_force); /** * @brief Get the jump force object. * * @return float The current force being applied to the player. */ float get_jump_force(); /** * @brief Set the gravity object. * * @param[in] new_gravity The new gravity to apply to the player. */ void set_gravity(float new_gravity); /** * @brief Get the gravity object. * * @return float The current gravity applied to the player. */ float get_gravity(); /** * @brief Set the run speed object. * * @param[in] new_run_speed The new speed for running. */ void set_run_speed(float new_run_speed); /** * @brief Get the run speed object. * * @return float The current run speed of the player. */ float get_run_speed(); /** * @brief This signal is called when the player moves. * @details The jump action is not included in this signal, just moving left or right. * * @param[in] position The new position of the player. */ void _on_Player_player_moved(Vector2 position); }; } #endif