# This makefile is used to compile the project SHELL := /bin/bash PROCS := $(shell nproc) USE_LLVM := "yes" RELEASE_TYPE := "debug" all: godot-cpp game docs linux: game-linux # Only needs to be run once after cloning init: pushd godot-cpp; git submodule update --init --recursive # This needs to be run to create all the libraries for godot-cpp godot-cpp: godot-cpp-linux godot-cpp-windows godot-cpp-linux: pushd godot-cpp; scons use_llvm=$(USE_LLVM) target=$(RELEASE_TYPE) platform=linux generate_bindings=yes bits=64 -j $(PROCS) godot-cpp-windows: pushd godot-cpp; scons target=$(RELEASE_TYPE) platform=windows generate_bindings=yes bits=64 -j $(PROCS) game: game-linux game-windows game-linux: scons use_llvm=$(USE_LLVM) target=$(RELEASE_TYPE) target_path=godot/gdnative/ target_name=libjuego platform=linux bits=64 -j $(PROCS) game-windows: scons target=$(RELEASE_TYPE) target_name=libjuego target_path=godot/gdnative/ platform=windows bits=64 -j $(PROCS) docs: # if doxygen and bear are installed create the code documentation ifneq (, $(shell which bear)) ifeq (, $(wildcard ./compile_commands.json)) $(MAKE) clean-docs $(MAKE) bear endif ifneq (, $(shell which doxygen)) doxygen doxygen.conf make -C docs/latex endif endif bear: bear make linux clean: clean-godot-cpp clean-game clean-docs clean-godot-cpp: pushd godot-cpp; scons -c rm -f godot-cpp/bin/* clean-game: find ./src -name "*.os" -type f -delete rm -rf gdnative/{linux,windows}.* clean-docs: rm -rf docs rm -rf compile_commands.json .PHONY: all linux init godot-cpp godot-cpp-linux godot-cpp-windows game game-linux game-windows clean clean-godot-cpp clean-game clean-docs clean-docs docs bear