# The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2018 George Marques # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. tool extends Reference # Constants for tile flipping # http://doc.mapeditor.org/reference/tmx-map-format/#tile-flipping const FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG = 0x80000000 const FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG = 0x40000000 const FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG = 0x20000000 # XML Format reader const TiledXMLToDictionary = preload("tiled_xml_to_dict.gd") # Polygon vertices sorter const PolygonSorter = preload("polygon_sorter.gd") # Prefix for error messages, make easier to identify the source const error_prefix = "Tiled Importer: " # Properties to save the value in the metadata const whitelist_properties = [ "backgroundcolor", "compression", "draworder", "gid", "height", "imageheight", "imagewidth", "infinite", "margin", "name", "orientation", "probability", "spacing", "tilecount", "tiledversion", "tileheight", "tilewidth", "type", "version", "visible", "width", "custom_material" ] # All templates loaded, can be looked up by path name var _loaded_templates = {} # Maps each tileset file used by the map to it's first gid; Used for template parsing var _tileset_path_to_first_gid = {} func reset_global_memebers(): _loaded_templates = {} _tileset_path_to_first_gid = {} # Main function # Reads a source file and gives back a scene func build(source_path, options): reset_global_memebers() var map = read_file(source_path) if typeof(map) == TYPE_INT: return map if typeof(map) != TYPE_DICTIONARY: return ERR_INVALID_DATA var err = validate_map(map) if err != OK: return err var cell_size = Vector2(int(map.tilewidth), int(map.tileheight)) var map_mode = TileMap.MODE_SQUARE var map_offset = TileMap.HALF_OFFSET_DISABLED var map_pos_offset = Vector2() var map_background = Color() var cell_offset = Vector2() if "orientation" in map: match map.orientation: "isometric": map_mode = TileMap.MODE_ISOMETRIC "staggered": map_pos_offset.y -= cell_size.y / 2 match map.staggeraxis: "x": map_offset = TileMap.HALF_OFFSET_Y cell_size.x /= 2.0 if map.staggerindex == "even": cell_offset.x += 1 map_pos_offset.x -= cell_size.x "y": map_offset = TileMap.HALF_OFFSET_X cell_size.y /= 2.0 if map.staggerindex == "even": cell_offset.y += 1 map_pos_offset.y -= cell_size.y "hexagonal": # Godot maps are always odd and don't have an "even" setting. To # imitate even staggering we simply start one row/column late and # adjust the position of the whole map. match map.staggeraxis: "x": map_offset = TileMap.HALF_OFFSET_Y cell_size.x = int((cell_size.x + map.hexsidelength) / 2) if map.staggerindex == "even": cell_offset.x += 1 map_pos_offset.x -= cell_size.x "y": map_offset = TileMap.HALF_OFFSET_X cell_size.y = int((cell_size.y + map.hexsidelength) / 2) if map.staggerindex == "even": cell_offset.y += 1 map_pos_offset.y -= cell_size.y var tileset = build_tileset_for_scene(map.tilesets, source_path, options) if typeof(tileset) != TYPE_OBJECT: # Error happened return tileset var root = Node2D.new() root.set_name(source_path.get_file().get_basename()) if options.save_tiled_properties: set_tiled_properties_as_meta(root, map) if options.custom_properties: set_custom_properties(root, map) var map_data = { "options": options, "map_mode": map_mode, "map_offset": map_offset, "map_pos_offset": map_pos_offset, "map_background": map_background, "cell_size": cell_size, "cell_offset": cell_offset, "tileset": tileset, "source_path": source_path, "infinite": bool(map.infinite) if "infinite" in map else false } for layer in map.layers: err = make_layer(layer, root, root, map_data) if err != OK: return err if options.add_background and "backgroundcolor" in map: var bg_color = str(map.backgroundcolor) if (!bg_color.is_valid_html_color()): print_error("Invalid background color format: " + bg_color) return root map_background = Color(bg_color) var viewport_size = Vector2(ProjectSettings.get("display/window/size/width"), ProjectSettings.get("display/window/size/height")) var parbg = ParallaxBackground.new() var parlayer = ParallaxLayer.new() var colorizer = ColorRect.new() parbg.scroll_ignore_camera_zoom = true parlayer.motion_mirroring = viewport_size colorizer.color = map_background colorizer.rect_size = viewport_size colorizer.rect_min_size = viewport_size parbg.name = "Background" root.add_child(parbg) parbg.owner = root parlayer.name = "BackgroundLayer" parbg.add_child(parlayer) parlayer.owner = root colorizer.name = "BackgroundColor" parlayer.add_child(colorizer) colorizer.owner = root return root # Creates a layer node from the data # Returns an error code func make_layer(layer, parent, root, data): var err = validate_layer(layer) if err != OK: return err # Main map data var map_mode = data.map_mode var map_offset = data.map_offset var map_pos_offset = data.map_pos_offset var cell_size = data.cell_size var cell_offset = data.cell_offset var options = data.options var tileset = data.tileset var source_path = data.source_path var infinite = data.infinite var opacity = float(layer.opacity) if "opacity" in layer else 1.0 var visible = bool(layer.visible) if "visible" in layer else true var z_index = 0 if "properties" in layer and "z_index" in layer.properties: z_index = layer.properties.z_index if layer.type == "tilelayer": var layer_size = Vector2(int(layer.width), int(layer.height)) var tilemap = TileMap.new() tilemap.set_name(str(layer.name)) tilemap.cell_size = cell_size tilemap.modulate = Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, opacity); tilemap.visible = visible tilemap.mode = map_mode tilemap.cell_half_offset = map_offset tilemap.format = 1 tilemap.cell_custom_transform = Transform2D(Vector2(cell_size.x, 0), Vector2(0, cell_size.y), Vector2(0, 0)) tilemap.cell_clip_uv = options.uv_clip tilemap.cell_y_sort = options.y_sort tilemap.cell_tile_origin = TileMap.TILE_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT tilemap.collision_layer = options.collision_layer tilemap.collision_mask = options.collision_mask tilemap.z_index = z_index var offset = Vector2() if "offsetx" in layer: offset.x = int(layer.offsetx) if "offsety" in layer: offset.y = int(layer.offsety) tilemap.position = offset + map_pos_offset tilemap.tile_set = tileset var chunks = [] if infinite: chunks = layer.chunks else: chunks = [layer] for chunk in chunks: err = validate_chunk(chunk) if err != OK: return err var chunk_data = chunk.data if "encoding" in layer and layer.encoding == "base64": if "compression" in layer: chunk_data = decompress_layer_data(chunk.data, layer.compression, layer_size) if typeof(chunk_data) == TYPE_INT: # Error happened return chunk_data else: chunk_data = read_base64_layer_data(chunk.data) var count = 0 for tile_id in chunk_data: var int_id = int(str(tile_id)) & 0xFFFFFFFF if int_id == 0: count += 1 continue var flipped_h = bool(int_id & FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG) var flipped_v = bool(int_id & FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG) var flipped_d = bool(int_id & FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG) var gid = int_id & ~(FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG) var cell_x = cell_offset.x + chunk.x + (count % int(chunk.width)) var cell_y = cell_offset.y + chunk.y + int(count / chunk.width) + 1 tilemap.set_cell(cell_x, cell_y, gid, flipped_h, flipped_v, flipped_d) count += 1 if options.save_tiled_properties: set_tiled_properties_as_meta(tilemap, layer) if options.custom_properties: set_custom_properties(tilemap, layer) tilemap.set("editor/display_folded", true) parent.add_child(tilemap) tilemap.set_owner(root) elif layer.type == "imagelayer": var image = null if layer.image != "": image = load_image(layer.image, source_path, options) if typeof(image) != TYPE_OBJECT: # Error happened return image var pos = Vector2() var offset = Vector2() if "x" in layer: pos.x = float(layer.x) if "y" in layer: pos.y = float(layer.y) if "offsetx" in layer: offset.x = float(layer.offsetx) if "offsety" in layer: offset.y = float(layer.offsety) var sprite = Sprite.new() sprite.set_name(str(layer.name)) sprite.centered = false sprite.texture = image sprite.visible = visible sprite.modulate = Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, opacity) sprite.z_index = z_index if options.save_tiled_properties: set_tiled_properties_as_meta(sprite, layer) if options.custom_properties: set_custom_properties(sprite, layer) sprite.set("editor/display_folded", true) parent.add_child(sprite) sprite.position = pos + offset sprite.set_owner(root) elif layer.type == "objectgroup": var object_layer = Node2D.new() if options.save_tiled_properties: set_tiled_properties_as_meta(object_layer, layer) if options.custom_properties: set_custom_properties(object_layer, layer) object_layer.modulate = Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, opacity) object_layer.visible = visible object_layer.z_index = z_index object_layer.set("editor/display_folded", true) parent.add_child(object_layer) object_layer.set_owner(root) if "name" in layer and not str(layer.name).empty(): object_layer.set_name(str(layer.name)) if not "draworder" in layer or layer.draworder == "topdown": layer.objects.sort_custom(self, "object_sorter") for object in layer.objects: if "template" in object: var template_file = object["template"] var template_data_immutable = get_template(remove_filename_from_path(data["source_path"]) + template_file) if typeof(template_data_immutable) != TYPE_DICTIONARY: # Error happened print("Error getting template for object with id " + str(data["id"])) continue # Overwrite template data with current object data apply_template(object, template_data_immutable) set_default_obj_params(object) if "point" in object and object.point: var point = Position2D.new() if not "x" in object or not "y" in object: print_error("Missing coordinates for point in object layer.") continue point.position = Vector2(float(object.x), float(object.y)) point.visible = bool(object.visible) if "visible" in object else true object_layer.add_child(point) point.set_owner(root) if "name" in object and not str(object.name).empty(): point.set_name(str(object.name)) elif "id" in object and not str(object.id).empty(): point.set_name(str(object.id)) if options.save_tiled_properties: set_tiled_properties_as_meta(point, object) if options.custom_properties: set_custom_properties(point, object) elif not "gid" in object: # Not a tile object if "type" in object and object.type == "navigation": # Can't make navigation objects right now print_error("Navigation polygons aren't supported in an object layer.") continue # Non-fatal error var shape = shape_from_object(object) if typeof(shape) != TYPE_OBJECT: # Error happened return shape if "type" in object and object.type == "occluder": var occluder = LightOccluder2D.new() var pos = Vector2() var rot = 0 if "x" in object: pos.x = float(object.x) if "y" in object: pos.y = float(object.y) if "rotation" in object: rot = float(object.rotation) occluder.visible = bool(object.visible) if "visible" in object else true occluder.position = pos occluder.rotation_degrees = rot occluder.occluder = shape if "name" in object and not str(object.name).empty(): occluder.set_name(str(object.name)) elif "id" in object and not str(object.id).empty(): occluder.set_name(str(object.id)) if options.save_tiled_properties: set_tiled_properties_as_meta(occluder, object) if options.custom_properties: set_custom_properties(occluder, object) object_layer.add_child(occluder) occluder.set_owner(root) else: var body = Area2D.new() if object.type == "area" else StaticBody2D.new() var offset = Vector2() var collision var pos = Vector2() var rot = 0 if not ("polygon" in object or "polyline" in object): # Regular shape collision = CollisionShape2D.new() collision.shape = shape if shape is RectangleShape2D: offset = shape.extents elif shape is CircleShape2D: offset = Vector2(shape.radius, shape.radius) elif shape is CapsuleShape2D: offset = Vector2(shape.radius, shape.height) if shape.radius > shape.height: var temp = shape.radius shape.radius = shape.height shape.height = temp collision.rotation_degrees = 90 shape.height *= 2 collision.position = offset else: collision = CollisionPolygon2D.new() var points = null if shape is ConcavePolygonShape2D: points = [] var segments = shape.segments for i in range(0, segments.size()): if i % 2 != 0: continue points.push_back(segments[i]) collision.build_mode = CollisionPolygon2D.BUILD_SEGMENTS else: points = shape.points collision.build_mode = CollisionPolygon2D.BUILD_SOLIDS collision.polygon = points collision.one_way_collision = object.type == "one-way" if "x" in object: pos.x = float(object.x) if "y" in object: pos.y = float(object.y) if "rotation" in object: rot = float(object.rotation) body.set("editor/display_folded", true) object_layer.add_child(body) body.set_owner(root) body.add_child(collision) collision.set_owner(root) if options.save_tiled_properties: set_tiled_properties_as_meta(body, object) if options.custom_properties: set_custom_properties(body, object) if "name" in object and not str(object.name).empty(): body.set_name(str(object.name)) elif "id" in object and not str(object.id).empty(): body.set_name(str(object.id)) body.visible = bool(object.visible) if "visible" in object else true body.position = pos body.rotation_degrees = rot else: # "gid" in object var tile_raw_id = int(str(object.gid)) & 0xFFFFFFFF var tile_id = tile_raw_id & ~(FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG) var is_tile_object = tileset.tile_get_region(tile_id).get_area() == 0 var collisions = tileset.tile_get_shape_count(tile_id) var has_collisions = collisions > 0 && object.has("type") && object.type != "sprite" var sprite = Sprite.new() var pos = Vector2() var rot = 0 var scale = Vector2(1, 1) sprite.texture = tileset.tile_get_texture(tile_id) var texture_size = sprite.texture.get_size() if sprite.texture != null else Vector2() if not is_tile_object: sprite.region_enabled = true sprite.region_rect = tileset.tile_get_region(tile_id) texture_size = tileset.tile_get_region(tile_id).size sprite.flip_h = bool(tile_raw_id & FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG) sprite.flip_v = bool(tile_raw_id & FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG) if "x" in object: pos.x = float(object.x) if "y" in object: pos.y = float(object.y) if "rotation" in object: rot = float(object.rotation) if texture_size != Vector2(): if "width" in object and float(object.width) != texture_size.x: scale.x = float(object.width) / texture_size.x if "height" in object and float(object.height) != texture_size.y: scale.y = float(object.height) / texture_size.y var obj_root = sprite if has_collisions: match object.type: "area": obj_root = Area2D.new() "kinematic": obj_root = KinematicBody2D.new() "rigid": obj_root = RigidBody2D.new() _: obj_root = StaticBody2D.new() object_layer.add_child(obj_root) obj_root.owner = root obj_root.add_child(sprite) sprite.owner = root var shapes = tileset.tile_get_shapes(tile_id) for s in shapes: var collision_node = CollisionShape2D.new() collision_node.shape = s.shape collision_node.transform = s.shape_transform if sprite.flip_h: collision_node.position.x *= -1 collision_node.position.x -= cell_size.x collision_node.scale.x *= -1 if sprite.flip_v: collision_node.scale.y *= -1 collision_node.position.y *= -1 collision_node.position.y -= cell_size.y obj_root.add_child(collision_node) collision_node.owner = root if "name" in object and not str(object.name).empty(): obj_root.set_name(str(object.name)) elif "id" in object and not str(object.id).empty(): obj_root.set_name(str(object.id)) obj_root.position = pos obj_root.rotation_degrees = rot obj_root.visible = bool(object.visible) if "visible" in object else true obj_root.scale = scale # Translate from Tiled bottom-left position to Godot top-left sprite.centered = false sprite.region_filter_clip = options.uv_clip sprite.offset = Vector2(0, -texture_size.y) if not has_collisions: object_layer.add_child(sprite) sprite.set_owner(root) if options.save_tiled_properties: set_tiled_properties_as_meta(obj_root, object) if options.custom_properties: if options.tile_metadata: var tile_meta = tileset.get_meta("tile_meta") if typeof(tile_meta) == TYPE_DICTIONARY and tile_id in tile_meta: for prop in tile_meta[tile_id]: obj_root.set_meta(prop, tile_meta[tile_id][prop]) set_custom_properties(obj_root, object) elif layer.type == "group": var group = Node2D.new() var pos = Vector2() if "x" in layer: pos.x = float(layer.x) if "y" in layer: pos.y = float(layer.y) group.modulate = Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, opacity) group.visible = visible group.position = pos group.z_index = z_index if options.save_tiled_properties: set_tiled_properties_as_meta(group, layer) if options.custom_properties: set_custom_properties(group, layer) if "name" in layer and not str(layer.name).empty(): group.set_name(str(layer.name)) group.set("editor/display_folded", true) parent.add_child(group) group.set_owner(root) for sub_layer in layer.layers: make_layer(sub_layer, group, root, data) else: print_error("Unknown layer type ('%s') in '%s'" % [str(layer.type), str(layer.name) if "name" in layer else "[unnamed layer]"]) return ERR_INVALID_DATA return OK func set_default_obj_params(object): # Set default values for object for attr in ["width", "height", "rotation", "x", "y"]: if not attr in object: object[attr] = 0 if not "type" in object: object.type = "" if not "visible" in object: object.visible = true var flags # Makes a tileset from a array of tilesets data # Since Godot supports only one TileSet per TileMap, all tilesets from Tiled are combined func build_tileset_for_scene(tilesets, source_path, options): var result = TileSet.new() var err = ERR_INVALID_DATA var tile_meta = {} for tileset in tilesets: var ts = tileset var ts_source_path = source_path if "source" in ts: if not "firstgid" in tileset or not str(tileset.firstgid).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid firstgid tileset property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA ts_source_path = source_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(ts.source) # Used later for templates _tileset_path_to_first_gid[ts_source_path] = tileset.firstgid if ts.source.get_extension().to_lower() == "tsx": var tsx_reader = TiledXMLToDictionary.new() ts = tsx_reader.read_tsx(ts_source_path) if typeof(ts) != TYPE_DICTIONARY: # Error happened return ts else: # JSON Tileset var f = File.new() err = f.open(ts_source_path, File.READ) if err != OK: print_error("Error opening tileset '%s'." % [ts.source]) return err var json_res = JSON.parse(f.get_as_text()) if json_res.error != OK: print_error("Error parsing tileset '%s' JSON: %s" % [ts.source, json_res.error_string]) return ERR_INVALID_DATA ts = json_res.result if typeof(ts) != TYPE_DICTIONARY: print_error("Tileset '%s' is not a dictionary." % [ts.source]) return ERR_INVALID_DATA ts.firstgid = tileset.firstgid err = validate_tileset(ts) if err != OK: return err var has_global_image = "image" in ts var spacing = int(ts.spacing) if "spacing" in ts and str(ts.spacing).is_valid_integer() else 0 var margin = int(ts.margin) if "margin" in ts and str(ts.margin).is_valid_integer() else 0 var firstgid = int(ts.firstgid) var columns = int(ts.columns) if "columns" in ts and str(ts.columns).is_valid_integer() else -1 var image = null var imagesize = Vector2() if has_global_image: image = load_image(ts.image, ts_source_path, options) if typeof(image) != TYPE_OBJECT: # Error happened return image imagesize = Vector2(int(ts.imagewidth), int(ts.imageheight)) var tilesize = Vector2(int(ts.tilewidth), int(ts.tileheight)) var tilecount = int(ts.tilecount) var gid = firstgid var x = margin var y = margin var i = 0 var column = 0 # Needed to look up textures for animations var tileRegions = [] while i < tilecount: var tilepos = Vector2(x, y) var region = Rect2(tilepos, tilesize) tileRegions.push_back(region) column += 1 i += 1 x += int(tilesize.x) + spacing if (columns > 0 and column >= columns) or x >= int(imagesize.x) - margin or (x + int(tilesize.x)) > int(imagesize.x): x = margin y += int(tilesize.y) + spacing column = 0 i = 0 while i < tilecount: var region = tileRegions[i] var rel_id = str(gid - firstgid) result.create_tile(gid) if has_global_image: if rel_id in ts.tiles && "animation" in ts.tiles[rel_id]: var animated_tex = AnimatedTexture.new() animated_tex.frames = ts.tiles[rel_id].animation.size() animated_tex.fps = 0 var c = 0 # Animated texture wants us to have seperate textures for each frame # so we have to pull them out of the tileset var tilesetTexture = image.get_data() for g in ts.tiles[rel_id].animation: var frameTex = tilesetTexture.get_rect(tileRegions[(int(g.tileid))]) var newTex = ImageTexture.new() newTex.create_from_image(frameTex, flags) animated_tex.set_frame_texture(c, newTex) animated_tex.set_frame_delay(c, float(g.duration) * 0.001) c += 1 result.tile_set_texture(gid, animated_tex) result.tile_set_region(gid, Rect2(Vector2(0, 0), tilesize)) else: result.tile_set_texture(gid, image) result.tile_set_region(gid, region) if options.apply_offset: result.tile_set_texture_offset(gid, Vector2(0, -tilesize.y)) elif not rel_id in ts.tiles: gid += 1 continue else: if rel_id in ts.tiles && "animation" in ts.tiles[rel_id]: var animated_tex = AnimatedTexture.new() animated_tex.frames = ts.tiles[rel_id].animation.size() animated_tex.fps = 0 var c = 0 #untested var image_path = ts.tiles[rel_id].image for g in ts.tiles[rel_id].animation: animated_tex.set_frame_texture(c, load_image(image_path, ts_source_path, options)) animated_tex.set_frame_delay(c, float(g.duration) * 0.001) c += 1 result.tile_set_texture(gid, animated_tex) result.tile_set_region(gid, Rect2(Vector2(0, 0), tilesize)) else: var image_path = ts.tiles[rel_id].image image = load_image(image_path, ts_source_path, options) if typeof(image) != TYPE_OBJECT: # Error happened return image result.tile_set_texture(gid, image) if options.apply_offset: result.tile_set_texture_offset(gid, Vector2(0, -image.get_height())) if "tiles" in ts and rel_id in ts.tiles and "objectgroup" in ts.tiles[rel_id] \ and "objects" in ts.tiles[rel_id].objectgroup: for object in ts.tiles[rel_id].objectgroup.objects: var shape = shape_from_object(object) if typeof(shape) != TYPE_OBJECT: # Error happened return shape var offset = Vector2(float(object.x), float(object.y)) if options.apply_offset: offset += result.tile_get_texture_offset(gid) if "width" in object and "height" in object: offset += Vector2(float(object.width) / 2, float(object.height) / 2) if object.type == "navigation": result.tile_set_navigation_polygon(gid, shape) result.tile_set_navigation_polygon_offset(gid, offset) elif object.type == "occluder": result.tile_set_light_occluder(gid, shape) result.tile_set_occluder_offset(gid, offset) else: result.tile_add_shape(gid, shape, Transform2D(0, offset), object.type == "one-way") if "properties" in ts and "custom_material" in ts.properties: result.tile_set_material(gid, load(ts.properties.custom_material)) if options.custom_properties and options.tile_metadata and "tileproperties" in ts \ and "tilepropertytypes" in ts and rel_id in ts.tileproperties and rel_id in ts.tilepropertytypes: tile_meta[gid] = get_custom_properties(ts.tileproperties[rel_id], ts.tilepropertytypes[rel_id]) if options.save_tiled_properties and rel_id in ts.tiles: for property in whitelist_properties: if property in ts.tiles[rel_id]: if not gid in tile_meta: tile_meta[gid] = {} tile_meta[gid][property] = ts.tiles[rel_id][property] gid += 1 i += 1 if str(ts.name) != "": result.resource_name = str(ts.name) if options.save_tiled_properties: set_tiled_properties_as_meta(result, ts) if options.custom_properties: if "properties" in ts and "propertytypes" in ts: set_custom_properties(result, ts) if options.custom_properties and options.tile_metadata: result.set_meta("tile_meta", tile_meta) return result # Makes a standalone TileSet. Useful for importing TileSets from Tiled # Returns an error code if fails func build_tileset(source_path, options): var set = read_tileset_file(source_path) if typeof(set) == TYPE_INT: return set if typeof(set) != TYPE_DICTIONARY: return ERR_INVALID_DATA # Just to validate and build correctly using the existing builder set["firstgid"] = 0 return build_tileset_for_scene([set], source_path, options) # Loads an image from a given path # Returns a Texture func load_image(rel_path, source_path, options): flags = options.image_flags if "image_flags" in options else Texture.FLAGS_DEFAULT var embed = options.embed_internal_images if "embed_internal_images" in options else false var ext = rel_path.get_extension().to_lower() if ext != "png" and ext != "jpg": print_error("Unsupported image format: %s. Use PNG or JPG instead." % [ext]) return ERR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED var total_path = rel_path if rel_path.is_rel_path(): total_path = ProjectSettings.globalize_path(source_path.get_base_dir()).plus_file(rel_path) total_path = ProjectSettings.localize_path(total_path) var dir = Directory.new() if not dir.file_exists(total_path): print_error("Image not found: %s" % [total_path]) return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if not total_path.begins_with("res://"): # External images need to be embedded embed = true var image = null if embed: image = ImageTexture.new() image.load(total_path) else: image = ResourceLoader.load(total_path, "ImageTexture") if image != null: image.set_flags(flags) return image # Reads a file and returns its contents as a dictionary # Returns an error code if fails func read_file(path): if path.get_extension().to_lower() == "tmx": var tmx_to_dict = TiledXMLToDictionary.new() var data = tmx_to_dict.read_tmx(path) if typeof(data) != TYPE_DICTIONARY: # Error happened print_error("Error parsing map file '%s'." % [path]) # Return error or result return data # Not TMX, must be JSON var file = File.new() var err = file.open(path, File.READ) if err != OK: return err var content = JSON.parse(file.get_as_text()) if content.error != OK: print_error("Error parsing JSON: " + content.error_string) return content.error return content.result # Reads a tileset file and return its contents as a dictionary # Returns an error code if fails func read_tileset_file(path): if path.get_extension().to_lower() == "tsx": var tmx_to_dict = TiledXMLToDictionary.new() var data = tmx_to_dict.read_tsx(path) if typeof(data) != TYPE_DICTIONARY: # Error happened print_error("Error parsing map file '%s'." % [path]) # Return error or result return data # Not TSX, must be JSON var file = File.new() var err = file.open(path, File.READ) if err != OK: return err var content = JSON.parse(file.get_as_text()) if content.error != OK: print_error("Error parsing JSON: " + content.error_string) return content.error return content.result # Creates a shape from an object data # Returns a valid shape depending on the object type (collision/occluder/navigation) func shape_from_object(object): var shape = ERR_INVALID_DATA set_default_obj_params(object) if "polygon" in object or "polyline" in object: var vertices = PoolVector2Array() if "polygon" in object: for point in object.polygon: vertices.push_back(Vector2(float(point.x), float(point.y))) else: for point in object.polyline: vertices.push_back(Vector2(float(point.x), float(point.y))) if object.type == "navigation": shape = NavigationPolygon.new() shape.vertices = vertices shape.add_outline(vertices) shape.make_polygons_from_outlines() elif object.type == "occluder": shape = OccluderPolygon2D.new() shape.polygon = vertices shape.closed = "polygon" in object else: if is_convex(vertices): var sorter = PolygonSorter.new() vertices = sorter.sort_polygon(vertices) shape = ConvexPolygonShape2D.new() shape.points = vertices else: shape = ConcavePolygonShape2D.new() var segments = [vertices[0]] for x in range(1, vertices.size()): segments.push_back(vertices[x]) segments.push_back(vertices[x]) segments.push_back(vertices[0]) shape.segments = PoolVector2Array(segments) elif "ellipse" in object: if object.type == "navigation" or object.type == "occluder": print_error("Ellipse shapes are not supported as navigation or occluder. Use polygon/polyline instead.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA if not "width" in object or not "height" in object: print_error("Missing width or height in ellipse shape.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA var w = abs(float(object.width)) var h = abs(float(object.height)) if w == h: shape = CircleShape2D.new() shape.radius = w / 2.0 else: # Using a capsule since it's the closest from an ellipse shape = CapsuleShape2D.new() shape.radius = w / 2.0 shape.height = h / 2.0 else: # Rectangle if not "width" in object or not "height" in object: print_error("Missing width or height in rectangle shape.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA var size = Vector2(float(object.width), float(object.height)) if object.type == "navigation" or object.type == "occluder": # Those types only accept polygons, so make one from the rectangle var vertices = PoolVector2Array([ Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(size.x, 0), size, Vector2(0, size.y) ]) if object.type == "navigation": shape = NavigationPolygon.new() shape.vertices = vertices shape.add_outline(vertices) shape.make_polygons_from_outlines() else: shape = OccluderPolygon2D.new() shape.polygon = vertices else: shape = RectangleShape2D.new() shape.extents = size / 2.0 return shape # Determines if the set of vertices is convex or not # Returns a boolean func is_convex(vertices): var size = vertices.size() if size <= 3: # Less than 3 verices can't be concave return true var cp = 0 for i in range(0, size + 2): var p1 = vertices[(i + 0) % size] var p2 = vertices[(i + 1) % size] var p3 = vertices[(i + 2) % size] var prev_cp = cp cp = (p2.x - p1.x) * (p3.y - p2.y) - (p2.y - p1.y) * (p3.x - p2.x) if i > 0 and sign(cp) != sign(prev_cp): return false return true # Decompress the data of the layer # Compression argument is a string, either "gzip", "zlib", or "zstd" func decompress_layer_data(layer_data, compression, map_size): var compression_type = -1 match compression: "zlib": compression_type = File.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE "gzip": compression_type = File.COMPRESSION_GZIP "zstd": compression_type = File.COMPRESSION_ZSTD _: print_error("Unrecognized compression format: %s" % [compression]) return ERR_INVALID_DATA var expected_size = int(map_size.x) * int(map_size.y) * 4 var raw_data = Marshalls.base64_to_raw(layer_data).decompress(expected_size, compression_type) return decode_layer(raw_data) # Reads the layer as a base64 data # Returns an array of ints as the decoded layer would be func read_base64_layer_data(layer_data): var decoded = Marshalls.base64_to_raw(layer_data) return decode_layer(decoded) # Reads a PoolByteArray and returns the layer array # Used for base64 encoded and compressed layers func decode_layer(layer_data): var result = [] for i in range(0, layer_data.size(), 4): var num = (layer_data[i]) | \ (layer_data[i + 1] << 8) | \ (layer_data[i + 2] << 16) | \ (layer_data[i + 3] << 24) result.push_back(num) return result # Set the custom properties into the metadata of the object func set_custom_properties(object, tiled_object): if not "properties" in tiled_object or not "propertytypes" in tiled_object: return var properties = get_custom_properties(tiled_object.properties, tiled_object.propertytypes) for property in properties: object.set_meta(property, properties[property]) # Get the custom properties as a dictionary # Useful for tile meta, which is not stored directly func get_custom_properties(properties, types): var result = {} for property in properties: var value = null if str(types[property]).to_lower() == "bool": value = bool(properties[property]) elif str(types[property]).to_lower() == "int": value = int(properties[property]) elif str(types[property]).to_lower() == "float": value = float(properties[property]) elif str(types[property]).to_lower() == "color": value = Color(properties[property]) else: value = str(properties[property]) result[property] = value return result # Get the available whitelisted properties from the Tiled object # And them as metadata in the Godot object func set_tiled_properties_as_meta(object, tiled_object): for property in whitelist_properties: if property in tiled_object: object.set_meta(property, tiled_object[property]) # Custom function to sort objects in an object layer # This is done to support the "topdown" draw order, which sorts by 'y' coordinate func object_sorter(first, second): if first.y == second.y: return first.id < second.id return first.y < second.y # Validates the map dictionary content for missing or invalid keys # Returns an error code func validate_map(map): if not "type" in map or map.type != "map": print_error("Missing or invalid type property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "version" in map or int(map.version) != 1: print_error("Missing or invalid map version.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "tileheight" in map or not str(map.tileheight).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid tileheight property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "tilewidth" in map or not str(map.tilewidth).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid tilewidth property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "layers" in map or typeof(map.layers) != TYPE_ARRAY: print_error("Missing or invalid layers property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "tilesets" in map or typeof(map.tilesets) != TYPE_ARRAY: print_error("Missing or invalid tilesets property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA if "orientation" in map and (map.orientation == "staggered" or map.orientation == "hexagonal"): if not "staggeraxis" in map: print_error("Missing stagger axis property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "staggerindex" in map: print_error("Missing stagger axis property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA return OK # Validates the tileset dictionary content for missing or invalid keys # Returns an error code func validate_tileset(tileset): if not "firstgid" in tileset or not str(tileset.firstgid).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid firstgid tileset property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "tilewidth" in tileset or not str(tileset.tilewidth).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid tilewidth tileset property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "tileheight" in tileset or not str(tileset.tileheight).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid tileheight tileset property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "tilecount" in tileset or not str(tileset.tilecount).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid tilecount tileset property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA if not "image" in tileset: for tile in tileset.tiles: if not "image" in tileset.tiles[tile]: print_error("Missing or invalid image in tileset property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "imagewidth" in tileset.tiles[tile] or not str(tileset.tiles[tile].imagewidth).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid imagewidth tileset property 1.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "imageheight" in tileset.tiles[tile] or not str(tileset.tiles[tile].imageheight).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid imageheight tileset property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA else: if not "imagewidth" in tileset or not str(tileset.imagewidth).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid imagewidth tileset property 2.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "imageheight" in tileset or not str(tileset.imageheight).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid imageheight tileset property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA return OK # Validates the layer dictionary content for missing or invalid keys # Returns an error code func validate_layer(layer): if not "type" in layer: print_error("Missing or invalid type layer property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "name" in layer: print_error("Missing or invalid name layer property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA match layer.type: "tilelayer": if not "height" in layer or not str(layer.height).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid layer height property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "width" in layer or not str(layer.width).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid layer width property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "data" in layer: if not "chunks" in layer: print_error("Missing data or chunks layer properties.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif typeof(layer.chunks) != TYPE_ARRAY: print_error("Invalid chunks layer property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif "encoding" in layer: if layer.encoding == "base64" and typeof(layer.data) != TYPE_STRING: print_error("Invalid data layer property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA if layer.encoding != "base64" and typeof(layer.data) != TYPE_ARRAY: print_error("Invalid data layer property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif typeof(layer.data) != TYPE_ARRAY: print_error("Invalid data layer property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA if "compression" in layer: if layer.compression != "gzip" and layer.compression != "zlib" and layer.compression != "zstd": print_error("Invalid compression type.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA "imagelayer": if not "image" in layer or typeof(layer.image) != TYPE_STRING: print_error("Missing or invalid image path for layer.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA "objectgroup": if not "objects" in layer or typeof(layer.objects) != TYPE_ARRAY: print_error("Missing or invalid objects array for layer.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA "group": if not "layers" in layer or typeof(layer.layers) != TYPE_ARRAY: print_error("Missing or invalid layer array for group layer.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA return OK func validate_chunk(chunk): if not "data" in chunk: print_error("Missing data chunk property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "height" in chunk or not str(chunk.height).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid height chunk property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "width" in chunk or not str(chunk.width).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid width chunk property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "x" in chunk or not str(chunk.x).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid x chunk property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA elif not "y" in chunk or not str(chunk.y).is_valid_integer(): print_error("Missing or invalid y chunk property.") return ERR_INVALID_DATA return OK # Custom function to print error, to centralize the prefix addition func print_error(err): printerr(error_prefix + err) func get_template(path): # If this template has not yet been loaded if not _loaded_templates.has(path): # IS XML if path.get_extension().to_lower() == "tx": var parser = XMLParser.new() var err = parser.open(path) if err != OK: print_error("Error opening TX file '%s'." % [path]) return err var content = parse_template(parser, path) if typeof(content) != TYPE_DICTIONARY: # Error happened print_error("Error parsing template map file '%s'." % [path]) return false _loaded_templates[path] = content # IS JSON else: var file = File.new() var err = file.open(path, File.READ) if err != OK: return err var json_res = JSON.parse(file.get_as_text()) if json_res.error != OK: print_error("Error parsing JSON template map file '%s'." % [path]) return json_res.error var result = json_res.result if typeof(result) != TYPE_DICTIONARY: print_error("Error parsing JSON template map file '%s'." % [path]) return ERR_INVALID_DATA var object = result.object if object.has("gid"): if result.has("tileset"): var ts_path = remove_filename_from_path(path) + result.tileset.source var tileset_gid_increment = get_first_gid_from_tileset_path(ts_path) - 1 object.gid += tileset_gid_increment _loaded_templates[path] = object var dict = _loaded_templates[path] var dictCopy = {} for k in dict: dictCopy[k] = dict[k] return dictCopy func parse_template(parser, path): var err = OK # Template root node shouldn't have attributes var data = {} var tileset_gid_increment = 0 data.id = 0 err = parser.read() while err == OK: if parser.get_node_type() == XMLParser.NODE_ELEMENT_END: if parser.get_node_name() == "template": break elif parser.get_node_type() == XMLParser.NODE_ELEMENT: if parser.get_node_name() == "tileset": var ts_path = remove_filename_from_path(path) + parser.get_named_attribute_value_safe("source") tileset_gid_increment = get_first_gid_from_tileset_path(ts_path) - 1 data.tileset = ts_path if parser.get_node_name() == "object": var object = TiledXMLToDictionary.parse_object(parser) for k in object: data[k] = object[k] err = parser.read() if data.has("gid"): data["gid"] += tileset_gid_increment return data func get_first_gid_from_tileset_path(path): for t in _tileset_path_to_first_gid: if is_same_file(path, t): return _tileset_path_to_first_gid[t] return 0 static func get_filename_from_path(path): var substrings = path.split("/", false) var file_name = substrings[substrings.size() - 1] return file_name static func remove_filename_from_path(path): var file_name = get_filename_from_path(path) var stringSize = path.length() - file_name.length() var file_path = path.substr(0,stringSize) return file_path static func is_same_file(path1, path2): var file1 = File.new() var err = file1.open(path1, File.READ) if err != OK: return err var file2 = File.new() err = file2.open(path2, File.READ) if err != OK: return err var file1_str = file1.get_as_text() var file2_str = file2.get_as_text() if file1_str == file2_str: return true return false static func apply_template(object, template_immutable): for k in template_immutable: # Do not overwrite any object data if typeof(template_immutable[k]) == TYPE_DICTIONARY: if not object.has(k): object[k] = {} apply_template(object[k], template_immutable[k]) elif not object.has(k): object[k] = template_immutable[k]