Flag successfully placed on lvl, hitbox detected and working

This commit is contained in:
Martin Araneda 2022-07-17 21:51:11 -04:00
parent b9ff12dab3
commit d14cc627de
7 changed files with 300 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[gd_resource type="NativeScript" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://gdnative/alai.tres" type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
resource_name = "GoalNotReached"
class_name = "GoalNotReached"
library = ExtResource( 1 )

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=12 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=18 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://CameraLimit.gdns" type="Script" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://CameraLimit.gdns" type="Script" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://characters/player/Player.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://characters/player/Player.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=2]
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
[ext_resource path="res://collectables/coin/Coin.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=5] [ext_resource path="res://collectables/coin/Coin.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=5]
[ext_resource path="res://assets/coin.png" type="Texture" id=6] [ext_resource path="res://assets/coin.png" type="Texture" id=6]
[ext_resource path="res://hud/coin/Counter.gdns" type="Script" id=7] [ext_resource path="res://hud/coin/Counter.gdns" type="Script" id=7]
[ext_resource path="res://assets/flag.png" type="Texture" id=8]
[ext_resource path="res://levels/GoalNotReached.gdns" type="Script" id=9]
[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=1] [sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=1]
bg_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 0.541176 ) bg_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 0.541176 )
@ -27,6 +29,25 @@ animations = [ {
"speed": 5.0 "speed": 5.0
} ] } ]
[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=5]
extents = Vector2( 10, 18 )
[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id=6]
atlas = ExtResource( 8 )
region = Rect2( 0, 0, 18, 36 )
[sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id=7]
atlas = ExtResource( 8 )
region = Rect2( 18, 0, 18, 36 )
[sub_resource type="SpriteFrames" id=8]
animations = [ {
"frames": [ SubResource( 6 ), SubResource( 7 ) ],
"loop": true,
"name": "flagmove",
"speed": 5.0
} ]
[node name="Prototype" type="Node2D"] [node name="Prototype" type="Node2D"]
[node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 2 )]
@ -91,7 +112,6 @@ script = ExtResource( 7 )
position = Vector2( 162, 18 ) position = Vector2( 162, 18 )
frames = SubResource( 4 ) frames = SubResource( 4 )
animation = "spin" animation = "spin"
frame = 1
playing = true playing = true
centered = false centered = false
@ -100,7 +120,32 @@ centered = false
[node name="coin" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="coin" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource( 5 )]
position = Vector2( 72, 450 ) position = Vector2( 72, 450 )
[node name="AnimatedSprite" parent="Coins/coin" index="1"]
frame = 0
[node name="coin2" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="coin2" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource( 5 )]
position = Vector2( 234, 450 ) position = Vector2( 234, 450 )
[node name="Goal" type="Area2D" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 324, 378 )
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Goal"]
position = Vector2( 18, 18 )
shape = SubResource( 5 )
[node name="AnimatedSprite" type="AnimatedSprite" parent="Goal"]
position = Vector2( 18, 18 )
frames = SubResource( 8 )
animation = "flagmove"
playing = true
[node name="StateMachine" type="Node" parent="Goal"]
[node name="GoalReached" type="Node" parent="Goal/StateMachine"]
[node name="GoalNotReached" type="Node" parent="Goal/StateMachine"]
script = ExtResource( 9 )
[connection signal="body_entered" from="Goal" to="Goal/StateMachine/GoalNotReached" method="_on_Goal_body_entered"]
[editable path="Coins/coin"] [editable path="Coins/coin"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#include "goal/GoalNotReached.h"
#include <Area2D.hpp>
using namespace godot;
void GoalNotReached::_register_methods()
register_method("_state_enter", &GoalNotReached::_state_enter);
register_method("_state_exit", &GoalNotReached::_state_exit);
register_method("_on_Goal_body_entered", &GoalNotReached::_on_Goal_body_entered);
void GoalNotReached::_init()
void GoalNotReached::_state_enter()
animated_sprite = get_parent()->get_node<AnimatedSprite>("AnimatedSprite");
void GoalNotReached::_state_exit()
void GoalNotReached::_on_Goal_body_entered(Node *node)
Godot::print("Flag touched");
/* auto parent_node = get_parent();
if (parent_node != nullptr)
auto goal = Object::cast_to<Area2D>(parent_node);
goal->set_collision_mask_bit(0, false);

src/goal/GoalNotReached.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
#include "state_machine/State.h"
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <Node.hpp>
#include <AnimatedSprite.hpp>
namespace godot
* @brief This class controls what happens when the Coin is in the not collected state.
class GoalNotReached : public State
GODOT_CLASS(GoalNotReached, State)
* @brief The animated sprite of the Coin.
AnimatedSprite *animated_sprite;
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new GoalNotReached object.
* @brief Destroy the GoalNotReached object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
void _init();
* @brief Called when the not collected state of the coin is entered.
void _state_enter();
* @brief Called when the not collected state of the coin is exited.
void _state_exit();
* @brief Method called on body entered.
* @param[in] node Node interacting with whoever
void _on_Goal_body_entered(Node *node);

src/goal/GoalReached.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#include "goal/GoalReached.h"
using namespace godot;
void GoalReached::_register_methods()
register_method("_state_enter", &GoalReached::_state_enter);
register_method("_state_exit", &GoalReached::_state_exit);
//register_signal<GoalReached>("coin_collected", "amount", GODOT_VARIANT_TYPE_INT);
void GoalReached::_init()
void GoalReached::_state_enter()
void GoalReached::_state_exit()

src/goal/GoalReached.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#include "state_machine/State.h"
#include <Godot.hpp>
#include <Node.hpp>
#include <AnimatedSprite.hpp>
namespace godot
* @brief This class controls what happens when the goal flag is in the reached state.
class GoalReached : public State
GODOT_CLASS(GoalReached, State)
* @brief The animated sprite of the Coin.
AnimatedSprite *animated_sprite;
* @brief This method registers classes with Godot.
* @details This method registers methods, properties, and signals with the Godot engine.
static void _register_methods();
* @brief Construct a new GoalReached object.
* @brief Destroy the GoalReached object.
* @brief Initialize the class from Godot.
* @details This method is called just once when the Godot engine connects to the instance of the class.
void _init();
* @brief Called when the collected state of the coin is entered.
void _state_enter();
* @brief Called when the collected state of the coin is exited.
void _state_exit();
* @brief Called when the animation of the collected coin has finished.

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
#include "coin/CoinNotCollected.h" #include "coin/CoinNotCollected.h"
#include "coin/CoinCollected.h" #include "coin/CoinCollected.h"
#include "coin/CoinCounter.h" #include "coin/CoinCounter.h"
#include "goal/GoalReached.h"
#include "goal/GoalNotReached.h"
using namespace godot; using namespace godot;
@ -55,4 +57,6 @@ extern "C" void GDN_EXPORT godot_nativescript_init(void *handle)
register_class<CoinNotCollected>(); register_class<CoinNotCollected>();
register_class<CoinCollected>(); register_class<CoinCollected>();
register_class<CoinCounter>(); register_class<CoinCounter>();
} }